Episode 20-The Multiverse Ends

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[edit] Plot

Kyle's father Gerald buys a new hybrid Toyonda Pious, and drives around showing it off to everyone; he then begins an unwelcome campaign to convert the other townspeople to environmentally friendly vehicles. He has started to annoy his friend Randy, who complains that Gerald now preachily talks with his eyes closed, and that he almost likes the smell of his own farts. Deciding that they cannot live among such backward attitudes, Gerald decides that the family must move to San Francisco.

Stan is horrified that his best friend is leaving South Park; Gerald tells him that the family will not return to South Park until everyone feels the same way as him about the environment. Meanwhile, Cartman is joyous over Kyle leaving and, after holding a farewell party for Kyle that everyone BUT Kyle is invited to, he decides to fill the void Kyle will be leaving behind by ripping on Butters, whom he now calls a "stupid Jew." Stan, however, tells Cartman that, without Kyle around to rip on, his life will be empty. After the Broflovskis leave, Stan writes a song about the importance of hybrid cars, which gets on the radio and, incredibly, causes everyone to drive hybrids (and act as smugly as Gerald about it). Stan is praised for opening everyone's eyes, then meets Ranger McFriendly, protector of the environment, who surprisingly criticizes what Stan has done; for, although smog rates are down, people who drive hybrids create a toxic gas in the air called "smug". South Park now has the second-highest levels in the country, after San Francisco.

In San Francisco, Kyle's father is glad to meet like-minded "progressive" people, who, mid-conversation, loudly fart, bend over and sniff with pleasure, then resume discussing their philosophies. Kyle finds it difficult to fit in with the other kids, who spend their time taking drugs to deal with their parents' "smugginess". Kyle refuses the offer of acid, but after seeing that his dad is even more arrogant than before (sniffing his own fart), Kyle asks for "maybe just half a hit," while Ike asks for three.

The cloud of smug over South Park develops, and begins to combine with that of San Francisco. In a series of scenes parodying the film The Perfect Storm, McFriendly then reveals that the cloud of smug from George Clooney's 78th Academy Awards acceptance speech — which claimed that Hollywood was "ahead of the curve" on social issues — will soon drift into the center of the "super cell" and create "the perfect storm of self-satisfaction", which would heavily damage South Park and completely destroy San Francisco (much to Stan's dismay.) Cartman, meanwhile, finds Butters too nice and, due to his lack of self-esteem, unwilling to defend himself like Kyle, he quickly loses patience and wishes that Kyle would return, just as Stan had predicted.

Stan is forced into helping the town eliminate hybrid cars, but Cartman — desperate to get Kyle back so he can resume hating him — secretly goes to San Francisco with Butters, planning to infiltrate the city and rescue his foe. Afraid of San Francisco's liberal and hippie movements (which he hates), Cartman wears an "anti-smug suit" (connected to a hose with an air supply managed by Butters). Just as the storm hits, Cartman finds the Broflovskis in their house, completely stoned on drugs/smug. The scene fades to a purple and Green Aroma.

The Subspace of AC's Hive Mind has destroied the Multiverse, And now it has created a new universe, He Added everyone execpt South Park's San Fransisco which has completely Vanished up it's own Asshole, to make way for a labratory, With 3 Girls, 1 Boy and 3 Gun-Swordsmen. Marin Asagi, Jessica Curtis, Madison ???, Alex Cayford, Melon Blue and 2 others AC Cant Remember. Stuck in a world where Trophies Fight, The Dangers will be Great, But if they make it to Xanaduu, They Might Restore Peace and Normality to All Existance

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