Episode 404: Start of The Subspace Force Part 2

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The not so serene jungle, filled with squawks from birds, various noises from reptiles, amphibians, and mammals joining in with them, creating a noisy melody. All of this was silenced though with the sound of gun in the distance. “Get back here you darn dirty apes!” came a loud angry voice. It belonged to King and Captain K. Rool, leader of the Kremlin Krew. He was in hot pursuit of a large ape named Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong was the head of this island known only as Donkey Kong Country, and K. Rool wanted to take Donkey Kong’s prized possession, his stock of bananas. K. Rool had failed on numerous occasions to obtain the bananas, and then he tried trapping Donkey Kong and his family, but that failed as well thanks to Donkey Kong’s little brother Diddy Kong and his girlfriend Dixie Kong.

K. Rool was determined to finish it this time, he was going to kill Donkey Kong, with him completely out of the way he was certain the others would fall. What he didn’t expect was an ambush. As Donkey Kong ran forward away from the powerful gun, K. Rool followed behind right into a trap. “Now!” yelled an old monkey named Cranky Kong. Then a whole bunch of Kong’s appeared and began throwing coconuts at the large reptilian attacker. K. Rool was caught completely by surprise and was pummeled by the coconuts. In the end he was forced to retreat. “I’ll get you someday Donkey Kong, and all of you Kongs!” K. Rool yelled as he ran away. Donkey Kong climbed up into the treetops to meet his large family.

“Whew, I was beginning to think I was a goner” Donkey Kong told them as he rested at last. “We couldn’t let that happen DK” Diddy said as he swung over to meet him. “K. Rool will never learn” Wrinkly Kong, an old female ape stated as she strained her eyes to see K. Rool running into the distance. “Maybe, but we’ll be here to deal with him each time” Dixie piped up from beside of her, which got a pat on the head from Wrinkly. “Let’s all head to my place, bananas for everyone!” Donkey Kong stated with a large grin, which gained grins from everyone else as well.

As the Kongs made their way back to DK’s home, an odd shaped ‘thing’ came flying downward toward the jungle. It was the Clown car, Mario and company had managed to traverse space and arrive in Donkey Kong Country. Mario poorly landed the craft, but at least it was on solid ground once more. “What is this place?” Luigi asked. “It’s beautiful!” Peach said, as she was all starry-eyed looking around at the vibrant colors of the jungle. “Do you think we will be safe here Mario?” Mallow spoke up as he hobbled out of the car with the others, but ended up falling on his face.

“Can’t be sure, but it has to be better than getting turned into one of those weird creatures” Mario stated, still looking around for any signs of trouble, but found none. That’s when K. Rool came running by, Mario was shocked as the stranger had a similar appearance to Bowser, being a large bodied bipedal reptile and all. K. Rool stopped then and turned around, looking at the odd group. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any of you before” he stated, his mind already formulating a plan. “No, we are from the Mushroom Kingdom, far away across the stars” Peach spoke up.

“Hmm.. you don’t say” K. Rool stated as he rubbed his chin, an idea clicked then. “Well, welcome to K. Rool Kountry” he said, “I am K. Rool, rightful ruler of this land. But I sadly have been dethroned by a tyrant and his ruthless family” K. Rool said, showing the most pathetic pitiful face he could manage. “I too have recently been dethroned, I am Princess Peach” Peach announced to him and lent him her hanky, to which he blew his nose all over it, she decided not to take it back.

“If only I could get my kingdom back from those cruel Kongs” K. Rool said, playing the part up real good. “Mario, perhaps we should help him?” Yoshi suggested, his heart going out to his fellow reptile. “I’m not sure Yoshi, we have some problems of our own” Mario stated. “If I was restored to my throne, I might be able to help you with your problem” K. Rool said. “Mario, perhaps these Kongs work with that stranger that took over my kingdom as well?” Peach suggested. That was enough for Mario. “Alright then, we’ll investigate and see what we can do” Mario told them all, which cheered the supposedly sorrowful K. Rool smile instantly. “Oh thank you! You have no idea what you’re doing for me!” he said, happy that his plan was working. “This way” he said , heading back the way he had just run from.

“So what of these people that attacked your land?” K. Rool asked, curious if someone might try and attack his kingdom once he obtained it from the Kongs. Peach then told him the whole story of Bowser, Wario, and Waluigi, and then of the Ancient Minister and his strange helpers and what he had said and what he had done. This intrigued K. Rool, but he acted sad, playing the part of good-natured former ruler well.

Meanwhile, more floating objects descended from the sky, it was the Ancient Minister, flanked by Bowser, Wario, and Waluigi. They landed on the top of Kong Mountain. From there the minister looked down and could feel the jungle that thrived with life. “We shall spread out and search for any possible people of great skill” he told the other three.

“This would go a lot faster with my lackeys” Bowser griped. From the back of the Ancient minister a cloud of darkness appeared, several forms came from it. “If you want some of your traditional help, you shall have it, if you think you’ll be able to accomplish more with them” he addressed Bowser. From the darkness appeared some faces that would have been all too familiar to Mario. Kamek in his wizard form once more appeared, alongside of Birdo, Wart, King Boo, Petey Piranha, Bowser Jr. and the other seven Koopalings. “There, they should be more than enough to help you” the minister told them all. With that the group split up and began searching the island for anyone they thought might be important. The minister meanwhile prepared another circle to explode this world as well.

“K. Rool! You dare come to my home?!” Donkey Kong asked as he saw the reptile approaching with an unfamiliar group behind him. “You mean MY home Donkey Kong! Your reign of tyranny ends now!” K. Rool said, remembering to play the part in front of the others. The Kongs weren’t sure what he was talking about. “If you want a fight K. Rool we’ll give you one!” Diddy chime din, looking down at the group below. “Are these monkeys the one giving you so much trouble?” Mallow asked. “Yes, these are the villains!” K. Rool told them. Mario studied them, they didn’t seem anything like the ones who had attacked them, he didn’t see any of those odd guns either, and he was beginning to have his doubts.

A coconut that Dixie had grabbed up slipped out of her grasp just then and fell down, hitting Mario on the head. “See! They attack us!” K. Rool said. “You shall not win tyrants!” Geno said and with that he jumped in the air, stretched out his arm, and fired off his finger shot. Pellets flung out, pelting the Kongs. Diddy leapt down, not about to take that. He leapt on top of Mallow, squishing the puffball down quite a bit. Peach, shocked at first, frowned and pulled out her handy tennis racket and swatted the monkey off of Mallow. Dixie took to the sky and smacked Geno down to the others. Yoshi pulled out an egg and tossed it up, scaring Wrinkly Kong away.

By now Mario got back up from the initial ‘attack’, only to see Donkey Kong now standing in front of him. Mario pulled out a fire flower and fired away. Donkey Kong dodged though, grabbing hold of a vine, he then dropped down to land on Mario. The plumber was prepared this time and dodged the attack from above, causing DK to land on the ground, and then get his backside burnt by Mario’s flower, causing the large ape to holler out.

“Hold on DK, help is on the way!” Funky Kong called out, preparing to send some weapons his way, but he never got the chance. Instead, Funky Kong vanished and was replaced by statue of himself, he had been turned into a trophy. “Funky?” Candy Kong asked as she headed over to find him in his new form. She soon followed, along with the other Kongs, save for DK, Diddy, and Dixie. “Looked like they were beating you up Mario” Bowser said as he made himself visible from within the bushes.

Mario and DK, along with the others turned to Bowser, all still in fighting stance. “Had to chase you across the stars, but you’re outnumbered and outdone this time Mario” Bowser said, pointing the device directly at the plumber. The beam shot out, and Mario used his trusty cape to thwart the attack, sending it straight into a nearby Rhino who had arrived due to the commotion. “Rambi!” Diddy exclaimed. Donkey hollered in anger as he saw his family and now his trusty friend Rambi were all turned into these statues. He leapt up and attacked Bowser. The two began to fight it out. A punch to Bowser’s face, some flames to Donkey Kong’s body, it seemed as though Donkey Kong would lose too, that was until Bowser found himself getting burned, Mario was using his fireflower to help the ape.

The eight koopalings that had come with him were out collecting the trophies of the Kongs and Rambi. In all of this madness, the Ancient minister flanked by his lackeys from the Mushroom Kingdom arrived on the scene. “Enough of this pathetic resistance, you will all be assimilated, just as the other worlds” the minister told them all. “Assimilated?” K. Rool asked, this was all very interesting for him and he was looking for a way to swing things in his favor.

The ancient minister could sense K. Rool’s heart was filled with bad intentions, this pleased him, “You, if you wish to join me crocodile along with the dragon and the Wario brothers, you may” the minister offered. This caused DK, Bowser, and Mario to stop in their fight. K. Rool wasn’t stupid, he knew there was no way he could team up with the Kongs, and his new acquaintances would certainly figure out his evil intentions sooner or later. But this stranger seemed to know exactly what he was doing and where he was going, and more importantly, had the ability to get there. “Very well, I shall join in your numbers, on one condition” K. Rool insisted, and then went on, “That I shall get the privilege of destroying Donkey Kong”

The minister nodded and things were now set in motion, K. Rool teamed up with the enemy of Mario’s party, and Donkey Kong was helping to fight Bowser who was a long time enemy of Mario. Just then an explosion could be heard from the top of DK Mountain, calling everyone’s attention upward. From there, emitted that same darkness that had just stolen away the Mushroom Kingdom’s inhabitants, and now it was sweeping across Donkey Kong Country.

“Quick, back to the clown car!” Luigi insisted. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Geno, and Mallow all went to leave, but Mario paused. “Come with us!” Mario told DK and the other two. The minister and all of his cohorts began to focus their beams on those retreating. Mario tossed a star to Donkey Kong which made him invincible, he realized this when the beam hit him and it didn’t hurt him at all, however it did bounce off and hit Expresso, an ostrich friend of DK’s. Sad over another friend lost, DK managed to hold it together though and grabbed Diddy and Dixie in his paws and went running after the others.

The whole lot of them climbed into the clown car and Luigi started the odd contraption up as they flew off to the atmosphere. This time however the Ancient minister was much quicker, he collected the darkness, leaving this planet barren as well, and followed after them with his cohorts, with the addition of K. Rool now.

The group huddled inside of the clown car was quite cramped as they made their way to the nearest habitable planet, none of them were sure what to expect.

“Fox! We’ve received unusual readings” Peppy said over the intercom, waking the sleeping leader of the Star Fox team from a somewhat peaceful slumber. “Peppy.. how many times have I told you not to wake me up?” he grumbled in reply. “Sorry Fox, but this is important. If these readings are correct, then a domino effect could be happening” Peppy said. Fox poked an ear and the tip of his muzzle out from under a pillow. “What are you talking about?” Fox asked with a somewhat pouting voice. “Come to the deck Fox, I’ll explain everything” Peppy stated.

Fox grumbled to himself as he scrambled to stand up and began pulling on his uniform. As he walked out of his quarters he pushed his fur down as it was messed up from the brief amount of sleep he had gotten. “Alright Peppy, what’s the big emergency?” Fox asked as he entered the deck. “Fox, glad you’re up. Look at these readings” Peppy said, drawing Fox over to look at a computer screen module. “If these are correct, two planets in Sector N have very recently just lost all signs of life from them” Peppy explained. “How many lived on them?” Fox asked, reviewing the numbers again. “We’re not sure on specific numbers, but we do know that they were both heavily abundant, and then suddenly all life vanished” Slippy said from nearby who was doing something with the electronics, stuff that Fox would never bother with himself.

“Morning sleepy head” Krystal said as she walked in from behind him. Fox smiled at her when she stood beside of him, but he said nothing in reply. “Calm down love birds” Falco stated as he stepped in between them. “What’s up Peppy?” he added. “He can explain it to you on our way there, right now set a course for Sector N Slippy, we might get a chance to see some action” Fox said. With those words team Star Fox was off through outer space to find out what the disturbance was.

Elsewhere, another space voyager was picking up the readings as well. “This is Samus Aran to base, come in base” a young woman said over her intercom machine. “This is base here, go ahead Samus” they replied. “I’m picking up some very strange readings coming from a neighboring system” she explained. “Yes, there are some odd readings emitting from Sector N, system 64. You are picking them up as well?” the base asked. “Yes, I was hoping the readings were a mistake form my ship’s computer, but if you have received them as well. “Would you be willing to check on this?” asked the base. “I’m supposed to be transporting the space pirate Ridley to a maximum security prison on the home planet of the Galactic federation” Samus stated and paused. “I’m not too far away, I’ll check up on it” she added finally. “Alright, be careful Samus, base out”

It was then that the intergalactic space ship belonging to the bounty hunter Samus Aran changed course for Sector N, system 64. She knew that something serious most go on to make these planets instantly lose their large populations, and she was going to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Elsewhere, the starship Skydancer was downloading Systems to Lyoko, Sector M, System 1234.5. "Captain's Log, Stardate: 6789.0, We have Picked up Reading from Sector N, system 64. We must go where only Captain N and Captain S have Gone before"

In sleepy little Dreamland, a pink puffball named Kirby was enjoying a peaceful day of swimming, enjoying a relaxing day for once. As he finished playing around he rested by floating on the water and gazing up to the sky. That’s when the sun became eclipsed, shadow fell upon Kirby and Dreamland itself. Opening his eyes Kirby recognized what had caused this phenomenon. Meta-Knight’s ship, and it was crashing in the forest of Whispy Woods!

Hopping up from the water and into the air, Kirby puffed himself up and flew to where the ship was sure to crash. He was going to find out what could bring the ship of his rival down. Upon arriving he would discover Meta-Knight standing outside his ship cursing to himself. “Kirby? Quick, Dreamland, no.. all of Popstar is under attack!” Meta-Knight warned. “I was on my way to warn the King when even my mighty ship fell under attack, as you can see” he added, looking back at his smoking ship.

Kirby nodded and the two of them were off, running through the forest toward the castle of King Dedede. Along the way they were met with two problems. The first was Whispy Woods himself, the tree that had so often used its apples to harm others, especially Kirby. The second was a stranger that Kirby had never seen before, but Meta-Knight recognized him all too well. “You! I challenge you to a duel over the loss of my ship!” Meta-Knight insisted. Kirby looked at the stranger quizzically.

“Huh?” K. Rool said, turning around to face the two newcomers. “I’ll deal with you two soon enough, right now I’m busy” K. Rool said, shrugging them off. Kirby puffed up in anger from the insult, and Meta-Knight had steam coming from the top of his head. Before any action from the angered duo could take place though, Whispy would find himself being zapped by the odd machine that K. Rool now held. A moment later, the mighty apple tree was cut down to nothing more than a trophy. Both Kirby and Meta-Knight’s eyes widened as they had seen what could happen form an attack from that gun.

“Now then, you’re next” K. Rool stated turning the gun toward them. Another beam shot out at Meta-Knight. The dark soldier was much too fast though and he dashed with lightning reflexes away from it. Kirby puffed up and changed his form to that of a brick and fell from the sky on top of K. Rool. This knocked the crafty crocodile out for the moment, but he was already stirring. Kirby motioned to Meta-Knight that they needed to leave. “Yes, it is best that we get to the King” Meta-Knight agreed and they were off again, taking to the sky.

Meanwhile, at King Dedede’s castle, he was entertaining a visitor. “So where did you say you were from again?” King Dedede asked. “I did not” the figure responded. “Well you’ve got to be from somewhere don’t you? Folks don’t just appear out of nothing you know” Dedede told him. “It is not important, what is important is where I’m going, and you seem like the type I’m looking for to help me get there”

“Oh yeah? Well I am quite handy with a mallet, but why should the King of the planet Popstar help you?” Dedede asked. “Because I can grant you complete and absolute control over all of your subjects, including this Kirby you’ve spoken of” the figure stated; this peaked Dedede’s interest. “You’ve got yourself a deal uh.. what did you say your name was again?” he asked. “I am the Ancient Minister”

“Sire,” Meta-Knight said as he and Kirby ran into the castle belonging to the top penguin of the land. “a great threat has presented itself” he went on. “Meta-Knight, and Kirby too. I’m glad you both came here today” Dedede said, seeing the two of them running into his throne room and not hearing anything they said as his own plans clouded all of his senses. Both travelers recognized this look in the King’s eyes; he had some crazy scheme again, which meant trouble for all of Popstar as usual.

“I was visited today by some hot head from space named the ancient something or other. And I he has given me, your King, the ability to solve all of Popstar’s problems” the King went on and then pulled out the odd gun. Kirby and Meta-Knight both became wide eyed at this action. “Sire, you have one of those as well?” Meta-Knight asked. “Of course I have one, I am the only one truly worthy of such a weapon after all. Now bow before your King” he stated, pointing the gun at Kirby.

Meta-Knight however wrapped his cape around Kirby and himself and the two of them were soon away from the destruction the beam promised and were outside of the castle altogether. “We can’t depend on the King for any help, we must save Dreamland and all of Popstar by ourselves it would seem” he explained. Kirby however pointed frantically out to the west. From that direction a huge cloud of darkness was closing in on them. Meta-Knight focused his vision on the area that the darkness touched and what became of things. He saw all life vanish and turn to darkness, leaving a barren wasteland of darkness in its wake.

Kirby then tugged on his cape and pointed to the east, the darkness was approaching from that direction as well! The same from the north and the south too! “We must flee now, but I do not have my ship” he told Kirby. Kirby was prepared though and pulled out a warp star, grabbing Meta-Knight the two of them were soon headed to outer space, leaving behind Dedede’s castle, as it was envelope din darkness.


“Fox! A neighboring planet just experienced the same thing! All of it’s life forms are gone as far as the radar can tell” Slippy stated. “Do we have a visual?” Fox asked. “Visual coming online, now” Peppy stated. From the visual they could see the planet Popstar being enveloped in darkness. “Are there any signs of survivors at all?” Fox asked. “Scanning again Fox” Peppy said. “According to the reading there are three life forms still on the planet, two other forms are leaving it”. “Take us in Falco, I’ve got some questions for those two” Fox stated.

Not so far away..

“Hmm.. two creatures managed to get off of this planet” Samus said as she punched a few buttons. “Better go in-..” she stopped mid sentence as she spotted one of the oddest things she’d seen. Two overall wearing men, a small dinosaur type creature, a life size moving doll, a white puffball, a princess, and three apes, flying around in a strange craft with a clown face painted on it. Deciding this was too strange and the fact that this group was coming from the direction of the previously obliterated planet. Pressing a button a tractor beam shot out and pulled them group into the ship’s hold, where the ferocious Ridley also stood contained in a strong cell.

“I have some questions for you” Samus said, wearing all of her chozo suit save for the helmet as she approached the bunch of oddballs.

Being forcibly pulled into the ship hold, Mario, DK, and the others weren’t sure what to expect from this place. “Who are you? Are you working for that Ancient Minister fellow as well?” Mario asked. Samus wasn’t sure what to think of that question. “I’ve never heard of an Ancient Minister before, so no. My ship detected a disturbance in this region of space and I’ve been given instructions to investigate” Samus explained.

A calming pause commenced. “So who are you and where are you from?” Samus questioned. “I am Princess Peach, this is my servant Toad. This is Mario and Luigi. Along with us is Yoshi, Geno, and Mallow” Peach explained. “And these three?” Samus continued, motioning to DK and the other two. “I’m Donkey Kong, and this is Diddy my brother and Dixie, his girlfriend” DK spoke up.

“And what about you, who are you?” Geno questioned. “I am Samus Aran, bounty hunter to the Galactic Federation. Usually I am going around stopping space pirates like him” she said, pointing to Ridley who growled at her from his cage. “Now, who is this Ancient Minister you speak of?” she asked. They then went ahead with the explanation of the whole ordeal, of how the ancient minister had teamed up with Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, and K. Rool. And then how his powers of darkness worked, specifically the darkness bombs that enveloped their worlds, and then how he could call dark copies of citizens from those worlds.

“Looks like you’re going to have to wait a while longer before you go on trial Ridley. I’m going to help you defeat this minister” Samus told them. This was good news for them all, but they were still not sure what they could do. At least they weren’t having to ride in the clown car though.


A similar explanation of things was occurring between Fox and the rest of his team as they rescued Kirby and Meta-Knight who had been flying through space. Meta-Knight told of King Dedede’s fall to darkness, he told about the darkness surrounding everything and obliterating all life, and then of the strange trophy gun. “Alright team, we need to investigate and isolate” Fox explained.

“Fox, you need to see this” Krystal stated as the screen revealed a large ship rising from the remnants of Popstar. “That’s MY ship!” Meta-Knight roared with outrage at what he was seeing. “It’s leaving the planet now” Falco said. “Let’s follow it, perhaps we can stop it’s next attack” Fox suggested, as Meta-Knight fumed in the background over someone else using his ship.

When one goes to sleep, they can forget that the world doesn’t stop just because they do, and when one is prone to sleeping for long periods of time, a lot can happen. Such was the case with a young man named Link. He was prone to falling asleep for very long periods of time, and each time he woke up, the world had changed drastically and he usually found himself in the middle of a global conflict. As he opened his eyes this time after sleeping, he would find out it would be no different this time.

Getting out of bed, Link walked outside to where he was quickly greeted by his fairy friend, “Hey!” she shouted to him, which immediately called his attention. “Something large has come down from the sky over Hyrule Castle!” Navi stated. Link strained his eyes in that direction but didn’t see anything peculiar, still if Navi said it, it had to be true, and so he set off to investigate. Climbing on his horse and with Navi at his side, Link headed for Hyrule.

Princess Zelda, ruler of Hyrule, paced around her throne room, she sensed some great danger was nearing, one that she had never faced before. And then the doors of her throne room were exploded open! As they fell down on either side, a tall, dark, and sinister man entered the room. “Princess Zelda, you’re looking radiant as usual” the man stated. As he neared, Zelda’s eyes widened, it was Ganondorf, the lord of darkness. “Din’s Fire” she cast and focused a ball of fire and flung it toward Ganondorf, he dodged, and grinned all the more as he approached her.

“You know you can not defeat me, especially now. I have come up with a plan that even you will not be able to overcome” he told her as he came right up to her and grabbed her wrist forcefully. “Hyrule, and everything in it, including you princess, are mine” he told her, holding her close to his body and staring into her eyes. “You will never win, L-” Zelda stopped as another shadow graced the door. “Huh!” came a familiar sound as a boomerang flew through the air and hit the hand that held Zelda.

Ganondorf turned around to see the all too familiar form of Link standing there as the boomerang returned. “Perfect, I shall finish both of you off right now” Ganondorf stated happily, with that he threw Zelda down in front of her throne, he then pulled a strange looking item from behind his back. He quickly pointed it at Zelda and it charged up. “Watch Out!” came the voice of Navi as she flew to Zelda’s aid, but in turn found herself frozen in place. Navi had vanished, and in her place now lay a statue.

“Accursed fairy!” Ganondorf said, angry that he had missed his intended target. “It matters little Ganondorf, remember the plan” came the voice of the Ancient Minister. “Huh?” Link said, as he had never seen this creature before, but if he sided with Ganondorf he must be an enemy. Zelda meanwhile stood up grabbing Navi’s statue, and went running toward Link. “We must leave, hurry” Zelda said, grabbing Link’s hand in hers as they ran from the castle.

Ganondorf chased after them, and the minister did not stop him, after all, if Ganondorf was successful then Link and Zelda would make excellent trophies. “If he fails, they’ll still be Primids, what power can stand against the likes of me? I have the populations of four worlds, and this and the others shall soon join it. I shall unite all under my rule” he said with a sinister glare. Seeing no reason to waste any more time in this place, the minister dropped the orb, to which the familiar robots pulled it apart, setting the countdown.


“Fox, we have problems, we’re under attack!” Peppy shouted. “Falco, Krystal, Slippy, let’s head out!” Fox stated, with that the four of them went running for the hanger bay. Kirby looked quizzically as to who it was that was attacking them. Appearing on the viewing screen was K. Rool, the one Meta-Knight and himself had seen in the forest. Along with him was a tougher looking reptilian, along with two human beings. “Come Kirby, we’re going to help them” Meta-Knight said as the ships of Fox and the others appeared on the screen as well as they fired at Fox and the others.

“No, you two wait here, they want you to go out there. I’ll go. ROB, take the controls will ya?” Peppy told the robot that did just that. Meta-Knight wasn’t satisfied, but Kirby and him remained inside, for now. “Hey Fox, let’s see if I still have the hang of this” Peppy said as he maneuvered his old arwing around. “Nice to see you joining us in battle again old timer” Falco remarked. Just then Bowser, the other reptile, targeted Falco’s ship. “Falco, do a barrel roll!” Peppy said. Falco turned to see the beam coming at him, usually not one to take advice, Falco let it go this time and barrel rolled to the side.

“This old timer can still be of use” Peppy said over the intercom. “Knock it off you two, we’ve got a job to do” Fox interrupted. Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, and K. Rool continued going around firing those strange beams at the ships. “I got one!” Slippy shouted as he successfully blasted Bowser, sending the dragon flying through space backward, but not destroyed. So excited over his success, Slippy didn’t notice that he had been targeted by Waluigi and Wario. Wario fired his first, Waluigi a moment later. “Slippy, do a barrel roll!” Peppy called out.

The toad caught sight of the beam from Wario and barrel rolled as told, which flung the beam straight at Peppy’s ship, turning the old hare and his arwing into a trophy. A second later, Slippy who thought he had only been targeted by one beam joined Peppy as a trophy. “Peppy! Slippy!” Fox cried out, horrified by what had just happened. “They won’t get away with this!” Falco warned and began chasing Waluigi down. Fox took Wario, and Krystal busied herself with K. Rool.

“Time to end this!” Fox stated, with that a bomb flung from his ship, right into the middle of the battle and blasted Fox, Wario, Falco, Waluigi, Krystal, and K. Rool away form each other. For the three not in ships they went flying away. K. Rool landed on the planet below that the minister himself had just went to. Wario and Waluigi went on either side, soaring off somewhere through outer space, just like Bowser before them.

Fox meanwhile listened to his alarm in his ship going off, however he managed to pull things together and stabilized. “Fox, readings are coming in that show the planet below us is experiencing the same phenomenon as the others before it, life forms are vanishing at an alarming rate” ROB the robot stated over the intercom. “Alright. ROB, I need you to tractor beam Peppy and Slippy back inside the ship..” Fox said, his speech was slowed for a bit as he thought of what had happened to his friends.

“Fox, you going to be alright?” Falco asked. “Don’t worry about it. The three of us have to get down to the planet, try to save who we can. ROB, I need you to find out where those four got blasted to” Fox said. “Confirmed, I will work on that right away” ROB said. “Alright team, we’re going in!” Fox stated as the three arwings headed down to the planet below. “We are going as well, come on Kirby” Meta-Knight said. ROB did not notice they were leaving until they were outside of the ship riding a warp star down to the planet.

Arriving, Kirby and Meta-Knight looked around, the place they’d landed was filled with shadows and darkness, and there didn’t seem to be any signs of intelligent life. Then they heard the sounds of a struggle nearby. Meta-Knight held a hand to his face as a sign to Kirby to keep quiet. Moving around some strange looking trees and looking through the dense fog they could see two figures, that of a beautiful female, and the other of a grotesque faced man, the man had apparently just hit the woman.

“I have returned Midna! And this time I shall make certain to destroy you and claim the Twilight realm for my own, forever!” the man warned and looked as though he were to attack her. Meta-Knight and Kirby intervened then. “Why do you harm this woman?” Meta-Knight asked, Kirby consoled the woman by holding her hand in his, she didn’t seem to know what to think of these odd creatures, but she seemed grateful for their arrival.

“It is no business of yours, but if you must know, she had taken over MY land and I am giving her the just punishment, the punishment that my kingdom requires for such acts of treason!” he said. “Lies!” the woman began, “This land belongs to me Zant!” Enraged, Zant went for an attack.. only to find himself attacked by the mighty sword of Meta-Knight several times. “ARGH!” Zant yelled, “HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME!” From behind him a huge wave of darkness came flooding toward them, one that the two puffballs recognized from their own world. “Hold on!” Meta-Knight told her, pointing to hold Kirby, she did so. Zant chased after them but in the end the wave of darkness caught up with him and swallowed him in it, turning him to darkness along with everything else. Kirby, Meta-Knight, and the mystery woman headed up to the stars to dock in the Great Fox.

Fox meanwhile landed on the sands near a large bay area. As he prepared to exit the craft, a small green suited man with red shorts fell on top of his arwing. “What the?” Fox asked himself, opening the hatch and flinging the small man from his ship. “I don’t care what General Pepper might say, I’m using my blaster on this planet” Fox insisted pulling it out and preparing for anything.

“Who are you?” Fox asked. “Me? My name is Tingle! Tingle-Tingle, Kooloo-LIMPAH! I’m making and selling maps, would you be interested in one?” he asked. Fox rolled his eyes at the being, “No, I came here to save you from the darkness” Fox said. “Darkness? Don’t need saved from any darkness. But I wouldn’t mind being saved from that thing” Tingle said, pointing to the left of Fox where stood an odd creature. “Who are you?” Fox asked, but no answer was given. “He’s the Skull Kid, and he popped my traveling balloon” Tingle whined. Fox growled a bit in annoyance. “Enough already, I came here because darkness is approaching. When it gets here you will all be turned to nothing but darkness” Fox said.

“You there! Stop that skull kid! He stole my mask!” came the voice of a salesman who was apparently talking to Fox. The Skull Kid was wearing a very odd looking mask and didn’t seem as though he was about to rid himself of it as he hobbled away. “I don’t have time for this” Fox said grumpily, refusing to track down Skull Kid, or listen to the strange Tingle any longer. “I demand a rematch!” came a voice from behind Fox this time, it belonged to K. Rool who had been blasted to the planet only a moment ago. As K. Rool pulled the odd machine out again, Fox pulled his blaster out preparing to fight off the villain, but instead Skull Kid appeared from nowhere and jumped on Fox. The beam sent out by K. Rool hit Skull Kid, solidifying the odd creature and the mask along with him.

“I’ll get you yet mammal!” K. Rool roared, already resetting the gun. Grabbing the trophy of Skull Kid, and throwing Tingle into the hold, Fox decided to head out as the darkness cloud was now nearing their current position. He wondered if he should have left the annoying Tingle behind, but his conscience overcame him and he knew he’d done the right thing, he just wished he could have saved more. Down below he watched as the darkness covered the salesman and K. Rool, whom it didn’t affect, and then the whole bay area. A huge turtle caught Fox’s eye before it too was swallowed in the darkness.

Elsewhere, Falco and Krystal had land fairly close to each other in an open field. “I don’t see anyone” Falco said, “I can’t feel any presence either, perhaps this is.. wait.. I’m picking up on someone..” Krystal said, her telepathic abilities were not of one of the higher telepathic beings in the universe, but she was able to detect others. Just then a horse carrying two people, a man and woman, came running. Directly behind them was another man, one with a gun like the others who seemed sinister, and behind him rose the cloud of darkness! “Quick, come with us, we can help you!” Krystal told them. Zelda, who possesses telepathic ability as well could sense the goodness in Krystal and Falco. “Link, let’s go with them, Ganondorf will eventually overcome us if we don’t” she told him, he nodded, still holding the trophy of Navi in his free hand.

“Quick, we gotta get out of here or we’re toast!” Falco said noticing the darkness and the man approaching quickly. Zelda vanished from the horse and reappeared inside Krystal’s ship. The female fox leapt in behind her and the engines were started. Falco climbed in his own waiting for Link. This was hard for Link, he was going to have to leave Epona behind, that would be two friends in one day. He petted its mane, then led her beside Falco’s ship where he leapt in. The hatches closed on both ships, Link looking out to see Epona run off across the field and Ganondorf looking up at the ships, firing the gun but luckily Falco and Krystal dodged. A moment later Ganondorf and then Epona were swept over by the darkness, Ganondorf was fine, but the same couldn’t be said for Link’s faithful friend.

Upon getting back to the Great Fox, Fox found Falco and Krystal had saved two, and that Kirby and Meta-Knight had saved one as well. “So, what just happened down there anyway?” Midna asked. “It was Ganondorf and another I’ve never seen before, they caused the darkness to invade our entire world” Zelda stated. “Was that the guy chasing us? That guy looked like he needed some serious psychological therapy, and he had one of those guns too” Falco said. “Hmm.. looks like my maps are useless now” Tingle said as he had looked out one of the viewing sections of the Great Fox to the planet down below being swallowed up by the darkness. Link also looked down below as well at the planet he had known and all of his various friends, knowing they were gone.

“What now Fox?” Krystal asked. “ROB, have you tracked those other signatures?” Fox asked. “Yes Fox, they’ve went to three separate worlds, a map will be available for you once you arrive on the bridge” ROB said. “Alright, Krystal, Falco, get ready. We’re going to have to split up and do what we can to make sure those bombs don’t spread to those worlds as well” Fox stated. “Fox, three signatures are leaving the planet now, one is the crocodile seen earlier that the team battled, the other two I do not recognize” ROB said. “Are they headed to attack us?” Fox asked. “No. Wait.. getting a reading.. Fox, there is another ship nearby, perhaps it is connected?” ROB said. “We need to split up in four.. If Peppy and Slippy were here that would be no problem” Fox said, closing his eyes to hold back the emotion building inside of him.

“We’ll investigate the ship” Meta-Knight spoke up, causing Fox to look to him as well as Kirby who puffed up and nodded in agreement. “Hmm.. alright. ROB, you’ll take them that way after we’ve departed. Get that map ready for us ROB” Fox said.

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