Episode 399: Twilight

From Accct Wiki

"--ise and shine, everyone! It's time for the Wacky Morning Crazy Hour, with Wojo and Stantler! The time is 6:30 in the A.M, and we're gearin' up to bring you a whole morning full of zany laughs and--"

  • KA-ZAP!*

The lump under the bed covers hardly moved, but the the smoldering alarm clock on the dresser was evidence that the magical girl was no longer sound asleep. "Uuuuuuugh...." came the groan from the bed as the sheets shifted, revealing a leg here and an arm there. "Mornings suck..."

About twenty minutes later, there came a knock at her door. "Anne? You up? You better get ready soon, or you'll be late." The voice was her brother Evan's. While their parents were on their frequent and long world-traveling charity work trips, he was technically in charge.

When he wasn't currently a four year old girl named Lilly.

"I'm coming..." Anne groggily replied. It really didn't take Anne long to get ready, just forever to get out of bed. Before long, the red-haired Wotch was dressed and dashing past her brother at the kitchen table.

"Can'ttalk,lateformeetingtheguys,haveaniceday,E!" Evan just blinked as he sipped at his apple juice, thinking he got the gist of the message, anyway.

Anne dashed out the door and ran down the street. Eventually, she caught up to the casually strolling Robin and Jason. Robin turned to her with a smile. Jason continued as if nothing had changed, but Anne knew that was his unique form of "greeting."

"Hey Anne!" Robin said happily. "We were wondering if you were going to make it!"

"He was wondering," Jason added. "I know better than to expect you on time before 10am."

Anne gave the sarcastic friend a "look" and smile, and joined the pace of her classmates as they walked to Tandy Gardens. Other students were also gathering; many walking, some getting off the buses; some being dropped off by their parents. Anne gave a wave to another group of friends standing by the flagpole. Katie, Ming, and Wolfie all waved back. Behind them, though, a blonde girl with black bangs who was wearing a long coat seemed to purposefully turn away from her wave. Cassie has been a bit of a loner as of late, Anne thought.

Still, as the bell rang to signal the start of school, Anne thought all signs pointed to this being a perfectly normal day, even for someone as abnormal as The Wotch.

Oh, how wrong she would be.

Everything seemed fine, until after school at the Mall.

After school has let out Cassie SinClair, a fifteen-year-old blonde-haired goth girl who dyes her bangs black, is walking home alone as usual when she decides to go to the mall. Cassie continues on her way and, after depositing all of her books but her most preferred spellbook into her bedroom, and leaves as quickly as she came.

Once arriving at the Acorn Mall, Cassie decided to check out...

"Hey Cassie," the cashier says to the fifteen-year-old goth as she walks into Incense 'n' Things. Unlike Tandy's other magic shop, The Magic Touch, Incense 'n' Things caters more to the gothic style of life frequently associated with those interested in witchcraft.

The cashier is a gothic girl in her early twenties named Ariel who dyes her naturally red hair purple with green tips; a very odd hairdo that goes well with her equally bizarre favorite shirt (a black turtleneck with only one sleeve), which she is wearing today.

"Same to you, Ariel," Cassie answers with a grin that's become quite rare these days. "Have anything new?"

"Got a new book in the back. I looked through it and there's some awesome stuff, but if you want to buy it you will be broke for awhile."

"How much are we talking?"


Cassie winces. "Any chance you could hold it for me for a few weeks?"

"Sorry, Cass," the cashier replies with a shrug, "The manager has been cracking down on holding things, and this job has too many perks to risk losing." Ariel stops and thinks for a second, before asking, "How much do you have on you?"


"Here's what I'll do. I will..."

Cassie wrote down the portion of the spell the cashier let her see. She wasn't a very skilled witch, but she could manage this one. It would be perfect for getting even with Robin, after he used her before. See Next Episode...

Cassie retreated to the basement room she had set aside as her private sanctum. She hadn't been at this sorcery business for all that long, but she hoped everything looked properly foreboding. There were pentagrams on nearly every flat surface and rows of black candles lined the tables and bookshelves like the wax fangs of some giant monster. Her mother was always after her to clean things up down here, figuring her "goth phase" would be over sooner or later, but Cassie never dusted or tore down any of the cobwebs. That would ruin the ambiance.

Sitting down in the center of her favorite pentagram Cassie unfolded the piece of paper onto which she had copied down the partial spell - - a spell that had drawn her eyes to it with a power all its own. Cassie grinned. This was going to be so cool...

To the one who spurned and turned From this curse you cannot flee. Now you have learned and returned Molded by me from he to she. Because I have yearned and earned The power to command thee.

Swirls of eerie blue light rose up from the paper in Cassie's hand, circled around her blonde and black hair for a moment, then streaked off, passing straight through the basement wall. No matter where he was the spell would find Robin - - and soon.

Robin was having the most awesome dream ever! Princess Anne was captured by an Evil Disembodied Lord of the Underworld - - fantasy worlds were full of those and this one was no exception. Armed with his spear and magic helmet, Sir Robin had battled all the way to the Gates of Bloody Murdor, followed by his faithful (if somewhat impudent) squire, Jason the Gray. Robin was just about to deliever the fatal blow with his spear when something strange happened - - a slithering beam of blue energy hit the spear and ran down into him, knocking him out. When Sir Robin came to he was helpless in the giant claw of the Disembodied Lord of Darkness, but he was even more surprised to see that, slightly less awesome, the Disembodied Lord now held two princesses captive... and one of them was him!

BEEP!BEEP!BEEP! The mechanical buzz of the alarm clock snapped Robin out of his puzzling dream. "Stupid alarm, but it's better than that Wojo and Stantler sho-," Robin's hand flew to his mouth, "What's wrong with my? Oh no!"

Leaping out of bed, Robin ran over to look in the mirror above his bureau then sighed with disappointment. It was hard to make out details in the dark, but sure enough, he was a girl. Again! Anne was the coolest girl he had ever met, but sometimes things had been more, well, normal before he knew her. Now Robin was stuck as Robyn and had no idea how long (s)he would stay that way. With a little luck, Robyn figured she could sneak out of the house without her mom or dad noticing the teenaged girl that had replaced their oldest son.

Oh well, no sense in putting things off. Robyn walked over to her closet. She would just get dressed, catch up with Anne before first period, get everything back to normal, and then go to class. Hoping that she had remembered to wash her favorite shirt, the one with the knight's helmet, Robyn opened the closet and flicked on the light. Her favorite shirt was nowhere to be seen, but there were plenty of other clothes.

Robyn opened the closet and flicked on the light. Her favorite shirt was nowhere to be seen, but there were plenty of other clothes. Everything had changed. Whatever was going on, Robin wasn't supposed to be just Robyn, she was... Robyn the Bimbo, apparently.

What the heck was going on?

Robyn stared in amazement at the huge selection of clothes. This closet was at least twice as big as her old one and stuffed to bursting with short skirts and slinky dresses and jeans that looked wayyyy too tight and t-shirt upon t-shirt emblazoned with logos like Spoiled or Bad Girl or Trouble. Moreover, every fashion trend of the last three years was represented, some of which looked like they had been worn once or twice and forgotten about. And just when it couldn't get any worse, everywhere Robyn looked there was lace or glitter or something colored baby blue or hot pink or with a picture of a unicorn on it. In desperation, Robyn kept searching, sliding garments back and forth on the closet rod.

It was incredible. There wasn't one normal, casual, no frills thing to wear in the entire closet. Belt buckles in the shape of hearts and flowers, sweaters and blouses with plunging necklines that made her wince to just look at them, bell bottoms with little flowers stitched along the cuffs and the back pockets, sheer white tank tops, and much too short shorts. Even the shoes were pink and white for Pete's sake! All TEN pairs of them! Just for a prank, Anne had used her magic before to make Robyn look and dress like a girl, but this was insane!

Shaking her head in disbelief, Robyn turned away from the riot of clothes and caught a look at herself in the full length mirror hanging on the inside of the closet door. Anne had turned Robin into Robyn before so she knew what to expect. Everything was familiar except for the hair.

"Omigosh," Robyn squeaked, "I'm blonde!"

Robyn decided that the best thing to do was to get dressed and to go find Anne. Robyn began tearing through her closet, looking for the best outfit to wear. This had too many frills, this would barely cover up her chest, this was way too tight. But she noticed somethign strange. Part of her mind kept telling her how cute everything was and too put it on. As she continued it became harder to resist the urge to wear something pink and covered with flowers. She settled on a light blue top and a fairly long skirt. She wasn't quite sure why she was wearing heels, but they were so cute.

Wait, what?

"Gah!" she shouted in fear. The bimbo part of her head was getting stronger. Robyn took all of her will power to force herself away from the closet and out the door.But there was a mirror on it, and she couldn't look away. She needed to something about this hair and the shirt she was wearing was sooo last year.

"No!" her male self insisted, and pushed open the door and headed towards where Anne would most likely be...

Robyn headed for they're usual meeting place before school. He wasn't sure if this cruel joke was Anne's way of punishing him for unknown mistake or if some other force in the universe wanted to see him in high heels and a skirt. As she ran downstairs she was confronted by his little brother Kirk.

"Halt! Who goes there? State your buisness or I will be forced to..."

"I-I can explain Kirk..."

"Oh it's just you sis. What is there to explain?"

"Er...nothing. I guess."

He continueed down the stairs and out the door avoiding his mother and trying to get over the shock that whatever this spell did to him it did to his entire world. Everyone knew him as Robyn the blonde and it wouldn't be long before he would start acting the part.

It wasn't long before she saw Jason and Anne. Jason was reading a comic book as usual and Anne was looking around for him.

"Hey Anne! I'm really glad to see you. I have something to tell you and it may seem..."

Robyn stopped mid-sentence and was fixated on Anee's new earrings. They matched her skirt so well and it she asked nicely maybe Anne would let her borr-
He shook the thought off with a grimmace. He had to tell Anne about the situation and no matter what see if she could at least change his hair color. 

"Anne I..."

"You look really nice in those heels Robyn. They match your shirt so nicely."

"Really you think so? I just kind of threw this all togehter in a hurry this morn-."

Robyn quickly realize he was doing it again. He had to concentrate and ask her. It took all his willpower to fight his blond instincts but finally he managaed to say...

"Anne! I need you to change me back into a boy."

Anne just stared at Robyn confused and wondering why she wanted to become a boy. Anne then thought about her statement and she was even more shocked.

"Wait a minute...back into a boy?"

"Yeah, I'm not always like this. Am I?"

Robyn then thought back to what happened with her little brother. Kirk didn't notice anything different. She know knew that it couldn't be Anne thatrnhad cast the spell and it wasn't a simple gender swapping spell.

"Why do you want to be a boy Robyn? You'll look pretty silly in that outfit."


Robyn was offended. She liked the outfit she was in. It was comfortable and it looked soooo cute. Robyn shook her head and snapped out of it.

"Forget about the outfit just change me into a guy!"

Anne lifted her hands and uttered the spell.

After it was over Robin stared down in disbelief he was...

"Forget about the outfit just change me into a guy!" Robyn hissed impatiently.

"Okay then," Anne lifted her hands and uttered the spell.

After it was over Robin stared down in disbelief. She wasn't back to normal! In fact, things were worse than ever. Now she wasn't just a teenaged bombo. She was a grown woman!

"Holy potatoes!" Anne exclaimed.

Still feeling the tingling after effects of the spell, Robyn looked down and realized she had shot up a few more inches height. Also her hair was a little longer. That was nice. But her not inconsiderable bustline had bloomed a few more inches, which would have made it nearly impossible to see her feet anyway, if it weren't for another bigger bump blocking the view.

Robyn's vision swam for a second and she nearly blakced out. She was going to have a baby and sometime soon by the look of it! That would totally wreck her figure if she didn't watch it. Placing a nervous hand on this unwelcome addition to her already altered anatomy, Robyn noted a golden band on her ring finger.

Married? Gah, Anne's spells had never done anything like this before! Maybe trying to fix the first spell thingy had gotten the new one all scrambled - - No, concentrate on the matter at hand. Hmm, hand, right.

Robyn noticed she was holding a brown lunch bag in her right hand. "Here you go, Anne! Evan said you forgot your lunch. He wanted me to run it out to you before I go to my doctor appointment."

"Oh, thanks," Anne forced a little smile and took the bag lunch. Jason's eyes glazed over and he went back to his comic as if nothing were amiss, but Anne kept watching her very closely.

"So, how's my niece-to-be coming along?"

Anne smiled as she looked at Robyn's swollen stomach and gave it a little rub.

"Oh., I felt the baby kick! Little Pearl is a fighter. Isn't that what you decided to name her?"

"Er...yeah...I guess..."

Robyn just held her stomach in disbelief. She felt the child kick as well. This was getting scary. Anne didn't remember either one of her former selves. She was totally un-aware that she had been a teenage girl just a few moments ago, and a teenage boy a day before that. Robyn was still a blonde but she was a more mature blonde a little less ditzy.

"Er...Anne...are you, like, sure you don't remember me when I was younger?"

"Younger? No. Remember we met a few years ago when you and Evan started dating."

"So...I was never..."

Robyn quickly realized that all of his adventures with Anne had never occured. With the first spell his reality had changed but for the most part his memories stayed intact. When Anne cast the second spell Robyn's reality became even more obscured.

"I'm too young to be a mother..."

Robyn said quietly to herself. Not only to young but the wrong gender.

"Oh nonsense! You and Evan will get along fine with my new niece. Lily will even have a new playmate once she grows up a little."

Robyn's thoughts turned to Evan. With all the time he spent as Lily it would be like having to raise two children! Robyn trembled, trying to stop thinking about it too much, but still silently protesting, I can't be married to Evan and I can't be a mother! I need to get back to my old self. I need to... KICK! Little Pearl, as Anne had called Robyn's prenatal passenger, seemed to be playing soccer in there. Robyn let go with a little oof! of surprise.

I need to go see a doctor about this baby, Robyn decided. Then she noticed Anne and Jason were just watching her, obviously waiting for her to say something. "Hmm? Oh, sorry, guess I was just daydreaming. I should probably, um, get to my appointment."

"Okay," Anne waved as she and Jason started on their way once more, "Let me know how everything goes! I can't wait to see my baby niece!"

"I can," Robyn muttered as she waddled back to the house she shared with her "husband" and Anne, her new sister-in-law. The door was open and her keys and - - very irritating - - purse were waiting on the counter. A card reminding her of an 8AM appointment with one Dr. Francine Stein, OB-GYN, was stuck to the fridge with a magnet.

Robyn awkwardly climbed behind the wheel of the minivan parked out front, positioning the steering wheel as far up as it would go to accommodate the round bulge of baby at her middle. At least, y'know, Evan isn't coming, Robyn consoled herself. This was going to be awkward enough as is.

The drive to the address on the card seemed strangely familiar. Robyn realized she had probably made it several times before now and didn't even question her familiarity with driving the van. There was a great little dress shop just another mile down the road. Everything seemed to just come naturally. Mostly her thoughts were occupied worrying about the new life growing inside her. She mentioned this to her doctor after being ushered into the distinguished looking older woman's office.

"Your worries are perfectly normal for any new mother, Robyn," the two white streaks in Francine Stein's jet black hair gave her a sinister appearance offset by a caring smile, "But so far there hasn't been anything to qualify your pregnancy as anything but normal."

If only you knew, Robyn thought bitterly as she laid back on the observation table, all this is completely abnormal! Dr. Stein couldn't possibly know, but - - unless whatever spell had gotten her in this fix involved time travel - - both Robyn's female form and the child it carried were products of magic. Given Anne's penchant for transformations the baby might not even be human! Her only hope was, if so, she might get some clue of how all this had been done to her. Robyn felt her knees shaking.

"Relax," Francine smiled again, "This is just a routine sonogram to make sure everything is as it should be."

Robyn reluctantly looked over at the sonogram's monitor, eyes wide with fear. It was glowing with all sorts of strange colors much different from the ones she had seen before her brother Kirk had been born. It looked more like ball lightning than a baby. Little tendrils of energy crackled out from the child, manifesting as a tickling all across the skin of her belly. Robyn looked down, "Omigod, my stomach! It's all glowy!"

"I guess that's what they mean when they say a woman is glowing," Dr. Francine Stein quipped as she shut of the sonogram machine, "Everything looks normal."

"Normal?! That's not normal! That's called glowing!"

"The glow is just a response from the baby to the sonogram's sound waves. Unborn children are very sensitive to sound - - especially yours."

"But the glow?" Robyn persisted, suprised at the motherly concern in her voice, "My baby glows!"

"Of course," Dr. Stein seemed unperturbed by Robyn's baffled behavior, "An instinctual response. The baby hears a noise and gathers energy to grant a wish."

"What do you mean exactly, y'know, by 'Grant a wish?!'"

"That's what djinn, even djinn babies, do," Dr. Stein finally noticed Robyn's odd behavior, her sharp eyebrows drawing together. The white stripes at her temples sweeping back through the black hair gave the doctor a predatory look. "Why aren't you remembering all this? You didn't run into Glock and that tazer of his - hers - whatever he is these days? The worst thing that could happen is for your child to fall into government hands."

"But I thought this was my - - Evan's baby?" Robyn had been right that her child was a product of magic, but wrong that it had been Anne's.

"Evan married you to keep you here on Earth. With a human husband you couldn't be stolen away back to the Djinn World," Dr. Stein smiled a little at what she regarded as Evan's romantic foolishness, "He really is a wonderful young man. He took you back after that evil djinn seduced you with all those stupid wishes and he's still standing by you. You should never leave him beyond the obvious reasons."

"Which are?" Robyn just couldn't believe this. Now genies were involved and she acted like a tramp just because a few wishes got thrown at her?

"Well, you could switch husbands, I suppose, but without one the djinn would most likely return for you and his offspring. Nevermind all that - - what's happened to you?"

Still reeling from the last few minutes, Robyn fumbled for an excuse...

"What's happened to you?" Dr. Francine Stein eyed Robyn, intently. Still reeling from the latest revelation about her new reality - - the father of her baby was a genie! - - Robyn fumbled for an excuse. She recalled Dr. Stein saying something about Glock and not sounding terribly happy, y'know? Blaming the mysterious government agent would be as good an excuse as any.

"Uh, I did see Glock," Robyn chirped, making her voice sound more confused than usual, "She must have messed with my head! I can't remember anything!"

"Blast!" Dr. Stein's eyes narrowed in thought, "This is most distressing, very bad. I didn't expect them to make their move before the baby was born!"

"B-but I thought Glock was, like, one of the good guys?" Robyn nervously twirled a strand of her blonde hair around one finger, realized what she was doing, and stopped.

"He must have been tampering with your mind, poor girl," Dr. Stein's weird yellow eyes darted around the examination room as if expecting a SWAT team to burst in at any second, "Mister, I mean Missus, I mean, Glock is neither good nor bad. Glock is a government agent - - she takes orders. If her superiors decide they want your baby he has to come collect."

"So what do we do?" Robyn squeaked nervously. Things just kept getting worse. Now a for really real super mysterious secret government agency was after her!

"First, we have to get you out of here," Dr. Stein helped Robyn up from the examination table and began to hustle her out of the room, "I have a safe house we can take you to."

Dr. Stein hustled Robyn from the examination room and into her main office. Hurriedly gathering up various papers and documents and tossing them into a briefcase, the doctor left Robyn to her own devices for a moment. Examining a photo of a younger Dr. Stein standing with a wild-eyed old man in a lab coat out front of a spooky castle, Robyn's back was turned to the rest of the room when she heard the doctor gasp. Robyn turned and saw another woman had appeared out of nowhere. She was a bosomy blonde just like Robyn, but this blonde was older, had a cagey look in her eyes, and was dressed in a long brown trenchcoat, vest, and fedora. Also she wasn't currently lugging around about eight months worth of baby, Robyn noted with a trace of envy. That, and she had a high-tech silver firearm in one hand and was pointing it at Dr. Stein.

"Halt!" Glock ordered in a commanding tone, "Dr. Francine Stein, you are - - !"

Without hesitating for an instant Dr. Stein made a wild leap for something concealed in the drawer of her desk. Tracking the doctor with her gun, Glock fired and a rapidly deploying web of polymer cables wrapped Stein up tighter than a mummy.

Frightened out of her wits, Robyn tried to run for the door, but she wasn't very fast or very agile in her current condition. Glock easily intercepted her, putting a gentle, but restraining hand on the young woman's shoulder. "Robyn, where are you going?"

"Oh no, don't try to act all, like, innocent!" Robyn shook her blonde head angrily. "Dr. Stein already told me you would try to take my baby!"

"Take your baby?" Glock seemed genuinely confused, "Kid, what did you think she was going to do?"

Robyn gnawed at her lower lip, realizing Dr. Stein had never specified exactly what Glock would try to do with her child. She was also a little shocked that she was so possessive of a baby she didn't even want.

"Dr. Francine Stein runs one of the biggest black market baby outfits in the Western Hemisphere. Babies able to control plants, babies able to fly or to turn into animals - - Stein can find a buyer for any of them," Glock said in a matter of fact way, "Half the paranormal threats in this part of the world were raised by extremist groups she sold children to! Once she had your kid, she could make enough money to retire permanently."

"Really?" Robyn couldn't believe she had been so taken in. Sure, her hair had those weird lightning bolt streaks in it and her eyes were a wolfish yellow, but Dr. Stein had seemed so normal.

"Really," Glock nodded, "She must have been messing with your mind." The government agent pulled the anti-brainwashing tazer from one pocket of her voluminous trenchcoat. "Here, this will help..."

"No, like, that's okay!" Robyn raised her hands and backed a few steps away. The last thing she needed was electrical shocks on top of everything else. "I'm not, um, brainwashed."

"The why don't you remember any of this?" Glock asked doubtfully.

"Because I'm not from this world, I think!" Robyn's hands cupped her belly for emphasis, "I Should Not Be in this Dimention, My Soul should not be in this Body! You know Anne is the Wotch, right?"

Glock nodded, though she seemed far from convinced.

"Well, I think one of her spells made me wake up as this, like, ditzy blonde and nobody remembered the real me. I mean, even my clothes and room had changed!" Robyn was getting frantic, talking faster and faster. Someone had to believe her! They just had to!

"When I asked her to change me back she thought I was, y'know, perfectly normal, but she tried anyway. That just made things worse - - I got older and now I'm married to her brother! And, well, I'm like this. Things just keep getting more and more screwed up!"

"You poor kid, that's quite some story," Glock shook her head in amazement.

"You believe me!" Robyn cried happily.

"Of course I do. I've seen some strange events. Heck," Glock gestured at her own voluptuous form, "I am a strange event!"

"So what do we do? Ooh!" The baby kicked as if it didn't like Robyn's plans to get out of being its mother.

"Do? Well that's a lot trickier...," Glock frowned.

"How do you we fix you without warping reality even further?" Glock asked outloud not really expecting an answer.

"I, like, don't know." Robyn said shrugging her shoulders. She had enough problems to think about with the kicking baby, the crazy doctor trying into get the baby, the government agent who was tazer crazy, and to top it all off she had been turned into a girl. Again.

"Well it certainly won't help to stay here. We should move to a more securernarea. Will you come back to me to headquarters they could be able to help you..."

Glock offered a hand up in assistance to Robyn and the two of them left the office. When they reached Robyn's mini-van Glock just turned to Robyn and stared in disbelief.

"A mini-van?" He asked questioningly?

"What!? I'm an expecting mother. You got a problem with that?"

"No...no...." Glock said timidly backing down from the clearly hormonal mother. "You better let me drive though."

A new day in Tandy

"--ise and shine, everyone! It's time for the Wacky Morning Crazy Hour, with Wojo and Stantler! The time is 6:30 in the A.M, and we're gearin' up to bring you a whole morning full of zany laughs and--"

  • KA-ZAP!*

The lump under the bed covers hardly moved, but the the smoldering alarm clock on the dresser was evidence that the magical girl was no longer sound asleep. "Uuuuuuugh...." came the groan from the bed as the sheets shifted, revealing a leg here and an arm there. "Mornings suck..."

About twenty minutes later, there came a knock at her door. "Anne? You up? You better get ready soon, or you'll be late." The voice was her brother Evan's. While their parents were on their frequent and long world-traveling charity work trips, he was technically in charge.

When he wasn't currently a four year old girl named Lilly.

"I'm coming..." Anne groggily replied. It really didn't take Anne long to get ready, just forever to get out of bed. Before long, the red-haired Wotch was dressed and dashing past her brother at the kitchen table.

"Can'ttalk,lateformeetingtheguys,haveaniceday,E!" Evan just blinked as he sipped at his apple juice, thinking he got the gist of the message, anyway.

Anne dashed out the door and ran down the street. Eventually, she caught up to the casually strolling Robin and Jason. Robin turned to her with a smile. Jason continued as if nothing had changed, but Anne knew that was his unique form of "greeting."

"Hey Anne!" Robin said happily. "We were wondering if you were going to make it!"

"He was wondering," Jason added. "I know better than to expect you on time before 10am."

Anne gave the sarcastic friend a "look" and smile, and joined the pace of her classmates as they walked to Tandy Gardens. Other students were also gathering; many walking, some getting off the buses; some being dropped off by their parents. Anne gave a wave to another group of friends standing by the flagpole. Katie, Ming, and Wolfie all waved back. Behind them, though, a blonde girl with black bangs who was wearing a long coat seemed to purposefully turn away from her wave. Cassie has been a bit of a loner as of late, Anne thought.

Still, as the bell rang to signal the start of school, Anne thought all signs pointed to this being a perfectly normal day, even for someone as abnormal as The Wotch.

Oh, how wrong she would be.

Everything seemed fine, until.... Later that day with Cassie

     Episode #2

Mar 07, 2007 21:26 Rating: G Author: Anne Onymous

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Mall Along

After school has let out Cassie SinClair, a fifteen-year-old blonde-haired goth girl who dyes her bangs black, is walking home alone as usual when she decides to go to the mall. Cassie continues on her way and, after depositing all of her books but her most preferred spellbook into her bedroom, and leaves as quickly as she came.

Once arriving at the Acorn Mall, Cassie decided to check out... Incense 'n' Things.

     Episode #6

Mar 14, 2007 22:29 Rating: G Author: Martamania <johncenamustdie @ yahoo · com>

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"Hey Cassie," the cashier says to the fifteen-year-old goth as she walks into Incense 'n' Things. Unlike Tandy's other magic shop, The Magic Touch, Incense 'n' Things caters more to the gothic style of life frequently associated with those interested in witchcraft.

The cashier is a gothic girl in her early twenties named Ariel who dyes her naturally red hair purple with green tips; a very odd hairdo that goes well with her equally bizarre favorite shirt (a black turtleneck with only one sleeve), which she is wearing today.

"Same to you, Ariel," Cassie answers with a grin that's become quite rare these days. "Have anything new?"

"Got a new book in the back. I looked through it and there's some awesome stuff, but if you want to buy it you will be broke for awhile."

"How much are we talking?"


Cassie winces. "Any chance you could hold it for me for a few weeks?"

"Sorry, Cass," the cashier replies with a shrug, "The manager has been cracking down on holding things, and this job has too many perks to risk losing." Ariel stops and thinks for a second, before asking, "How much do you have on you?"


"Here's what I'll do. I will..." "... let you copy down some of it."

     Episode #9

Mar 16, 2007 20:20 Rating: G Author: Martamania <johncenamustdie @ yahoo · com>

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Cassie wrote down the portion of the spell the cashier let her see. She wasn't a very skilled witch, but she could manage this one. It would be perfect for getting even with Robin, after he used her before [see "Date Night of DOOM"]. Cassie uses the spell, and turns Robin into a girl.

     Episode #23

Mar 26, 2007 20:02 Rating: G Author:

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Cassie retreated to the basement room she had set aside as her private sanctum. She hadn't been at this sorcery business for all that long, but she hoped everything looked properly foreboding. There were pentagrams on nearly every flat surface and rows of black candles lined the tables and bookshelves like the wax fangs of some giant monster. Her mother was always after her to clean things up down here, figuring her "goth phase" would be over sooner or later, but Cassie never dusted or tore down any of the cobwebs. That would ruin the ambiance.

Sitting down in the center of her favorite pentagram Cassie unfolded the piece of paper onto which she had copied down the partial spell - - a spell that had drawn her eyes to it with a power all its own. Cassie grinned. This was going to be so cool...

To the one who spurned and turned From this curse you cannot flee. Now you have learned and returned Molded by me from he to she. Because I have yearned and earned The power to command thee.

Swirls of eerie blue light rose up from the paper in Cassie's hand, circled around her blonde and black hair for a moment, then streaked off, passing straight through the basement wall. No matter where he was the spell would find Robin - - and soon. Robin awakens as Robyn the next day.

     Episode #56

Apr 05, 2007 18:14 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Robyn Ericson, this is your life!

Robin was having the most awesome dream ever! Princess Anne was captured by an Evil Disembodied Lord of the Underworld - - fantasy worlds were full of those and this one was no exception. Armed with his spear and magic helmet, Sir Robin had battled all the way to the Gates of Bloody Murdor, followed by his faithful (if somewhat impudent) squire, Jason the Gray. Robin was just about to deliever the fatal blow with his spear when something strange happened - - a slithering beam of blue energy hit the spear and ran down into him, knocking him out. When Sir Robin came to he was helpless in the giant claw of the Disembodied Lord of Darkness, but he was even more surprised to see that, slightly less awesome, the Disembodied Lord now held two princesses captive... and one of them was him!

BEEP!BEEP!BEEP! The mechanical buzz of the alarm clock snapped Robin out of his puzzling dream. "Stupid alarm, but it's better than that Wojo and Stantler sho-," Robin's hand flew to his mouth, "What's wrong with my? Oh no!"

Leaping out of bed, Robin ran over to look in the mirror above his bureau then sighed with disappointment. It was hard to make out details in the dark, but sure enough, he was a girl. Again! Anne was the coolest girl he had ever met, but sometimes things had been more, well, normal before he knew her. Now Robin was stuck as Robyn and had no idea how long (s)he would stay that way. With a little luck, Robyn figured she could sneak out of the house without her mom or dad noticing the teenaged girl that had replaced their oldest son.

Oh well, no sense in putting things off. Robyn walked over to her closet. She would just get dressed, catch up with Anne before first period, get everything back to normal, and then go to class. Hoping that she had remembered to wash her favorite shirt, the one with the knight's helmet, Robyn opened the closet and flicked on the light. Her favorite shirt was nowhere to be seen, but there were plenty of other clothes.

Everything had changed. Whatever was going on, Robin wasn't supposed to be just Robyn, she was... Robyn the Bimbo

     Episode #103

Apr 05, 2007 20:48 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Robyn opened the closet and flicked on the light. Her favorite shirt was nowhere to be seen, but there were plenty of other clothes. Everything had changed. Whatever was going on, Robin wasn't supposed to be just Robyn, she was... Robyn the Bimbo, apparently.

What the heck was going on?

Robyn stared in amazement at the huge selection of clothes. This closet was at least twice as big as her old one and stuffed to bursting with short skirts and slinky dresses and jeans that looked wayyyy too tight and t-shirt upon t-shirt emblazoned with logos like Spoiled or Bad Girl or Trouble. Moreover, every fashion trend of the last three years was represented, some of which looked like they had been worn once or twice and forgotten about. And just when it couldn't get any worse, everywhere Robyn looked there was lace or glitter or something colored baby blue or hot pink or with a picture of a unicorn on it. In desperation, Robyn kept searching, sliding garments back and forth on the closet rod.

It was incredible. There wasn't one normal, casual, no frills thing to wear in the entire closet. Belt buckles in the shape of hearts and flowers, sweaters and blouses with plunging necklines that made her wince to just look at them, bell bottoms with little flowers stitched along the cuffs and the back pockets, sheer white tank tops, and much too short shorts. Even the shoes were pink and white for Pete's sake! All TEN pairs of them! Just for a prank, Anne had used her magic before to make Robyn look and dress like a girl, but this was insane!

Shaking her head in disbelief, Robyn turned away from the riot of clothes and caught a look at herself in the full length mirror hanging on the inside of the closet door. Anne had turned Robin into Robyn before so she knew what to expect. Everything was familiar except for the hair.

"Omigosh," Robyn squeaked, "I'm blonde!" Get dressed and go find Anne.

     Episode #110

Apr 13, 2007 05:36 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Getting Dressed

Omigosh," Robyn squeaked, "I'm blonde!"

Robyn decided that the best thing to do was to get dressed and to go find Anne. Robyn began tearing through her closet, looking for the best outfit to wear. This had too many frills, this would barely cover up her chest, this was way too tight. But she noticed somethign strange. Part of her mind kept telling her how cute everything was and too put it on. As she continued it became harder to resist the urge to wear something pink and covered with flowers. She settled on a light blue top and a fairly long skirt. She wasn't quite sure why she was wearing heels, but they were so cute.

Wait, what?

"Gah!" she shouted in fear. The bimbo part of her head was getting stronger. Robyn took all of her will power to force herself away from the closet and out the door.But there was a mirror on it, and she couldn't look away. She needed to something about this hair and the shirt she was wearing was sooo last year.

"No!" her male self insisted, and pushed open the door and headed towards where Anne would most likely be... Somewhere Else

     Episode #288

Apr 15, 2007 23:09 Rating: G Author: titan

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Finding Anne

Robyn headed for they're usual meeting place before school. He wasn't sure if this cruel joke was Anne's way of punishing him for unknown mistake or if some other force in the universe wanted to see him in high heels and a skirt. As she ran downstairs she was confronted by his little brother Kirk.

"Halt! Who goes there? State your buisness or I will be forced to..."

"I-I can explain Kirk..."

"Oh it's just you sis. What is there to explain?"

"Er...nothing. I guess."

He continueed down the stairs and out the door avoiding his mother and trying to get over the shock that whatever this spell did to him it did to his entire world. Everyone knew him as Robyn the blonde and it wouldn't be long before he would start acting the part.

It wasn't long before she saw Jason and Anne. Jason was reading a comic book as usual and Anne was looking around for him.

"Hey Anne! I'm really glad to see you. I have something to tell you and it may seem..."

Robyn stopped mid-sentence and was fixated on Anee's new earrings. They matched her skirt so well and it she asked nicely maybe Anne would let her borr-
He shook the thought off with a grimmace. He had to tell Anne about the situation and no matter what see if she could at least change his hair color. 

"Anne I..."

"You look really nice in those heels Robyn. They match your shirt so nicely."

"Really you think so? I just kind of threw this all togehter in a hurry this morn-."

Robyn quickly realize he was doing it again. He had to concentrate and ask her. It took all his willpower to fight his blond instincts but finally he managaed to say... "Anne! I need you to change me back into a boy."

     Episode #340

Apr 16, 2007 20:29 Rating: G Author: Wanderer

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"Anne! I need you to change me back into a boy."

Anne just stared at Robyn confused and wondering why she wanted to become a boy. Anne then thought about her statement and she was even more shocked.

"Wait a minute...back into a boy?"

"Yeah, I'm not always like this. Am I?"

Robyn then thought back to what happened with her little brother. Kirk didn't notice anything different. She know knew that it couldn't be Anne thatrnhad cast the spell and it wasn't a simple gender swapping spell.

"Why do you want to be a boy Robyn? You'll look pretty silly in that outfit."


Robyn was offended. She liked the outfit she was in. It was comfortable and it looked soooo cute. Robyn shook her head and snapped out of it.

"Forget about the outfit just change me into a guy!"

Anne lifted her hands and uttered the spell.

After it was over Robin stared down in disbelief he was... something else

     Episode #366

Apr 18, 2007 05:01 Rating: G Author: Wanderer

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Mr. and Mrs. Evan Onymous

"Forget about the outfit just change me into a guy!" Robyn hissed impatiently.

"Okay then," Anne lifted her hands and uttered the spell.

After it was over Robin stared down in disbelief. She wasn't back to normal! In fact, things were worse than ever. Now she wasn't just a teenaged bombo. She was a grown woman!

"Holy potatoes!" Anne exclaimed.

Still feeling the tingling after effects of the spell, Robyn looked down and realized she had shot up a few more inches height. Also her hair was a little longer. That was nice. But her not inconsiderable bustline had bloomed a few more inches, which would have made it nearly impossible to see her feet anyway, if it weren't for another bigger bump blocking the view.

Robyn's vision swam for a second and she nearly blakced out. She was going to have a baby and sometime soon by the look of it! That would totally wreck her figure if she didn't watch it. Placing a nervous hand on this unwelcome addition to her already altered anatomy, Robyn noted a golden band on her ring finger.

Married? Gah, Anne's spells had never done anything like this before! Maybe trying to fix the first spell thingy had gotten the new one all scrambled - - No, concentrate on the matter at hand. Hmm, hand, right.

Robyn noticed she was holding a brown lunch bag in her right hand. "Here you go, Anne! Evan said you forgot your lunch. He wanted me to run it out to you before I go to my doctor appointment."

"Oh, thanks," Anne forced a little smile and took the bag lunch. Jason's eyes glazed over and he went back to his comic as if nothing were amiss, but Anne kept watching her very closely. "So, how's my niece-to-be coming along?"

     Episode #401

Apr 23, 2007 05:50 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Mother of Pearl!

"So, how's my niece-to-be coming along?"

Anne smiled as she looked at Robyn's swollen stomach and gave it a little rub.

"Oh., I felt the baby kick! Little Pearl is a fighter. Isn't that what you decided to name her?"

"Er...yeah...I guess..."

Robyn just held her stomach in disbelief. She felt the child kick as well. This was getting scary. Anne didn't remember either one of her former selves. She was totally un-aware that she had been a teenage girl just a few moments ago, and a teenage boy a day before that. Robyn was still a blonde but she was a more mature blonde a little less ditzy.

"Er...Anne...are you, like, sure you don't remember me when I was younger?"

"Younger? No. Remember we met a few years ago when you and Evan started dating."

"So...I was never..."

Robyn quickly realized that all of his adventures with Anne had never occured. With the first spell his reality had changed but for the most part his memories stayed intact. When Anne cast the second spell Robyn's reality became even more obscured.

"I'm too young to be a mother..."

Robyn said quietly to herself. Not only to young but the wrong gender.

"Oh nonsense! You and Evan will get along fine with my new niece. Lily will even have a new playmate once she grows up a little."

Robyn's thoughts turned towards Evan. Robyn just shook her head violently trying to stop herself from thinking about it too much. I can't be married to Evan and I can't be a mother. I need to get back to my old self. I need to...

Go see a doctor about this baby

     Episode #485

Apr 24, 2007 05:28 Rating: G Author: Wanderer

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Is there a doctor in the house?

Robyn's thoughts turned to Evan. With all the time he spent as Lily it would be like having to raise two children! Robyn trembled, trying to stop thinking about it too much, but still silently protesting, I can't be married to Evan and I can't be a mother! I need to get back to my old self. I need to... KICK! Little Pearl, as Anne had called Robyn's prenatal passenger, seemed to be playing soccer in there. Robyn let go with a little oof! of surprise.

I need to go see a doctor about this baby, Robyn decided. Then she noticed Anne and Jason were just watching her, obviously waiting for her to say something. "Hmm? Oh, sorry, guess I was just daydreaming. I should probably, um, get to my appointment."

"Okay," Anne waved as she and Jason started on their way once more, "Let me know how everything goes! I can't wait to see my baby niece!"

"I can," Robyn muttered as she waddled back to the house she shared with her "husband" and Anne, her new sister-in-law. The door was open and her keys and - - very irritating - - purse were waiting on the counter. A card reminding her of an 8AM appointment with one Dr. Francine Stein, OB-GYN, was stuck to the fridge with a magnet.

Robyn awkwardly climbed behind the wheel of the minivan parked out front, positioning the steering wheel as far up as it would go to accommodate the round bulge of baby at her middle. At least, y'know, Evan isn't coming, Robyn consoled herself. This was going to be awkward enough as is.

The drive to the address on the card seemed strangely familiar. Robyn realized she had probably made it several times before now and didn't even question her familiarity with driving the van. There was a great little dress shop just another mile down the road. Everything seemed to just come naturally. Mostly her thoughts were occupied worrying about the new life growing inside her. She mentioned this to her doctor after being ushered into the distinguished looking older woman's office.

"Your worries are perfectly normal for any new mother, Robyn," the two white streaks in Francine Stein's jet black hair gave her a sinister appearance offset by a caring smile, "But so far there hasn't been anything to qualify your pregnancy as anything but normal."

If only you knew, Robyn thought bitterly as she laid back on the observation table, all this is completely abnormal! Dr. Stein couldn't possibly know, but - - unless whatever spell had gotten her in this fix involved time travel - - both Robyn's female form and the child it carried were products of magic. Given Anne's penchant for transformations the baby might not even be human! Her only hope was, if so, she might get some clue of how all this had been done to her. Robyn felt her knees shaking.

"Relax," Francine smiled again, "This is just a routine sonogram to make sure everything is as it should be."

Robyn looked over at the monitor, eyes wide with fear. The sonogram image was glowing, her baby bursting with energy.

     Episode #532

Apr 24, 2007 21:48 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Energetic Infant

Robyn reluctantly looked over at the sonogram's monitor, eyes wide with fear. It was glowing with all sorts of strange colors much different from the ones she had seen before her brother Kirk had been born. It looked more like ball lightning than a baby. Little tendrils of energy crackled out from the child, manifesting as a tickling all across the skin of her belly. Robyn looked down, "Omigod, my stomach! It's all glowy!"

"I guess that's what they mean when they say a woman is glowing," Dr. Francine Stein quipped as she shut of the sonogram machine, "Everything looks normal."

"Normal?! That's not normal! That's called glowing!"

"The glow is just a response from the baby to the sonogram's sound waves. Unborn children are very sensitive to sound - - especially yours."

"But the glow?" Robyn persisted, suprised at the motherly concern in her voice, "My baby glows!"

"Of course," Dr. Stein seemed unperturbed by Robyn's baffled behavior, "An instinctual response. The baby hears a noise and gathers energy to grant a wish."

"What do you mean exactly, y'know, by 'Grant a wish?!'"

"That's what djinn, even djinn babies, do," Dr. Stein finally noticed Robyn's odd behavior, her sharp eyebrows drawing together. The white stripes at her temples sweeping back through the black hair gave the doctor a predatory look. "Why aren't you remembering all this? You didn't run into Glock and that tazer of his - hers - whatever he is these days? The worst thing that could happen is for your child to fall into government hands."

"But I thought this was my - - Evan's baby?" Robyn had been right that her child was a product of magic, but wrong that it had been Anne's.

"Evan married you to keep you here on Earth. With a human husband you couldn't be stolen away back to the Djinn World," Dr. Stein smiled a little at what she regarded as Evan's romantic foolishness, "He really is a wonderful young man. He took you back after that evil djinn seduced you with all those stupid wishes and he's still standing by you. You should never leave him beyond the obvious reasons."

"Which are?" Robyn just couldn't believe this. Now genies were involved and she acted like a tramp just because a few wishes got thrown at her?

"Well, you could switch husbands, I suppose, but without one the djinn would most likely return for you and his offspring. Nevermind all that - - what's happened to you?"

Still reeling from the last few minutes, Robyn fumbled for an excuse... "Uh, I did see Glock. She must have messed with my head!"

     Episode #560

Apr 26, 2007 08:03 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Against the Glock!

"What's happened to you?" Dr. Francine Stein eyed Robyn, intently. Still reeling from the latest revelation about her new reality - - the father of her baby was a genie! - - Robyn fumbled for an excuse. She recalled Dr. Stein saying something about Glock and not sounding terribly happy, y'know? Blaming the mysterious government agent would be as good an excuse as any.

"Uh, I did see Glock," Robyn chirped, making her voice sound more confused than usual, "She must have messed with my head! I can't remember anything!"

"Blast!" Dr. Stein's eyes narrowed in thought, "This is most distressing, very bad. I didn't expect them to make their move before the baby was born!"

"B-but I thought Glock was, like, one of the good guys?" Robyn nervously twirled a strand of her blonde hair around one finger, realized what she was doing, and stopped.

"He must have been tampering with your mind, poor girl," Dr. Stein's weird yellow eyes darted around the examination room as if expecting a SWAT team to burst in at any second, "Mister, I mean Missus, I mean, Glock is neither good nor bad. Glock is a government agent - - she takes orders. If her superiors decide they want your baby he has to come collect."

"So what do we do?" Robyn squeaked nervously. Things just kept getting worse. Now a for really real super mysterious secret government agency was after her!

"First, we have to get you out of here," Dr. Stein helped Robyn up from the examination table and began to hustle her out of the room, "I have a safe house we can take you to." Glock appears out of nowhere, gun drawn, "Halt!"

     Episode #633

Apr 30, 2007 02:37 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Who are the good guys again?

Dr. Stein hustled Robyn from the examination room and into her main office. Hurriedly gathering up various papers and documents and tossing them into a briefcase, the doctor left Robyn to her own devices for a moment. Examining a photo of a younger Dr. Stein standing with a wild-eyed old man in a lab coat out front of a spooky castle, Robyn's back was turned to the rest of the room when she heard the doctor gasp. Robyn turned and saw another woman had appeared out of nowhere. She was a bosomy blonde just like Robyn, but this blonde was older, had a cagey look in her eyes, and was dressed in a long brown trenchcoat, vest, and fedora. Also she wasn't currently lugging around about eight months worth of baby, Robyn noted with a trace of envy. That, and she had a high-tech silver firearm in one hand and was pointing it at Dr. Stein.

"Halt!" Glock ordered in a commanding tone, "Dr. Francine Stein, you are - - !"

Without hesitating for an instant Dr. Stein made a wild leap for something concealed in the drawer of her desk. Tracking the doctor with her gun, Glock fired and a rapidly deploying web of polymer cables wrapped Stein up tighter than a mummy.

Frightened out of her wits, Robyn tried to run for the door, but she wasn't very fast or very agile in her current condition. Glock easily intercepted her, putting a gentle, but restraining hand on the young woman's shoulder. "Robyn, where are you going?"

"Oh no, don't try to act all, like, innocent!" Robyn shook her blonde head angrily. "Dr. Stein already told me you would try to take my baby!"

"Take your baby?" Glock seemed genuinely confused, "Kid, what did you think she was going to do?"

Robyn gnawed at her lower lip, realizing Dr. Stein had never specified exactly what Glock would try to do with her child. She was also a little shocked that she was so possessive of a baby she didn't even want.

"Dr. Francine Stein runs one of the biggest black market baby outfits in the Western Hemisphere. Babies able to control plants, babies able to fly or to turn into animals - - Stein can find a buyer for any of them," Glock said in a matter of fact way, "Half the paranormal threats in this part of the world were raised by extremist groups she sold children to! Once she had your kid, she could make enough money to retire permanently."

"Really?" Robyn couldn't believe she had been so taken in. Sure, her hair had those weird lightning bolt streaks in it and her eyes were a wolfish yellow, but Dr. Stein had seemed so normal.

"Really," Glock nodded, "She must have been messing with your mind." The government agent pulled the anti-brainwashing tazer from one pocket of her voluminous trenchcoat. "Here, this will help..." Robyn explains her "memory loss."

     Episode #768

Apr 30, 2007 03:48 Rating: PG Author: Dr. Rockula

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No tazer, thanks!

"She must have been messing with your mind," Glock pulled the anti-brainwashing tazer from a pocket of her voluminous trenchcoat. "Here, this will help..."

"No, like, that's okay!" Robyn raised her hands and backed a few steps away. The last thing she needed was electrical shocks on top of everything else. "I'm not, um, brainwashed."

"The why don't you remember any of this?" Glock asked doubtfully.

"Because I'm not from this world, I think!" Robyn's hands cupped her belly for emphasis, "I shouldn't be pregnant. I shouldn't even be a girl! You know Anne is the Wotch, right?"

Glock nodded, though she seemed far from convinced.

"Well, I think one of her spells made me wake up as this, like, ditzy blonde and nobody remembered the real me. I mean, even my clothes and room had changed!" Robyn was getting frantic, talking faster and faster. Someone had to believe her! They just had to!

"When I asked her to change me back she thought I was, y'know, perfectly normal, but she tried anyway. That just made things worse - - I got older and now I'm married to her brother! And, well, I'm like this. Things just keep getting more and more screwed up!"

"You poor kid, that's quite some story," Glock shook her head in amazement.

"You believe me!" Robyn cried happily.

"Of course I do. I've seen some strange events. Heck," Glock gestured at her own voluptuous form, "I am a strange event!"

"So what do we do? Ooh!" The baby kicked as if it didn't like Robyn's plans to get out of being its mother.

"Do? Well that's a lot trickier...," Glock frowned. "How do we fix you without warping reality even further?"

     Episode #772

May 01, 2007 15:44 Rating: G Author: Dr. Rockula

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Doing...well at least trying

"How do you we fix you without warping reality even further?" Glock asked outloud not really expecting an answer.

"I, like, don't know." Robyn said shrugging her shoulders. She had enough problems to think about with the kicking baby, the crazy doctor trying into get the baby, the government agent who was tazer crazy, and to top it all off she had been turned into a girl. Again.

"Well it certainly won't help to stay here. We should move to a more securernarea. Will you come back to me to headquarters they could be able to help you..."

Glock offered a hand up in assistance to Robyn and the two of them left the office. When they reached Robyn's mini-van Glock just turned to Robyn and stared in disbelief.

"A mini-van?" He asked questioningly?

"What!? I'm an expecting mother. You got a problem with that?"

"No...no...." Glock said timidly backing down from the clearly hormonal mother. "You better let me drive though."

They got in the van and Glock started heading towards the government's headquarters. When suddenly... Robyn went into Labor.

     Episode #803

May 02, 2007 02:43 Rating: G Author: Wanderer

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Manual Labor - - with a capital Man.

The two blonde women got in the minivan and Glock started heading towards her agency's new local headquarters in Tandy. Around the time they were passing the Teens2Tots Daycare facility Robyn suddenly felt like the worst cramp in the universe had settled into her lower back. She shifted a little in the passenger seat, trying to relieve the discomfort, but it just rippled and spread through forward through her belly instead. After a minute or so it seemed to fade and Robyn breathed a sigh of relief.

About ten minutes later, after they had cut through on Woodhaven Blvd. and turned off onto Gwydion Avenue, it happened again, longer this time. Her entire belly had convulsed and locked up for a moment. Now she was getting worried. By the time they reached Cabot street on the other side of town it was happening again! This time, Robyn involuntarily gasped in discomfort.

"What's wrong?" Glock looked over with a trace of concern at her pregnant passenger.

"I d-don't know," Robyn whimpered, "I keep getting these weird pains. It starts in my back and..."

"Weird pains?" Glock interrupted, "How far apart are they?"

"I dunno. A few minutes? Why?" Robyn's eyes were big and full of dread. On some level she already knew the answer.

"I think they're contractions. You're going into labor!" Glock upped the speed another notch and passed a slower moving car.

"B-but Dr. Stein said I wasn't due for, like, another month!" Robyn cried in desperation. What about her extra four weeks to get out of this mess?! This couldn't be happening!

"That's what happens when you trust someone who graduated medical school in Transylvania!" Glock took a sharp right, going a little faster than was strictly safe for a residential street by about, oh, twenty miles an hour.

"But she didn't! She went to school in Gen - - ungh!" Robyn gritted her teeth and pressed both hands to her belly, writhing in her seat, "Ohmigod, that hurt!"

"Just keep calm," Glock urged her, "we're almost to the base!"

"Forget the base," Robyn growled through clenched teeth, "I need a hospital!"

"But," Glock turned and saw an ugly look in Robyn's eyes and gulped, "Okay then, hospital it is!" Glock pulled a quick U-turn and zoomed back down Orlando Avenue to the Tandy Gardens Regional Hospital at top speed. Screeching to a halt in front of the Delivery Room Entrance, Glock assisted a panting, wild-eyed Robyn into a wheelchair, pushing her through the automatically opening doors. A few hurried explanations later - - Dr. Stein was indisposed, Glock was Robyn's "very concerned older sister" whose insurance would cover everything, and so on - - Robyn was checked into Delivery Room 13. Somewhere along the line someone called Evan to let him know that his wife's bundle of joy was on its way a little sooner than expected.

Robyn was blissfully unaware of this last development. The combination of curious onlookers in the lobby, an officious weasel faced attendant behind the registration desk, a small army of irritatingly competent and almost bored looking nurses rushing to and fro, and the complete normalcy with which everyone was treating the absolute, totally worst day of her life, had sufficiently distracted her to never consider she might have to share this wretched moment with her "husband."

That, and the sensation of her entire midsection being, like, slammed shut inside an iron maiden!, took up a good chunk of her scattered thoughts. So when Evan ran into the delivery room and rushed to her side Robyn couldn't help grunting out between harsh panting breaths, "Oh no, what are you doing here?!"

Evan looked hurt. Dr. Stein had told him to expect some pretty rude comments, but he hadn't expected them so soon in the game. Taking Robyn's hand in his Evan said, "Honey, everything is going to be fine. Little Pearl is going to be perfectly safe!"

Seeing the two wedding bands so close together Robyn whimpered. Even if she survived this, and Robyn was in totally so much pain she wondered if she would - - the evidence of millions of other young women across thew world with babies propped on one hip notwithstanding - - she was trapped. The baby was half-genie. If she left Evan the father would come after her.

The next contraction was rising like a deadly wave. The baby was crackling with energy inside her, manifesting not as tickles this time but as little earthquake tremors. The doctors weren't quite ready, equipment was still being wheeled around, scrubs gotten into. Everything was noise and confusion. At that particular moment no one was looking directly at the unwitting, unwilling mother and nervous father.

The pain hit and Robin's belly began to first brightly glow, then blaze with eerie light. The outline of the child was briefly visible inside her. Robyn threw her blonde hair back in intense pain and cried, "Omigod! I wish I could just go home!" There was a weird soundless thunderclap of whooshing air and a multicolored strobe of light. Everything skipped and jumped. When it passed Robyn was demurely seated in a wheelchair, being wheeled out the front doors of Tandy Regional Hospital, a tiny blanket wrapped bundle cradled in her arms. "Good luck with your new little girl, Mrs. Onymous," one of the doctors called out as Robyn was being wheeled by.

Robyn gasped. Time had jumped again and somehow the baby had, like, made it happen. Little Pearl Onymous was totally half-genie! Robyn considered waking the baby up and trying a second wish, one that would get her back to her real home, but she was too happy about skipping most of the, y'know, messy stuff that went on in a delivery room to think clearly.

"Hi, honey!" Evan was waiting out front with the minivan. He and the nurse pushing her wheelchair got Pearl situated in the infant's car seat while Robyn clumsily climbed into the passenger seat. She was no longer front heavy, but she was stiff and sore and very, very tired. Evan gave her a peck on the cheek as he climbed in the driver's side and Robyn was too worn out to even pull away. "Hey, beautiful, I see you got your figure back."

Robyn looked down at her very adult, very female body and thought, Like, this isn't my figure! I'm a high school kid! I'm a boy! It was becoming harder and harder to maintain her original sense of self the longer she was trapped in this totally lame otherworld.

When they got home Evan was left the unenviable task of carrying in not only all of Robyn's bags and clothing, but the flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, and other gifts from well-wishers. Meanwhile, Robyn carried her new baby upstairs to the spare room Evan had outfitted as a nursery. Still asleep, little Pearl was laid down in her bassinet. Looking down at her Robyn realized she didn't look fully human. The young mother wondered how it was the staff at the hospital hadn't noticed. Pearl's one cowlick of hair was blonde like hers, but Robyn guessed the baby girl had inherited the pointed ears and orange skin from her genie father.

Robyn began to pace the room like a caged lioness, wracking her brains for a way out of this mess. Suddenly, A voice Spoke from the Shadows

"I am Here, Robyn." Robyn Heard Something. She turned around to find Trasme. "Her Orange Skin is Just a Temporary Effect of her Genie Powers"

"And it's a Beginning of a Prophacy" another Figure appeared in front of Her, It was Xaos, "You were Sent to the twilight Realm of the wotch, for A Reason"

30 Years into this dimention's Future, The Wotch(Lily, Due to Anne Turning to the Subspace Army On Pearl's 15th Birthday) and Her Genie Companion(Pearl) will Awaken from A Deep Sleep and become Characters in Brawl's Subspace Emmissarry, when Sora Faces Lord XANA and Terrabyte (A Mix Between Megabyte,<Upper Body> Gigabyte,<Left Arm> Grandfather,<Right Arm> X-Tremebob Squarepants<Hands> and the Delightful Reaper<Head and Lower Body>)


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