Episode 310: Not Another crazy train of events typical only of Robot Chicken

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the 8 DS Exclusive Events in MaS@TOG

[edit] Ending

GEORGE BUSH: As My swan Song, I will Erase The Bird Plauge from history, First Note: I Will Nuralise Everyone Execpt for Myself, Team Lyoko, Animals and All Lyoko Nativs

MANNY: Ready to Nuralise the Earthlings.

JARED: Gonna Miss the Human form AC Gave Me.

LARRY: and it will be hard to ajust.

{The Blast of white light appears}

LILLY: Return to the Past, Now.

{As the Light grows bigger bush speaks}

GEORGE BUSH: Second Note: I Will Personally, Shut Down the Department of Virtual Resorces.

ODD: Oh, For love Julet and {Frying Pan} Ow! AndrAIa, What did you do that for

ANDRaiA: Your Time on Lyoko is Up, Della Robia

{The Light is reaching the DVR Biulding}

ODD: Aw Man!

{The Light engulfs the DVR Biulding}

GEORGE BUSH: Third Note, The Wildlife that has been created Before today in 2222, will live in lyoko.

{The light Engulfs the Wildlife, Including a Human Bird who has the Flu}

215 Years Earlier

{The Factory is where it stood 215 Years ago}

GEORGE BUSH: Leaving No Evedence

[edit] DVR Segment

<Department of Virtual Resorces(Not Digi-Nevermind, You win this Round Brocoli)> <Saga: 2, Deaths Recovered: None>

{The DVR office is Empty, A door opens, and It Reveils 4 Dogs, Aelita and AC}

AELITA: This Place looks Deserted.

AC: Yep, The DVR has been Disbanned.

But What about the Supercomputer, XANA's Back and Frink wants revenge on franz

AC: But it will have to wait until, Fusionfall.

<What I Done By Lincoin Park Plays>

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