Episode 504: Stop the Realms, I Wanna End You!
From Accct Wiki
Part 4/4 of the Story
[edit] Wii for Mii
D: If a user inserts an SD card into the console, or receives photos or videos via email, they can be viewed by means of the Photo Channel. The user can create a slideshow by simply inserting an SD card with photos and, optionally, MP3 or AAC files. The Wii will automatically add Ken Burns Effect transitions between the photos and play either the music on the SD card or built-in music in the background.
[edit] Next Time
ZYRCA: Next Time...
CHADOT: You are Able to take the Graduation Exam and Graduate to Afflicate Status!
TERRA: Is that you, Zyrca?
NARUTO: Next Time, "Episode 505: After the Ultamate", See you on the Battlefeild!