Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium: a tale/1/5

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[edit] Chapter 20: Ice Climber, Pac-Man, Game and Watch

“What’s that?” asked Metaknight, looking out across the distance of space as they moved onward. “It is a planet, planet Flatzone” ROB stated. “It doesn’t look like a planet, it looks like a plate or something. It is completely flat” Peach said. “That is why it is called Flat Zone” ROB added, Peach frowned at the robot but said nothing in return. “I think we should go down there” Mario said.

“Why Mario, it doesn’t seem to be under attack by evil” Peach said, turning from the aggravating robot. “If the enemy is growing in numbers like Zelda said, “We’ll need as much help as possible” Mario explained. “Yes, I believe they have as much right to fight for their world as we do” Zelda said. Kirby and Link both motioned in agreement that they would join the party that traveled to the surface. Donkey Kong and Mario decided they’d finish the team and soon they were traveling down in the pesky clown car.

As the group crossed the gravity field of the planet everything began to change. The appearance of Mario and the others was altered, they were no longer fully three dimensional, they were now two dimensional, flat as the planet they were traveling to! That’s when they realized they were not alone, there was a small asteroid field circling the planets surface. “Asteroids” Donkey Kong said in aggravation. Descending further still they came upon a large fleet of ships. “Invaders, from space?” Mario asked. “Says Galaga star ships on them” Donkey Kong answered. “I don’t think they are with the minister” Mario concluded.

Upon landing they found the ground to be somewhat soft, what was odd was they saw another man, dressed in the suit of an astronaut, digging into the ground. Occasionally from below monstrous creatures would appear and walk around, some of them spotted the small group and began heading for them. “Uh oh, I think we have trouble” Mario said, pointing to the crowd. Kirby puffed up and Link drew his boomerang. Kirby ran forward and ignited, blowing through most of them. Link flung his boomerang and took out another crowd. Mario began spitting fireballs as Donkey Kong swung his fists, pounding the creatures back into the ground.

More and more monsters showed up though, the group kept fighting, but eventually they were wearing down when they didn’t stop. That’s when a strange black stick figure type being jumped down from nowhere, holding his hands out, motioning all to stop. He then pulled out a strange white ball. Throwing it forward the ball began bouncing into the monsters like a deadly ping pong ball. The monsters continued to pop up still, though there numbers were lessening.

A large yellow ball appeared then from the horizon, it however opened up as thought it had a mouth, as it got closer it did indeed have a mouth! The yellow thing then ate the dot that the strange stick figure had thrown. The monsters changed forms from the strange monsters to glowing blue ghosts! The yellow monster then went around and began eating away at them, their numbers fast depleted.

After all was said and done, Mario and the others decided these guys could help them out, there was no way to communicate with them though it seemed. Mewtwo, back in the ship, could sense this though and decided to help cross the language barrier. “I am Mario, this is Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Link. We’ve come here to look for help to protect this planet and all the others” Mario said. “I am Pacman, and that is Mr. Game & Watch. Another evil force besides these creatures we fought exists?” Pacman asked. All four of them nodded in answer, and Mario quickly told the tale, leaving out most of it, just telling the main points of what happened.

The group of was soon headed back up, but as they made their way back up past the star ships and the asteroid field a large bird dropped two strange forms right on top of them. It was two people, one man and one woman, they both wore winter coats and held large hammers in their hands. As it happened they were friends of Mr. Game & Watch, and they joined in as well, mainly because they didn’t feel like battling that pesky bird any longer.

The ranks of the heroes were growing greatly, but as Zelda had already said, the powers of evil were growing too.

[edit] Chapter 21

“Ships detected” ROB said as the Great Fox continued on its way. “Friends or foes?” Zelda asked. “One is the arwing belonging to Krystal, the other is the starship belonging to Samus Aran” ROB stated then went on, “Another presence detected, appearing on monitor” From the radar a large form could be seen. “It’s huge!” Meta Knight said. “It’s not a starship?” Lucario questioned.

“That is Andross” ROB said. “Who is Andross?” Zelda questioned. “I am Andross, princess, and I have been alerted by the mighty ancient minister of your pitiful attempts against his conquest. He also has promised me a stake when he completely succeeds” Andross, the gigantic floating primate head stated. “If you are with the minister than you too shall fail!” Mario called out.

“Don’t be a fool, your planets have all fallen to his power, and you yourselves are only living thanks to a broken up ship being held together by that psychic creature” Andross said, referencing Mewtwo. “We’ve survived this long Andross, don’t expect any change in that either” Krystal called out. Andross saved his words and instead flung both hands at the Great Fox. The strain could instantly be seen on Mewtwo’s face as he held the ship together.

Kirby grabbed onto his trusty warpstar and was outside of the Great Fox and zooming toward the simian. ROB meanwhile, along with Samus and Krystal shot their lasers at Andross to join in with Kirby’s attack. Phased but no where near defeated, Andross turned his attention to Samus’s ship, grabbing it, knowing that unlike the larger Great Fox, that this one was not protected by the mental powers of the psychic pokemon.

“Din’s Fire!” Zelda said from the cockpit of the Great Fox, a small flash of magic left the ship and headed for Andross, “Quickly, we must save Samus” she told the others. “PK Fire!” Ness said with Lucas joining in with a “PK Thunder!” Lucario placed his hands together and let an aura sphere blast phase through the ship and blast into the villain forehead. At the same time Krystal, Samus, and ROB continued their assault. These multiple attacks caused the mighty Andross to release his grip of Samus’s ship and turn to the easiest of the targets, which was of course Krystal’s ship.

Krystal was prepared for this as she did a barrel roll to escape it. “Leave her alone Andross!” came the familiar voice of Falco as he flew in. “Falco, am I glad to see you again” Krystal said. “Nice to see you made it too Krystal, unfortunately we’ve got to deal with this creep though” Falco responded. The two arwings, with help from the others, bombarded Andross with attacks. Finally he had to retreat, there was no way he could fight against them all, there was just too many. “I will return” he threatened, and then he vanished into darkness.

“Glad that’s over” peach said from inside the large starship. “I was able to reach into his thoughts while he was being attacked” Mewtwo said. Everyone seemed to turn and listen then as Samus and the two arwings docked in the Great Fox. “The Ancient Minister has successfully called forth evil creatures from all corners of the universe. He is assembling them” Mewtwo said. “Then it is more important now that we gather our own forces to combat his army of darkness” Zelda said. “That’s good, because we’ve got quite a few new faces around here” Falco said, referencing Isaac and his friends that came with Samus, as well as Pit that came with him. “I brought along two newcomers as well” Krystal said as she climbed from her ship with Marth and Ike.

“While you were gone we picked up a few people as well” Mario said as Mr. Game & Watch, Pac Man, and the two Ice Climbers Popo and Nana. “Has there been any word from Fox?” Krystal asked. “Negative, we lost contact with Fox when we lost contact with the rest of you” ROB answered. “Don’t worry Krystal, I’m sure he’s alright” Peach comforted her.

[edit] Chapter 22: Mega-Man

“Computer any information on the planets nearby?” Fox asked. The screen showed no information on any of them. However down below on one of them he could see flashes over the surface which looked like lightning strikes. A light came on and an annoying beep let Fox know he was now out of fuel. “Well Olimar, it looks like we’re going in for a landing. Hopefully I’ll find a fuel cell down there to refuel” Fox explained as the ship headed down for yet another planet.

Once getting past the clouds a largely industrialized planet was revealed, one similar to Fox’s own Corneria. However the planet was under attack, what he had seen from space was not lightning but attacks from an army of various robots. Fox landed the arwing only to have it attacked a second later by a strange creature that flew around by propeller and grabbed the arwing up in a clutch. Fox opened the hatch and pulled his blaster out and caused the creature to not only let go but to vaporize.

Fox climbed out, Olimar still in his pocket, deciding to take him in case something happened to the arwing. “I think we’d better find fuel and leave” Fox told him and went running toward a large building. Automobiles passed him, trying to escape the attacks from the robots, most were failing at that. “Fox kept his pistol in hand and shot at the robots, the people fled with grateful smiles. Fox was about to shoot another robot, only to find a blast of blue energy vaporized the thing instead of his own trusty blaster.

Turning to where the blast came from, Star Fox saw a young man dressed in blue armor, along with a huge cannon on his arm, similar but definitely not identical to the one Samus toted. “You fight the robots as well? I don’t detect that you are a robot though, a living organism like you dare to fight against the robot masters?” the boy asked. As Fox and the boy got closer to each other, Fox could tell this boy was not a boy at all, but a robot! “Uh.. yeah, I’m Fox McCloud, leader of the Star Fox team – I’m a friend” he explained.

“Friend” the boy said as he reached out a hand to shake with Fox, Fox obliged and their hands shook, the boy robot smiled. “I am Megaman!” he announced. “Megaman, nice to meet you, why is your planet under attack? Is it because of the Ancient Minister?” Fox asked. Megaman wasn’t sure who the Ancient Minister was, but he answered the question. “Dr. Wily has assembled the robot masters to attack this planet. I have been altered by Dr. Light and sent to stop the robot masters and end Dr. Wily’s plans of takeover” Megaman explained. “So the guy is a mad scientist, I’ve run into a few of those before” Fox replied.

“Listen, I’ll help you out if you can get a me a fuel cell” Fox said, hopefully he wouldn’t have to explain what a fuel cell was, the boy was after all a robot. Megaman nodded, he could use all the help he could get. So the two, three since Olimar was still with Fox, set off attacking the various robots that showed up. They made quite a good team too, blasting through the various robots and eventually coming to an area where there were no robots. That is when Megaman and Fox were ambushed.

From all sides appeared robots, these were different than the others too. These looked stronger and it appeared a bit smarter than those other robots did. “You are finished for certain this time Megaman” said one of them who had a large pair of scissors on his head. The strongest looking of the robots then stated, “I will crush you Megaman, Gutsman will be victorious this time”

Fox decided not to wait for such cheesy threats and fired his blaster at the one who just spoke. It didn’t do much, but Megaman joined in and together they began blasting the enemies surrounding them. With their lightning quick agility and their guns, they were beginning to win against the overbearing robots. That was until another robot appeared in red and white armor with long what looked like blonde hair and a sword.

“Zero, you’re not helping Wily are you?” Megaman asked. “Indeed he does Megaman, Zero is going to help me take over this and other worlds, and so will you” Dr. Wily said as he appeared from an underground elevator. In his hands was a trophy device! “The minister will not win, and neither will those that work for him” Fox warned, knowing where he got that from.

“That is where you are wrong. I will turn the two of you just as Zero here has been turned” Wily explained. That was when the bomb from behind Dr. Wily could be seen. “Not another one!” Fox said, firing his blaster at the doctor, only for the blasts to be blocked by Zero’s sword.

The robots opened it up and started the countdown. “Megaman, I’m going to need to fuel cell now, we must leave” Fox told him. “I must not abandon my mission” Megaman advised. “There’s nothing you can do for now, if you don’t come with me then you will be helping their cause, just like Zero” Fox said. Megaman’s logical thinking calculated this and saw the sense in it, at Megaman’s current decreased level he definitely couldn’t handle Zero by himself. The two of them ran away, with Dr. Wily laughing in the background.

The power cell was easy to find, one was just lying around from a factory that had been attacked earlier. It was switched and jus tin time too as the bomb blast wave rose from the direction they had come from. Megaman felt as though he had failed, and he technically had. However, he promised himself that he would return and defeat Wily and restore Zero and the world back to its rightful self. He thought this to himself as Fox’s ship carried them off into outer space.

[edit] Chapter 23: Reboot

"My function is complete, Now it is only a Matter of Time." the Daughter of the Ancient minister Looked at the Hourglass in her Locket with a pic of her father and smiled. Meanwhile, in a Game Version of the StarFox Team's Greatest Battle against Andross, Peppy O'Hare and Slippy Toad were fighting Andross and 3 Fighters. The User was Playing as Peppy, Much to his Dismay. He Ultimately Crushed His, And Slippy's Icons. Ultimately Ending the Game in Mainframe's Favor. "GAME OVER" Then there were 2 Robots, a canine, and a Young Sprite. (Judging by the First Line of the story and the People Nearby, It's ReBoot, Season 4)

"Matrix, You won the Game!" Said Hack, "I know," Then the Same Conversation came along, Blah, Blah. It's Peppy and Slippy's Call Now!

"Hey!" Said Hack "What's This Green everywhere?" Slash then Said "and Where's The Firewall?" Both saw patches of green Spawning shadow bugs and the Firewall was Absent from the scene.

"Daemon Must be be here, C'Mon." They ran towards the Principal Offace only to run into a Old bunny Rabbit. "Who are You?" "Name's Peppy O'Hare. Crushed Both My Game Sprite Icon and slippy's to get here" "Yeah, Uh, I Don't have Time, Daemon's Gonna Infect the Intire Net and who knows what she'll Do with it?"

"Give them ze Unity of Zubspace" said a voice, It was Daemon. "All hearts of my Followers have ze hearts of pure subspace." She Knew what She Had to do. Infect the Three Clean Mainframers. "Long range Scanner, Hack" "Okey-Dokey, My Lady" Hack then gave her Binaculars and saw a Gamecube, "GAME OVER" A voice said again, It Raised to show Wario and silver haired 15 year old Female by her Yellow Skirt, She also wore a Blue T-Shirt and Go-Go Boots. "LET ME GO! COME ON AND FIGHT LIKE A MA-" then She noticed her breasts, she then dug in her Underwear, "Go ahead and Look for your happy Sack all you Like, But it's not gonna change the outcome of the Gamecube" as He Held up what Appears to Be a Sega Dreamcast with a copy of "Like Life an Hour" in it.

Meanwhile, Near a Gateway Command. There was a 14 year old brunete wearing Glasses and Blue Colored Gun Swordsman who Recently Got his Blaster back.

"Malon, Look!" the Brunet said as she Pointed at a giant Trophy, The Trophy was wearing a Weird Tiara, and was dressed in a skintight outfit colored in white and Gold.

Malon appeared and touched the trophy's Icon Between her breasts and there was a Memory Holograms There stood the Trophy, Alive as It could be and she said "forgive me, My Lady" (Dimentio: AC, You Just Rhymed) There stood another Figure, Daemon who was holding a Fully Charged Dark Cannon. "no"

BLAM! The Living Trophy was Back to being a Trophy! and Marin saw what happened, Including Some Video Game where a tap on the Trophy Base brought it to Life. so she tapped the trophy base, But instead of bringing it to life, It Dissapeared and Marin was Wearing a weird pendant around her neck.

As She Studied it, Peppy and Slippy appeared, "You're that Gun swordsman who saved Brigadoon, Malon Blue, I think." "and you're Marin Asagi." Said Peppy and Slippy, Respectively.

All Four Raced to the Girl, and they found her and Wario, the girl said "I don't Know what I should Do with a body like this!" "Well, That's-A Your Problem-A, Gina" Wario Laughed as he Leaped into the Halbird. Just then a green blink came from the top of the Principal office


All of the Cyber-Beings Counted down from 111100 (60 in binary) If you Saw what Happened to Daecon in the Next Paragraph, You know what would Happen, Execept for the Part with the Subspace Explosion Far Away from the Area the To-Be-Deleted. There was only one Option for the five heroes in the net, RUN LIKE HECK! (Dimentio: Again with the Rhyming)

(Start Flashback)

In the Spyro Universe, There was an Already Activated Subspace Bomb(Which had A Screen instead of A Timer), Spyro and All the Other Dragons were Turned into Trophies. "I have...Failed you My lady." said a Voice, It was a middle aged sprite holding a staff. Daemon was onscreen "Cron 101" Then he started counting down from five in binary. as The Two Robs close their Robotic Eyes and Nod their Heads away from it. "101...100...11...10...01...." Said Daecon. "Oh." he then Decompiled and The Subspace Bomb Activated, Taking the Dimention with it.

(End Flashback)

"Good thing Our Arwings Didn't Leave with the Game." They Hopped into the Arwings, Marin and Gina with Slippy and Malon with Peppy. They Left Cyberspace by going Ludicris Speed.

"11" Said Matrix

"10" said AndrAIa

"01" said Old Man Pearson

"Oh." Said Bob.

A Figure was watching the Whole thing on screen. Mainframe has been absorbed into subspace.

Mainframe was not alone. All across the Net, systems were blown away into subspace like candle flames. The last to fall was the once great Super Computer. Here and there a lone survivor, overlooked in the infection, felt their own hope turn to despair as the energy bridges that held the city together winked out of existence and the disks that held aloft the broken spires shuddered and collapsed into Subspace.

Even the Web was not spared. The chaos usually present in its vast uncharted reaches was now muted and subdued. Where there once was life there was now only the Purple Stuff.

Net-wide Infection

Net-wide Destruction

A goal long sought by many viruses.

A goal that had long been thwarted -- until now.

Had Daemon been present she would have smiled to see all dataforms brought together at last in peace and perfect unity. But Daemon was gone--her function was fulfilled but only after infecting and perverting the formats of countless others. In the eerie silence that echoed across the ruined planes of cyberspace, it would seem her accomplishment would go largely unnoticed.

But it didn't.

In a world outside the network - a world only hypothesized by the great thinkers of the Super Computer - in this world, far beyond and yet strangely connected, the stillness was felt.

And as their electronic civilization crumbled to dust overnight, many Users cursed and mourned the ghosts of the machine. and the same Figure saw all the Users' Responses. He knew what to do, Talk to his store about The Ancient Minister.

[edit] Chapter 24: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Enporium (FINALLY!)

The Shoe wearing Figure exits through a Portal..."Mortimer!" he called, "Fetch!" he tosses A Grand Star to his pet Zebra, Mortimer. "Stupid Zebra!" Said Edward Magorium, Taking off his cloak. He had seen alot go down lately. Involving the Trophies he saved. He Touched a trophy base of a Fairy, Causing the Trophy to spring to life, But as a Human.

"Wha-What happened?" said the Ex-Fairy

"Ah, Navi, I see you're Fit for this world."

"Are you?"

"Edward Magorium, Toy Innovator, Dream Watcher, Avid shoe-wearer."

(Not Finished)

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