Page 129: MST3K

From Accct Wiki

It was a day after the fall of Ba Sing Se. After Azula’s victory, the Fire Nation has now become a Fire Empire. The Fire Nation celebrated their victory with joy and happiness. But for Aang, his friends and The Robot Chicken Group... it was sorrow.

in The Adult Swim Governing Council……

{Cut to the trial before the Adult Swim Governing Council. Seth Green, the Robot Chicken and the Scientist are trapped by rotating rings. Mike Lazzo appears before them in a spotlight.}

MIKE LAZZO: Hi y'all, I'm Adult Swim President Mike Lazzo. The decision of the Council is now fixin' to be heard.

{He gestures to the Council as they deliver their judgement.}



MASTER SHAKE: Ho ho ho, you're so freakin' guilty!

...and with a Flash of Light Seth, the Chicken and the Scientist are banished to the land of Dreams, Erased Compy Files and Such.

Somewhere in a forest near Ba Sing Se……

Katara, Sokka, Toph, Appa and Momo sadly gathered around their severely injured leader. Toph uses her hands to feel Aang’s pulse. After that, she stands up and faces Katara.

“His inner body is wounded, Katara. And they are fatal. He’s dying.” Toph said. Tears then roll down from Katara’s cheeks. She kneels next to Aang. Aang struggles to open his eyes.

“Ka…tara?” He struggle to say out.

“Aang. Please…hang on.” Katara begged while grasping Aang’s left hand tightly.

“I’m…sorry, Katara. I…failed you.”

“Don’t say that, we will defeat the Fire Nation. I know we will.” Then Aang looks at Sokka and Toph.

“Everyone. Don’t grief. Soon…I’ll be one with the spirit world.” Toph grasps Sokka tightly while Sokka lowers his head. Then Aang looks at Katara again.

“But Katara, don’t forget. Even if I am gone, my spirit will always be your side. Here, take this.” Then Aang took out a necklace that has a picture of the four elements on it. “Now wear it.”

“What is it?” Katara asked softly.

“It’s a necklace that the Avatar wears. Wear it, Katara. I dubbed you…the new Avatar.”

“Me? Avatar? Why?”

“Because you are the world’s only hope when the world comes to its darkest hour.”

“But Aang……I’m…I’m just a fighter. I’m not worthy.”

“Nor was I, Katara. But one day, a person will rise. A person that has the determination to defeat the Fire Nation.”

Then there was brief silence. A few seconds later, Katara nods her head and wears the necklace.

“Thank you…Katara.”

“It’s not over yet Aang.” Katara’s eyes filled with more tears and dropped upon Aang’s face. “Please try not to…”

“Thank you for everything, sister.”


“Yes Katara. You…are more than a loyal friend…you are a sister, a sister that I never had.” Then Aang coughed and he continues talking. “I…I love you…Katara.” Then Aang closes his eyes and drops his head.

“He’s…he’s dead.” Toph said, and tears start to form on her eyes.

“Please don’t cry Sokka, please…argh.” Then tears start to form in Sokka’s eyes. Then Sokka chokes as he cries. Katara could only gaze down at Aang’s now lifeless body. In a pitch of rage and sadness, Katara wailed out in agonizing pain. at the same time Seth can be heard Screaming as the TV that He, The Chicken (Holding up a sign that Reads "HOLY @#$%ING ASSCRACKERS!") and The Scientist are inside a screen that spins through the land of Dreams, Erased Compy Files and Such. Momo’s ears dropped and Appa lowers his head. Then she gazes at Aang’s body and she said softly.

“Don’t worry, Aang. I’ll be there…during the world’s darkest hour.”


Azula and Zuko walks down a hallway in the palace.

“Father will be very pleased, Zuzu. He will be very proud.” Azula then turns her face to Zuko and they both stop walking. “You made a right decision, brother.

“I know sis.” Then Zuko turns his face away from his sister. “But I knew that even though I help you defeat the Earth Kingdom, my father will still see me as an exile.” Azula puts her hand on Zuko’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry Zuko. I’ll…make sure father will now treat us fairly from now on.” Then Azula continues walking down the hallway. Zuko just stands there, curling his hands into fists.

“Why? Why does my father favours Azula more?!” Zuko thought.

“Because he fears you, he fears your power and determination.” A voice said in Zuko’s voice. Zuko widens his eyes and look around.

“Who is that? Show yourself!” He said, getting into fighting stance.

“Do not fear me, Zuko. In fact, I want to be your ally.” The voice said.

“Ally? Why?” Zuko asked.

“Because I want to give you power. Power that can help you get everything you always desire. Honor, greatness and respect. Now come with me.” The voice said. Then everything starts to turn white.

“What? What’s going on…..” Then Zuko disappears with the light.


Zuko opens his eyes. He looks around. He seems to be in space. Every which way he looked; it’s nothing but black skies and white stars. He look down at his feet and though he could feel solid ground beneath him, he could not see it.

“Zuko, it’s time you face destiny.” The voice said.

“Who are you?” Zuko asked. Then a black figure walks towards him. No, wrong. Not walking, gliding.

“Father?” Zuko said.

“No, not your father, but me.” Then the figure comes out from his shadows. He is white and black and has a fusion cannon attached on his right arm.

“What are you?” Zuko asked, looking a bit scared and nervous.

“I…am Megatron.” He said. “And I want you to be my ally.”

“Why?” Zuko asked.

“Because Zuko, if you become my ally, you can get power and revenge.”

“Why me?”

“Because I can feel your hatred, and anger to your father. And if you become my friend, you can get revenge by killing him and take over his throne as the new ruler of the Fire Nation.”

“What? Me? Killing my father? NO! I’ll never kill my father!”

“But Zuko, he’s the one who killed…your mother.”

“What? He…killed my mother. No!” Then Zuko grasps his head, not believeing what he had just heard.

“No, Zuko. You must believe me.” Then Megatron touches Zuko’s forehead. Then Zuko wails out in pain and agony. Then Zuko could see a vision.


Ursa walks into Ozai’s room. Ozai turns around to face his wife. He glares at her.

“Are you sure you are willing to sacrifice yourself to save your son?” Ozai asked.

Ursa closes her eyes and nods. “Yes.” Then Ozai took a dagger and pierce through Ursa’s heart.

Ursa started choking and gasping. Then she finally closes her eyes and her heart stops beating. She then fell down onto the floor.

“What’s going on?” Azulon walks into his son’s room. Then he gasped.

“Son? What have you done? Why did you kill your wife?” Azulon asked. Ozai faces his father and made an evil smirk.

“It’s about time I become Fire Lord.” Then Ozai grabs Azulon by his collar.

“Wh…why are you doing this, Ozai?” Azulon asked with shock.

“To succeed you.” Ozai then pierces his dagger into Azulon’s heart and then he tosses his lifeless body onto the floor. Azula steps into the room. “It is done, daughter. Our mission is successful.”

“What about Zuko?” Azula asked.

“We’ll let him live…for now.” Ozai then burst out with laughter. Azula made an evil smile.

End of vision.

Megatron took his hand away from Zuko’s forehead. Zuko fell down onto his knees.

“Your father and daughter came up with this plan. Your grandfather didn’t order your father to kill you. Your sister did lie to you.” Megatron explain. Zuko galres at Megatron.

“Megatron…please…make me powerful.” Zuko said. Megatron smirks.

“Very well.” Megatron then aims his fusion cannon at Zuko and a laser beam struck Zuko. The beam then turns Zuko into a shadow-like figure. Black flames wisps around his body.

“Zuko, you are now more powerful and stronger than ever.” Megatron said.

“Yes. And now I would like to take care of some things.” Zuko said. “But first, I would like to ask, why are you here anyways, Megatron?”

“Because I’m here to look for an old friend.”

“What’s his name?”

“Optimus Prime.” Megatron said menacingly when he says that name.

Somewhere in the land of Dreams, Erased Memory and Such…

There are 12 Warp Pipes, The white one is How Seth, the Scientist and Chicken Enter the Realm.

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