Chapter 8: Re-Build Lyoko

From Accct Wiki

Meanwhile, at the Kadic Junior High School...

"That math test was so hard, I almost fell asleep." Ulrich said.

"Yeah." Odd agreed as he yawned.

"Have any of you guys noticed something weird?" asked Yumi.

"Like what?" Jeremy asked.

"Well, Lyoko haven't been activating lately."

Then, Aelita came up to them.

"Hey guys." she greeted.

"Hey Aelita." responded Ulrich.

"I couldn't help overhear, but I think I found a new place."

"New place? In Lyoko?" asked Yumi suspicious.

"Yeah. I think we should check it out. Soon."

"Hmm...sounds like another new discovery." Jeremy said.

After class, the bell rang. The kids headed outside but the gang didn't. They headed over the old factory by taking their roate. Eventually, they made it to the supercomputer room.

Jermeny went into his seat. The others got ready to go to Lyoko.

"Transfer, Odd" Odd was in the scanner, and going. We cut to Yumi inside too. "Transfer Yumi" she did the same thing. "Transfer, Ulrich" "Scanner, Odd, Scanner, Urich, Scanner, Yumi, Vurtualisation" "Aileta, Your Turn" "Transfer, Scanner, Vurtualisation"



The four landed into the Lyoko world wearing not their old clothes. Everything is in 3-D.

"Where to now?" asked Ulrich.

"Down there." Aelita pointed. The kids went from here.

"Everyone," said Jeremy as his voice was heard. "I found a group of inhuman cartoons in The Forest, a group of Adolesent cartoons also in the forest, and Pre-Adolesent Cartoons in a new sector, you can talk to them but to blend in..."

"Jeremy? Jermeny?" Yumi called out.

"Great, we lost him." Ulrich groaned.

Numbuh 5 looked at the town. "Hey, over there!" she pointed. It looked like a hotal.

"Finally, I'm hungry." Buttercup said.

"At least not iall/i is wrecked up." Helga added. They went into the hotal. It was empty.

"Hello?" Sheen called out. "Anyone in here?"

"Maybe they're taking a break." Numbuh 3 suggested.

"Break?!" Eddy shouted. "There's no one in here! It's all dusty in here a fact. The point is, WE'RE NEVER GONNA GET OUTTA HERE!"

Eddy yelled in Numbuh 3's so hard, that she broke up and cried. Eddy took a few steps back.

"Nice going, Sir Short a Lot." Libby said sarcastically.

"Don't call me short!" Eddy snapped.

"Everybody, please. Just calm down." said Double D.

"Yeah," agreed Arnold. "We should at least look on the bright side."

"Bright side?! Listen up, football-head! We're all gonna die! Hear me? Die!" Helga shouted.

"We are all doomed." Numbuh 4 said.

" bad." Zim lied. "For you humans, that is."

It's Time For AC's Doodles, The Part of the Show Where Yours Truly, Tell You How Yin And Yang are Doing in My Trap, Yin and Yang wound up in the spring of Drown Four Year old Human, Anyone in it will Wind Up Cursed to be a human, 4 years older than your original forms

"True, but we must stick together." Lazlo said firmly.

"Or else we're all gonna die out here, alone?" asked Squidward.

"Um...yeah that's basically it."

"At least things can't get any worse." Dojo said. But, like always in a cartoon, something bad does happen.

"What's that?" Stitch exclaimed as he pointed.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" yelled Waffle.

The teens had no luck still. After they ate, they found nothing.

"Are we going to keep going around in circles again? My head's gettin' dizzy just thinking about it." Beast Boy said.

"He's right. We need to find a way how to not wondering in the same place." Danny stated.

"Did you guys just hear something?" asked June, upon hearing from a distance.

"Not me." Angelica said.

Jenny checked her settings. "According to my scanner, there's a hotal from here. 4 miles southeast."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" said Starfire.

"Yeah, I want some real grub!" Tucker shouted, rubbing his stomach. They all went off.

The Lyoko team finally found something, not that they seen before. They are in the Forest.

"Nothing here." Ulrich said.

"We searched everywhere! Nothing." Odd yelled.

"Maybe it was an mistake, Aelita." said Yumi to her. However, the pink haired girl was pointing at something.

"That's it! Come on!" Aelita pointed. She ran over.

"Wait for us!"

The rest followed her into the woods. There was lots of bugs and insects in the way. The kids dodged it. After they got out, all four felt different.

"Maybe Aelita was wrong." Ulrich agreed.

Odd looked at Ulrich. "Dude, you took a lousy time to go default!"

"Huh? I Didn't Call for default"

"We're all in Default." Yumi said.


"I told you something weird was going on." Aelita protested.


"Fine, we believe you."


We See The Figure Again "That will Teach You To Mess With" He Unmasks Himself To Reveil "THE AC!!!!"

Insert Mr. Roboto FMV

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