Chapter 40: Return To Vocano Island

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Disneyland Fun

I Love To Laugh

You Can Fly

And Now, Our Feature Presentation


The Mawgu, an evil spirit bend on destroy the universes of the Chosen Ones; SpongeBob Squarepants, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Patrick Star, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Squidward Tentecales, Sandy Cheeks and Timmy Turner, who pushed back near the wall of the storm.

"TUCKER! NOW!" Danny commanded.

Then a huge white strip appeared and began sucking in the Mawgu. The evil spirit then held u his strength near the exit.

"This isn't over, Chosen Ones!" The Mawgu laughed before being sucked and stopped forever.

Or so they thought...

Present Day

It was a beautiful shiny day in Dimmsdale. Timmy Turner woke from his alarm clock as he took out a hammer and smashed it to bits. Then he streched out his arms. His fairies in his fishbowl, Cosmo and Wanda, poofed up beside him in their true, normal forms.

"Today's the day! Today's the day!" Timmy repeated excitedly as she dashed around the zoom getting dressed.

"Whoa, whoa, what's the big rush, sport?" Cosmo asked confused.

"Why don't you know? Jimmy, Danny and SpongeBob planned to go on a picnic and hang out," Wanda replied. "When their friends are all outta town and so are their parents."

"What about Vicky?"

"That's why Danny and SpongeBob are filling in."

"Oh yeah." Just then Cosmo remembered something. "That reminds me, we got invited to the '2000th Annual Fairy Spring Party!'"

"It's today?" Timmy asked.

"Aw, sorry Timmy." Wanda said sadly. "But we have to go."

"Yeah. With the party and the band and the hot fudge and the..." Wanda smacks his husband. "Ow! I mean, sorry Timmy."

"That's okay guys," said Timmy. "When does it start?"


Suddenly Jorgon Von Strangle appears in the room.

"YOU! Cosmo and Wanda! You must come help me with the decorations!" he yelled.

"What about Timmy?" asked Cosmo, pointing at Timmy.

Jorgon looks at Timmy closely. "Uh, sorry, but only the invited can help. And since you're not...your loss." Then the fairies poofed out of the room. Timmy sighed.

"Well, I better get going." he said and closed the door behind him.

In Jimmy's lab, he waited for his friends to come, patiently. He couldn't wait to show him his new inventions along what they had to say.

"It might as well take them hours and hours to get here. It's the only time we can do this!" he said, looking at the portal. He turned to his dog, Goddard, sleeping.

Just then, the portal went on that awoke him. Timmy, Danny, and SpongeBob (in his water helmet) with their items ready to go.

"Sorry it took us so long, Jimmy." Danny apologized.

"Yeah. I couldn't get out of work early enough." said SpongeBob.

"SpongeBob, today's Sunday. You don't have work."

SpongeBob looked at him and realized. "Oh, you're right. Must've been something else." he replied with a light chuckle.

"Anyway, we should get going," Timmy said. "To, uh, um, eh..." he got stuck where they were going. "Where are we gonna go?"

"To the most private place in our worlds." Jimmy responded.

"Here?" questioned SpongeBob.

"No! To the beach!"

"Oh!" the rest of the Nicktoons said now knowing. "Which one?"

Jimmy groans. "This is gonna be a long day." he muttered.

Timmy, Jimmy, Danny, SpongeBob, and Goddard arrive at Amity Park Beach from the portal. They get ready for the warmth, coolness, stuff.

"I'm gonna go surfing!" said SpongeBob.

"I'm going to bury myself in sand!" added Timmy.

"I'm gonna get ice cream. I'm hungry." Danny rumbled his tummy as he ran over to get something to eat.

"What about you, Jimmy?"

"I'm going to stay here, work in my inventions." responded Jimmy.

"BOR-ING!" Timmy said giving a thumbs down.

"Yeah, we came here for fun!" SpongeBob jumped.

"So how about you try to help bury me in the sand?"

"Nah." Jimmy said not caring. Timmy shrugged.

"Sometimes I think he works a little too much." he whispered to SpongeBob, who nodded. Timmy turns to Goddard. "Come on Goddard, come on boy."

Goddard barked and followed Timmy to the highest part of the beach where the water can't reach it while SpongeBob pulled out his surfboard and went land surfing. Danny got back and licked his ice cream, but noticed a strange formation in the sky. it was a pinkish purple with a mix of white and black.

"Hmm..." he wondered. "That isn't what you see everyday. I'll ask Jimmy." Then he sees a glowing yet little shining star above, and disappears in a flash, so does the others colors, returning to its own baby blue and white. Danny blinks. "Huh? Must have been my imagination for a sec."

Later, at sunset, the three and the robotic dog look at the sun going down as they eat their sandwiches.

"Wow, today was awesome!" cheered Timmy.

"Yeah, we should do more of these things more often." Danny agreed.

"Gentlemen, it's time to show you my newest and latest invention," Jimmy started. He shows a device that looks like a cellphone, only with a neutron icon on top and inside a small screen, arrows, numbers, and letters.

"So what?" asked Timmy bored. "It's just a cellphone. Everyone has that."

"Actually, I..." Danny raised his hand.

"It's not just a cellphone," Jimmy interrupted. "The Neutronic-mobile. With it you can change yourself to any species, clothes, style, etc. All with a push of a button. It also works as a communitator." he explained.

"Now it's interesting!" Timmy exclaimed. "You were trying to get is done, were ya?"

Jimmy blushed and admits. "Yeah."

"Hey, where's SpongeBob?" Danny asked. The others looked around and saw no trace of him.


They turn and hear the voice. It came from SpongeBob, who was on his surfboard, not riding, and waving to them.

"SpongeBob, what are you doing out there?" Danny called.

"You're gonna shrivel up like a prune!" adds Timmy.

"Um, when I went 'boarding, there was the really big wave and floped me down. But I hung on to by surfboard and didn't drown. However I rammed into a giant rock that...ripped my pants. And now I'm...naked." explained he.

"Okay, we really didn't need to know that."

"Perfect, now I can show you how my invention works." Jimmy said, and called to the sponge. "SpongeBob, I need you to get out of the water!"

"What?! Are you crazy?" said SpongeBob in shock.

"Oh, come on, you did it a million times!" Timmy shouted, but wasn't helping.

"No way, hosey! If you guys want me out, then you have to FORCE me out!" SpongeBob snapped.

"I'll take care of this." Danny said. He then transformed into his ghost form, with white hair, green eyes, and a black and white costume with a white 'DP' emblem in the middle. He flew and pulled SpongeBob out of the water, although he struggled.

"Perfect, Danny!" Jimmy said, selected some clothes, pressed, a button, and aimed a blast at SpongeBob, giving him a jolt. The next thing he knew, he had on black shoes, red, white & blue colored socks, brown pants w/black belts, and a white shirt with a red tie.

He gave a relaxed sigh. "Whew. That was close."

"Don't worry, it happened to me too. Sorta." Danny said to him. SpongeBob gave him an odd look. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing. I remember now."

That night, all five sat around a roasting campfire. They ate marshmellows on a stick.

"The cool smell, a hot fire, and delicious packed fluffy chewy sucrose." said Jimmy as he popped a marshmellow in his mouth.

"That I bought." SpongeBob said.

"We should do breaks lots more." Timmy said. Goddard barked.

"Yep, with all the fighting and the work and the fighting and school and the fighting and bullies...and the fighting."

"Being a superhero's hard work." agrees Danny. "Protecting the city from various enemies."

"But if we do it together." began Jimmy.

"Danny!" he shouted his name and did a pose.

"SpongeBob!" 'Bob bawls his name too and does a still karate move.

"Timmy!" he stood on his toes.

"And Jimmy!" Jimmy pointed his Neutronic-Mobile (NM for short). "As we are..."

"NICKTOONS UNITED!" the four said at once and fell to the ground, laughing.

"Man that's cool." Timmy spoke.

Then they heard a noise from the dock, a man yelling and a bell ringing (like a old school bell).

"Hmm? Who could be here at this hour?" asked Jimmy.

"Let's check it out." Danny replied.

"But what if it's b-bad?" SpongeBob shivered in fear. Danny grabbed him while they went off.

Near the docks, the five peeked and saw a figure giving orders to its minions. They were carring boxes into a boat.

"Dude, what do you make of that?" Timmy questions.

Danny sighs. "It's just some people loading boxes onto..." Danny gets a closer view and sees that they aren't boxes, however treasure cases.

"Pukin' Pluto! Those aren't boxes, they're stealing treasure!"

"Why would they do that?" asks SpongeBob. The rest stare at him. "Sorry."

"Goddard, you stay here in case of any danger." Jimmy commanded. Goddard nodded. The four friends sneaked closer and closer.

"Hurry up with those jewels!" the boss angrily demanded. "It's rare, ya know! Lucky enough I pay you at all!"

"But you DON'T pay us at all." one weak-voiced minion stated.

"Did I WANT you do answer that?!?"


"You will pay for that!" then the figure let out a brust of energy, directly at the minion, knocking him dead. The heroes gasped.

"Whoa, did you see that?" Timmy asked.

"I don't think we ever faced a villain like that before!" Jimmy increased.

"Come on already!" Danny urged and flies to the crime.

"Danny, no!" But it was too late for Jimmy to stop him.

"Hey, old guy, over here!" Danny called. The figure turned around and suddenly all the minions fell down. It was a dark, shadow creature with no nose or mouth, but red, trianglier eyes facing down. And the 'minions' weren't his, they were employees who worked at the marine, controlled by this master mind.

"Do I know you?" the shadow asked.

"No, but you best put those jewels back!" Danny snapped.

It chuckled. "Clever, little boy, but no." Quickly, it attacks Danny with a dark blast, knocking him down. Timmy, Jimmy, and SpongeBob gasp again.

"No one hurts my friend!" yelled SpongeBob frustrated, and puts on his karate gear from off-screen.

"Uh, how do you do that?" asks Timmy.

"Do what?"

"Forget it."

Danny gets up weakly from the blast. "What was that?" he thought. The three then go in front of him for protection. "Thanks guys."

"No prob." SpongeBob smiled.

"It looks like you have friends. I'm petrifed." the shadow said sarcastically.

"You better be!" Timmy shouted. "I wish I had..." then he recalls. "D'oh! Wanda and Cosmo are at their party! But I need them now!" The shadow grabs and chokes him. Jimmy, pulls out his NM and zaps Timmy into his Cleft costume. He also zaps himself into Brain Boy. Cleft escapes from the hand of rapture and kicks it. "Thanks a bunch, dude!"

"That's what friends are for!" Jimmy answered. He uses mind control and reads the shadow's mind, but gets blocked out. "What the? That's weird. I couldn't read what he was thinking."

"Ready for our special attack, SpongeBob?" asked Danny.

"I thought you'd never ask!" SpongeBob replied.

He then twirled and twirled around creating a small tornado. Danny sweated, stepped back, and jumped inside, who got sent forward spinning, had his foot out, and kicked the shadows's face! Also he grabbed him and knocked him on the ground, and lands safely.

"Wow! Maybe we should do a special attack, Debi." Timmy suggested.

"Don't call me that." Jimmy said.

The shadow was alive, but lying on the ground. Next he hears the sound of a rough, ocean wave and stands up immediatidly.

"This may the end for you. But we will meet time." the shadow cackled and disappeared.

"What was he talking about?" asks Danny. Suddenly the four look up to see a 60 foot wave!!!!"

SpongeBob gulped. "Uh, Jimmy, I think we need a bigger boat."

"RUN!!!" Jimmy exclaims, while they run for their lives. However the wave swept them inside, carring them inside a deep, rushing whirlpool. "Hold on together guys!"

Jimmy grabs Timmy's hand who takes Danny's who takes SpongeBob's.

"How long?" SpongeBob asked.

"Until this is OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Jimmy yells as they go deeper and deeper inside the pool.

Will the Nicktoons live? Who is the shadow? What was he doing with those treasures? And why does Cosmo have to be stuck in the punch bowl? Don't forget to eat dinner, brush your teeth, go to bed early if you have a state test, and Find out NEXT TIME ON DIGIMON DIGITAL MONSTERS.

Through Jimmy's eyes he wakes up and sees seagulls flying by, the Sun in the middle with its blistering heat. Shocked, he gets up and appears to be alive. No harm, scratches, bruises, or anything. He's also back in his white shoes, blue jeans, and red T-shirt (and the yellow neutron in the middle). He looks around and also sees Timmy and Danny beside him, back in their clothes too, sleeping.

"Guys, wake up!" Jimmy pushed them.

"Ugh, what happened?" Danny asked groggily.

"Are we dead?" added Timmy.

"Gee, it doesn't LOOK like we're dead!" snapped Jimmy. He pulls out his NM, also safe. "Good thing I made this waterproof."

"Speaking of water, where's SpongeBob?" Danny asked again.

"He better not be naked like last time!" Timmy said. The three looked around and saw no sign of him. Timmy gets down on his knees and cries. "Oh why! Oh way did this happen to us?"

Danny sniffed. "He was my best friend. Next to Tucker I mean." he covered.

Jimmy sighs. "Well, guys, it looks like we lost one of our best buddies in that thrashing horrible event." They close their eyes, sadly looking down in a moment of silence. Yeah. For a few minutes. Yep. I'll continue now.

Then Timmy grabs onto Jimmy, crying. "Oh why did this had to happen? He was a good person! Although annoying, still a good person. He was kind and thoughtful and cared about us, but we never did it the SAME! Why did this happen to us?! WHY???" he swepted.

Irrirated, Jimmy slaps him in the face. "I'm sorry I had to do that Timmy, but it was my only chance."

Timmy feels where he was slapped. "Thanks dude. I needed that." he turns around and gapes.

"Oh what now?" Jimmy also turns around and Danny gasps. They stare at a jungle, full of high trees ready to enter. "This is..."

"Volcano Island." Danny finished.

"Why are we here?" questioned Timmy.

"It seems the wind currents of the 'pool totaled up at 50 MPH. Now if we were going at that rate, then..."

"Or, it could be a lucky shot." Danny cut off Jimmy.

"I'll go with that." Timmy said.

"Actually, it's none of that."

The three turn to see a blue skinned ghost with blond hair, and a ripped white dress. They scream startled.

"My apologizes for disrupting you," she continued. "But you did come back for a reason."

"Who are you?" asks Danny.

"I am Iona, advisor of the Wise Old Crab."

"The Wise Old Crab has an advisor?" said Timmy. "I thought he was...wise."

"Of course he is, but I know every single thing that happened in the past, I lived longer than him. And he said I'll find you three."

"There's one missing because SpongeBob's gone." Danny said sadly.

"I know that too."


"I've been watching you, and your friend. Not so long ago, you guys defeated the Syndicate, made up by your worst enemies. You used excellent tasks and features. That's the first time I saw you. Then when you came to Volcano Island the first time, you did it again with the help of your other friends. I've been impressed by your work and that's why you're the chosen ones." she explained.

"Wow." was all Timmy could say.

"But now it started again. My arch enemy, Mr. Sin, is back from once he came. Now he plans to get rid of you, and destory all the worlds."

"That's terrible!" Jimmy shouted.

"Now he's kidnapped the king and queen of this place. And what's worse, he locked up Magwu in HIS box."

"That's evil!" Danny said.

"He sure is. He may don't look like it, but has darkness all inside him, 100. As part of the chosen ones, you have to find the Plant King and the Insect Queen. You might also find SpongeBob."

"SpongeBob? You mean he's alive?" Jimmy hoped.

"It's possible, but you must do it before it's too late."

"Okay, we'll find SpongeBob, the king and queen, stop Sin, and save all our worlds." Jimmy said as him, Timmy and Danny start to leave.

"Oh, and there's one more thing." stopped Iona and they turned around. "You gotta find the one called 'Everything Asian', a girl so powerful, that she'll help you defeat Sin. Good luck."

"Will do!" Timmy waved good-bye and walk away. Iona smirks knowing they'll succeed.

In the jungle, Jimmy, Timmy and Danny look around. They see monkeys, fruit on trees, and other animals.

"This wasn't the first time we went here." said Timmy. There was a short pause. "I'm bored.

"Timmy, we've only been out here for two seconds." Danny said.

"I know."

"Hmm, according to my Neutronic-Mobile, the map on the screen shows SpongeBob who is...far." said Jimmy.

"How far?"

"Oh...about 66 miles far."

"66 MILES?!" Danny shook Jimmy. "You're kidding me, right?"

"No." Jimmy shook his head. Suddenly the dot that presented SpongeBob disappeared off the screen.

"Oh, great!" he let go of Jimmy who landed on the ground with a thump. "SpongeBob is gone and we don't know where he is! Ah, well, guys know what? You can find this 'Everything Asian' girl by yourselves! I'm looking for SpongeBob!"

"What?" asked Timmy shocked.

"That's right! And don't think I'm going insane because of this dreaded heat!" Danny twitches & Timmy and Jimmy look at each other. "But I know what you're thinking! See you later losers!" he flew off, laughing like a maniac.

"Think it's the heat?"

"Totally." Jimmy nodded.

Somewhere else...

"Great, now that they entered the Heat of Insanity, they'll have to not work anymore due to its extreme heat! It's only a matter of time..." said a familiar voice.

"Um, why am I here again?"

The figure turned around and sees SpongeBob, locked up in a cage.

"Shut up."

"Seriously, why am I here?" SpongeBob repeated.

"BECAUSE! You're the perfect bait. Those brats won't know what came. Besides, you know where she is."

"I do?"

"Yes! It's only a matter of time!"

"Do you think you could stop saying that?"

"SILENCE!" the figure's voice boomed, shaking SpongeBob in fear so much, that he went inside his pants (literally). "You WILL tell me! Or else my name isn't...MR. SIN!" the shadow from before evilly laughs.

Back with Jimmy and Timmy, they walk in the drozing, mega heat like on the hottest day you can think of, like Sin said.

"Do you think we could get a drink?" asked Timmy.

"No! Oh, it feels we've been walking for hours and it's only been minutes." said Jimmy. "Which reminds me. Where's the bathroom?"

"I know. I have to go too." Both stare at one other. "OH NO! Drop it! There is no way I'm going in bushes!" Cut to Timmy and Jimmy, doing their 'thing' in the bushes, that we can't see. "I can't believe we're going in the bushes."

"Well if you didn't give me that addictive drink, then I wouldn't have to go!"

"Hey! Was it my fault your Purple Flurp had to make me hold it in for so long?"

"Nope!" shouted Jimmy.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" snaps Timmy. The two zip back their pants and look like they're ready to fight. "Bring it on!"

"Okay, I will! You start."

"No, you start."











Then they lunge, pulling on each other's hair and clothes. They tumble down a hill they don't notice for a long time, covered in mud, dirt, and bugs. Eventually the hill reaches its end and Timmy and Jimmy stop, with Timmy pulling on Jimmy's hair and shirt, as Jimmy pulls on Timmy's pink hat and pants. Both let go and clean themselves.

"That was disturbing." said Timmy, picking a worm out of his hair.

"Yeah. But if you ever do that again..." began Jimmy.

"Hey! You and your smarty-smart brains got us in this mess in the first place!"

"No it didn't! Besides I..." Jimmy stops while Timmy tries to get his attention, then he notcies too. Both of them drop their jaws as to what they see?

What are these two dunderheads dazed at? Why is Danny insane and will be for how long? Will SpongeBob be rescued by Sin? And who is this so called 'Everything Asian'? Find out NEXT TIME ON DIGIMON DIGITAL MONSTERS

What Jimmy and Timmy see...are more people! They landed on another part of the island. There are three more kids. One was an African-American wearing a red hat, in a blue & white bathing suit. The other was a boy, who looked crazy counting rocks and mumbled something they couldn't make out. The last one was a girl, with a blonde devil pointedhair style, a long pink shirt, and black shoes. She was facing the ocean, not moving at all.

"Numbuh 5 needs a lemonade. Eddy, can you get that?" asked the first girl.

"In a minute! I'm counting MONEY!" the boy called Eddy snapped, showing a pile of rocks in his hands to his face. "At this rate, we'll be off this island in a matter of hours!" he howls maniacally.

"Uh, never mind. I'm gonna get it myself. You comin', Mandy?"

The third girl turned to show a deathly stare. No smile. "Nah. I'll stay out here and keep the idiot safe."

"Okay." Numbuh 5 headed toward the east. Jimmy and Timmy lean closer, and see she's heading for a trailer! Completely filled with food and beds!

"Whoa, dude! They're living in style!" yelled Timmy.

"If they're living in style, then how come they're outside?" Jimmy asked.

"Who cares? Let's ask those guys if we can join them!"


However, Timmy grabs his hand as Jimmy yelps. They rush up to Eddy, with Mandy not noticing.

"Hi! I'm Timmy! This is my friend, Jimmy," Timmy starts. "We came to this island first, and saw you with a trailer! So..."

"Hey, wanna have a dollar?" said Eddy who pulled out a rock.

"Dude, that's a rock."


"Man, he's worse than Danny." Jimmy whispers.

"Yeah." agreed Timmy.

"I know what you're doin'! But you're not gonna have any of my MONEY! IT'S MINE! ALL MINE!"

Just then, Mandy hit Eddy with the scythe she was holding.

"Sorry boys. We've been out here for a few hours and Eddy's been delusional. He claims he needs to 'scam' people. Too bad we couldn't let him." she explained. "You claimed you was here before?"

"We were here first." said Timmy.

"Yep." Jimmy nodded. "We've looking for a person called 'Everything Asian" "We don't have anyone asian with us." Mandy said. "But you can stay. The only reason I'm generous is because of the heat. There's drinks inside to cool ya off."

"Both of us can see that." Timmy smirked.

Numbuh 5 opened the trailer door as she stepped out. She was sipping on some ice, cold lemonade. She saw the new boys, and walked right over.

"Who's they?" asked she.

"Oh. I'm Jimmy and that's Timmy. And no, we're not twins." introduced Jimmy.

"I'm Abby, but they call me Numbuh 5 from the Kids Next Door. That's Mandy and Eddy's recovering."

"My head hurts..." Eddy groaned. "Hey, they just said their names already."

"Wow. For once you remember." Mandy joked. Eddy growled at that remark.

"What brings you guys here?" wondered Timmy.

"Well, it's a long story. But to make it short, I was forcing the Grim to do my work." Mandy said as a flashback occurs.

"And mow the lawn. Then you could clean Billy's toenails, wash the dishes again, put finanical stocks on the market..." Mandy read from her long, long list for Grim to do.

"Ay carumba." moaned Grim. "For once, I wish she'd just disappear."

Ironically, Mandy disappears out of nowhere as the list falls to the floor. Billy enters.

"Hey, where's Mandy?" he asked stupidly.

"Didn't you see it?" said Grim. "She's gone! That we know anyways."

"Did you do anything?"

"No, I didn't!"

"I didn't either. So...what now?"

Grim smiles and so does Billy. They look at one other.

"NO MORE MANDY!" cheered both.

"We can do anything we want!" shouted Billy.

"Freedom! Freedom!" spoke Grim.

'That's when I landed on the island. It was getting kinda hot, and boring.'


'Knowing that those pea brains wouldn't help me at all, I walked around. A half hour later I found the trailer. It was loaded. I didn't know why it was out here. Come to think of it was kinda stupid. Soon Numbuh 5 dropped in and we found Eddy. And we decided to team up after that.

"Gee, that's just dumb." spoke Timmy.

Eddy shouts. "I never agreed to team up with you!"

"Uh, that's because you weren't paying attention at the time." answered Numbuh 5. "Anyway, if you guys wanna come with us."

"Okay!" Timmy and Jimmy said in unison. They opened the door to the trailer and saw a whole lotta drinks. Sodas, juice, water, you name it. A heavenly courus played as of from nowhere and a spotlight shined.

"Yep. You better drink up, guys." said Numbuh 5. "It's the only way we could keep cool and not go insane. That part of the island was whack!"

"You can say that again!" Timmy says and drinks a soda.

Jimmy asks. "So, Numbuh 5, what do you do most of the time?"

"Oh, just tan. There hasn't been any communitation yet. The signal's gone too." she took out her device to talk to her teammates.

"So's my Neutronic-Mobile." Jimmy said, taking the NM out.

"That's a cellphone."

"I'm telling you dude, you should stop making inventions that look like products we know of." said Timmy.

"Hey! It's true!" Jimmy protested. Suddenly the small screen inside shows a yellow dot that's SpongeBob on the middle of the island. "SpongeBob, we're coming for you!"

"SpongeBob? What kind of name is that?" questioned Numbuh 5.

"No time. Numbuh 5, get Mandy and Eddy! We're taking a journey! Timmy, grab all the drinks you can get."

"Got it." soluted Timmy and started doing his command. Numbuh 5 smirked as she and Jimmy left. After Timmy discovers a glowing golden thermos. "Cool! Just like Danny's. I hope he's ok." he said concerned putting it into his backpack.

Meanwhile, a girl about 12 years old with a black hair style like Buttercup's only taller and bigger, ran. She has black slanted eyes and wore a light green T shirt w/a pink and yellow flower in the middle, blue shorts (made from jean cloth), and brown shoes. Running. She was running fast alright. And panting. Running and panting.

i"Why they must chase me? Why am I here?"/i she thought. She soon stopped at a dead end as her feet screeched to a halt. She was being chased by...HEARTLESS!

No, this is the right story. Yes, dozens of Heartless were after her, and now caught her. They got near and attacked as she struggled.

i'Remember what I told you...look down your heart...'/i reminded a female voice.

The girl closed her eyes then opened them again, only with glowing, white ones. In a seuqence, she transformed in a "Powerpuff Girls Z" like transformation into a red, sleeveless shirt, showing her belly too (a DP styled 'K' in the middle and a looped heart in the back), black fingerless gloves, a red bikini and the long cloth in the middle to match, and finally ruby boots.

She opened her eyes again and were normal and broke away from the Heartless. She took a fireball and blew a quarter of them away. Next she kicks and punches them, hard core. Finally she climbs up a tree and jumps down, creating a BOOM! In a flash, she transforms back in a DP way and the Heartless are gone.

Iona appears behind her. "You did very good."

"I know," replied the girl. "I think I'm ready."

"Oh, but first you have to find the inhabitents on the island."

"All of them?" whined she.

Iona chuckled. "No. At least one. Tell him/her your secret, and complete the prophecy."

"I think I can do that. Or else my name isn't Kimiko." she said in triumph, standing up as the Sun shines on her from behind.

Who is Kimiko? How did she get those powers? Will Jimmy, Timmy, and their new friends find SpongeBob? What's with the glowing thermos and Heartless? And where's Danny now? Find out soon!

Danny Fenton floated down in a water-like scene, him unconscious. As he continued floating down, his voice was heard.

"I've been having these weird thoughts lately...Is any of this for real, or not?"

Danny continued to sleep as he continued to float deeper in the water. His blue eyes opened.

In a flash of light, the next thing he knew, he was in a beach. The sun was so bright, that Danny placed his hands the way of the sunlight. Then he noticed a figure.

It was a teenager like him, probably 13, with black and green (gel) hair, black slanted eyes, a red jacket, and blue jeans.

You're giving me too many things

He smiled at him, but Danny looked down and saw that the wave was about to hit.

"HEY, MOVE OUTTA THE WAY!" he shouted.

Lately, you're all I need

The boy turned to see Danny. The only thing he did in response was placing his hand out for him to grab it.

You smiled at me, and said:

The black haired kid ran over, but the wave crashed. The next thing he knew, Danny was underwater.

"Don't get me wrong, I love you.

But does that mean I have to meet your father?"

The boy is still standing, but didn't move like a statue. He just continued to hold his hand out for Danny to grab it.

"When we are older,

You will understand what I meant when I said 'No;

I don't think life is quite that simple.

He tries to fight the wave, but he ended up getting forced back. A minute later, Danny came back to the surface, gasping for breath and waving his arms wildly. The one quickly learned he could stand up.

When you walk away

You don't hear me say,


Danny turned to the person who called him. The girl had golden eyes, and black hair, one part dyed pink. She wore a lgiht green shirt with the Te Xuan Ze and blue jeans.

"Please, oh baby! Don't go!"

Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight

It's hard to let go

He looked up and smiled at her. The girl giggled, then she looked up and saw something in the sky...a meteriod shower. Danny near the water looked confused at first, but he looked up at the sky as well.

Hold me

Whatever lies beyond his morning is a little later on

Regardless of warnings,

The future doesn't scare me at all

Nothing's like before,

The shower showed...him! His eyes widened and noticed another thing. The halfa began to fall back into the ocean.

Hold me

Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on

Regardless of warnings

The future doesn't scare me at all

Nothing's like before

The girl gasped. Danny began to fall unconscious once again.

He fell into the ocean and float downward until he landed on his feet like a cat. Danny looked around curiously until he took a step forward. A bunch of doves flew off of the ground, which lit up. As soon the doves flew away, he looked at the portrait was on the floor. It was...Kimiko. On her side.

Surrounding her was a blue stone, yellow stone, red stone, green stone, black stone, and a white stone.

Across from that was a dark evil shadow that had red triangle eyes.

'So much to do, so little time...' a voice called out.

The voice frightened Danny. "Who-who's there?" he asked.

'Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut. Now, step foward. Can you do it?' the voice continued.

"Yeah, I can." Danny replied, then stepped foward. As soon he was on the platform, the circles appeared on different parts of the platform.

'Power sleeps within you.' the voice said as a weapon appeared on each circle.

The weapon on the circle to Danny's left was a shield that looked like a knight's, but black and red and the letter "T" in the middle. One the right was a staff pink and yellow. Then a sword between the two was a sword. It had a silver blade and gold hilt. The symbol was again, "T".

'If you give it form, it will give you strength. Choose wisely." continued the voice. Danny knew that he must choose an item in order to leave. He sees the sword, smiles, and picks it up. 'The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction.'

"Wow." was all Danny could say.

'Do you wish to have this?' Danny thought about it, and nodded slowly.

'What do you which to give up?' Danny realized that the voice wanted him to give up another item. He looks around and chooses the shield. 'The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all.' said the voice again. 'Do you wish to give this up?' Danny nodded again.

'Your path has been chosen. Time to begin your quest.'

Suddenly, to Danny's shock, the circles disappeared. He fell down, screaming. He landed on another circular floor that had a picture of a red haired girl wearing a white space suit.

'Keep your heart strong. You must fight in order to survive." the voice says.

Before Danny could figure out what it meant, something hit him in the back causing him to go forward. He turns around and looks in horror. It was some sort of black creature, nothing he ever seen before. It had strange antennas and yellow eyes. It growls at Danny and joined by two more like it. They apporoached Danny as he backed up.

'There will be times you have to fight. Keep your lights burning strong.' the voice said.

Danny swung the sword and dodged the evil creatures. He was really good at it until...

'Behind you!'

He quickly turned saw more of them appeared. He looked shcoekd while one prepared to jump on him. Fortunarely, he blocked it with his sword. After that, Danny stops to rest while the platform below him disappears, making him fall on another one.

"Geez, how many more do I have to fall on?!" yelled Danny annoyed.

Another portrait shows a boy and a girl in each heart. Then he spotted a door. Danny rushed to the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"How come I can't open this!" Danny said.

Behind him, a treasure chest appeared as if by magic. He tapped his sword to open it. To his disappointment, the chest was empty. Then a box appeared. He pushed with all his strength and smashed it. Danny picked up two potions that fell out the box.

"I better keep this just in case."

Just then the door lit up and walked over to it. But before he could touch the door, it began to slowly open, and an almost blinding light lured him in. The next thing he knew, he was back in Amity Park.

'Hold on. The door won't open just yet.' the voice said. 'First tell me more about yourself.'

"Who are you?" Danny asked. During this, the voice didn't reveal himself. Danny sighs and then sees Tucker and Sam. "Guys, am I glad to see you!"

"Hey Danny. Quick question for ya." Sam said.

"Danny, what are you afraid of?" questioned Tucker.

"Well..maybe the fact that people misunderstand me. And, what are you guys talking about?" said Danny.

"People misunderstand you?"


Then Danny walked over to Jimmy and Timmy.

"Let's ask you something important." began Timmy.

Jimmy then asked, "What do you want out of life?"

"Um, I have to go with see the rarest things in life." responded Danny, still puzzled.

"To see the rarest things in life, eh?"

Fenton walked up to the last people. The first one was a sponge named SpongeBob and a girl named Jazz.

"Last question for you." spoke SpongeBob.

"What's most important to you?" asked Jazz.

"I say that friendship is the most important of all." Danny replied.

"Is it really friendship?"

'You're afraid of misunderstandment, you want to see rare sights, and your friends are most important to you.' the voice cam back. 'As long as the sun is shining, your journey, should be a pleasant one.'

"Sounds good to me." Danny said.

In a flash of light, he then appeared on a circular floor. This time, he saw a girl that was a robot with blue pigtails and white skin. Danny didn't have time for another look, as the light creatures attack him. The ones from earlier. Danny took them with ease. Once they are gone, stairs appeared. Danny went up hoping his dream will end soon. However when he's on the top, he's on another platform and the stairs disappeared. Like others, the platform has a design of a black cat with yellow eyes. Danny sees some light up ahead.

"Hopefully that could get me outta here." said Danny as he approaches the light. But he felt something uneasy behind him.'

'The closer you get to the light, the greater your enemy becomes.' the voice told.

Danny turned around and saw his enemy, Vlad Plasmius, now a huge creature, 10 feet tall! Danny gaped and shivered in fright. 'Don't be afraid. And don't forget...'

"Forget what?" Danny wanted to know. "On the other hand, I might as well fight this thing."

Vlad slammed his fist to the ground but Danny jumped up in time. He slashed the sword into his chest, but it didn't seem to hurt. Danny sliced Vlad's back but that didn't work. Then Danny saw something and realized.

"The head. I must aim for the head."

He noticed and charged. Vlad charged up a ball of energy but Danny blocked it again, flew up, and slashed through Vlad's head.

"I did it...I won!" he cheered.

'Excellent! Now you are worthy of being a keyblade master.'

Danny looked confused when he heard this. Then he looked up and saw a very angry Vlad. The huge ghost punched toward them, but Danny prepared his sword. Just then the sword disappeared from his hand, which made him become wide-eyed at.

'But don't be afraid. You hold the mightiest weapon of all.'

Danny tried to run away, but got engulfed in a black circle. He screamed and the world went blank.


He awoke from his bad dream and found himself sleeping on the moist ground.

"Whoa. What a nightmare." Danny remarked. "But what did that voice mean I'm a Keyblade Master?" he got up and and walked away.

Near a waterfall, a rock created monster with small eyes attacked a robot. But not just any robot, the one on teh platform form Danny's dream.

"Give it up, little girl!" the rock monster mocked.

"No way! You're gonna leave me alone!" the robot yelled as she pulled out a weapons the slapped him with it.

Closeby, Danny hears the noise and clears the leaves to see the robot and monster.

"Wow. She looks...awesome." he said in awe. Then realizes. "My gosh. DON'T WORRY, I'M GONNA SAVE YOU!" Still in his ghost form, he flew to the action.

The robot was having a hard time. Nothing worked. Not fire, water, anything. He was unstoppable.

"You better just give up, little girl. I'm the best. That's way the master sent me here." said the rock monster.

"What master?" asked the robot curious.

The villain stuttered. "Uh...n-n-no one."

"For a guy like yourself, you got the brawns, but no brains!" the girl POWED him in his face. That's when Danny swooped down and picked up the monster. "Um..."

"Don't worry, little lady! I got everything under control!" Danny said heroically, but had trouble lifting up the monster since it was stronger than him.

"Little lady? Please, that isn't even half right!"

Then Danny couldn't take it and dropped the monster with a THUD on him. He gets off, with Danny stuck on his butt. The robot rips him off and he pops back to his normal width.

"Thanks." he replied.

"No problem." she said back. The two smiled until the monster interrupted by slapping them far away. Both came back fast and the robot stopped, but Danny could not and used his intangible power inside the monster. Now he had control.

"Whoa, cool!" said Danny seeing 'his' hands. "Look at me! I'm the Rock King!" he joked.

The girl giggled at that. "Come on seriously, get out of there."

"Oh I know, but how do we defeat him?"

"Hmm.." the robot ponders and then spots a shining stone. It's a blue stone and a note on it. "'Exploding Stone: You must place this in anyone's mouth and explode, returning them either back to normal or dead.'" she read. "Ghost boy, get outta there now! I have a plan!"

"It's Danny!" said Danny.

"Right. Just pop this into the monster's mouth and it'll be alright."

"I heard you the first time!" he gets out of the monster and roars. The robot, with direct aim, throws the stone into the monster's mouth who glups it.

"Oh poop." he groaned. There was a rumble sound. Scared, Danny and she ducked down. The monster exploded into bits with rocks falling down like rain. After that, the stone remained in the middle, unharmed. The robot picked it up again.

"Well...that was easy." Danny said.

"By the way, I'm Jenny." she greeted as she held out her hand. Danny shook it and smiles. "What are you doing in a place like this?"

"What are you?"

"...I was lost. I got like, zapped here. I feel to the ground, and the next thing I knew, I saw the rock monster wreacking up the trees and waterfall." Jenny explained.

"I'm here with my friends. I WAS here with them."


"Yeah. Hey, maybe we can go together!"

"We do make a pretty good team...okay then." she put the stone on her stomach and both exit.

Later, it's heading toward sunset. The night's almost here, as some stars are out.

"Danny, when I first met you, you seemed kinda...nice."

"Really?" asked Danny.

"Yeah." she blushed a bit. "You're funny and kind, that you helped me. I have no one else with me now, but if we stick together, I think we'll be alright."


She turned around. "Yes?"

"I like you too. Not like like you, but like you as a friend. We seem so kind and...beautiful." he blushed also. Both stare in each other's faces 'til they hear a far-off scream. "What was that?"

"Sounded like someone in trouble! Come on!"

Danny followed her to the source. Soon they found a 13-ear old boy. He gasped that it was him from his dream, but groaning and wounded.

" me." the boy pleaded.

"What happened? What it serious?" Jenny gave out questions.

"They...they took June away." with that, he passed out. Jenny looked at Danny worried and the two carried the boy off until they reached a shelter like a cave.

Who is this boy Danny mentioned from when he held out his hand? What's with the stone? Is it a key to help get off the island like the golden thermos?

A boy with a square head and brown hair, green backpack, red shirt, grayish pants, and black and white shoes, along with a blue blob, scream and land on the island from above.

"Whoa...that was awesome!" exclaimed the blob.

"Bloo! There's no time for this!" snapped the boy.

"Come on, Mac," whined Bloo. "You wanted some adventure in your life, so make it your time worthy."

"First of all, no, I didn't. I get enough at home. Now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to eat! Whoop!" Mac trips on something.

"Can you get me that again?" Mac picks up a shiny yellow stone he triped on. "Ooh. I wanna try it!"

"Bloo, no! It looks...strange. I mean, why would a rock be glowing?"

"'Cause it's cooool?"

"I better keep it in my backpack just in case." he puts the stone in his 'pack. "I wonder what's around this place."

"For starters there's trees, grass, the Sun, ugly looking black creatures heading for us." Bloo said calmly. Then he went wide-eyed. "UGLY LOOKING BLACK CREATURES HEADING FOR US?! RRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!

Yes. There were more Heartless out, who attack anyone not under their control. Mac and Bloo ran, but the creatures were faster. Then, Mac tripped again and sprained his ankle. Bloo continues, but looks back at Mac and decides to help his best friend.

"Mac, what's the matter? We have to keep going buddy." said Bloo.

"I...can't." Mac said weakly. "My ankle hurts. Go on without me. Before it's too late."

"Okay." Bloo said normally and walks away.

"No, you idiot! You're supposed to stick beside me no matter what!"

Bloo finally realized. "Ooooh."

Mac smacked his head in annoyance. "Oy."

The Heartless were about to attack the boys as they shivered in fear, until a blue alien appeared and lunged on the Heartless, jumping over Mac and Bloo. The alien took out two blasters and shot them.

"Ah ha! I told you they were real."

"No you didn't. I said that."

The alien fought the Heartless as if he did before. Soon, they scatter away and most disappear. He turns to the boys, who yelp.

"Eh...uh...hi." greets the alien.

"Stitch! Come back here!"

The two turned to see a tan Hawaiian girl with long black hair, a red shirt with white flower prints, and black sandals. She ran up to the alien and hugged him.

"Stitch, are you okay?" she asked.

"Ih. Stitch okay." Stitch nodded. They see the boys, whistling like they don't notice at all.

"Um, hi!" Bloo said nervously.

Mac, looks at Lilo and zooms in to her face, with a pink anime background and looks very beautiful. His pupils shorten and his heart thumps crazy.

"Aloha my name's Lilo! This is my pet dog, Stitch." spoke Lilo. "Who are you?"

"I'm Bloo, and the person who's looking at you like a drooling fanboy is Mac." Bloo spoke.


"Anyway, your dog was awesome! Or should I say, alien? Both are the same thing! He like..." Bloo made some gun noises and imitated what Stitch did. "Pow pow bing bang! And the black ugly creatures were like, boom boom boom! And he was like, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr POW!"

Stitch chuckled. "Part of the job."

"Yeah! It was cool, right Mac?" He ignored him, as he was still lovey-dovey. "Mac, hello? MAC!"

"Huh?" Mac said confused.

Lilo walked up to him and says, "What's your name again?"

"What? Mark...M-M-Mac! I mean, Mac."

"I like that name." she smiled. "It's getting late. Wanna find a shelter?"

"Sure." he tries to get up, but his ankle denines it.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. My ankle's getting better from the sprain."

Lilo pauses and understands. "I see. If you need any help, Stitch can carry you."

"Eh?" said Stitch. Him and Lilo leave. Bloo and Mac look at them with their headstart.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Mac said dreamly.

"No, she's most certainly not." Bloo said, but Mac didn't care.

"Hey, wait for me!" he runs off.

Bloo scoffs. "Oh sure! Leave me behind for her! We've been best friends for life you know!" After he says 'know' it begins to rain. "Ah, forget it. WAIT FOR ME!"

The four cover themselves with their hands and run with speed, as much they'll get sick and the fact Stitch hated water.

Later, they hid under a batch of trees. Some rain poured inside, but not too much.

"Talk about a bad day, huh?" asks Lilo.

"Yeah. I just wish the rain would stop." replied Mac. At the sound of that, Mac's backpack golwed yellow inside and suddenly the rain stopped. Stitch noticed.

"Wow. That was lucky." said Bloo. They walked out. The clouds broke away and saw the full moon.

"It's beautiful." Lilo said, leaning onto Mac. He blushed as he took his hand off hers. "It'll be great to camp out here!" she went back inside and took out a green leaf as big as her. "Look! We can use these leaves as blankets. It's also cold tonight." The backpack glowed again. Now the temperature was more humid. "Whoo! Not it's how! Aw well, we'll still use these as mats anyway. Come on Stitch."

Stitch blinked while he looked at Mac's pack twice. it glowed that thing within. He snapped outta his daze. "Coming Lilo!" he followed with her into the trees.

"Bloo, isn't she the greatest?" asked Mac. "No!" Bloo snooted. "If I was you, I say you fall for her because of her looks."

"Yet's more than that."

"Heh, whatever. I guess I won't show you this note when we found the stone."

"NOTE?" Mac swiped the letter from his bare hands.

"Hey I was reading that!"

"'Yellow Stone: Ability to change the weather.'" reads Mac. he gives Bloo back the note as he takes the stone out. "Golly."

"All right! Points for us!" Bloo did his little dance.

"But what about Lilo?" gasped the kid.

"Don't worry about her. You worry too much."

"And when I don't things go wrong!"

Lilo peeked out of a tree leaf. "Mac?" Quickly, Mac hides back the note and Bloo gives him the note. "Um, is everything okay?"

"Why sure yeah everything's a-okay!" Mac said quickly. She slowly nods and goes back inside.

Bloo yawns. "I'm tired. Let's go to bed."

"Yeah. Tomorrow's another day." said Mac as the two head in.

Kimiko awakes from her sumbler. She then bonked her head against the bark of a tree and caught a peach that fell from it.

"Mmm..." she chewed on it. "Delish tropical fruit."

Suddenly she heard a scream and someone fell from behind. Kimiko turns around and sees a purple haired girl with ponytails on each side. The girl wore a white shirt and a green jacket outside, brown pants, and white shoes.

"What the..." she saw Kimiko, standing up, eating the peach.

"Want some?" Kimiko offered. The other girl got up by herself.

"What is this..."

"A: The jungle. B: I'm Kimiko. And C: You're stuck here just like me." she responded like a mind reader.

"A: I'm Kimi. B: I'm lost from by hometown! And C: I'm doomed!" Kimi said back.

Kimiko nods. "I see. I've been here since yesterday gorging on peaches and drinking fresh water."

"But it doesn't look like you gained an ounce."

"Eh, it's a gift. You had friends."

"Yep. Susie, Chuckie, Tommy...Tommy..." Kimi trailed off.

"You're lucky. I don't have any friends." Kimiko said sadly with a frown.

"I can be your friend."


"Sure. We'll work together and get off this place." said Kimi.

"I can do that." replies Kimiko. She gives Kimi a clean peach as she bites of it. Both girls leave, starting of their new friendship.

How will Kimi and Kimiko's friendship go? What's with the stones? Does Mac like LIKE Lilo?

To Be Continued

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