Episode 26: The Wedding of River Song

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The Doctor: All the pieces lie where they fell, waiting for my Initiative to gather them for the Neverending Story. One Day, It shall begin, yes, and During this time, I shall come back. And until that first Chapter starts there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just move forward in your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine, even when I do not remember a thing...

Xehanort: This World...is just too small

The Doctor: When you find Sora, Tell him that I finally understand the balance of make-believe and real life. That this maintains time and existence itself

The final scene is of a Tombstone decorated with a stick of celery, a teddy bear in a suit and fez, a bouquet of flowers wrapped around a familiar scarf. the Tombstone itself reads:

Andrew Skywalker Davis
Beloved Brother
Devoted Friend
Destined Hero
So basically, there's a lot of running involved
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