Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium: a tale/1/3

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[edit] Chapter 10: Pokemon

Walking through the fields south of Viridian City, heading back to his home of Pallet Town, Red needed to talk to Professor Oak. With him on this voyage were his trusty pokemon; Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard, Jigglypuff, and Pikachu. Going back home he saw a strange thing falling from the sky. This uncommon, but not unheard of, rumor had it that a pokemon had fallen from the sky in the distant region of Hoenn. Having never been to Hoenn himself, Red seeing this falling object from space hoped it may be a rare pokemon. “Come out Charizard!” he said as he threw a pokeball to the ground, summoning the large red dragon.

“I think there’s a rare pokemon landing somewhere near town, we’re gonna catch it!” Red told Charizard, the dragon roared in approval and flew besides Red before scooping him up and carrying him the rest of the way. Upon arriving though, they saw whatever it was had crashed right into Professor Oak’s laboratory! Charizard and Red went flying right through the hole made and discovered Professor Oak and his assistants moving around astonished. “Sir, is this a pokemon?” asked one. “I can’t be sure, it certainly isn’t human” Oak said, walking to the form of the large reptile.

“Get away from me!” Bowser growled at the professor. “It has the ability of speech!” he stated, a moment later he found himself engulfed in some flames. “Ah! And can breathe fire too! Ahhh!” he cried as he ran around and performed the stop, drop, and roll maneuver. “Stand aside, I plan to catch that pokemon!” Red said, which caused the aides to move away. “Charizard, use rock smash!” Red said, which caused the large red dragon to pull out a large rock and then throw it at Bowser. “What the.. ah!” Bowser cried before the rock hit him in the head. His vision was dizzy for a moment or two before he snapped to. “Listen here, no one attacks the King of the Koopas and lives!” Bowser growled and used his fire against Charizard. “Ha! It’s not very effective!” Red said with a smile.

“What?! Not effective?!” Bowser growled. “Charizard, return! Go Squirtle!” Red said, pulling another pokeball out. A small blue bipedal turtle appeared, “Squirtle!” it stated upon arriving. “Squirtle, use waterfall!” Red shouted his command, which caused Squirtle to summon a wave of water that smacked into Bowser and lifted him off the ground and smashed him back down. “Pokeball.. go!” Red yelled throwing an empty pokeball, it hit Bowser directly on the nose. “Ow! Why you little brat!” Bowser growled and the pokeball did nothing. “Well, I guess he’s not a pokemon then after all” Oak said, having recovered from his injuries.

Bowser was now injured, dripping wet, and more than a little angry. Pulling forth the gun and pointing it at Oak, Bowser smiled as he started it up. A moment later, the world-renowned pokemon Professor was gone, and all that was left was a trophy. “Professor?” Red asked in shock at what he had just seen. The aides meanwhile screamed and ran around in a panicked confusion. Bowser then turned the gun on Red, “Time to get rid of you kid!” Bowser growled. Red didn’t waste any time though, grabbing Professor Oak’s statue, Red went running from the lab, carrying the solidified professor in his backpack, with the aides running out behind him screaming bloody murder. “That no good space pilot.. I might as well get to work here” Bowser told himself and headed outside with the gun. “Now where’d that kid go to?” Bowser said with a grin and went in search of Red.

“Blue! It’s horrible, Professor Oak, your grandfather. He’s been turned into a statue!” Red said over the phone from his mother’s house nearby. “What? What are you talking about Red? I’m here in Viridian and I just saw him a half an hour ago” Blue stated, “finally got my earth badge too, unlike someone I know” Blue stated. “There’s no time for your stupid bragging Blue, why did I even call you anyway?” Red asked and hung the phone up. On the other end Blue looked quizzically at the phone, wondering if Red had been telling the truth.

“Stay inside mom, don’t let anyone in, okay?” Red told his mom as he headed out, “Be careful Red!” his mom said as she watched him run out, she then locked the door behind him and looked worriedly out the window. Red wasn’t really sure what to do, he decided he’d go tell the nearest gym leader of what was going on, perhaps they’d be able to properly challenge this newcomer. “Let’s see, Sabrina is in Saffron, too far away, Misty’s in Cerulean, no good. There’s the gym in Viridian, but I haven’t been there yet. It’ll have to work!” Red told himself as he went running ahead off to Viridian City.

“Bowser” came a voice from the gun he held. “Huh? What’s going on?” Bowser asked. “It is I, the Ancient Minister. You’ve landed on a world rich in power, do not activate a bomb there yet” he said. “Alright, what do you want me to do then?” Bowser asked. “Use the shadows to your will, I am picking up at least fifty signatures of high energy, get as many of them as you can as trophies, all if possible” the ancient minister instructed. “You want me to go over the whole planet in search of these fifty different things? No way!” Bowser replied. “Use the shadows, enlist some help if you need to” the minister said.

“Hmm.. gotta find someone to help” Bowser said, then summoned the primids out, those strange bodied forms. “Alright, each of you are getting a gun” Bowser said as the darkness formed those odd guns for each and everyone of them. One of the primids fired at a spearow as it flew by. The spearow fell to the ground as a statue.. and then it turned back on its own! “What the?!” Bowser said in shock. “Hey minister, these things changed back automatically!” Bowser said. “Hmm.. it seems there’s only one way to capture those creatures. I’m searching some of the great minds of the planet. There’s a thing called poke balls, you have to capture those creatures with those, it’s similar to turning them into trophies” the minister said.

“Is that what that kid used?” Bowser asked. “Yes, there are pokeballs, great balls, and ultra balls, and one master ball that will catch any of these pokemon creatures automatically no matter what. Here,” the minister said, and with that the guns vanished from the primids hands and in place of them was now master balls! Lots of them! “That should be enough, also there’s a man in the next town, leader of a gym. I believe he might join my cause and contribute more information, I’m getting some interference from someone or something else” the minister said before he was cut off.

“Infinite master balls, and Giovanni is involved as well. I must stop this” came the voice of the mighty psychic pokemon Mewtwo as he rose from Cerulean city’s infamous cave and headed for Viridian City.

“Hey! Red! Where you going?” asked Blue as he came out of the pokemon center. “I came here to get help from the gym leader since you refuse to listen to anything I say” Red answered. “Listen Red, there ain’t no way my Gramps got changed to a statue” Blue said. “Oh yeah, well have a look for yourself!” Red said pulling the statue of Oak from his backpack. Blue looked at it, “Just a replica, that proves nothing” Blue stated. “Fine, believe what you want!” Red said and headed for the gym.

Meanwhile the Primids were spreading out across the regions of Kanto and Johto. Turning into darkness and traveling around allowed them to cross barriers. They could fly, go under water, and even underground, focusing on the nearest and greatest source of power. Within a half hours time Kanto had been robbed of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Johto lost its impressive Raikou, Suicune, Entei, Ho-oH, and Lugia. Even the mysterious Mew and Celebi were captured. At least one of all of the other pokemon were captured too, as instructed by the ancient minister. Most primids fled Kanto and Johto though after the birds, dogs, Mew, and Celebi were taken.

Half went to Hoenn where Regirock, Regice, and Registeel were taken from their various hidden caves. Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza despite their remote hard to get to locations, all fell to the primids. The hidden Latias and Latios were found out by the Primids ability to seek energies and were taken, the same fate awaited Deoxys and Jirachi. The other half made there way to Sinnoh. Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf like the Regis before them all fell, and the great Regigigas fell with them. Dialgia, Palkia, Heatran, Giratina, and Darkrai all came under their control. The prince of the sea, Manaphy, and the young Phione were soon captured. The last taken was Shaymin, and even the great and mighty Arceus.

“You? You’re the leader of Viridian gym?!” Red asked, surprised to see Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket, in the gym leader’s arena. “That’s right, I see you’ve come a long way. Do you wish to challenge me yet again?” he asked with a smirk. “No, I came to ask for your help actually” Red said. “You are wasting your time with him” Mewtwo stated as he broke in through the roof. “Mewtwo!” Giovanni said with desire in his eyes. “Yes Giovanni it is I, and you shall not capture me today, or any other day” Mewtwo stated. “That’s what you think” Giovanni said as he threw all of his pokeballs at Mewtwo.

“Nidoking!” “Gengar!” “Persian!” “Machamp!” “Aerodactyl!” “Snorlax!” they all said one by one as they appeared from their pokeballs. “You should know by now that these attacks are useless” Mewtwo said as his pokemon were flung backwards through one of the walls. “What’s going on over there?” Blue asked and decided to check it out. Upon entering he saw Giovanni, Red, and a strange pokemon he’d never seen before.

“Red, what’s going on?” he asked. “That’s Giovanni, he’s the leader of Team Rocket” Red stated. There was another guest arrival though, the primids, having captured all the other pokemon in the area were moving upon Mewtwo now. As masterballs were thrown, Mewtwo used his psychic abilities to knock them back. “I will NOT be caught!” Mewtwo said. However he had to focus on keeping the pokeballs away and couldn’t fight Giovanni’s pokemon, who were getting up.

“Uh!” Red said in shock, he then tossed out five pokeballs. “Charizard!” “Squirtle!” “Ivysaur!” “Jigglypuff!” “Pikachu!” they said as they appeared. All of them save for Charizard though were dwarfed by the much larger and stronger pokemon of Giovanni. “Move aside Red, I can take him” Blue said and threw six pokeballs out. “Gyarados!” “Pidgeot!” “Alakazam!” “Arcanine!” “Rhydon!” “Exeggutor!” Blue’s pokemon announced themselves.

In the region of Sinnoh, Fox landed down and instantly saw he was too late, he saw primids everywhere, capturing things. Pulling out his blaster he shot as many as he could, but they continued to regenerate. Fox caught sight of one of the things the primids was after who was visibly getting tired. “Hold on!” Fox said and decided this battle was better fought from the sky. He got back to his ship and zoomed over to the fleeing pokemon. “Jump up here!” Fox shouted. The tired pokemon did so, grabbing onto the ship, Fox opened the hold and the pokemon climbed in. “You okay?” Fox asked. “I am fine” said the voice of the pokemon known as Lucario.

“I need to find that overgrown lizard, hopefully this computer can pinpoint him soon. If I can find him, I might be able to stop all of this” Fox told his guest as they flew over the land. The primids meanwhile were following behind Fox’s ship, after Lucario still. “Don’t worry about them, I can lose them things easy” Fox said as he boosted them forward which did leave the primids in the dust, for the moment. “Wait, I sense another signature down there, running for now” said Lucario. “Huh?” Fox said, looking down and catching sight of a lone Blaziken as it raced onward. “Uh, you’re telepathic?” Fox asked, Lucario nodded. “Tell that one to jump on then” Fox said, Lucario agreed and within a moment the Blaziken leapt up to them. “I can’t carry anymore” Fox said, knowing he shouldn’t have picked up Blaziken really, especially after using the boost. “Enemy detected” the onboard computer stated. “Take me there” Fox said as a map appeared on screen.

“This looks like a great place to get some trophies” Bowser said seeing Red, Blue, Mewtwo, and Giovanni, as well as the other pokemon. Bowser threw a master ball at Red’s Charizard, but it failed. “You can’t catch other trainer’s pokemon!” Red shouted. Bowser growled but then grinned, “Maybe not, but I can catch the trainer!” he said and pulled out his gun and pointed it to Red. “Don’t waste time with him, get Giovanni on your side” the minister said through telepathy. Bowser growled, wishing the minister would mind his own business, but Bowser walked over to Giovanni.

Blue’s pokemon were fighting off Giovanni’s, Red’s were trying to help Mewtwo who was becoming tired, and Bowser meanwhile was talking things over with Giovanni, who seemed very intrigued by it all as he witnessed the power that Bowser possessed to control the army of Primids. “Hold it right there!” said Fox as his ship landed. “You again? Good, I’ll get rid of you right now” Bowser said as he focused his gun at the Star Fox pilot. As it fired, Fox used his trusty reflector and it bounced off of him and smacked right into Bowser.

The King of the Koopas was defeated, he had been turned into a statue! The primids however continued attacking Mewtwo. “It’s time I ended this” the minister said and then instructed Giovanni through telepathy how to activate a dark bomb, which the leader of Team Rocket went right ahead and did, as the robots appeared and pulled it apart, activating it. “We have failed, call your pokemon back, quickly” Mewtwo said. Red and Blue did as they were told. Mewtwo then wrapped them and himself in psychic energy and lifted them upward. Fox grabbed up the trophy of Bowser and got back in his ship with Lucario and Blaziken as they too lifted into the air.

The bomb went off behind them, and as it spread the Primids vanished to blend in with the darkness and all other life on this bountiful planet faded away to darkness except for the evil Giovanni, who now held the power of darkness within him, ideas flooded to him of what he could do as he took to the skies.

“ROB, come in ROB, this is Fox” he said over the intercom. “Fox, this is Samus Aran. I’ve commandeered your craft” she answered. “WHAT?!” Fox replied. “The dark forces that we are both after are on a direct path toward my home planet. Myself and those on board my craft and yours are heading to defeat them” Samus stated. “Get ROB on the communicator” Fox said, more than a little upset.

For a good five minutes Fox barked at ROB for allowing someone to take over the Great Fox. After calming down a bit though, “Have you heard any word from the others yet?” Fox asked. “No Fox, I can confirm they have arrived at their destinations though, and so far no signs of the darkness bombs has occurred” ROB said. “That’s good I suppose. Alright, send me your new coordinates, I’m coming to dock with a few survivors” Fox stated, still upset he had failed in his mission to save that planet.

[edit] Chapter 11: F-Zero

Entering the planet’s atmosphere, Falco wasn’t really sure what to expect here. “Alright, where’d he go” Falco said as his craft came down past the clouds. He saw lots of roads everywhere. Some roads didn’t make any sense though at first until Falco realized where he was. “The F-Zero races! Sweet, Falco buddy you couldn’t have picked a better planet!” Falco told himself as he continued lowering his plane. The lower he got the easier it was to make out the images of moving vehicles down below.

“Perfect, a race is going on” Falco said, deciding to watch a bit before he got to work. “Maybe I can hear the announcer if I-” he suggested as he opened the hatch to his arwing. “And Black Shadow moves around for the last lap of the race with Captain Falcon right behind him, and him being followed closely by the dangerous Samurai Goroh” the announcer said, which came in loud and clear for Falco.

“Come on Falcon! You’ve got this one!” Falco said as he watched the cars move around. Falco knew this racecourse; it was Big Blue “Alright Captain, you’ve got this” Falco said. “Whoa folks, some foolish oaf has managed to find himself on the racetrack!” the announcer stated. The cars neared, Falco gazed in and saw it was Wario! “Ah great job bird brain, now you could cost the race because you weren’t doing your job!” Falco told himself as he closed the hatch and zoomed on down. It was going to be close, but Falco was going to see if he could get Wario out of there. That’s when he noticed what Wario was doing; he was pointing that strange gun directly at the oncoming racers. Falco wouldn’t get there in time. The blast went off, it missed Black Shadow, and Captain Falcon swerved out of the way. Samurai Goroh was not as fortunate as his car and he changed to a trophy.

“Whoa! Did you folks at home just see that?! That odd little man just turned the fierce racer Samurai Goroh into.. well, we’re not really sure yet” the announcer said. Wario meanwhile went to dodge the other cars only to get run right into by Black Shadow. “Get off my car you fool!” Black Shadow yelled through his window as Wario’s flab blocked his view. Captain Falcon quickly took the lead, and the race was won! “Captain Falcon folks, Captain Falcon holds onto his title of F-Zero champion!” the announcer said. The other racers made their way across the finish line. Falco landed his ship on the track, having noticed what happened to Samurai Goroh he scooped up the trophy. “Now to get that guy” Falco said and hopped back in his arwing and turned it around to find Wario.

“Waah” Wario said as he finally rolled off the front of Black Shadow’s car. “Are you alright?” asked Dr. Stewart, one of the F-Zero racers, as he ran over from his own vehicle. Dr. Stewart received his answer when he too was turned to a trophy. Black Shadow noticed this time, his eyes opening at the potential of such a weapon. Wario turned the weapon to Black Shadow’s car then. “Wait, wait my friend. I think we might be able to help each other out” Black Shadow stated, getting out of his car. “Alright, now just calm down” he said and signaled for Blood Falcon to come his way, which he did.

“Black Shadow!” came the familiar voice of Captain Falcon. “You ran over a man back there! Don’t think you’re going to get away with that” the good captain said. “If you will notice you pathetic excuse for a driver, the man is perfectly fine. In fact we’re good friends. He was just showing me how he uses this odd device of his” Black Shadow said then directed the next message to Wario, “Now, how did you say this little gun of yours works again?” Black Shadow asked. Wario smiled and pointed the gun at Captain Falcon. “Later loser!” Wario told him as he fired the gun. Something flashed in the way though.

It took a second or two for everyone to realize what had happened. Up ahead was an empty arwing, standing in front of Captain Falcon and between him and the others was Falco, activating the reflector that Fox had given him. “No one else is getting changed here” Falco told Wario, as well as the other two. “FALCON.. PUNCH!” Again, the events that took place took a second to register for everyone. Blood Falcon had just sent Falco flying backward with a flaming punch to the beak. “Haha! I win!” Wario chanted after realizing the one stopping him had just been beat down.

“Falcon kick!” said the real Captain Falcon as the odd gun was kicked out of Wario’s hands and went soaring into the air. Falcon then leapt into the air and grabbed it. “I’ll be taking that” he said, now in control of the strange gun. Falco meanwhile was trying to refocus his vision. “Fox?” he asked, as a figure that looked much like Fox stood above him wearing a pair of sunglasses. Then he ran off.

Falco shook his head and sat up, “Weird..” he told himself before looking to see that Captain Falcon now had control of the gun and was pointing it at the other three. Falco jumped back up with a big grin as he stood beside the captain. “Thanks cap” Falco began, but then found himself tripped and tossed over to the other three. “Now, you’re going to give me some answers little man” Captain said to Wario. “What did you do to Goroh and Stewart?”

“He turned them into trophies, he’s working for this guy named the-” Falco tried to say only to get a foot on his throat by the captain. “I believe I was asking him” Captain Falcon stated. But when Falcon refocused his attention, Wario had his backside pointed at him. “Here I go!” Wario stated, and with that a huge fart was let out that exploded and blew all but Wario backwards. For Falco and Captain Falcon this was bad news as it caused them to fall over the edge of the Big Blue course. They landed in the water far below. “Great job there Cap” Falco griped once they both came back to the surface.

Wario meanwhile picked his gun back up and went to setting up the bomb and getting in good acquaintance with Black Shadow and Blood Falcon. Falco pushed a button on his wrist; luckily Slippy had made his equipment entirely waterproof. Falco smiled as he remembered how he once told Slippy he’d never have to use any of his stuff underwater. The arwing came down and opened up its hatch, Falco climbed in and reached out a hand to Captain Falcon. “Look, do you really want to stay down here in the water?” Falco asked. Captain reached out and grabbed on and climbed in as well.

“Alright, now if I can risk the threat of getting best up again. That guy works for another guy called the Ancient Minister,” Falco began. “and his plan is to go around and take over the planets. He does this by turning them to trophies, that’s what happened to Goroh and Stewart. I know cause the same thing happened to two of my good friends” Falco explained. “And who are you?” the cap asked. “I’m Falco, ace pilot of the star fox team” he answered. “Star Fox, yeah, I’ve heard of you guys. I’m a bounty hunter myself, work for the galactic federation” he explained. “Yeah, I know, sort of a fan of yours, or was” Falco stated.

“Sorry about that, you just can’t be sure with anyone here. One minute they are your friends, the next they’re shooting you in the back” Cap explained. Falco nodded, sort of understanding, he’d after all seen several of the races. “So, how do we stop him?” Cap asked. “Haven’t figured that out yet, ‘course there’s one approach that would probably work” Falco answered, suggesting drastic action. “Hmm, if what you say is true, we may have to revert to that.” “Whoa, what’s up with this ‘we’ talk?” Falco asked. “This is my home, I’m not about to let it go up in smoke without a fight” Cap answered, Falco rubbed his throat, knowing that was the truth, and he had no problem fighting alongside one of the famous F-Zero racers. “Alright” Falco said as they reached the road level. Once there they arrived just in time to see Wario, Black Shadow, and Blood Falcon activating the darkness bomb.

Falco swore under his breath. “What’s that?” Cap asked. “That’s the other problem, once they are done with trophies, they use that thing to wipe out the whole planet, all life is gone. I’ve already seen its effects on a few other worlds” Falco explained. “We need to destroy it!” Cap yelled as he pushed the bomb button. “Waa!” Wario said with wide eyes as a bomb came flying at them. Exploding, it caused the track to fall out from under Wario, Black Shadow, Blood Falcon, and the darkness bomb! When it hit the water, the bomb activated. It passed over the three villains, but it spread quickly and erased all signs of life as it did. “Great job again Cap. You’re rashness just destroyed this planet!” Falco yelled as he spun the jet around to leave. “Wait! Some of the racers are still down there” Cap said, and then watched as they were erased from existence by the darkness that approached.

“Folks, we’re not really sure what’s going on but a part of our famous Big Blue track has been destroyed by a space craft and a strange darkness is spreading over the area, it’s the strangest thing this reporter has ever seen. It’s getting close now…”

[edit] Chapter 12: Earthbound

“Entering planet’s atmosphere. It hasn’t been harmed by the darkness yet. And if I have anything to say about it, it won’t be” Krystal said. As visual became apparent, Krystal smiled as the sight of a quaint little town appeared. Seeing a mountain in the distance, she decided it would be best to land somewhere over in that region. A few houses dotted it; she made sure to steer clear of them. “Alright Krystal, time to find that odd looking man” she said as she hopped out of the arwing.

Nearby she spots a child approaching. He wears a red baseball cap and carries a fancy looking baseball bat with a yoyo at his side. “It’s a bit late for you to be out isn’t it little one?” Krystal asks. The boy just smiles, he seems to be waiting for something. Krystal isn’t really sure what to think of the kid. “Alright, well. I have to find a bad guy, so I’ll see you later then I suppose” she tells him. With that she leaves him behind and heads for signs of a nearby town. The kid appeared beside her then, walking in the same direction. He was creeping her out a bit. “Have you seen any bad guys?” Krystal asked. The boy still said nothing though and headed onward, with Krystal moving on eventually too. “I guess you don’t talk much” she said, mostly to herself.

Entering town Krystal noticed a quaint little sign that read ‘Welcome to Onett’. “Hmm, Onett is it? Alright. Maybe he came here” she said. The streets of town were empty; a light flickered above the drug store, Krystal decided to see if she could find any hint of him there, the creepy boy still beside her. Then inside of the drug store she saw movement! Inside was none other than Waluigi! And of all the things he was stuffing his face with candy bars! “Well, at least he’s not turning anyone to trophies” she told herself; still she needed to apprehend him. But she was late to the battle as the young boy made his way inside. “PK Fire!” the boy yelled, which set fire to the gluttonous Waluigi. “Waaaaa!” Waluigi screamed as he ran around when he discovered he’d been set on fire.

Waluigi then pulled the gun on the boy. “PK Rockin!” the boy said, a wave of psychokinetic energy came from him and smashed into Waluigi. The force was so strong that it blasted him straight through the back of the drug store’s wall! “The kid’s pretty tough” Krystal noted, and then she noticed the gun had went off and the beaten Waluigi was now turned to a trophy. “Not what I intended, but it works I suppose” she stated as she picked the statue up as well. “I guess this is where we part ways then” Krystal told the boy. “Can I take you back home?” she asked him. He shook his head no and then pointed at her. “You want to come with me?” Krystal asked.

The boy nodded, “You know, this would be a lot easier if you’d talk” she told him, but he just stared at her. “I don’t think I should take you with me, you’d be a great help, but your parents would really miss you I’m sure” she said. He shook his head no again and pointed once more. Krystal raised an eyebrow. “Well, you did help me out a lot, I guess I could take you for a brief ride” Krystal said, realizing she did owe him for doing her job for her. “Alright, you can go with me, but just for a little while. I’m going to take this guy back to my friends and then I’m bringing you right back” she told him. He nodded in approval of that choice.

With that the two of them were soon taking off into the atmosphere, this was the first planet to escape the destruction of the ancient minister’s darkness.. or was it?

[edit] Chapter 13: Attack on the G-Fed

“Where are the other three?” the minister asked all of his lackeys as they arrived inside of the ship’s hold. Wario, K. Rool, Ganondorf, Giovanni, Blood Falcon, and Black Shadow were all gathered together. “No matter, we have the weapons now to destroy the galactic federation” the minister said. “Are you certain of this plan? The galactic federation is the authority, not just in this one system or sector, but in this entire galaxy. They have Captain Falcon and Samus Aran to name a few that back them up” Black Shadow stated, showing obvious doubt.

“With our intellect, our might, and our abilities we shall cause the fall of the galactic federation. Once this is accomplished, our complete and total victory is promised!” the minister explained. Black Shadow had to agree that if they were out of the picture there’d be nothing to stop them. “Now, we go to war” the minister stated and activated the weapons of the Halberd to begin operation.

“Sir, there’s a mysterious craft hovering above the planet” said one of the troops checking the monitors. “What? What’s the data on that ship?” the general asked. “According to our information banks it’s the Halberd and comes from the Planet Popstar, driven by one Meta-Knight” the soldier stated. “Popstar, isn’t that one of them planets that recently went dark?” asked the general. “Yes sir” he replied. “Perhaps they’re remnants of the population, allow them entry” said the general. “Allow entry!” yelled the troop. The defense systems went down. “Attention Halberd, you are clear for entry” said one of the troops over the intercom. “Thank you for allowing us entry” the minister responded as the Halberd docked.

From various exits of the Halberd, the villainous group spread outward, they weren’t taking prisoners this time, none of them held onto their guns, they were on this planet for one purpose and one purpose only, to destroy it. The Halberd fired a laser blast into several buildings causing them to crumble. “We’re under attack!” yelled the general. “Everyone fire on that ship!”

It was too late though. Ganondorf was blasting several troops down at a time with his mastery of the darkness. Blood Falcon, under orders from Black Shadow, was sent out and was killing troops with lightning quick efficiency. Giovanni summoned forth his pokemon, which had also been endowed with the power of the darkness, and used them to attack as well. “That’s correct, have fun with them!” the minister said with a grin as he activated the darkness bomb inside the ship.

“Hold it right there minister, the galactic federation isn’t going down today, not while we’re here!” came the voice of Fox McCloud as the Great Fox arrived. Arwings came flying out. The first was Fox and Red and the second contained Falco and Captain Falcon. Captain Falcon leapt from the arwing and confronted Blood Falcon. “Come on guys, time to brawl!” Red said as he tossed his five pokeballs, which backed up Captain Falcon. Landing the craft, Fox and Red both hopped out. “Give me some backup Falco” Fox said. “Hear you loud and clear Fox” Falco said and began blasting at the Halberd as Fox made his way inside of the ship.

After them, Kirby and Meta Knight came floating and gliding down, ready for battle. Dixie came swooping down with Diddy holding onto her feet. They appeared on either side of K. Rool. Appearing near Ganondorf, Link and Zelda showed up with a helpful teleport and locked eyes with the evil one. As Wario prepared to use his powerful gas he’d find himself facing a clown car full of trouble as Mario, Peach, Luigi, Yoshi, Geno, and Donkey Kong had come down in it as Donkey Kong cracked his knuckles. Mewtwo came floating down with ease, flanked by Blaziken, Lucario, and Blue as they blocked Giovanni’s path, Blue also released his own pokemon to block Giovanni’s.

“Let’s not get cocky people” Samus said as she leapt down from the Great Fox, doing a midair twist and then coming to a landing and holding her arm cannon to Black Shadow’s head. “Fools! Your ragtag team will not prevail against us!” the minister said, “You forgot that my army consists of billions!” he said over the intercom. Dark orbs spread out, as primids appeared, literally billions of them. The heroes looked around and were definitely nervous. “We’ve got a few weapons of our own minister” Fox said as he appeared in the room with the minister and fired his blaster at him.

The battle had begun! The minister blocked it with a shield and then raised the bottom part of his body over the top half and brought it down to smack Fox. The captain was too swift though and illusion-ed himself out of harm’s way and then continued firing his blaster as the minister kept shielding from it.

“Falcon..” “Punch!” it was Blood Falcon that managed to get the move out first by a mere second, it sent Captain Falcon flying backward. Red’s pokemon were being distracted by having to battle the primids. “Charizard, use fire blast! Squirtle, use hydro pump, Ivysaur, use Solarbeam!” Red ordered. Jigglypuff meanwhile sang any of the primids that came close enough to sleep with her sing technique. Pikachu looked around quizzically, wondering what he should do.

As Samus prepared to fire, ending the life of Black Shadow, she glanced up to see a surprise, Ridley! She once more was slow to fire and found herself tackled right off the side of the platform they were on. The two of them fell downward and struggled as they did so. “Looks like you got here one way or another Ridley” she told him as she punched the side of his head.

Black Shadow and Blood Falcon believed they were free now to attack the good guys, only to be met up with Lucario and Blaziken. “Blaziken!” Blaziken said as he gave a mighty Blaze kick to Blood Falcon. Lucario meanwhile, holding onto an odd glowing ball released it, this being his Aura Sphere attack which blasted the evil Shadow down.

“Give up Mewtwo, you’re not going to win this time” Giovanni said. “You wrote my DNA Giovanni, you know I will” he told him as Mewtwo kept the primids at bay away from the battle between Giovanni and Blue’s pokemon battle. “Gyarados use surf!” Blue said. “That’s it?” Giovanni asked. But when water rose up and splashed his Nidoking, the Primids, and Giovanni himself he rethought his criticism of the attack as he was pushed against the deck of the Halberd.

“What? They sent you small fries to fight me?” K. Rool scoffed at the group of four surrounding him. Diddy pulled out his popguns, MetaKnight his sword, Kirby took out a trusty mallet, and Dixie then wrapped her hair around the wicked reptile and spun him around, the other three began pelting him then.

“Huh!” Link said as he clanged blades with Ganondorf. Zelda sent out Din’s fire to help, but Ganondorf stopped this as he raised a hand and absorbed the attack. “Your mine!” he told them both as Link and him continued to fight.

“Eh? Eh?” Wario said, looking to see he was greatly outnumbered, and then he smiled wickedly. “Here I go, again!” he said and let out a huge fart, blasting the whole group nearly off the platform! As Peach fell, Toad screamed but then relaxed a bit as he saw Peach had opened her parasol.

“Give it up pilot, you can’t match my strength” the minister said. “That’s funny, you remind me of a guy I knew once, Andross. Except he’s dead now, guess who kicked his butt” Fox said, flipping over and kicking the minister in the side. “Ha! You and your friends will not save the federation, it will fall as will you, and all worlds” the minister said as he charged at Fox.

“Those guys look like they could use some help” Falco said, stopping with his attack on the Halberd as he prepared to jump down into the fray. “Calm down bird boy, I’ve got this one” Krystal said over the intercom. “Krystal, good to see you again” Falco said. “Careful Falco, Fox might get jealous if you keep sweet talking me” she joked, but managed to shut Falco up as he returned to blasting the Halberd.

Opening the hatch and preparing to jump, the young Ness pointed to Samus and Ridley who were still falling. She nodded in understanding and headed there, but not before Ness leapt out and onto the platform. “PK Fire!” he yelled as Wario’s butt caught fire. “PK Thunder!” he said, directing a strange blue energy ball around to attack Ganondorf, which allowed Din’s fire to hit as well, as Ganondorf was momentarily stunned, this in turn allowed Link to twist Ganondorf’s sword from his grasp.

“Time for me to do my stuff!” Mallow said as he looked out from the Great Fox. Raising his hands above his head he called upon the elements. A moment later multiple lightning bolts began striking the stage. “Pikachu! Help it with thunder!” Red called. “Pika-CHU!” the rodent said as he and Mallow’s attacks doubled in strength and began frying the Primids to bits. “Charizard, Squirtle, Ivysaur, perform the same attacks again, blast them into those lightning attacks!” Red directed. “PK Flash!” Ness said as he released a blast of energy out that finished K. Rool as he was sent falling downward off the platform.

Krystal zoomed down and caught Samus and Ridley on the hood of her arwing. She could sense which was the good one, opened her hatch and shot Ridley in the back with a blast of fire. “Not bad” Samus said as Ridley fell off the ship. “Thanks, you’re not bad yourself” she replied. Then Ridley rose back, grabbing Samus once more and carrying her high up into the air with him now. “My turn” Samus said and curled into a ball, dropping a bomb as well as releasing herself from Ridley’s claws, the bomb went off and blew Ridley unconscious as he landed on the Halberd.

“Falcon punch!” came the original Falcon as he recovered and now slammed a fist in the back of Blood Falcon who was just about to recover from Blaziken’s attack. “Whoa, hello there” Krystal said, spotting Peach and Toad falling downward, performing the same favor for them as she had for Samus just a moment before. “Gyarados use hyper beam! Rhydon use earthquake!” Blue commanded. The result of which caused Giovanni and his pokemon to faint, as well as several platforms, including the ones they all were on, to fall.

“ROB, you know what to do!” Fox said as he continued battling the minister. “Got it Fox” ROB responded and sent bombs blasting down upon the Halberd. The whole ship shook. Meanwhile outside the others began to flee back to the Great Fox with their captives. Ness grabbed Samus’s hand, which made her think the kid was scared, until he began running across the falling platform, and then they vanished, and reappeared on the Great Fox.

The upset caused Link to fall backwards, which allowed Ganondorf to back flip onto the Halberd and away from him. Zelda appeared beside Link, grabbed a hold of him, and then they vanished back to the Great Fox as well. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Geno, and Donkey Kong rose back up in the clown car. Krystal and Peach meanwhile went to dock with the Great Fox. Falco swooped down so Captain Falcon could jump on as they headed to dock.

Dixie and Diddy found themselves being lifted up by Kirby and MetaKnight back to the ship. Red and Blue called their pokemon back to them as Mewtwo lifted them as well as Lucario and Blaziken from the falling platforms. “You’re not getting away either Giovanni” Mewtwo said as he lifted him as well as Blood Falcon, Black Shadow, Ridley, Wario, and K. Rool into the air. He was unable to get Ganondorf as he went back to the Great Fox.

“Your friends are leaving you” the minister said. “Don’t you worry about my friends” Fox said as he blasted the minister with his laser. “Who are you anyway? What are you?” Fox asked. “I am the ancient minister, the bringer of change” the evil thing said. “Ah, change begins” he said then as the darkness was released! “NO!” Fox growled. The minister laughed. Fox leapt out of a large viewing window on the Halberd. He began pushing buttons on his wrist; his ship was headed his way. Those on the Great Fox watched and waited for any sign of Fox.

“Ha!” he yelled as he stopped midair and flames formed around him, he’d learnt this specific technique from his father as a youngster, called the fire fox. Blasting himself upward he bought himself some more time as his ship made its way below him. He dropped into the cockpit and wasted no time flying away from the darkness, using his boost completely up to do so he then headed for the Great Fox. “Let’s go, go, go, go!” he shouted over the intercom as his arwing became visible.

The Galactic Federation had fallen, the darkness spread fast and fully over the planet, converting the entire police force of the galaxy under the control of the ancient minister, only a handful were taken to the Wonder Emporium. “Now what do we do?” Krystal asked once they were far enough away. “We keep trying” Fox said. Despite capturing most of the minister’s forces, everyone was quite solemn.

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