Episode 38: New Kid in ToonTown

From Accct Wiki

[edit] Part 1

A young 10-year-old boy watches some Machoke and other movers take out the furniture out of the truck and into the house. The boy had fudgy brown hair in a swirling hairdo, blue eyes, and wore a red shirt with a yellow neutron symbol on it, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

This was Retroville’s boy genius: Jimmy Neutron. Well, he used to be the boy genius there. Ever since his dad, Hugh, got a new job, Jimmy and his family moved into ToonTown. He never went to this town before, not even hear or know about it. Still, he felt lonely since he had to leave his friends, town, and his lab. Jimmy knew he can built another lab in the backyard of his house, but wasn’t sure if he was going to make any friends (or even human guinea pigs to test on).

Jimmy’s mom, Judy, comes out of the car, carrying her suitcase, spotting her son with his robotic dog, Goddard. “Jimmy!” she called.

Jimmy heard her. “Yeah?” he answered as he pets Goddard and sighs sadly, sitting on the front of his new house.

“James Issc Neutron,” Judy said to him, “What are you doing here? You should be carrying your things to your new room.”

“Oh yeah,” Jimmy said, “Right.”

Hugh, Judy, and Jimmy carry their stuff and head to their new bedrooms. Soon, Jimmy already set up his bedroom with some help of the movers. He looks another and comes to his new window. He looks out to see more of ToonTown, which seemed to be an interesting place to live in.

He turns to see the house next to his house, which was an apartment with some UFO equipment on top with the words, ‘Fenton Works’ showing in neon green. He looks and sees another window showing another bedroom with a boy inside. He was older than him and seemed fourteen years old. He had raven black hair and light blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with a red collar, red rims on the sleeves, and a red oval symbol on his shirt, also wearing blue jeans, and red and white sneakers. Jimmy peeks in to see the teenaged boy reading a book. The boy seemed bored as he reads. The boy stops and spots something. He turns to see Jimmy looking at him though his window.

Jimmy screamed and quickly closed the curtains, nearly afraid that the other boy could have spotted him. The boy next door cocked a brow, confused. Back at his room, Jimmy sighs in relief and turns to see his parents.

“So Jimbo,” Hugh asked him, “What do you think of the neighborhood?”

“Well, the house next door seems…unusual,” Jimmy said, “But it’s good. But all my friends are back at our hometown.”

“Sweetie,” Judy said, “You’re gonna love ToonTown. You might even like the new school.”

“New school?”

“ToonSchool,” Hugh answered, “Lot of famous people here, were graduates from there.”

“Really?” Jimmy asked.

“I know you’re gonna like it there,” Judy said, “And you’ll make lots of new friends, I assure you.”

“You think so?”

Judy sighs and gives his son a smile. “Here’s the deal,” Judy states, “If Hugh finds a new job in Retroville and you don’t like your school, we can move back. Deal?” Judy leads Jimmy a hand.

“Deal!” Jimmy said happily and shakes his mom’s hand. His parents leave the room as Jimmy lies on bed. He had a rough day since he spent it on packing things and moving to ToonTown from fat away.

“Bark! Bark!” Goddard comes to his owner and licks him to make Jimmy feel better.

“Don’t worry Goddard,” Jimmy said, “I know we can get through this. I hope so…”

It was the next day. Hugh and Judy drive Jimmy next to the school. Jimmy look out the car window. This school was better and seems a bit wacky. It looked like a school combined with an academy, a large building, and almost like a castle somehow. He looks to see kids who are the same age as him, also younger or older than him. There were tons of kids attending this school. It seems to put an interest in Jimmy.

He smiles seeing all the kids, except some. He sees a group of bigger kids laughing were one girl with red hair and pink eyes, pushes another kid aside, making him fall on the ground. She and the gang laughed even another boy, who seemed to be the same age as him, next to a streetlight near the school. He was yellow with spiky hair, wearing a red t-shirt, blue shorts, and shoes. Jimmy could notice that although the yellow boy was laughing, he had a sad face seeming to not like the redhead picking on the kid.

“So Jimmy.” Jimmy turns to see his mom talking. “What do you think of the school?” Jud asked.

“Pretty cool,” Jimmy responded, “There’s a lot of kids here.” Jimmy opens the door and gets out of his parents’ car.

Hugh drives off as he and Judy call to Jimmy, who’s now standing on the sidewalk. “See ya Jimbo!” Hugh called.

“Remember the rules I told you Jimmy!” Judy also called, “Make new friends! And don’t talk to strangers!”

“Sure thing Mom,” Jimmy waved, “Bye!”

Jimmy turns and takes a deep breath. He walks toward the school to watch it in amazement. Some of the kids were playing around and having fun as some kids were talking with each other. Jimmy smiles but unnoticing, he hits another kids as they both fall on the ground with their things falling out of their bags. Jimmy groans and gets up to see the mess. He quickly picks them up and so does the other kid. “Oh, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Jimmy said to the kids, “Truly am sorry!” Jimmy and the kid get up where he sees that the kid was with five other kids, a blue blob, and a blue koala-like alien dog.

The kid was a bucktoothed boy with brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a pink hat and shirt and blue pants connecting to his feet. Another was an eight-year-old Hawaiian girl with long raven black hair and brown eyes, wearing a red dress with white flowers on them and sandals. The boy was also eight years old and had brown hair, a red t-shirt over his white one, brown pants, and black shoes.

The three five-year-olds were seemingly identical girls in colorful dresses and had big heads and bug-eyes. The first girl was a redhead with pink eyes and a pink dress with a black belt around it, also wearing a red hair bow on head with a heart-shaped hairclip to tie her long hair in a ponytail. The second is blonde with pigtails and has blues eyes and a blue dress. The third had short perky raven black hair and has green eyes, wearing a green dress that is the same as the other girls.

“Hey! It’s okay!” the bucktoothed kid said, “It’s no problem!”

“Still sorry,” Jimmy said, “I’m…well…new in town.”

The kids gasped. “Really?” the blue eyed girl asked.

“That’s great!” the blob said.

“We’re new here too!” the Hawaiian girl said, “Except we live in TownToon, but new in school.”

“Eh!” the blue alien dog agreed.

“Cool!” Jimmy said shaking hands with the bucktoothed kid, “I’m Jimmy! Jimmy Neutron!”

“Timmy Turner,” the bucktooth kid introduced.

“Mac,” the other brown haired kid answered with the blue blob, “And this is my imaginary friend, Bloo.”

“Hiya!” Bloo greeted.

“I’m Lilo,” the Hawaiian girl said, “And this my dog, Stitch. He’s an alien created by another alien in another galaxy.”

“Wow!” Jimmy said amazed to see the alien dog, Stitch.

“H-H-Hi!” Stitch greeted and waved.

“And we’re the PowerPuff Girls,” the pink eyed girl said as she and the other identical girl float in midair, “We’re few of the super Toons around here in this school. My name is Blossom.”

“Buttercup,” the green eyed girl answered crossing her arms and smiling proudly.

“And I’m Bubbles!” the blue eyed girl said cheerfully.

“It’s really cool to meet you guys!” Jimmy said excitingly.

“Cool to meet you also!” Timmy said, “Right guys?”

“Right!” the other kids agree. Jimmy smiles. The kids seem to be friendly and like him.

“Attention all new students!” a voice called. The kids look up to see the voice coming from the speaker in the intercom. “Attention all new students!” the speaker repeated.

“Dude! That’s us!” Timmy said to Jimmy.

“Please report to the principal’s office immediately for your school tour,” the speaker announced, “That is all for now.”

“School Tour?” Jimmy wondered.

Blossom takes out a large yellow rule book. “According to the ToonSchool Rule Book,” Blossom explained, “The new students take a tour in the school to stop info and locations of our whereabouts, guided by the principal here.”

“Sounds cool!” Timmy exclaimed.

“Yeah!” Jimmy agreed, “I can’t wait for the tour!”

Later on, Jimmy, Timmy, Mac, Bloo, Lilo, Stitch, and the PowerPuffs are in the secretary office in front of the principal’s office. The secretary was a humanoid duck known as Daisy. “I’m sorry guys,” Daisy said sadly, “Apparently, the principal can’t give out the tour now. He’s on a very busy schedule today.”

“What?” the kids cried in shock.

“But in the Rule Book,” Blossom objected, “Every new student gets a tour here!”

“I’m really sorry,” Daisy said.

All of a sudden, someone burst out of the entrance holding a large stack of papers. It was a humanoid yellow sea sponge. “Hi Daisy!” the sponge greeted, “Sorry, I’m late.” The sponge grunted and places the papers on Daisy’s desk. “Here’s the paperwork you wanted,” he said and spots the new kids, “Why hello! How are ya?”

“Hi,” Jimmy nervously greeted.

“Everyone,” Daisy said to them, “This is Mr. SpongeBob SquarePants. According to your class schedules, he’s going to be your new homeroom and English teacher.”

“That’s great!” SpongeBob said and smiles at the students, “You’re gonna love it here in my class, especially the school. I used to be a graduate there!”

“That’s awesome Mr. SquarePants!” Jimmy said excitingly.

“Yeah,” Mac agreed, “To bad, we can’t have a tour.”

“Hmmm,” Daisy wondered and snaps her fingers, having an idea as she turns to SpongeBob, “SpongeBob, since the principal can’t do the tour now, why don’t you give the new kids a tour to the school yourself?”

“Why I would love too!” SpongeBob said happily.

“YAY!!!” Jimmy and the kids cheered.

“But sadly, I’m busy also,” SpongeBob mentions.

“Aw….” The kids groaned.

“But don’t worry guys,” SpongeBob said, “I think I know someone who can give you the tour. He knows a lot about the school and is in fact one of my favorite students…”

Then, the door bursts open to see another kid. Jimmy gasped. It was the teenaged boy he saw in the room though his window. “Hey Mr. SquarePants!” the teenager said placing another stack of papers on Daisy’s desk, “You forgot there other files.”

“Thanks!” SpongeBob said to the kids, “I knew I forgot something!”

“I can’t believe it,” Jimmy said seeing the kid, “You’re the boy next door, who’s my neighbor!”

“Yeah,” the boy agreed, “And you’re the kid who was peeking in my room through your window!”

Jimmy gulps a bit. “Sorry about that.”

“No big.”

“Newbies,” SpongeBob said with the teenager next to them, “Here’s one of my top students in my class…Danny Fenton. He’s also a ghostly superhero…Danny Phantom!”

“Whoa…” the kids said in awe, just staring at Danny.

“Nice to meet you,: Danny smiled.

“I was just mentioning you,” SpongeBob said to his student, “By the way Dan, think you give the kids a tour around the school. The principal and I are busy and you’re not right? I can give you permission.”

“Sure thing dude,” Danny agreed.

“Yes!” Jimmy and Timmy said as the others cheer on.

“And that takes care of it!” Daisy said happily as Danny leads the new kids out of the room, “But let me tell you guys something…this school is not your daily average school you go to…”

“What does that supposed to mean?” Buttercup wondered.

“Oh you’re see…” Danny said smiling, “Right this way!”

Danny begins the tour immediately leading Jimmy, Timmy, Mac, Lilo, Bloo, Stitch, and the PowerPuff Girls outside the school. “First we start here… the school grounds,” Danny began, “There here’s something really amazing…” The kids look up to see a giant stature of a humanoid mouse. “This is Mickey Mouse,” Danny said.

“Who’s he?” Jimmy wondered.

“You don’t know?” Blossom asked, “Mickey Mouse is the founder of ToonTown and ToonSchool. He’s also the principal here.”

“Correct, Blossom,” Danny agreed.

“Ooh…” the kids said in amazement.

“You’ll see…Mickey likes schools because of the learning, teaching, and other things,” Danny explained, “But then, he had an idea. ‘Why not make a school where you learn…and have fun and games all the time!?’ So, ToonSchool was built! If it weren’t for him…we would be bored reading books and writing essays now...”

Second, Danny leads them inside the school where they see a large and long hallway with tons of lockers. “This is the hallway where it has all of the lockers here,” Danny explained, “There are so many students who attend ToonSchool, that there are so many lockers that are even high up!”

“How high?” Timmy asked. That’s when a tall imaginary friend, Wilt, comes in and reaches a locker, which at the same height as him. He takes his things and leaves.

“That high,” Danny answered.

“Whoa!” Suddenly, a red dragon flies down and crashes on the floor. He somehow changes back to an Asian kid with black hair with green rims, a red jacket, blue shorts, and black shoes. He gets up. “Aw man! I gotta remind myself of how high my locker is,” the kid said and turns to see the kids, “Danny! What up!”

“Jake my man!” Danny said giving him a high five. He turns to the kids. “This is Jake Long, one of the students here.”

“Hey there dudes!” Jake greeted, “I see you’re doing a tour here huh?”

“Oh yeah,” Danny said, “Moving on…”

Jake joins Danny and his tour group as Danny leads them to certain places. “Here’s the classrooms…” Danny said showing the kids some classes with teachers teaching to some students.

“The playground…” Danny introduced showing them a large playground with tons of slides, monkey bars, swings, and many more.

“Whoa…” the kids said amazed.

“The gym…” Danny said. The kids see a teacher, Mr. Barkin, whistling at students as they go through the obstacle course.

“Let’s go! Let’s go people!” Barkin cried, “Move it!”

“And the cafeteria…” Danny announced. The kids were amazed to see a large cafeteria with tons of food that they actually like. “Next we have…”

Before Danny can say anything, the kids stop to see a adult yelling at other students like Ben, Dash, and Yang as they run out. “What are you doing here?” the adult yelled, “Go back to class! No speeding or running in halls! Do you hear me!?”

Danny quickly closes the door to the cafeteria. “That’s Vice Principal Prickly,” Danny said to them, “He’s…’The Man.’”

The kids were a bit silent. “Huh?” Jimmy finally spoke.

“As in, he doesn’t play by the rules yo!” Jake answered, “He thinks that the fun and games in the school are bad and thinks the learning and rules are better!”

“And you’re don’t wanna get busted or even mess with him!” Danny warned, “You don’t even want to be in his office!”

“Tell me about it!” Ben said to the kids and runs back to class.

Jimmy looks at Ben, but stops hearing some kind of whirring sound. He turns to see a ten year old kid who was taller than them, looking at Jimmy with his camera. “Do you mind?” the kid asked, “Don’t look at the camera.”

“Do you mind if you can back off a bit Tommy?” Danny asked, “He needs some space. Besides, he’s new.”

“Sorry,” the kid said backing off and turning off his camera, “Hi! I’m Tommy Pickles, Danny and Jake’s friend. I’m one of the cameramen in our TV Broadcasting class.”

“Sweet!” Blossom, Mac, and Lilo said interested at what Tommy said.

“Wanna join us on the tour?” Danny asked his friend.

“Okay,” Tommy said.

“Here’s the swimming pool…” Danny said showing the kids a large indoor pool with several waterslides on it.

Stitch gives a yelp seeing the pool and hides behind Lilo. The kids look at her. “Stitch’s kinda afraid of water,” Lilo replied.

“The library…” Danny said showing the kids a large library with tons of books.

“Shh!” a librarian, Ms. Marpole, hushed to them.

“And one of my personal favorites, which includes everyone…” Danny said opening a door to the room, “The Chill Room…” Danny opens the door and the kids gasped. Inside was a room full of video games, computers with games, internet, and chatting there, TV with tons of DVD’s and movies, and more fun stuff.

”We never had a ‘Chill Room’ in our school,” Bubbles mentions.

That is when a young Asian girl comes to them. She has freckles, brown eyes, and long black raven hair, but has a pink stand and wore a green t-shirt with a symbol of a red pinkish dragonfly on it, blue jeans with a brown belt and brown shoes, and wore a brown wristband with purple gems on her right wrist. “That’s because no school ever has one,” the girl said to the new kids, “Mickey made a room for us students to have fun and it’s available for us at lunch time and before and after school. Even on non-school days. As long as they do well in class. Anyway, I’m Juniper Lee. June for short.”

“Let me guess,” Buttercup said to Danny, “June’s a friend of yours.”

“Yeah,” Danny said and notices something, “Hey, where’s Timmy and Bloo?”

The kids look to see Timmy and Bloo playing video games. “So…awesome…” Timmy said in a daze.

“I…love…this…” Bloo said also in a daze.

Danny moans. “It always happen to some new kids,” Danny said and walking out of the Chill Room, “Moving on…”

“Come on Timmy!” Jimmy said pulling Timmy out of the room.

Mac and Lilo pulls Bloo out of the room also. “No! Please don’t!” Bloo cried, “I must stay here! I must! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!”

June joins Danny’s group also as they go to more places. “Here’s the computer room…” Danny said showing a room with rows of computers.

“The store where you get other school supplies here,” Danny said showing the gang a store where few students are buying stuff.

Danny comes to another room which is in the school grounds where they were near some kind of giant greenhouse. “And this is the Creature House, where we keep our plants and class pets,” Danny said as they go into the greenhouse, “Even Pokemon.”

“Pokemon?” Jimmy wondered, not knowing what they are.

Then, a small and cute yellow mouse-like creature comes to them. “Pikachu!” it spoke.

“Aw...” Bubbles said seeing it, “It’s so cute!”

Another kid comes in, who seems the same age as Danny and Jake. “There you are Pikachu!” the kid said picking the creature up, “Hi Danny!”

“Hi Ash!” Danny said, “Guys, this is Ash Ketchum. He’s also my friend and he’s one of the caretakers of the Pokemon, who are creatures with powers and used in battles.”

“That’s right!” Ash agreed, “And this is my Pokemon, Pikachu.”

“Hi,” Timmy said.

“Pika!” Pikachu jumps out of Ash’s arms and Timmy catches him.

“Bubbles is right!” Timmy said, “It is cute!”

“But be careful!” Ash warned, “It can…”

Before he can say anything, Pikachu’s cheeks spark. “Pikachu!” it cried and shocked Timmy as he screams.

“…Shock you…” Ash finished as Timmy fainted on the ground.

“That was the nurse’s room…” Danny said still doing the tour with Ash joining. He and the others left the room with Timmy okay but his arms and face covered in bandages since Ash’s Pikachu shocked him.

“The basement and boiler room…” Danny said as the kids see a dark scary basement with the large boiler there. To them, the boiler somehow has a scary face as steam comes out, making some kind of evil laughing at them. “You may want to go there with someone not scared,” Danny mentions since he and the kids seemed frightened of the room.

“The janitor’s room,” Danny said opening the door see a crazy hunchback janitor, Mr. Crocker.

“FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!” Crocker cried going crazy.

“Uh…” Danny said with he and the students weirded out, “Let’s move on…”

“And last but not least…” Danny said opening a door showing a room with looks of stuff and supplies, “The warehouse which all the supplies for school are in here.”

Jimmy seems amazed and notices something. “Huh?” he wondered. He sees a glass case where it contained a small black mysterious box. It had a lock which showed a gold broken hear-shape on it. Jimmy leans his hands closer to see until a hand slaps it. Jimmy clutches a bit in pain and turns to see Danny with his arms firmly crosses, glaring at the boy genius.

“What are you doing?” Danny asked.

“I was just…” Jimmy began.

“About to open that box?” Danny asked with a serious look.

“No!” Jimmy snapped, “I just want to look at it!”

Danny leans closer to Jimmy. “Jimmy, you seem to be a cool kid,” he said but his voice now sounds cold, “But let me warn you…this is one of the most important rules of all…Never…ever…under any circumstances…ever…open…that box!” Danny scowled pointing fingers at Jimmy as he felt frightened. “Got it?” Danny asked.

“Got it,” Jimmy quickly responded.

“Good,” Danny said as he is in a cheerful mood again, “And now the tour’s over! Let’s head back to Mr. SquarePants’ room…”

The kids follow Danny, Jake, Ash, and Tommy down the hallway with Jimmy in wonder. “What’s with the box?” Jimmy asked the kids, “Danny seemed serious about this.”

“And he’s right,” Blossom said reading the ToonSchool Rule Book, “According to the Rule Book… before ToonSchool was built, there was one of the darkest evils ever to roam over ToonTown. There are rumors that one wizard in ToonTown sealed those evils in that box and whoever opens them, unleashes evil and chaos to the where it now stands, which means the school…”

“Which means…” Timmy was about to say.

“It’s bad,” Blossom answered and closes her book.

“Hi guys!” a cheerful high voice said. The students stop to see the teacher, SpongeBob, walking toward them in the hallway.

“Hi Mr. SquarePants,” everyone greeted.

“My guess is that you guys enjoyed the tour?”

“Yeah,” Jimmy agreed, “This place is amazing! It has cool classes!”

“With cool places to hang!” Mac added.

“With cool class pets like those cute Pokemon!” Bubbles perked with joy.

“That’s great,” SpongeBob said.

“Yeah!” Jimmy said, “I’m so glad to be here!”

“We are too friends!” Danny agreed.

Jimmy was a bit shocked at this. “Friend?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Tommy agreed, “I mean ToonTown and ToonSchool is the happiest and friendliest place here!”

“Oh yeah!” June agreed.

“That’s right,” Jake agreed also.

“Any friend here is a friend of mine,” Danny said with a smile.

“He’s right Jim,” Timmy said putting his arm around Jimmy.

“This…I’m gonna like,” Jimmy said. He smiled. He loves the school because of the classes and places that he was introduced to. Most important of all…he has new friends who like him.

[edit] Part 2

It was morning and Jimmy became excited to come to ToonSchool again. He was already prepared and comes to the living room, seeing that Judy was cleaning the new house and Hugh as usual was playing with his ducks.

“Hi Jimmy,” Judy said to him, “I see you’re prepared.”

“Oh yeah,” Jimmy said, “By the way Mom…can you drop me early to ToonSchool? My new friends are gonna meet me there.”

“Friends?” Judy smiles. Her son made new friends.

“That’s great Jimbo!” Hugh said, “You know, I never made friends when I was in a new school.” He laughs and plays with his ducks making quacking sounds.

“I can see why…” Jimmy said annoyed.

“Come on sweetie,” Judy said to Jimmy, “Let’s go and meet your friends!”

Judy drops off Jimmy as he gets out of the car and Judy drives away. Jimmy smiles to be back in ToonSchool. He looks around to see his friends nowhere to be found.

“Hmm…” Jimmy wondered rubbing his chin, “Where’s Danny and the others? He said he’ll meet me here.”

“Well, well, well,” a voice said. Jimmy turns around and gasps to see the gang again, the gang he saw yesterday who were picking on a kid. It showed the redhead girl again with another redhead girl who seemed younger than Jimmy, also showing the yellow boy again. The others was another redhead and two blondes who were male.

“So what are you supposed to be?” the older redhead asked.

“I’m the new kid,” Jimmy said angrily, “But it’s none of your business.”

Jimmy starts to walk away until the blondes block him. “Not yet fudgy!” the redhead said as the gang corners him. Jimmy felt scared as he backs away a bit. “Since you’re the new kid around here,” the girl said, “Let me explain to you some rules around here…1) We’re the boss of you and you aren’t! 2) You going to have to pay a fee of ten bucks whenever you enter the school.”

“There’s no fee in ToonSchool” Jimmy snapped, “Blossom told me about it from the ToonSchool rulebook. And I’m sure that I won’t pay you creeps for anything!”

The girl growled at Jimmy’s insult. “Let’s see you how it feels without paying twerp!” she yelled sending a fist to Jimmy. Jimmy screams as Vicky was about to punch him. But then, a invisible hand appears and grabs Jimmy as he disappears. Vicky slammed her fist to the ground and holds it up, clutching from the pain. “Huh?” she wondered.

The gang turns to see Danny appear in his ghost form with Jimmy in his arms. He was a white-haired kid with glowing neon green eyes wearing a black and white jumpsuit with a white fiery ‘DP’ emblem on his chest. His eyes seem to glow when angry as he glares at the redhead girl and her gang. Jake, Tommy, Ash, and June with Timmy, the PowerPuffs, Lilo, Stitch, Mac, and Bloo were by Danny’s side.

“You better watch it Vicky!” Danny scowled at her, “Or else!”

“I still see she’s into her evilness again!” Timmy growled.

“Well, it’s good to see you twerp!” Vicky hissed at Timmy.

“Redhead witch!” Timmy snapped.

“Bucktoothed Brain!”

“Babysitter of Evil!”

“Pink hatted geek!”

“Ya old Hag woman!” Timmy hissed and smirked.

Vicky gasped and growled at this. “Why I outta!” Vicky yelled about to hit Timmy but June blocks her and Timmy.

“Okay. Break it up guys,” June said as Tommy holds to Timmy. Danny and June glare at them.

“Look,” Danny said, “Just leave us alone and beat it!”

“Fine,” Vicky said, “We were gonna leave anyway.” Vicky turns her back and leaves with the other kids. The yellow kid stops and looks at Jimmy curiously. “Bart!” Are you coming or not!?” Vicky called to him.

“Uh…coming!” the yellow kid said and follows her and the gang.

As the gang leaves, the friends turn to Jimmy. “You okay Jim?” Danny asked.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said, “Who were those guys?”

“That’s Vicky, Princess, Mindy, Dash, and Brad AKA the Snob Squad,” June explains, “Well… that’s what we call them.”

“And I know Vicky cuz she’s sadly…my babysitter,” Timmy mentions.

“They’re a gang of kids who are popular,” Tommy said, “But they’re really mean and like to bully people.”

“What about the yellow kid?” Jimmy asked.

“Bart Simpson,” Jake answered, “He’s also a member of the Squad.”

“But he seems a bit sad,” Jimmy said.

“Well, Bart was new to school last year,” Ash said, “So he used to be the new kid. He joined the gang, when they saw him prank Prickly, which was kinda cool.”

“He used to be the new kid?” Jimmy wondered.

“Still, that guy and the Snob Squad is bad news,” Danny said, “So try to stay away from them.”

“Okay,” Jimmy said, “I’ll try.”

“Well, let’s hope so,” Ash said, “They’re up to no good.”

The bell suddenly rings as the friends hear it. “We should head to class now,” Jimmy suggested.

“Yeah,” the kids agree.

The kids walk into the school as Vicky and her Snob Squad watches them. “I hate that ghost kid!” Vicky said, “And I’m starting to hate that fudge haired kid.”

“I’m not sure,” Bart said, “I mean…he’s the new kid and you should give him some slack you know.”

“Are you going soft?” Dash asked.

Bart shook his head. “Uh…no! Of course not!” Bart said, “Let’s get at them! Yeah! Teach them not to mess with us!”

“That’s what I thought,” Vicky smirked, “Now here’s what to do…”

Jimmy and his friends head to classroom 714, which was SpongeBob’s classroom. “Hey there everyone!” SpongeBob greeted as everyone was in their seats, “Most of you know me and for some who don’t, I’m your new Homeroom and English teacher…Mr. SpongeBob SquarePants! You may call me by my name, SpongeBob, or Mr. SquarePants, maybe even Mr. TeacherPants.” The class laughs at his joke. “Have any questions?” he asked.

That is when a blue rabbit raises his hand. “I got a question!” he yelled.

“Yes,” SpongeBob said looking at the blue rabbit and looking his clipboard, “Yang?”

“If you’re a sea sponge, then why are you teaching us English?” Yang asked.

“Don’t ask,” SpongeBob said annoyed, “Anyway, it’s good to meet some of you guys again, even seeing a new patch of faces.” SpongeBob smiles at the new students like Jimmy, Timmy, and the others.

“Thanks Mr. SquarePants,” Bubbles said.

“You mean Mr. TeacherPants,” Jimmy joked. The class laughed except Vicky, Dash, Brad, Mindy, and Princess who were in SpongeBob’s class. Bart laughs a bit until Vicky glares at him.

“Now then,” SpongeBob began, “Let me tell you about myself a bit. As you know I used to be a graduate from ToonSchool and teach here and work part-time at the Krusty Krab: Home of the delicious Krabby Patty…”

As SpongeBob was talking, Jimmy was drawing something on a piece of paper. He smiles until something hits him. He turns in annoyance to see Bart spitting spitballs at him through his straw with Vicky, Princess, and Dash smiling. Jimmy ignores it and turns away as he continues his drawing.

“Whatcha working on?” Timmy wondered seeing Jimmy’s drawing.

“Eh…it’s just a blueprint for one of my upcoming inventions,” Jimmy said, “It’s not really a biggie. It’s just a prototype and I didn’t start on it yet.”

“What does it supposed to do?” Blossom asked hearing them.

“Not sure,” Jimmy said, “It’s suppose to gain any kind of energy and use it to destroy or suck out anything.”

“Ooh…” Timmy and Blossom said in awe.

"What are you gonna use it for when you build it?" Blossom asked.

"I'm not really sure," Jimmy said.

"Oh Jimmy?" Jimmy, Timmy, and Blossom turn to see SpongeBob facing them. "Was there something you wanted to tell us?" SpongeBob asked again.

"Huh?" Jimmy asked and quickly hide the blueprint in his bag when unknown to him, Bart and Vicky spot the blueprint.

"Oh, it's nothing really," Jimmy said when Vicky signals Bart and Bart smirks and takes the blueprint out of Jimmy's bag. "Nothing really," Jimmy said.

"Okay, just checking." SpongeBob replied. "Let's continue."

Later on, SpongeBob was doing lectures in class. "And that's how I graduated from ToonSchool," SpongeBob said proudly. Suddenly, the bell rings. "Okay guys," SpongeBob said, "Class dismissed!"

The kids got out of their seats as Vicky turns to Jimmy. "Listen Jim," she said to him, "Sorry about that. Bart told me that we should cut you some slack. So let bygones be bygones?" she lends Jimmy a hand.

"Uh...okay sure," Jimmy said and holds Vicky's hand. Suddenly, he was stunned as Vicky shocked him. He fell on the ground as Dash, Princess, Mindy, Vicky, and Brad laugh and Jimmy looks up to see Vicky with a joy buzzer.

"Got ya twerp!" Vicky said, "Welcome to the corner of vengeance and pranks!" The Snob Squad laughs and leaves with Jimmy annoyed and angered by them.

The Snob Squad was up to no good for Jimmy and his new friends. Timmy and Jimmy head to their lockers. Timmy opens his locker and screams as a clown head appears and scares him. Jimmy comes to his friend to see Dash and Brad behind a corner laugh.

Then, Jimmy was in the Mad Science Lab where he was doing experiments with his partner, Lilo. Lilo put a beaker full of liquid aside and unknowingly Princess switches it with another beaker full of a different kind of liquid. Lilo grabs it and pours it into the bottle causing smoke everywhere and it there's a small explosion. Jimmy lifts his goggles up and looks angry as he hears Princess laughing.

Later, Jimmy was in gym class with Mac and Bloo as they were running in a race. Jimmy was running past Mac and Bloo and was winning. Unknown to him, a foot appeared out of nowhere. Jimmy, not noticing, tripped and fell on the ground. Mac and Bloo stopped to help him up. Jimmy looks up to see Mindy smiling as she runs off. Jimmy growls a bit and gets up to move on.

Soon few classes were over and it was lunchtime as Jimmy, Mac, and Bloo head to the lunch counter in the cafeteria and meet a ghostly lunch lady.

“Why hello there,” the lady greeted. “Who you like anything for lunch? Turkey Sandwich? A relish hotdog? How about a bowl of soup…OF DOOM!!!!!!” She yelled out with her white hair on fire and her red glowing red, laughing manically. Jimmy, Mac, and Bloo scream and run away from her. The Lunch Lady Ghost was silent a bit. “Guess they weren’t hungry…” she said to herself nicely.

Jimmy, Mac, and Bloo quickly head to a lunch table where Danny, Jake, June, Tommy, Ash, Timmy, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Lilo, Stitch, and Timmy were. “I guess I forgot to mention about the Lunch Lady Ghost huh?” Danny asked.

“Oh yeah!” Mac said scared a bit scared of the ghost he, Jimmy, and Mac encountered.

“Man was it a rough day!” Jimmy groaned as he sat beside Timmy and Danny.

“Why?” Timmy asked, “Because of the Snob Squad?”

“No,” Jimmy answered, “That’s because I failed a lot in my classes and might go to clown school.”

“You’re going to clown school?” Bloo asked when the others stare at him. “What?”

“He was being sarcastic,” Mac answered, “Or course he had a rough day!”

“That’s really because of the Snob Squad!” Jimmy said, “What’s the big deal having them pick on me?”

“Everyone gets picked by them,” Danny answers, “I warned you that you should watch out. By those pranks, I have a feeling something bad will happen.”

“I hope not,” Jimmy said, “I really hope not.”

“Hi Jimmy,” a voice said.

Jimmy turns around and see Bart standing next to him. “Oh, hi Bart,” Jimmy greeted, “That’s your name right?”

“Pretty much,” Bart said, “I saw that the Lunch Lady Ghost scared you. Want me to help you get some grub.”

Jimmy turns to see his friends shaking their heads, telling them not to. Jimmy turns back to Bart. “Sure,” he answered as Danny slaps his head.

Bart and Jimmy walk with each other as they head to the lunch counter to see the Lunch Lady Doris. “Hi there Doris,” Bart smiled, “I’ll have the usual and so does Jimmy here.”

Doris nods and gives Bart and Jimmy their food. Jimmy seems a bit grossed by the food but felt okay. “Um…thanks,” Jimmy said, “Thanks a lot. Kinda weird that you’re helping me and you’re part of the Snob Squad. But why?”

“Well, sometimes when you see something good in someone, you find a new friend,” Bart said, “It’s some old saying I heard.”

“I see,” Jimmy said.

“By the way,” Bart said and seemed to have a worried look, “Can you wait over here?”

“Uh why?” Jimmy asked.

“This is why!” Vicky said as Jimmy turned to her and she sends a thumbs up to someone. Jimmy gasped and looks up to see Dash and Brad on top. They smile and dump a pot of mystery meat onto Jimmy’s head. Everyone saw this and gasped to see Jimmy now drenched and covered in meat, which smelled bad.

Vicky, Princess, and Mindy start to laugh and so does everyone else. Jimmy looked around to see all the students laughing at him, except Danny and his friends who seemed to be sad and angered. Jimmy bowed his head in shame until the doors opens to show Vice Principal Prickly.

“What is going on in here?” he asked angered.

“It was them!” Bloo told to Prickly pointing to Vicky and her friends, “She did it! She made Jimmy Neutron be covered in gross meat and made him smell bad!” Mac and the others look at Bloo. “What?” Bloo asked, “I was trying to help.”

Jimmy groaned to see himself and was grossed out. Prickly and soon SpongeBob comes in and helps him out. “Are you okay Jim?” SpongeBob asked.

“No,” Jimmy said.

Prickly and SpongeBob turn angrily to Vicky and her friends. “Young lady, I am upset at you!” Prickly growled at her.

“It wasn’t our fault Vice Principal Prickly,” Vicky said sweetly.

“Liar!” Timmy cried as he, Danny, Jake, Ash, Mac, Bloo, and Lilo come in.

“We saw everything!” Danny explained, “Vicky signaled Dash and Brad and they dumped the mystery meat on Jimmy.”

“It’s all their fault!” Bloo cried.

“You’re the liars!” Vicky said and turns to Prickly and SpongeBob, “Who are you gonna believe? The fudge head and those losers or me, one of the honor students around here?”

“I thought she was a failure,” Timmy whispers to Danny.

“Shut up!” Vicky hissed.

“That’s enough Vicky,” SpongeBob said seriously, “What you and your friends did was wrong. You are suspended!”

“What?” Vicky cried.

“Mr. SquarePants is right,” Prickly agreed, “Suspended! For two days! Now march!”

Vicky gasps and heads out of the cafeteria with her gang. She turns back to Jimmy and growls as they head out of the door.

SpongeBob shook his head in anger at Vicky and he and Danny help get Jimmy up. “You okay there?” Danny asked as Jimmy wiped some food off his face.

“Don’t worry,” Danny said to him, “Vicky isn’t gonna bother you anymore.”

“She won’t be,” Jimmy said sadly, “Because I’m quitting ToonSchool!”

Danny gasps and so does SpongeBob and so does Timmy, Tommy, Jake, June, Ash, Mac, Lilo, Bloo, Stitch, and the PowerPuffs. Even Bart Simpson. “You’re what?” SpongeBob asked.

“But you can’t leave!” Timmy cried.

“Sorry guys,” Jimmy said sadly and heads out of the cafeteria, “I should be getting my things now.” Jimmy leaves with Danny, SpongeBob, and the others looking at each other in sadness.

[edit] Part 3

Princess, Mindy, Dash, and Brad laugh out loud at their prank at Jimmy, although Bart seemed a bit upset about it and he follows them. “Guys! Wait up!” Bart called.

“What a baby!” Princess said.

“I know!” Dash said to Bart, “Like he wanted to be your friend!”

“Yeah right!” Brad agreed.

“Uh…yeah,” Bart said chuckling nervously, “We sure showed them!”

The kids laugh but stop to see a growling Vicky. “It’s not over yet!” Vicky said, “That NerdTron and his friends made me suspended and now they’re gonna pay.” Then, she has an idea and smiles, “And I know just how…”

Vicky and her friends gather around as she whispers to them her plan. “And that’s how to get rid of Neutron and those twerps for good!”

The kids gasp. “That’s awesome!” Dash said.

That will show them!” Mindy agreed.

“It’s not awesome!” Bart said, “That is just plain evil!”

“Exactly!” Vicky exclaimed, “Don’t you just love it?”

“I hate it! Yeah, it’s evil, but too much!” Bart answered, “We shouldn’t do this! Dumping Jimmy with meat is enough!”

“Sounds like you’re defending that geek,” Dash said to Bart.


“He isn’t,” Vicky interrupted, “Cuz we know that if he does side with him, he’ll won’t be in our gang anymore!”

Bart felt scared but then got a serious face. “Well, I don’t care!” Bart cried, “I should have ditches you guys a year ago! You’re just jerks!” Vicky and her friends gasp to hear Bart’s words. “That’s right!” Bart continued, “I told you guys that you’re jerks! And I’m going to tell Jimmy what you’re up to and there’s no way you can stop me!”

“Oh yeah?” Vicky asked as Dash and Brad cornered Bart and Bart gulped, backing away.

Jimmy walks to his locker sadly as he does the combination and opens it. He sighs sadly and takes back all his books and supplies in his bag and closes the locker. He turns to see Danny, Timmy, Jake, June, Tommy, Ash, Lilo, Stitch, Mac, Bloo, and the PowerPuff Girls.

“Oh…hey guys,” Jimmy said depressed.

“Jimmy, you can’t leave now!” Tommy spoke up, “This is just your first day!”

“Technically, it’s his second,” Mac mentions, “But Timmy’s right, Jim. You can’t leave!”

“Why shouldn’t I?” Jimmy asked, “I got pranked by the worst bully in school, got laughed by everyone here, and this was the worst day of my life! Which is why I’m leaving!”

“But you can’t,” Lilo said.

“But I was wrong,” Jimmy said, “Even my mother. I couldn’t make any friends here.”

“What are you talking about?” Timmy asked, “Of course you have friends!”

“Or really?” Jimmy asked, “Then who are they?”

“Me,” Timmy answered and walks toward Jimmy, “Jimmy, you’re the best friend I ever had. Sure, we’re opposites, but you’re one awesome guy!”

“He’s right Jim,” Danny smiled walking toward Jimmy, “I’m your friend too. We all are! Right guys?”

“Right,” Mac said also walking to Jimmy.

“You got it!” Bloo said with Mac.

“We are your friends,” Lilo said, “Right Stitch?”

“Eh!” Stitch agreed and crawls to Jimmy’s side and shakes his hand, “Ohana!”

“Right Stitch,” Lilo agreed.

“We’re friends too!” Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup said coming to him.

“And don’t forget us!” Jake, Ash, June, and Tommy said.

Jimmy looks at the students and smiles, nearly crying a bit but wipes the tear away. “Thanks guys,” Jimmy smiled, “I really appreciate it.”

“Eh…it’s no-“ Before Danny can say anything Jimmy quickly hugs him. Danny smiles a bit, “It’s no problem Jimmy,” Danny said, “But to let you know…I don’t do hugging.”

Jimmy stops hugging him. “Sorry,” he spoke holding the back of his head. Suddenly, he hears a muffling and a voice. “Huh?” Jimmy wondered, “Did you guys hear that?”

“Is it a ghost?” Bubbles wondered scared.

“It can’t be,” Danny said.

Jimmy hears the muffling voice again. Jimmy recognized the voice. “Bart?” he wondered. He runs to find where the voice is coming from as his friends follow him.

“Bart!” Jimmy called, “Bart! Where are you?”

“Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!” Bart muffled.

Jimmy turns around to see a locker moving, as if someone was in there. “Bart, are you in there?” Jimmy asked.

“Hm-mm,” Bart answered from the locker.

Timmy jumped to the locker and tried to open it. “It’s locked!” he cried.

“What do you expect?” Buttercup asked annoyed.

“Let me handle this,” Danny said and cracks his knuckles. He touches the locker door and turns it intangible. Bart phases out of the locker as he is caught by Blossom and June.

The kids gasped. Bart was tied up in jump rope with duct tape over his mouth. He struggles, trying to get out. The kids come to him and help untie Bart. “Are you okay?” Jimmy asked.

Bart gets up and pulls the duct tape. He gags a bit, like he was choking. Stitch comes in and does the Heimlich removal. Bart coughs and spits something out. Danny takes it and his face turned a bit green. It was underwear that was worn out, dirty, and gross. He holds it up as kids gagged, even the girls gagged more. “Ew!” they cried.

Danny notices that the back reads ‘Dash Baxter.’ “Bart!” Danny realized, “Did the Snob Squad to this to you?”

Bart coughs a bit and pounds his chest. “Yeah,” Bart said, “That’s what you get for quitting the team.”

“You quit dawg?” Jake asked.

“But we gonna stop Vicky,” Bart said, “Or else the school is in trouble!”

“Yeah right!” Blossom said angrily, “Why should we believe you?”

“You’re the one who was in their gang!” Ash states.

“And you’re part of the cause that Jimmy planned to quit school!” Mac mentions.

“Yeah!” Stitch said and pushes Bart aside.

“But I’m serious!” Bart said, “You have to believe me!”

“Why should we?” Danny asked with arms crossed, “We don’t believe you, right Jimmy? Jimmy?”

Jimmy was silent and thinks for a sec. He walks toward Bart and helps him out, giving him a smile. “I believe you,” Jimmy said to Bart as he smiled also.

“WHAT?!” his friends cried in shock.

“But Jimmy? Why?” Bubbles asked.

“A kid once told me that ‘sometimes when you see something good in someone, you find a new friend,’” Jimmy said smiling and turning to Bart, knowing that it was he who said that.

“What kind of stupid kid says that?” Bloo asked, “It’s sounds lame!”

“I don’t know,” Danny said thoughtfully, “That kinda makes sense to me.”

“Well, it does-What am I saying and talking about something here!?” Bart yelled out, “Jimmy! We need to stop Vicky! She’s looking for the Box!”

All the kids gasped in horror at Bart’s words. “The Box?” Jimmy asked, “You mean the-“

“The Dark and Evil Box,” Vicky smirked as she is with her friends and at the supply warehouse. Vicky breaks the glass case and picks up the Box, “The Bow containing all the Mysterious Evil of All! One Box to rule them all, One Box to find them, One Box to bring them all and in the darkness bind them!”

“What are you? A Lord of the Rings fanatic?” a young male voice asked. The Snob Squad turn around and saw Jimmy, Bart, Danny, Timmy, Jake, June, Ash, Tommy, Mac, Bloo, Lilo, Stitch, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup also in the warehouse.

“You!” Vicky growled, “What are you doing here? With Bart!”

“He’s on our side on!” Timmy said proudly.

“And we’re gonna stop you!” Danny said. He turns into a ghost and Jake turns into a dragon. They, June, Stitch, and the PowerPuffs were doing karate poses, ready for combat.

“Fine with me,” Vicky said about to open the Box.

“NO!” Blossom cried as Vicky stops. Blossom takes out the ToonSchool Rulebook. “In the ToonSchool Rulebook, it says that the Box is pure evil in ToonTown and never meant to be opened!”

“You’re gonna doom us all!” Jimmy said, “You can’t open it! We’re serious! Even Danny was serious when he told us about it! The whole school is serious about it!”

“You’re right,” Vicky said, “And I don’t care!” Vicky laughs evilly as she opens the Box.

“No!” the kids cried.

Too late. The Box was opened. The Box began to trigger with energy. Vicky gasped.

Jimmy and the others felt nervous. Danny quickly grabbed Jimmy and Bart. “Take cover!” he cried and he pulls them away. June takes the PowerPuffs, Jake takes away Lilo and Stitch, and Ash and Tommy take Mac and Bloo as they back away from Vicky and the Box.

There was a dark purple light coming out and it hit Vicky. She screamed in pain but then laughed evilly. Danny blocks the kids away as they close their eyes. They finally open their eyes and gasped. In front of them, were black shadow creatures with yellow eyes that swirl around and they growled at them. The kids were frightened and even Princess, Dash, Brad, and Mindy.

“One of the most darkest evil of all…” Blossom said shivering and reading her book.

“The Heartless,” Danny finished for her.

“The Heartless?” Jimmy wondered, never hearing of them before.

“Hearts that were corrupted by Darkness and the ones who roamed over ToonTown,” Blossom explained reading the Rulebook but was frightened, “The evil that must be trapped but now unleashed.”

“Which is?” Bloo asked.

“Bad,” Blossom said closing her book, “Very bad.”

They laugh a dark laughing as something comes out of the shadows. It was Vicky or what seemed to be her. She now had Devil horns, wears a black cape, black suit of armor, and black boots to go with it. Her outfit is a bit of scarlet. She had claws and fangs with gray skin and has bloodshot eyes. “That’s right!” she said in a dark and sinister voice, “Now us, Heartless, are free! And you Toons shall feel our wrath as we take over this place and then this world!” She laughs and raises her arms as the Heartless move out and head toward the kids.

“May I do the honors?” Bubbles asked.

“Oh certainly,” Bloo answered.

“RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!” Bubbles screamed. The kids scream too and run away from the Heartless.

They leave the warehouse. Just as the Heartless was about to get them, Danny and Jake quickly close and lock the door. They sigh in relief, but there was a loud bang as the Heartless try to break the door down. The kids come to the door and try to push it to stop the Heartless from coming out.

The loud banging continues as the dark creatures try to escape. The kids still push the door but the Heartless were stronger when combined.

“They’re too strong!” Timmy cried.

“This won’t hold them much longer!” Ash grunted as he tries to push it like the other kids.

The kids struggle with all their might. Jimmy looks up and gasped to see SpongeBob and Prickly walking to them. “Hi guys!” SpongeBob greeted.

“Mr. SquarePants?” Jimmy asked as the bang pushes Jimmy. Jimmy gets up and faces the two putting on a fake smile. “Mr. SquarePants and Vice Principal Prickly, hi!” Jimmy waved.

“Mr. Neutron, what’s going on?” Prickly asked, “And why are those kids blocking the door?”

“Uh…well…now’s not the time to explain,” Jimmy said and laughs nervously as the two stare. Jimmy stops laughing. “We got to get the staff and the students outta here!” Jimmy cried, “The school is in danger when they’re unleashed and gonna break out!”

“They?” SpongeBob repeated, “What do you mean ‘they’?”

Suddenly, there was a loud bang that pushes the kids aside. The door breaks and the Heartless growl in joy as they head outside the warehouse and into the school.

SpongeBob and Prickly’s jaws dropped and they stare down at Jimmy and the kids. “Um…that’s what I meant,” Jimmy said. More Heartless come out and roar at the kids and two adults. They scream and run away.

Inside the school, students were minding their own business when they hear Daisy’s voice on the speaker. “Attention everyone!” Daisy cried, “There’s a report that the Box was opened and Heartless are running amok and taking over the school to cause chaos!” Please panic while running and screaming in terror.”

The kids hear this and start the panic. They scream and run away as the Heartless arrived. The students and teachers run in terror as the Heartless scare them away. Few of them destroyed school property.

One scratched the chalkboard while the teacher and students clutch to hear the sound. They run and scream in panic. One give a bully, Francis, a wedgie as a kid, Irwin, laughs until he screams as one Heartless chases after him. The Heartless was bullies as they give the students noogies, swirlies in toilets, and even stuff them in lockers.

Meanwhile, Jimmy is with his friends as they are in Prickly’s office with Daisy, SpongeBob, and Prickly. They peek in the window to see the dangers the Heartless has done.

“This is mainly why no one opened the Box,” Danny said to Jimmy, Timmy, and Bart.

“This is bad,” Bart said, “And it’s all my fault if I didn’t warn you sooner.”

“It’s okay,” June said, “There’s gonna be some way to stop them!”

Bart realizes something and takes something out of his bag. “Here Jimmy,” Bart said giving something to him, “I stole this in class and I think you should have it back.”

Jimmy takes it. “Hey! My blueprints!” Jimmy said, “I knew I was missing something.”

“Sorry about that,” Bart apologizes.

“It’s no problem,” Jimmy said looking at his blueprints and suddenly has an idea, “Wait a minute…that’s it!”

“What’s it?” Timmy asked.

“I’ll explain later,” Jimmy said to his friends, “Just follow my lead and Daisy, I need the intercom….”

The students were running in panic until they hear a voice coming from the speaker. “Attention everyone! Attention everyone!” the voice cried. It doesn’t sound like Daisy to the students. They talk to each other, wondering what was happening. “Please report to Classroom 714 immediately!” the voice said, “Right now!”

The kids head to SpongeBob’s classroom and saw that it was Jimmy who was talking to the speaker since he has the intercom. He was on top of SpongeBob’s desk, about to make a speech to the students, although it was crowded. Most students and the school staff were here as some were still being attacked by the Heartless. His friends, SpongeBob, and Prickly were beside Jimmy.

“Listen up people!” Jimmy said to them, “I know this is crazy, but we’re going to have to stop the Heartless!”

The people gasped and muttered to each other. One kid, Yumi, speaks up. “Are you crazy?” Yumi asked.

“No one even stopped the Heartless before!” a kid, Ben Tennyson, said.

“What makes you think you can stop them?” a girl, Mandy, asked.

“Because I have a plan,” Jimmy said spins SpongeBob’s chalkboard to show his blueprints of his invention at the back. “We’re gonna suck them up,” Jimmy said, “With the Neutronic Power Source Suck-O-Matic!” The people were curious and they look at each other, talking. “It’s not complete yet,” Jimmy said, “But I’m going too. With this invention, we can use all of your powers and abilities to stop those Heartless and might be able to wear them off and suck them back into the Box!”

“Just like the Fenton Thermos!” Danny exclaimed taking his out.

Jimmy grabs it from Danny. “Thanks,” Jimmy said to him, “I needed that for the invention.” He turns to the audience, “Look everyone, you’re gonna have to help me on this.”

The people start to talk and protest. “You are crazy!” a girl, Helga, said.

“The Heartless are gonna kill us and destroy us all!” an idiot, Billy, said.

“And why should we help you?” a kid, Bob or known as King Bob, said, “You’re just a new kid.”

The kids start to agree on this. Jimmy bows his head until Danny stands up. “Okay fine!” Danny said to them, “You’re not gonna help cuz you think that Jimmy the new kid can’t help! Hello! He’s a boy genius! And he’s just a normal kid, like us.”

“Although some of us have powers and magic,” Jake mentions.

“They’re right guys!” Jimmy said, “ToonSchool has been one of its greatest and have people succeed! Are you gonna let this Heartless freaks control what you’re been working hard for?” The kids and adults talk to each other. “Well, I’m not!” Jimmy said, “Together we can use all our powers to stop the Heartless! Now who’s with me?”

The students and teachers weren’t sure about this. Timmy comes onto the desk near Jimmy’s side and raises Jimmy’s hand in the air. “Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy!” Timmy chanted and continued, “Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy!”

“Jimmy!” Jimmy!” Bart also chants,

“Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy!” Danny, June, Jake, and the rest started to chant to. SpongeBob, Daisy, and Prickly chant also. Then few students like Ben and Yang began to chant Jimmy’s name. Then it was everyone in the classroom. “Jimmy! Jimmy!” they chanted.

Jimmy smiled to see everyone wanting to help. “Let’s kick Heartless butt!” Jimmy announces as the kids and adults cheer even louder.

“I’ll give an A plus on that speech!” SpongeBob smiled.

“Okay guys, here’s the plan,” Jimmy said as he explains part of his plan, “Danny, Blossom I need you guys and Jake, June, Bubbles, and Buttercup to lead all the Heartless in the middle of the hallway near this classroom.”

“Right!” Danny and Blossom agreed saluting.

“Lilo, Stitch, Mac, and Bloo,” Jimmy said to them, “Go to the Mad Science Lab to get more equipment.”

“Got it!” Lilo, Mac, and Bloo said.

“Maka maka! Sasa!” Stitch said in alien language and runs off. Lilo, Mac, and Bloo follow him.

“Timmy, Bart, Tommy, Ash, and I will complete the invention,” Jimmy continued, “The rest of you, I need some of your powers to help power up my invention.”

It all goes to Jimmy’s plan. Danny, Buttercup, and June sneak to see several Heartless in the cafeteria. Buttercup comes on. “Hey guys!” she called to them. The Heartless turn to her. “Look at this!” Buttercup smirked and blew raspberries at him and makes funny faces. Taunted, the Heartless roared and chase after Buttercup and she flies away.

Meanwhile. Jimmy and his friends work on the invention as it was nearly complete. “Here!’ Lilo said. Lilo, Mac, Bloo, and Stitch come back with some gadget equipment.

They throw it to them as Bart takes it and sets it up as Timmy plugs in some wires. “Wow!’ Timmy said, “I might get a B in Science Class for this!”

“Tell me about it,” Tommy said.

Back to some heroes, Danny shoots beams and Jake blew fire at the Heartless trying to push them into the hallway. Bubbles uses his SuperSonic Scream, Buttercup spins into a tornado to drag them away as Blossom blows them away with her Ice Breath. June beats up some Heartless as they are scared and back away from June.

“That’s right!” June said, “You better go there now!”

Jimmy was still building his invention. “How long with it take?” Timmy asked until…

“Finished!” Jimmy said with his Neutronic Suck-O-Matic done.

Timmy takes it and turns it on. It activates but shuts down. “What’s going on?” Ash wondered.

“The Suck-O-Matic needs power from some of the students,” Jimmy said, “I need some people to focus their powers into the invention. It can help power it.”

Suddenly, they hear a roar. Jimmy peeks in and gasps to see Danny and his friends and the Heartless, even the Heartless Vicky.

“We got them Jimmy!” Danny called out.

“Oh no!” Jimmy said, “We still need energy. You have to distract them!”

“What?!” Danny cried.

“We’ll be right back,” Jimmy said and closes the door.

Danny and the others look at each other and turn to see the Heartless Vicky laughing as the Heartless surround them. “How can we distract them?” Bubbles wondered.

“We’re gonna have to fight yo!” Jake growled.

“He’s right,” Danny said with his hands glowing.

“If it’s a fight you want, then it’s a fight you’ll get!” Heartless Vicky said. “ATTACK!!!” she orders the Heartless to attack. The kids do battle cries and they fight the Heartless.

Danny shoots ghost rays to stop his foes and freezes them with ice rays. June with the PowerPuff Girls beat them up with super punches and kicks. Jake uses his tail as a whip and he blows fire at them.

At the classroom, some students focus their powers onto the machine. “Come on,” Jimmy said to the Suck-O-Matic, “Work! Work!”

Bubbles runs away as few Heartless chases after her. She trips and screams as they come closer. Suddenly, she hears a wail and rings of ectoplasmic rings hit the Heartless. Bubbles looks up to see Danny saving her with his Ghostly Wail. Bubbles decides to help and uses her SuperSonic Scream.

“Please work!” Jimmy said in the classroom but the machine was lifeless.

“We need more power!” Bart said.

Timmy takes something out of his oddly colored green backpack with green eyes on it. “Here,” Timmy said holding up something. It was a wand with a glowing yellow star on top. “It’s a magic wand,” Timmy said, “It’s from a fairy godparent and it can grant wishes. I’m sure it’s strong enough to power it more!”

“Thanks Timmy.” Jimmy smiled but something hits him, “How do you know about this and how did you get a magic wand?”

Timmy was silent a bit to look at his bag and oddly colored pink book that has pink eyes. “Uh…internet,” Timmy answered.

Bart and Jimmy look at each other. “Work for me,” Bart said.

June, Blossom, and Buttercup yell and does hand-to-hand combat to the Heartless. “Hi-ya!” Blossom said kicking one.

Back at the classroom, Timmy uses the wand to help power the invention. “Please work…please work,” Jimmy said and Bart crosses his finger. Bart turns on the switch. Suddenly, the machine whirs and activates. “It works!” Jimmy cried.

In the hall, Danny and the others are tired out. “There’s too many,” Bubbles said.

“We can’t fight all of them,” Danny said.

Heartless Vicky laughs evilly walking toward them. “It’s no use,” Heartless Vicky cried, “You can never defeat us! No one can save you now!”

Suddenly, the door bursts in with Jimmy, Bart, Timmy, Tommy, and Ash holding the Suck-O-Matic. They had determined looks in their eyes. “Oh yeah?” Jimmy asked, “We are now!” Jimmy points the Suck-O-Matic at Vicky and the Heartless. “Please work,” Jimmy said meekly to it. He turns it on and a blue beam of light comes out of it.

Heartless Vicky gasped. The blue beam hits her and she screams in pain as something was sucked right out of her. Jimmy smiles and points his invention at the Heartless. They roar in terror as they are sucked into the machine. Soon, all of the Heartless was sucked into Jimmy’s machine. There was soon a loud clang and something pops out of the machine. It was the Box again only that all of the Heartless was now trapped again inside.

“You did it dawg!” Jake said as he and Danny change back to human form.

“Yeah!” Danny agreed.

“Thanks,” Jimmy said but hears a groan. They look to see Vicky back to normal.

“Ugh…” Vicky moaned, “What happened? I just had this great dream about taking over the world and nearly destroying everybody.”

“By the way Vick,” Bart said coming to her, “I always wanted to do this.” Bart winds up a punch and punches Vicky, knocking her out.

“I wanted to do that too,” Timmy said as Jimmy, Bart, and the other kids smiled.

Soon, everyone was in the hallway behind some kind of elevator which was odd for Jimmy. Jimmy was in front with his friends, Prickly, SpongeBob, and the Snob Squad “Vicky, you are in serious trouble!” SpongeBob said to her, “Using that Box that was never to be opened. You opened it and nearly destroyed the school. Even your friends were involved in this.”

“You, Brad, Dash, Princess, Mindy, and Bart are suspended for the week!” Prickly said.

“Wait!” Jimmy cried, “You can’t punish Bart! He helped me!”

“Well, you’re also the one behind this!” Prickly said to Jimmy, “And you and your friends should also be punished!”

“What are you crazy?!” SpongeBob snapped at Prickly, “Jimmy and his friends are heroes and if it weren’t for them, ToonSchool could have been Heartless School by now!”

“You always side with the students huh Mr. SquarePants?”

“You just don’t give them a chance do you?”

Prickly and SpongeBob began to argue and soon is the rest of the staff and students. Suddenly, their hear a sound and it was coming from the elevator. Someone was coming out of it. The elevator opens up and everyone gasped. It was a black humanoid mouse wearing a light gray suit.

Jimmy realizes who he is. “Are you-are you,” Jimmy stammered, “Are you Principal Mickey Mouse?”

“Of course fella!” Mickey smiled, “I was just doing business when I just found out that the Heartless I trapped escaped the Box.”

“You?” the students asked.

“Wait a minute,” Jimmy said, “You’re the wizard who trapped those Heartless?”

“Yeah!” Mickey agreed.

“But it happened many years ago,” Blossom said, “And you look young!”

“Hey! I’m a Toon!” Mickey snapped, “It’s some Toon-a-verse thing that people just don’t understand here in ToonSchool and ToonTown.”

“Ow,” Timmy said holding his head, “My brain hurts.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry Mr. Mouse,” Jimmy said holding up the Box, “The Heartless are back in this Box.”

“Thanks,: Mickey said taking it, “And please called me Mickey. Most people call me that.”

“Okay, Mickey.”

“Well, Principal Mickey,” Prickly said, “I must inform you that he, Bart, and their friends must be punished.”

“You can’t!” Jimmy cried, “Vicky and her friends started it and opened the Box and they were teasing me and other students! Bart was trying to warn us and I was trying to help.”

“What’s your choice sir?” Prickly asked Mickey.

“Hmm…” Mickey turns for a minute, “I made my decision…Jimmy, Bart, and the rest aren’t gonna be punished!”

“Yay!” the students cheer.

“And for Vicky, Dash, Brad, Princess, and Mindy,” Mickey said, “They are gonna be punished for the cause of the Heartless.”

“WA-HOOO!!!!!” The students cheer even more.

“But-but sir,’ Prickly said to him.

“I made my decision,” Mickey said, “After all, Jimmy Neutron here and his friends saved ToonSchool. Why, he’s just like me when I was young!”

“So you’re old?” Bloo asked when Mac and Lilo hit him, “Yeow!”

Jimmy smiles. “Thanks Mickey,” he said. Suddenly, his watch beeps and he pushes the button. It was his mom on his communicator watch. “Hi Mom!” Jimmy greeted.

“Hi sweetie,” Judy said, “Guess what? You father just got a new job in Retroville! We can move back!”


“But we weren’t sure until we tell you about it,” Judy said, “So...wanna move back?”

Jimmy looks at Mickey, his friends even Bart, and the rest of the staff and students. Jimmy smiles and makes his decision. “Actually Mom,” Jimmy said to her on the watch, “Tell Dad to keep his job here. I’m going to like it here in ToonTown, especially in ToonSchool.”

“Fine with me,” Judy said, “I’ll tell you father about it. Bye!”

Jimmy turns off his watch and was carried by Danny and Jake as the students cheer for him. “That’s right!” Jimmy said, “I’ll staying!” Everyone cheers and then the bell rings. School was now over for the day.

“Looks like it’s time to leave ToonSchool,” Mickey said, “See ya guys real soon!”

Danny and Jake set Jimmy on the ground as the students and staff leave the school. “It’s gonna be great to see you again in class Jim!” SpongeBob smiles and leaves.

“I’m sure you’re gonna like it,” Mickey said and leaves also.

“Just be sure to follow the rules,” Prickly said leaving.

“How about we celebrate?” Ash asked the friends.

“Yeah!” Tommy agreed, “Who wants to go have pizza at Chubby Cheese?”

“I do!” Everyone agreed.

“Race ya!’ Blossom said and she and her sisters fly off with Tommy, Jake, Ash, and June running.

“Wait for us!” Bloo cried as he, Mac, Lilo, and Stitch follow them.

Danny and Timmy laugh as Jimmy comes in the middle and puts his arms around them and walk out of the school. Bart looks on to see this and was about to leave. “Hey Bart!” a voice called.

Bart turns to see Jimmy calling to him. “Huh?”

“Are you coming or not?” Jimmy asked him.

Bart was a bit shocked. “Really? You want me to come?”

“Sure!” Timmy answered.

“Yeah!” Danny agreed.

“What are friends for?” Jimmy smiled. Bart was happy that he was accepted by his new friends. His real, new friends. Bart comes to them and puts his arm around Jimmy and Timmy. They sigh. “Guys,” Jimmy spoke up, “This is the beginning of a new and really fun school year.” They share a laugh happily walking and following their other friends to hang out and wait again for ToonSchool to start again tomorrow.

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