Chapter 41: Story Show

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AC: Greetings, True Belevers. I am AC, The King of Lyoko, And I'm Here to Tell You about The Day AC-Mas Was Almost Ruined. And Then How Mickey Mouse became the King of the VMK, let's Start with the story with a man, a Witch and A Curse, And now, our word-for-word, Story-to-Cartoon re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, in a Certain Virtual world, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

Hex in The City

(Back at the desk)

AC: (claps) Next, Our story will be about Mickey Mouse, And How He Overthrown the Digimon Emperor, Once again, I invite you to witness our word-for-word re-enactment of Mickey's Start as King of the VMK. It took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

Long ago, in the far away land of Toons, there was a kingdom full of anime and cartoons. In this kingdom, there was a king. He was nicknamed the Digimon Emperor, the ruler of the kingdom. Even thought he was just a mere child, this boy was a genius. He knows everything, he was strong and he acts like an adult not a child. Sadly, he was a ruthless king. The Digimon Emperor was never kind or merciful. All he does each day is collecting big taxes, bullying with the villains and everyone has to do his bidding. Most of all, no one ever disobeyed him, for he will always torture anyone who dared to defy him. One day, the councils had enough of his act. They decided to hold a secret meeting for the entire kingdom, to see which any of the civilians could be the next king.

“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.” Wormtail96, the court magician began, stepping out to the court. “We have gathered here, today, for a special meeting.”

All of them listened carefully to what each of the council had said.

“As you know, we have disappointed with the Digimon Emperor. He took away our freedom, he took away our happiness and he took over our lives.” told Yen Sid. “So, we decided to search for a new king, who can rule our kingdom peacefully.”

Murmurs can be heard from the crowd. Some wants to be king, some are not. They thought being the king could be easy and hard at the same time. One of the council and an air warrior named Amberwind992/Priscilla was ordered by Yen Sid to find the chosen kings. Along with her seven friends, she looked around at the people.

Ray Lin, the water warrior, pointed at the crowds and goes to Amberwind992.

“I think he should be the king.” She said suggestively, pointing at Gaston.

They take a look at Gaston, who looked at the mirror pridely. Amberwind992 shook her head, along with the other warriors.

“Gaston can’t be a king.” Tom, the earth warrior shook his head in dismay. “He only thinks about his looks and appearance. A good king should never judge people on their appearance.”

Then, they looked again. For minutes, they examined all of the crowds.

Sally, the light warrior looked at Bobobo. She then goes to them and talked, “This man, Bobobo, he was feared by many people and villains. He even had friends to aid him. I think he should be a king.”

But Roy, the darkness warrior didn’t agree. “I’m sorry, Bobobo is too silly and dumb to be a king.”

“A king should be knowledgeable and wise.” said Samara, the ice warrior.

Then Jason, the fire warrior came over at them. “I got it! Let Omi became the king! He was smart, powerful and never judges people by appearance!”

They stared at Omi for a second. Omi was too busy blabbering about himself. They shook their heads.

“Omi, the Xiaolin warrior. He was powerful and smart indeed, but he was an arrogant child. A king should not be like that.” said Cleric, the thunder warrior.

“If any of these people can’t be a king, how we are going to find one?” asked Sally.

Amberwind992 thinks for a second and answered, “We have no choice but to travel far and wide. There could be someone who’s perfect to be a king.”

From that day on, they looked everywhere for their chosen king. Unfortunately, none of them came into the criteria for a king. They first stopped at Pharaoh Atem’s kingdom and asked him to be their king. Atem refused.

“I’m sorry my friends, but can’t. I need to watch over my kingdom. I will suggest you looked into the streets, for my people could be your king.” Said Atem wisely.

The warriors looked into the streets. They spotted an intelligent, muscled tan man named Bakura. Amberwind992 looked at him for a moment and thought they finally find their king! But she was wrong. All of the sudden, Bakura stole a gold from a poor man. She scratched him off the list,

They travel to the Inca kingdom, where they found an emperor named Kuzco. They asked him if he wants to be a king and he replied…

“Really?! Oh boy! I would love to be your king! You see, after I get in there, I want people to be statues like me, do my chores, build a monument for me, bla, bla, bla, bla…” Kuzco continued to talk until the warrior grew tired with his talk.

“He talked too much about himself!” Jason complained.

“He would never be a good king.” Samara groaned.

"Another Twerp for The Underground Classrooms" AC Said, Dropping Kusco into the underground classrooms

Finally, as the hope came to them, they found their king. It was just a usual day; the warriors arrived in a village. Amberwind992 asked Bugs Bunny to be the king of all Toons.

“Eeehhh… sorry folks! I’m not that powerful to be a king. If you’re looking for one, I suggest you looked at Mickey Mouse.” Bugs bunny answered.

“Mickey… mouse?” Roy asked in curiosity.

“Yeah! My friend is perfect to be our king!” Donald Duck jumped in agreement. “He’s always kind to everyone! Plus, he’s smart and powerful.”

Thinking about what they’ve said, the warrior decided to have a looked at Mickey. As they saw him, he was playing with the children, laughter rang into the air. They also saw him helped an old man find his way home. The warriors nodded, they know what to do. Slowly, they explained to Mickey Mouse, on why he should be a king. Mickey was happy and scared at the same time.

“Me? A king?!” Mickey cried in disbelief. “Oh my gosh. I would like to, but the Digimon Emperor…”

Suddenly, the warrior remembered about the Digimon Emperor.

“Oh no! We’re totally forgotten about him!” cried Ray Lin in panic.

“The Digimon Emperor never lets anyone took his throne…” mumbled Samara in anger. “Worst, everyone feared him, even the strongest man.”

“Priscilla/Amber, what are we gonna do?! He’s going to beheaded us and Mickey if he finds out that he’s going to be replaced!” Tom shook her.

For a moment, they were worried, but Tom has an idea. He only needs a little help from someone very special.

Two days later, the councils and the warriors go to the Digimon Emperor’s throne room. Some of them were a little frightened and didn’t know what to say. The Digimon emperor stared at them impatiently.

“Well?!” he bellowed. “Speak up! I haven’t got all day!”

Whiteling bravely came up to him and spoke. “Your majesty, it seems that the civilians want to replace you as a king…”

The Digimon Emperor’s eyes widened in anger. His blood began to boil in anger.

“WHAT?!” he shouted in furious manner. They startled, but Tom came up to him.

“Your majesty, if you please, what we meant to say is that this is a just a competition. The winner shall be a king and your contender is one of your people.” Tom explained to him.

“You asked me to compete against a peasant?” The Digimon Emperor spoke.

They councils nodded their heads. The Digimon Emperor just laughed cruelly and looked at the peasants snidely.

“Fine! I will accept your proposal to competition against a common sucker! Tell them that the competition will started at the crack of dawn. But don’t be disappointed if you contender is a crybaby!” he cackled evilly as he goes back to his room. However, they secretly smiled to each other.

“Let’s see who gets the last laugh, your majesty.” Dr.Dude sneered at him.

The next day, at the crack of dawn, many of the cartoons and animes arrived in the forest. The Digimon Emperor was there, along with villains. The rule of the competition is simple: each contestant must break a large thick branch without any weapons at all, just with their bare hands. Whoever can break it completely, one of them shall be a king. The Digimon Emperor prepared to cut the branch. As he flung his hands at the branch, something happened.

“ARRRRGHHH!!!” The Digimon Emperor cried in pain. He wasn’t able to break the branch completely, but they can see that he was powerful.

The civilians tried so hard not to laugh at him, but they can’t. A loud laughter roared at The Digimon Emperor. The Digimon Emperor stared at them in anger, the civilians stopped them.

“Alright! Where’s the moron who dared to compete against me?” he asked at the councils.

“He’s right here.” Amber told him, pulling Mickey Mouse to her side.

“Wha…” Mickey gulped.

The villains and the Digimon Emperor stared at him for a while and started to laughed, taunted and mocked at him.

“That’s him?! That mouse was your contestant?!” mocked the Digimon Emperor.

“He’s so small!” sneered Mammoth.

“Hey Mouse! Where’s your cheese?” Azula taunted at Mickey.

Mickey started to feel uncomfortable, but Amberwind992 trusted him. Mickey slowly went over to the other thicker branch and flung his hands. Amazingly, with one single blow, the branch was cut in half! The crowd looked in awe. They villains stopped jeering at Mickey with their mouths dropped. The Digimon Emperor stared in disbelief. He was defeated… by a mouse?! But a deal is a deal. The crowds cheered. They finally free from the dreaded Digimon Emperor. As for the emperor himself, he throws his crown in anger and shame. Then he left the country and never been seen again.

Yen Sid looked proudly at the warrior. “Well done! Still, I’m a bit confused. How does he do that?”

Tom just smiled at him and began to tell his clever trick. Before the competition begin, Tom had asked Woddy Woodpecker to make a hole lines around the branch so that Mickey could break the branch easily. The council was proud with Tom’s cleverness. Thus, as Mickey received his crown, he ruled the kingdom peacefully. Everyone would never worry about misery anymore.

(Back at the desk)

AC: (claps) That ends our story and how, Mickey Mouse becomes the king of the VMK. We hope you have enjoyed our re-enactments, assisted by the Cartoon Crossover Dinner Theatre Ensemble, of

(Amberwind and Matt Gordening take a bow; superimposed subtitle appears and fades)

Cartoon Crossover Dinner Theatre Ensemble

AC: (claps) Tonight, you have witnessed re-enactments of fantastic adventures, both amazing and profound. This is AC, King of Lyoko, in a certain time, in a certain dimension, bidding you farewell.

(Credits roll)

(Cut to Aileta)

AILETA: I Give up, Why Do We Waist our time watching stories that are fake

MR.MOLEGWAKO: Because we only Teach what AC Wants us to teach. (Looks at a Stuffed Giragpe)

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