Narfs and Nuzlockes

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[edit] Infinity Wipe: Infinite Loop Training Video

[edit] The Basics

[edit] Terminology

Nina and Pinkie are at Hogwarts, with a Severus Snape-like teacher drawing on a blackboard

Nina-"So these"

[edit] Notes

[edit] The World

  • Earth has been abandoned by scientists of earth in favor of the rest of the Galaxy due to a newly discovered dip in the Average IQ of the planet's population.
  • Nuzlockes are incubated on these birthing chambers on Pluto called vines as well as through procreation on other planets.
  • Humans who were not modified into Nuzlocke are called Na'arf, the indoctrination of fattening and isolation prepares them to be served up to the Nuzlocke designers.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Miriam Mikiyu

  • A Nuzlocke of vine V-527 who has been stripped of her vine code (and with it: her telekinetic power) for a crime she committed in the name of galactic justice.

[edit] Zach -

  • A Nuzlocke of vine V-### who along with Layla is working his butt off to prove Mimi's Innocence.

[edit] The Book

[edit] Chapter 1

My name is Mimi.

The court says Miriam, I prefer Mimi.

[edit] Chapter 2

[edit] Chapter 3

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