Episode 13: The Punishment

From Accct Wiki

The Grim Reaper was once again at a trial hearing being the defendant side, and the likes of self-proclaimed boy-genius Jimmy Neutron on the perpetrator’s side. The Honorable Judge Spleen presided in the case as the Judge stepped on the podium.

“Oh come on, not this science interfering with the Grim Reaper’s affairs again” sighed Judge Spleen, “will this never end?”

“I’m afraid not your honor” replied Mandy as she stepped into the scene acting as a lawyer for Grim, and Billy who was her aid, “since I am really the owner of the Grim Reaper by contract and Billy’s too dumb to be a lawyer, I’ll be persecuting Jimmy over here.”

“Uh, don’t you mean prosecuting?” asked Billy.

“Does the accuse have a defense team?” asked Judge Spleen as he leaned over to Jimmy.

“Yes your honor” replied Cindy as she walked into the scene with Libby as a co-lawyer.

“Say, how come he’s gots two lawyers?” asked Billy pointing at Cindy and Libby.

“Because you’d be too stupid to be one” replied Mandy as she had to unfortunately repeat herself.

“So what are the charges your honor against our client?” asked Cindy.

“Your client has been charged with meddling into the affairs of the Grim Reaper, again and instead of paying about one hundred bucks, he’ll have to spend time doing some missionary work under the guise of promoting the Christian religion” replied Judge Spleen.

“But I don’t understand religion that well, I’m more of a science type” said Jimmy.

“I know, and that’s why this is the perfect punishment for the likes of you” said Judge Spleen, “may the defense call upon their first witness.”

As the first witness appeared, it was the likes of Carl Wheezer who was quite nervous as he couldn’t stand seeing the sight of Mandy.

“Alright, your name is Carl Wheezer, right?” asked Mandy.

“Y-y-yes” replied Carl in a frighten voice.

“And you do love llamas do you?” asked Mandy.

“Yes” replied Carl.

“Then is it true that you asked your friend Jimmy to grow up a baby llama so that you can have it as your very own pet?” asked Mandy.

“Yes, it’s all true!” cried Carl as he wanted to leave the scene.

“Next witness, Sheen Estevez” said Mandy as Sheen arrived and sat in what use to be Carl’s place, “now Sheen, is it true that you love Ultralord?”

“Uh, yea duh, I’m wearing some Ultralord underwear” replied Sheen.

“And is it true that you asked your friend Jimmy to turn your Ultralord to life, something to which my friend-slave the Grim Reaper could only do?” asked Mandy.

“Yes, and it was so awesome!” cried Sheen.

“No further questions your honor” said Mandy as Sheen was signaled to step down.

“Your honor, this trial is unfair to Jimmy” protested Cindy.

“Please do not interrupt the process or I’ll have to hold you in contempt with the same punishment as your friend Jimmy, you and the rest of your friends” said Judge Spleen then he turns to the jury, “has the jury reached a verdict in the matter?”

“Yes judge” replied Fred Fred Burger as he stood up, “we find the accused guilty, yes!”

“You can’t do this to Jimmy!” cried Cindy who was going crazy over the verdict.

“Silence or I’ll hold you and your three other friends in contempt” continued Judge Spleen as he got angry.

“Oh, can he hold us in contempt too?” asked Billy as he raised his hand.

“Billy, are you crazy, I don’t like working for the Catholic Church, I’m the exact opposite of them, remember?” asked Grim.

“Come on judge, hold us in contempt too with my old tutor and his friends” said Billy, “please judge, please, please, please!”

“That’s it!” shouted Judge Spleen as his face grew quite red, “I’m going to put both parties in contempt with the same punishment as the accused doing missionary work! Both parties are to be involved with the Pupununu tribe!”

“What?!” cried Grim, “You can’t be serious judge, I didn’t do anything, it’s Jimmy and his so-called genius projects become so meddlesome into my affairs and Billy as usual is getting me into trouble.”

“Sorry, but I’m on my last nerve with you Reaper, you along with the accused and the rest of the two parties are going to bring religion and some good to the Pupununu tribe, or I’ll make you spend one month with the head jurist instead!”

“Hi, I’m Fred Fred Burger, I can spell my name very good, can you spell yours?” asked Fred as he waved in the jury.

The scene then switches to Grim, Jimmy and the rest of the two parties being led into a jungle by two priests from the Catholic Church.

“Well, I guess we both had to choose the lesser of the evils” sighed Grim, “this is nothing compared to being best friends forever with Billy and Mandy.”

“Well, here we are, Pupununu village” said the first priest as there was a clearing up ahead.

“Say Mr. Reaper, are these tribal people cannibals?” asked Carl who was quite frighten.

“Actually no Carl, when I tell you which tribes are cannibals, I’ll warn you” replied Grim, “but I doubt this village has any cannibals. But there is something else that I am quite familiar with this? But what?”

“Like what?” asked Mandy.

“Halt! Who goes there?” asked a man in the usual traditional tribal clothing.

“Please, we’re peaceful folk who only want to learn how the rest of the world work, we’d be happy if we both share ideas with each other” replied another priest.

“Hmm, you look harmless to me” said the man in the tribal clothing then he notices the Grim Reaper, “ah, crazy skeleton man! What are you doing here?”

“Look, I’m here as punishment” replied Grim.

“Well, as long as you serve your time” said the man in the tribal clothing.

“So what’s your name exactly?” asked Libby.

“Oh, I’m Lok, I’m the protector of Pupununu village” replied Lok.

“Wow” said Billy as Lok began to show them around the village, “you must be what a super hero would look like to protect the Pooponunu village.”

“I know you folks are outsiders” said Lok, “I’ll setup a meeting for you folks with the Chief. In the meantime, make yourselves comfortable.”

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