Intermission 4: Smashtasm DX

From Accct Wiki

{Greg and Killa7 are in Hyrule Temple. 133tf0x and Super64 join afterwards}

Greg: The Battle is a 2 minute Melee, No Idems!

133tf0x: Got it! Battle o-

Killa7: Wait! must Change into something more Deadly...{Turns into Giga Bowser}

Super64: Uh, Oh...

{Super64 use Hax to Fight...(You get to write the Dialoge, Shippiddge, P.S. It must Have Super64 Winning in the end)}

{Meanwhile Greg and Killa7 has found the Subspace Hax}

Greg: I Did it! The Ultamate Hax! The End of Existance! End without Saving, Man!

Super64: Not if We Can Help it

{Cut to Reveil Super64, mewZERO, 133tf0x and Link}

Super64: Link, Why are you here?

Link: I sensed a Darkness in the Force...

133tf0x: Stop the Star Wars References!

Greg: Behold the Ultamate Hax!

{A Hax Demon named Taboo(NONE) appears and ports Everyone But mewZERO, Greg and Killa7 to a Dark Place}

Super64: What the Heck... {Fade to See the original Smash Bros Game! In the Final Destanation Stage in said Game!! Alone!!!} IM FREAKING LOW REZ!

{Cut to The Stage where they were ported}

mewZERO: What did you Do to them?

Greg: I Ported them to the Original Game

Killa7: Taboo can transform into a 4 Giant hands, one for Each Player, Which can Destroy the Realm! and Drain the Power of The Game!

{PrinceRoc(Still Fighting the Wireframe), Pimpachu and lamp are in the Mushroom Kingdom.}

PrinceRoc: {Breathing Heavily} Master...I feel...Weak!

Pimpachu: {Breathing Heavily} I know y'all...I feel it, too.

Lamp: there must be something bothering the Essance of the Game's Code! A Virus!

Pimpachu: I wonder who's Gonna Get Fragged first, Dawg...

{Kingkirb is in his Private Server he shares with his cousins}

Kingkirb: Okay! I got my Crown back! Roll call!

{All his Cousins, Minus the Red one, Appear}

Kingkirb: Hey, where is...{Starts Breathing Heavily}...Jimmy?

Yellow Kirby: <In Kirbspeak> He got Deleted...

Kingkirb: How...

{3 of the The Extras seen around the Series are seen on final destination... Then Self-Destruct}

{2 Admins and that Blue Zelda girl are in the Coffee shop stage}

Blue Zelda: 40% is Clean, 33% has been infected by some strange essance, 27% of the Net have Crashed and Became one with subspace because of the same Essance...

<Username: QueenZel>

Male Admin: QueenZel, The only system protected is the Area where The Great KaorAI sealed Taboo long ago...

<Username: Axel X>

Female Admin: More Viruses are appearing, and I think they Breached this Server...{Starts Breathing Heavily}...I think it might be the visitor...That girl using gannondorf's Image...

{Meanwhile...BlakBerri is weakening, next to the Ness Extra}

BlakBerri: {Breathing Heavily} Taboo...He's Here...Trasme have Mercy on the Zeether...{Self-Destructs}

{Cut to Super64, Fighting Taboo No. 1}

{After Taboo No. 1 Reaches 250 hp or Lower, Cut to Link fighting Taboo No. 2}

{After Taboo No. 2 Reaches 250 hp or Lower, Cut to 133tf0x fighting Taboo No. 3}

{After Taboo No. 3 Reaches 250 hp or Lower, Cut to the Coffee Shop}

<Username: CosmicQueen>

CosmicQueen: {Breathing Heavily} I guess...this is it...for me...goodbye {Self-Destructs}

Axel X: C.Q.! {Starts Breathing Heavily} Great...Now I'm Infected by the Hax...

QueenZel: Axel! dont Go!

{Cut to Super64, Fighting Taboo No. 1}

{After Taboo No. 1 Reaches 150 hp or Lower, Cut to Link fighting Taboo No. 2}

{After Taboo No. 2 Reaches 150 hp or Lower, Cut to 133tf0x fighting Taboo No. 3}

{After Taboo No. 3 Reaches 150 hp or Lower, Cut to the Coffee Shop}

Axel X: {Breathing Heavily} Taboo is still...getting stronger...with his Gamesphere...we are pecent clean...

QueenZel: Hurry Super64...

{Cut to Super64, Fighting Taboo No. 1}

{After Taboo No. 1 Reaches 100 hp or Lower, Cut to Link fighting Taboo No. 2}

{After Taboo No. 2 Reaches 100 hp or Lower, Cut to 133tf0x fighting Taboo No. 3}

{After Taboo No. 3 Reaches 100 hp or Lower, Cut to Superflat World, Two mr. Game and Watches(a Red one and a Blue one) and the Ice Climbers}

G&W 1: Mike Game and Watch! The System is 1% Clean! 9% is Infected, 90% of it has been Fragged...

Mike: Joel! buddy! I dont think Mr. Game and Watch would Like this

{Cut to Super64, Fighting Taboo No. 1 with Hax}

{After Taboo No. 1 Dies, Cut to Link fighting Taboo No. 2 with Hax}

{After Taboo No. 2 Dies, Cut to 133tf0x fighting Taboo No. 3 With Hax}

{After Taboo No. 3 Dies, Cut to the Secret Chamber, All 3 Veteran Fighters have Returned}

mewZERO: You have done well in Destroying the Dark Lord...and You, We did not think you would know about ha-

Link: I'm an AI program...

{10 sec Pause}

mewZERO: oh...

Super64: You were saying about the...ultamate Hax?

{5 sec Pause, Then Greg and Killa7 Exit}

Greg: Next Time, 133tf0x! Next Time!

{enter QueenZel}

QueenZel: Nice Job with Taboo, We're Gonna Make Sure that this and other Servers are going to be upgrade so that Hax would not doom us again!

Super64: So 133tf0x, What are you going to do now?

133tf0x: Find some of the Other AI programs like link...

{5 Sec Pause}

Super64: Link was an AI program?

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