
From Accct Wiki

The Net is a level of Cyber Space inhabiting all computers. It consists greatly of complex systems and pathways connecting them. The Net is a very orderly place rellying on this order to maintain itself. There are millions of systems on the Net, not all have a direct connection with the Net. When they are directly connected they are refered to as 'online'. The only way to get into an offline system without opening it to the Net is by a portal or in some occasions, a Plot Hole.

The Net is inhabited by several types of people: Sprites, Binomes, Viruses, Nulls, Code Masters, virals, Trophies, and Spectrals.

Web Creatures have difficulty remaining stable while in the Net and must feed on the energy of native inhabitants of the Net while they are there. The only way to get from the Net to the Web is by a portal, There is no other direct access between the two dimensions. Inhabitants of the Net that are somehow stranded in the Web quickly begin to degrade.

Viruses are programs on the Net that try to destroy, corrupt, or control systems and people on the Net. They are feared and hated by almost every other program on the Net. Aside from the Web they are considered one of the greatest threats to the orderly functioning of the Net, particularly chaos viruses like Hexadecimal.

If a system on the Net is destroyed it's Essence will enter the Subspace Realm and will leave behind a massive tear and a great deal of debris. The Edge of Beyond is a destroyed system that was possibly destroyed by the Web Contained by the Subspace Castle of the Same Name!

The largest system on the Net is the Super Computer. The Guardian collective lives in the Super Computer and polices the entire Net. They fight off any person that would try to harm systems or people. If a Web Creature is found in a system, particularly a small system, they will sacrifice the system to keep it from opening a portal and allowing the Web or the Subspace Army to invade the Net.

In season four of Reboot, the Anchient Minister's superviral 'Daughter' Daemon infected the super computer and used it in order to infect the pathways and later the entire Net. The efforts of one system, Mainframe, kept Daemon from infecting all of it, but she did end up controlling 92% of the entire Net. The virus Hexadecimal took Mainframe's cure for Daemon's infection and sacrificed herself in order to carry the cure and save the entire Net from having it's Essance being absorbed into subspace.

[edit] List of Systems

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