Care Bear Stars

From Accct Wiki


[edit] Episode 1

[edit] Terry meets the Master

MoM: Patience-55 Million Souls, Integrity-42 Million Souls, Courage-86 Million Souls, Curiosity-69 Million Souls, Perseverance-93 Million Souls, Kindness-989 Thousand Souls, Justice-358 Million Souls, Determination-Three Hundred Souls, Fear-Ten Hundred Souls, Innocence-Seven Souls, Hatred-Thirteen Souls, -One Billion Souls

Tenderheart Bear: Compress the Planet's atoms into a literal, physical plot hole and consume at least the base universe. That is the recipe of a lying star, a creature that controls the course of history through humanoid extensions of its omniscient consciousness. Some directly, some not, all are nothing more than puppets acting as his key players.

MoM: Ever seen the movie Scanners... Uh, em, Scanners. It was a movie, you could read minds.

Tenderheart Bear: He's ten years old, I don't think he's ever heard of Scanners.

MoM: Oh, chillax, Tendy, maybe his dad showed him-

Tenderheart Bear: TEN! YEARS! OLD! Why in Ozma's name would a grown man show a kid an R-Rated Flick on purpose, let alone his own father!?

MoM: Ugh... Got me there, Mister Killjoy. (The Master of Masters breaks out a 3DS and taps on his touch screen) Okay, watch this. (A man's head explodes on Terry's wall.) Okay, so that was from Scanners... Basically that.

[edit] Ken Penders being treated better

It is June 2005, Issue 150 has been released and Ken Penders and Mike Pellerito were actively at each other's throats. There was a Solution to this problem and Archie wanted a certain rising star to take the helm of their flagship license so they made the move to quietly move Penders to a new ongoing for NiGHTS in February which lasted for eighteen issues before one Shinji Hashimoto tapped Archie to develop a comic for Kingdom Hearts, albeit one with strict guidelines from Director Tetsuya Nomura ranging from 'Only use Final Fantasy Characters' to 'Must be set over a decade prior to the Original Game' While Nomura has supplied Character Designs for the comic, Penders proved to be no slouch and provided a diverse cast of aspiring Keyblade masters under the watchful eyes of Masters Eraqus and Xehanort fighting the Heartless and the Machinations of the seemingly evil Doctor Martin.

Time passes and a certain BioWare game was fast approaching release 'Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood' Instead of being Hostile Ian would talk Penders into signing an agreement with EA to license the Twilight Cage from Archie. This prompts Penders to ask: 'Why not add our elements into the Games?' Nomura agreed with this sentiment as he had begun to rework Birth by Sleep for the PSP, Sega complied and offered Penders and Flynn to helm the writing of Campaigns for Knuckles and Shadow respectively for Sonic Colors.

Birth by Sleep saw Doctor Martin plunge the Nomura-made characters into the Realm of Darkness after a conflict upon his Kingdom Xrosser Fortress featuring Data-Clones made from the data of Eraqus and his pupils, past and present. Colors re-united the SatAM Cast and saw the game debut of Archie staples such as Julie-Su (Tara Strong), Bernadette 'Bernie' (Linda Mackay), and Jules (Kevin Conroy). Both titles incorporated related Archie Comics as collectables in-game for players to read.

A Mega Man Book arrived around the same time as those games helmed by Ian Flynn, adding Capcom to the list of companies with Stakes in the Archie Action line with three major licenses under their belt: Sonic, Mega Man, and Kingdom Hearts (Which was now allowed access to the Destiny Trio) and five concurrent comics including Sonic Universe (Focusing on the Universe of Sonic the Hedgehog) and Kingdom Hearts: The Thirteenth Order (Which focused on the unshown days of 358/2 Days)

[edit] NiGHTS


  • NiGHTS must never use modern slang, that's Sonic's thing!
  • Claris and Elliot are the only kids who can see the nightmarens IRL.
  • No SEGA-Invented Characters are allowed to perish within the confines of the comics.

Issue 1 (February 2006)

[edit] Kingdom Hearts Comic


  • He is only allowed to use characters from the 'Birth by Sleep' Era, Ten Years prior to the original game and his run will last as long as Birth by Sleep is being developed.
    • Once that time has been elapsed, Penders will recieve the rights to all 'X years later' exclusive characters and a few select other characters and concepts he invented for the comics to use in his own original works on the condition that he never mention any Sega-created characters within the context of those works and in exchange, Archie will pay 50% of the Royalties for his Sonic Stories.
  • He is free to invent new students for Master Eraqus as long as he never removes the core three from the team: Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
  • Any direct use of any Non-Final Fantasy character is strictly forbidden by order of Square Enix. No limits were put on what they could do with Disney material since this was the main component of the franchise.
  • He is free to include one Sonic Character that he had already invented and in exchange, he is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement that allows BioWare to use the Twilight Cage.
  • No arc is to take up more than six issues.

Issue 1 (May 2008)

  • Story 1: There Is a Happy Land
    • Introduces the Kingdom Crew (Keyblade Master Eraqus Ende, his son Terra, gifted mage Aqua, and Ninja Gal Wukari) and their new recruits (The Paltrivel Siblings: Slick Jess, Snarky Jade, Sheepish Fluffernut/Frieda, Strong-Hearted Tidbit/Chase).
    • Features a tone similar to the very first X-Men Comic
    • World of the Day: Chestnut City
    • Ends with Xehanort and Soarim bringing in new apprentice Ventus.
  • Story 2: NiGHTS in 'Space Oddity' Part One of Six
    • An Adaptation of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
    • Introduces the Bellbridge Dreamers: Soccer boy William Taylor, Mommy's girl Helen Cartwright, American exchange student Mary Gibbs, And the wise old owl.

Issue 2 (June 2008)

  • Story 1: Join the Gang (Part One of MtR World)
    • World of the Day: Todayland
  • Story 2: NiGHTS in 'Space Oddity' Part Two of Six
    • An Adaptation of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

Issue 3 (July 2008)

  • Story 1: When I Live My Dream (Part Two of MtR World)
    • World of the Day: Todayland
  • Story 2: NiGHTS in 'Space Oddity' Part Three of Six
    • An Adaptation of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

Issue 4 (August 2008)

  • Story 1: Silly Boy Blue (Part Three of MtR World)
    • World of the Day: Todayland
  • Story 2: NiGHTS in 'Space Oddity' Part Four of Six
    • An Adaptation of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

Issue 5 (September 2008)

  • Story 1: Please Mr. Gravedigger (Fallout of MtR World)
  • Story 2: NiGHTS in 'Space Oddity' Part Five of Six
    • An Adaptation of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

Issue 6 (October 2008)

  • Story 1: Little Bombardier
  • Story 2: NiGHTS in 'Space Oddity' Part Six of Six
    • An Adaptation of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

[edit] The Thirteenth Order


  • You must only use the KHII Organisation Members with CoM members restricted to Flashbacks

Issue 1 (October 2010)

[edit] Mega Man X


  • No familial relationships unless specified In-Game.
  • Capcom-Invented Characters aren't allowed to die anywhere but within the adaptations of the Games.

Issue 1 (September 2012)

  • Story: X marks the Spot - Rock and Roll's ai software has been transmitted a century ahead of her own brother into a computer where they encounter the world of Reploids and are immediately introduced to a highly trained task force called Repliforce
    • Introduces Repliforce: Sigma, Iris, X, Chill Penguin

Issue 2 (October 2012)

  • Story: Zero Chance - Doctor Wily's Magnum Opus has just been discovered and Sigma immediately recognizes this as a threat.
    • Introduces Zero

Issue 3 (November 2012)

  • Story: Sigma Storm

Issue 4 (December 2012)

  • Story: Iris Out

[edit] Tomoko metamorphosis

Tomoko Kuroki: 5-foot-nil, Mounds, beer belly, flat cheeks (7am)
Tomoko Kuroki: 5-foot-one, A-cup, flat belly, puffy cheeks (8am)
Tomoko Kuroki: 5-foot-three, B-cup, flat belly, puffy cheeks (9am)
Tomoko Kuroki: 5-foot-six, BB-cup, rippled belly, round ass (10am)
Tomoko Kuroki: 5-foot-eleven, C-cup, girl abs, round ass (11am)
Tomoko Kuroki: six-foot-six, D-cup, girl abs, heart-shaped ass (noon)

[edit] The Surviving Hero re:Creation

[edit] Belle

May 22nd, 2017


I stood before a mob of villagers fleeing from the enchanted castle, its enchanted staff cheering its victory. The castle belonged to a prince, Baroque in its structure and divided into an east and west wing. The terminal curse turned them all into objects around the castle from clocks, to dusters, to pianos of all sorts, I spent the past winter working among them, bonding with them, manipulating them.

"Ohoho! We did it, Plumette! Victory is ours!" I watched as the candléabra danced with his beloved, a duster, only for her to breathe her last in his arms. "Plumette? Fifi!? No... Oh, my beloved..."

His sorrow was a solumn sign of his imminent fate, this meant that he and all of his fellow staff were about to die at the hands of the curse placed upon them for standing by without any imput towards their cruel-hearted king and later, his equally-cursed son. I decided to pay an old friend a visit through the lenses of my Thirteenth Order of the Cosmos: Ethereal Repetition. There, I saw a flute and an angel watching the moonlight as a Wardrobe and a piano move ever closer.

"Sometimes the Moon is the only decor you need..." smiled the angel as her painted face slowly fades.

"Funny, it doesn't really look that..." the flute began huffing and puffing before it stills straightforth, its now inanimate husk clattering to the ground as I picked up a now inanimate dictionary, my eyes began to wander.

"Darling, you were so brave!" The Wardrobe mattered not to the scheme at hand, especially with the way the castle crumbled. "Goodbye, My love."

"Amour, No!" cried the pathetic pianist as his soul was being extracted from this plane of existence. "Don't leave me."

The melody he played with what little keys he had left immediately stopped as his heart gave out. I watched the flames die out as the stool tried to get his masters to notice them but to no avail. I frowned not at the pathetic mutt, but at the organ that did its damnedest to take me with him into the pits of hell. I looked through the book and read the soul residue from the soul it once housed. It has sent forth spies to keep an eye on me throughout the winter. "Webster told you everything, didn't you?"

"You lied to her," snarled the organ to the huntress "about the magic circle, about your attachments, about your motives, everything!"

"Which is why you struggled to collapse my key ingredient to rubble." I smiled to the face as it struggled to remain visible. "And the best part of all this is that you're not the real meat of this new plan of mine..."

"You'll... never get away with..." How cute, he wanted me to provide a overused line against his own.

I snapped back to the Clock and the Candléabra as the maid scooted forth atop the tray.

"Chip! Have you seen Chip?" She was looking for her young son among the rest of the children she cared for within the castle. "Where is my little boy!?"

Keyword being 'cared'.

Past tense.

"Mama!" Those that remained glanced to see a Teacup sliding across the rooftop to leap to his dear old: "Mom!"

His soul rejoined his mother's just as the rack placed his hollow shell beside his mother's before also turning hollow himself.

"Lumière, I..." The old clock struggled to reach the candlabra to bid his farewells, but alas. "I can't... speak..."

"It's alright, Cogsworth." The ever-so flamboyant voice now subdued with the reality of his imminent fate.

"I can't..." The clock knew his time was up, thus he needed any semblance of inner closure he could find and who better than the one employee he had left "Lumière..."

"No, not him..." I interrupted with a false tone of sympathy. "Everyone performed their roles magnificently, isn't that right?"

The candlabra nodded before bidding farewell to his employer "It was an honor to serve with you."

"No, my friend..." The clock's gratitude shined brighter than ever before. "The honor... was mine."

With his last lifelong companion gone from his shell, the Candlabra flashed one final smile as the Ottoman growled at me from afar. "Let it go, Muppet... You cannot rewrite... what was already written..."

I smiled as its face vanished from the wax, its flames dimming as the ottoman loomed ever closer despite its stiffening movements. I kicked it away against the tray, knocking the china off to smash onto the ground as I crushed the clock beneath my feet and said: "I already have."


Belle wept in the carcass of her beloved as I watched with anticipation if she was strong enough to pull the shackles from her puppeteers, resisting the gods and doing the deed for my newest experiment.

"No. I won't let you leave!" Spoke Belle as she slit the Beast's throat to gather enough blood to sketch the circle at a frantic pace. "I'll give anything to see the beast again!"

I watched from a distance as Belle sketched shapes and circles in an effort to revive her beloved whilst my Seventh Order of the Cosmos repurposes the rubble of the castle and converts its stone into steel then into something more that I had on hand: Vibranium. "Take my arm, take my leg, Take my heart, Anything! Just come back!"

Her circle was complete and my Order of the Cosmos was ready to fully reshape the castle for its dive into my intended destination.

"Help yourself to any piece of me that you want if it means you can stay! I! I..." Belle hesitated as to expected from the story's attempt at railroading her arc to its intended ending (up to even having the Enchantress responsible make a race to the Castle to undo the spell and revive those lost.) "I love you..."

She clapped her hands together in a final push of resistance to the plot and thus, the narrative collapses itself into the realm within the stream.


"Where... am I?"

Belle wandered in the milky white void as a featureless figure is watching something on a magic mirror of sorts. It glanced to Belle in total awe and responded: "Oh, you're not supposed to be here..."

"What are you!?" The figure stood forth and laid down the facts.

"A lot of things, actually, God, life, the world, the universe, all, one," The glorified outline marched to and fro. "and as of this petty tactic, I am also you."

She stepped back with shock and terror towards the white shade. "You were not supposed to pull yourself away from the story being told, but something or someone has severely and now successfully derailed the story at hand."

A door opens from behind the maiden as a shadowy force pulls Belle forth from the realm of this outlined figure. "To think you could've been the one to break that forsaken spell of his, now you're merely a puppet to the Spiral Nemesis."

"No! L-Let Go!" Belle could only scream as the door dragged her through the gate of truth, all sorts of information about alchemy poured into her mind at an alarming rate. She screamed to herself as if her head was about to burst.

"Stop! Wh-What's happening to me!?" she cried as the forces of alchemy stripped asunder every atom of her being. "Stop it! Make it stop!"

The last she saw from this portal of truth was the shadow of the Beast, or rather the frightened prince that he was on the inside. She reached out to the soul of her beloved and right as she clutched onto it-

She was back in front of the stone gateway in front of the Truth. "So, did you find what you were looking for."

"His soul..." sighed Belle. "I found his soul."

"You mean the cursed prince that was transformed into a hideous beast in retaliation towards his cold heart." sneered the Truth. "Binding it to the castle is a hefty feat, but the blood's still warm on the carcass so might as well put it to good use."

A mass of organs and muscle began to emerge on a cross, snarling with the pain of true nudity as a feminine flesh emerged around the right arm of the Truth. "Of course, you still need to pay the toll for the knowledge you've gained."

Immediately, Belle saw her right arm dissipate before her eyes as she consequently screamed in pain. The Truth immediately saw fit to leave some parting words of advice, "If you're going to jump from your story into another, the least you could do is consider the law of equivalent exchange while your story's stuck in its dominion."


I yelled out as the lance from Thymilph's Ganman slashed through Gurren. I looked to the side of me and saw Thymiph's lance only a foot away from my side, the damn ape distracted by an even bigger mech the size of a royal castle, it had the appearance of being built in some old fairy tale or something. Lights appeared in its eyes as if it were posessed by some sort of fighting spirit, I scrambled to get to Simon only for the titanic mech to slam is fist into the Battleship, launching me and Gurren against the volcano. I struggled to get myself up only to slip into the darkness.


The monitors on the bridge started to bleep.

Leeron's eyes widened "No, not possible." everyone else next to him were staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Simon saw Kamina's face on his screen and started to shake "" He asked quietly "Bro!" He shouted.

Laganns power fluctuated until it finally exploded from Simons emotions. The Dai-Gunzan started to glow green and released shock waves of energy throwing anyone on the Dai-Gunzan out and cracking the top crust of the land releasing lava from a near by volcano. Simon wallowed in his grief not knowing or caring that the Dai-Gunzan was walking toward a volcano.

"What the hell is happening?" a pilot asked.

"I don't know the Dai-Gunzan just started to go berserk." someone else cried out.

The Dai-Gunzan continued and was nearly halfway up the volcano when Gurren jumped on to Dai-Gunzan and punched Lagann making it rock violently and shocking Simon from his depression.

"Didn't I say that I would punch you if you doubted your self, Simon." Kamina called to him over the com.

"Br-bro." Simon said his voice heavy with emotion.

"Thats right now what the hell are you doing?" Kamina asked with a slight chuckle.

"I-I thought you were dead Simon said rubbing his neck.

Kamina smiled softly "You don't have anything to fear bro, I'm here right by your side and together we shall pierce heaven itself and drill to the future side-by-side."

"Bro." Simon said with tears in his eyes.

Thymilph growled "Take him down." he said to his subordinates

Kamina's smile turned more animalistic "You ready Simon?"

"Yes." Simon said with a grin.

"Alright...Let's do it!!"

Lagann turned into a drill shot into Gurren and drilled down to where Kamina sat. All the damage dealt to it immediately mended itself, lost limbs regrew, armor reformed, and the little flecks of plating on Gurren's bare skull grew back to its full-featured face.

"We brawlers are sustained by willpower!" Kamina roared through Gurren "Even when we are mocked as crazy and reckless!"

"If there's a wall in our way, we smash it down" barked Simon through Lagann "If there isn't a way, then we carve one ourselves!"

"The magma of our souls burns with a mighty flame!" The two voices joined as one just as the mechs they piloted have. "Super-Ultra Combining Gurren-Lagann!"

"Get them!" A beastman shouted attacking.

"Just who hell-" Kamina started.

"-Do you think we are!." Simon finished.

Thin giant drill came out of Gurren Lagann and destroyed all the Ganman.

"Impossible." Thymilph mumbled.

Gurren Lagann took Gurren's Shades and threw them boomerang style at Thymilph pining him in the air.

"GIGAAAA..." tons of tiny drills popped out of Gurren Lagann's arm "DRILLLL..." the drills formed together becoming one giant drill BREAAAAAAK!." Kamina shouted and Gurren Lagann launched through the air slicing Thymilph and his Ganman destroying it in a huge fireball.

"We did it bro!" Simon shouted.

"Ya we did." Kamina said faintly.

"There's still one more boulder in the way!" Simon glanced to the towering mech. "Whaddiya say, Bro?"

No response.

"Bro? Bro!" Simon called out with no answer.

Simon took control of Gurren Lagann and raced it to the headquarters.

He opened up the top of Lagann and jumped out and was suprised.

Everyone stood applauding.

"You did it kid." Kittan said grinning.

"We don't have time for that Kamina is hurt!" Everyone sobered up.

"Here let me see." Leeron said scrambling to look.

Leeron checked Kamina's pulse and turned around.

Everyone tensed.

Leeron smiled "He should be alright, still he needs to be treated right away."

Everyone cheered as two men came with a stretcher and took Kamina away.

Simon looked at Kamina's bleeding body and started to tear up. A hand touched his face. Simon's head snapped up.

"I'll be fine, Simon... Just believe in yourself." Stated Kamina as he is helped up to the stretcher. "Not the Simon that I believe in, Not the Kamina who believes in you, Believe in the Simon who believes in you."

Simon felt a tug to his heart with Kamina's heartfelt advice.

"That idiot always does push himself." Yoko said standing beside Simon.

Simon looked up and saw that she too was crying.

"Don't worry Yoko I know he will be okay." Simon said watching Kamina be taken away.



What we were watching was a masterpiece in rewriting the script of an iconic anime stemming from an animated interpetation of a live action remake of an animated classic, and even that had been rolled into a singular episode of Fullmetal Alchemist which was radically altered itself. Right this second, it featured Trisha Elric having trained under Hoenheim through most of her life from childhood through adolescence all the way to her marriage to Hoenheim himself. She was reading the electric tome of Altair and was at the point where Kamina and Simon have seen the might of what fans have dubbed such names as #RoboBeast #BeastlyAl and the name Belle bestowed upon this new form to the Beast: Ashmenken. She has closed the book and had rushed to find a huge fire at her home, they better not be pulling what I think they're pulling.

Eyup, they are.


Digibro @Digibrah
So in place of grieving over the loss of a lifelong friend, we get... a mech measuring contest. #KillMe
5/22/2017 11:20pm
Geoff @G0ffThew
Beats what Trisha's doing with what Spare Time we're getting with her. #KaminaLives
5/22/2017 11:20pm
Arkada @GReflection
So if #KaminaLives then Edward shall burn... It's not even the Edward we want to burn, no fair! :(
5/22/2017 11:20pm
Jacob Chapman @ANNJakeH
Ow! Right in the kisser! Why, Trigger!? What do you have against my Favorite Anime!?
5/22/2017 11:20pm
Drew Lea Maine @Spoon300
So, how 'bout that Ashmenken, eh? #RoboBeast
5/22/2017 11:20pm
Jeff Harris @nemalki
I can understand why they cooked up this reversioned Belle and Trisha. They want to capture all four styles of love in one dynamic.
5/22/2017 11:21pm
Jeff Harris @nemalki
Simon's bond with Kamina handles the Fraternal while the incoming spiral princess provides the love between soulmates.
5/22/2017 11:22pm
Drew Lea Maine @Spoon300
Trisha's willingness to protect her sons is clearly maternal...
5/22/2017 11:23pm
Jeff Harris @nemalki
...and Belle and Beast (sorry, #Ashmenken the giant) rounds it all up with unconditional love.
5/22/2017 11:23pm
Jeff Harris @nemalki
Brings a sense of unity to the group, doesn't it? #KaminaLives
5/22/2017 11:23pm
Tony Goldmark @TonyGoldmark
I have no idea who any of these people are. :P #KaminaLives
5/22/2017 11:24pm


Episode by episode, the audience sat and watched the revised Beastman Arc of Gurren Lagann. Simon's motivation to defeat Belle and her living gunmen Ashmenken driving tension in Team Dai-Gurren with Kamina bedridden through most of its second half. Once Simon got over his obsession with fighting Belle and Ashmenken, he becomes the Man destined to lead Team Dai-Gurren to Tepplin and Beyond and was promptly rewarded with the Ultra-Mega Combining form of Gurren Lagann. Though not as big as Simon wants for his confrontation with Ashmenken, he views it as a symbol of how Team Dai-Gurren Believes in him as much as the Simon that believes in him.

"Even as you try to mow us down," Kittan roared with masculine pride. "Our spirits and ambition persist under one goal!"

"Call us Crazy! Call us Reckless!" snarled the twin brothers Balinbow and Jougan. "We'll hit hard and we'll strike quick!"

"We keep on moving forward!" howled Makken at the top of his lungs. "Even with death staring us in the face!"

"And even then, we keep on living through our hopes and dreams as we pull them up our backs, engraved in our hearts!" added Kamina from the cockpit of Dai-Gurren. "Our strength will live on as a part of me and Simon and all of us!"

"If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens!" Simon proudly finished "No matter what's in my way, I won't stop cause once I've dug through, It means that I've won!"

"Wait, what are you talking about!?" Guame stammered.

"Just who the hell do you think I am, I'm Simon." uttered the young rascal of Jiha. "I'm not my bro, I'M ME! SIMON THE DIGGER!"

The newly minted Ultra-Mega Combining Gurren Lagann decimated Gember's shell and the battle continued as normal, doing a few antics with being twice as big as Gember before Simon disengages the Ultra-Mega for the finishing move of the Classic Super-Ultra. "GIGA.... DRIIIILL... BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!!!!!!!"

The debris from the wrecked mech flew deep into the real world, killing a few dozen people among the people who stayed in the arena in a display of the possible destruction that might probably destroy the city of Manchester. Citizens have already began their evacuation of the city while certain people streamed on with the show they were receiving from what appeared to be a group of anonymous animators and voice actors. (Twitter jossing has naturally become a spectator sport because of this project.)

Episode Twelve brought the beach episode as per usual, only this time the battle was Super-Duper Combining Gurren Lagann (Which is really Gurren with Lagann stacked onto its head like in the third episode of the original series) piloted by LeFou of all people and pitted against Adialine! Not helping was scenes of Gaston being humiliated by the sheer strength of the female characters of the series at hand. It thankfully was capped off with Gaston stumbling across Simon getting into Hahcondor to reach Gurren Lagann. Gaston is offered the chance to fly Hahcondor and the result is Super-Mega Combining Gurren Lagann apprehending Aideline and effectively scoring Dai-Gunkai for Team Dai-Gurren.

The Thirteenth Episode sees Dai-Gundo get seiged by Simon and Nia in Super-Ultra Combining Gurren Lagann with Gaston in Hahcondor upgrading it to Super-Mega Mode before episode fourteen showcases Ultra-Mega mode right before the two-episode Battle of Tepplin, Kamina was back in his iconic Gurren, Simon and Nia shared Lagann, Yoko had her own Gunmen and Simon and Kamina were able to face their respective Rivals: Belle with her Ashmenken and Viral with Enkidu.

Drew Lea Maine @Spoon300
Poor Viral, demoted to an opening act to an anticipated matchup we never knew we wanted.
5/23/2017 1:08am

But this conflict saw the debut of two new mechs Belle made from Ashmenken's right arm and forehead with her power of alchemy. Wisedale (With parts from Gurren, King Kittan and the entirety of Yoko Tank W) and Wellsenberg (A Lagann clone themed around the enchanted servants she cherished during her days with the beast.) With the mind-puppetteering Eleventh Order of the Cosmos keeping Altair in control of the Tank's pilot, Yoko Littner, Wisedale Wellsenberg was the definitive foil to Gurren Lagann in terms of design and choreography as explained by character critic DiGi Valentine on TwitLonger.

DiGi Valentine @DiGi_Valentine
Hoo, boy did this wake me up in the middle of the NiGHTS. First off is the purple feathers dividing the white and black portions of the arms, leave it to Trigger to know which colors to use for a memorable mech. Second, the references to objects past decorate Belle's new toys beautifully from the Rose on Wellsenberg's Clock face to the Piano Teeth adorning the Jaw of what was once the now Obselete Yoko Tank harkening back to Cadenza with his Wife Gardrobe's Stage Motif taking up chest and shoulders of Wisedale. And the way the mech moves, Ba Gua Zhang and Tai Chi arranged in a distinctly french dance of martial artistry to contrast with the Balls to the Wall fist punching formlessness of Gurren Lagann's combat style. Really hoping the combat style sticks onto the mech's mannerisms once it's taken onto the Hero Side.
5/23/2017 1:11am

And the way it wound up on the 'Hero Side' was a sight to behold, thirteen-year-old Nia kickboxing eighteen-year-old Belle with expert prescision while Belle's best efforts to hold her own inevitably get countered by Nia changing up her fighting style in places, confusing the elder teen and loosening her grip on the Imitation Lagann controlling her friend. Needless to say the fans were cheering Team Dai-Gurren when Yoko broke out of Altair's spell and Gaston belted out the most iconic line, seen as a jab at Disney's corporate tactics.

"I deserve only the best!" Declared Gaston as he soared in on Hahcondor to grapple onto the maiden he was so insistent on wedding before. "And as much as I hate to say it, Belle... You are no longer the best." And then Hahcondor proceeds to slam Belle into the grounds of Tepplin.

She survives, of course, Altair finds her too important to perish in a story within a story within a story. But with the Original Wellsenberg taken in and rechristened Sovernia, Altair creates a new Wellsenberg which sadly was a generic Lagann unit to remind that her past was all but behind her and Ashmenken. The Battle of Tepplin more or less play out as it had in the original, save a few minor differences such as Cytomander being immediately swiped away by the debut of Ashmenken Wellsenberg fighting the first canon appearance of the pinnacle mech of the Ganmen Symphony: Giga-Gamma Combining Dai-Gurren Lagann. The other difference saw Kamina actually negotiating with Lorgenome to deal with something called 'Spiral Nemesis'...

Not that anyone left in Manchester survived long enough through its supplantation by the city of Tepplin.

The News were all over the Spiral Empire,

[edit] Infinite Loops

Next Sota knew, he was pulled away from his bedroom and onto a blue ocean below a sprawling kingdom in white as a similar-color metal titan clashed in the background. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, was he trapped in an anime of his own viewing. "Is that...Vogelchevlier?"

"Yes. Yes, it is." Sota turned around to find a giant green insect-like humanoid.

"Howdy there, I'm Krombopulos Michael, A Looper from Branch X-731!" The insect-like humanoid then pointed to tanned, voluptuous woman in a cape and dukes. "The Tall Order is Meteora, my partner programmed by my fairest admin straight from the Avalken of Reminisce Artbook."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sota. I hear you've finally made it to my library, I believe Congratulations are in order." She shook hands with the player in question. "Just please tell me you didn't put a bucket on my final design's head to take all the stat-boosting books you could loot, I can see the truth in your memories, you know."

"Heh." Chuckled Sota. "Can't blame a guy for trying!"

"I know it's hard to scrape by that final dungeon, but ya just gotta believe in yourself to overcome this and...Well, just about any other ol' obstacle under the sun." comforted Michael before materializing a young girl in a middle school uniform driving a cutesy little camper. "Just ask Molly, my getaway driver!"

"Salutations, Newcomer!" A distinctly Irish-Greek mixed european girl smiled to Sota with her pink hair glistening in the distance. "I'm a Glimmer Squad Warrior from branch MSM-1989 chosen by a magical fairy from Fairytopia named Gummy to stop the evil forces of the Darkverse and strike down Conservative Cookies!"

"Uh... Hi, I'm Sota." he waved back. "Pleased to meet you."

"Same here, Shawn!" she chirped back. "Can't wait to see you again real soon!"

As she ran back to the camper, Sota was about to correct the girl before Michael's claws hushed him still. "You have to forgive her, she was activated by a Mythos Hacker to quote-unquote 'spread the gospel of Itsabomination Studios and show kids the wonders of exporting to our friends in the US of A!', We're still working to get the genuine Mamika Looping but she's our anchor for the time being so the rest of poor Magical Slayers have to suck it up til then."

"Wait, what do you mean Looping?" Sota demanded from the insect who then starts the duty of filling him in.

"See, your world is just one among an near-infinite amount of universes. Yours just so happened to be on the receiving end of a major promotion!" Michael walked Sota, "The previous Hub was infested with child eating parasites called Pedovores, like they literally eat kids."

"Gross." Sota winced.

"You don't know the half of it. Hijacking democratic governments, Corrupting the innocent, Stripping away the rights of their prey and when the human race is completely boxed into their thirty-by-thirty cubes, they eat the whole damn planet whole!" Krombopulos Michael's words were just as casual as they were true, but Sota didn't believe it for a second. "Though America has done an incredible job cleaning out the Pedovores, ten-thousand since Trump got elected, but the damage is done. We couldn't have a hub infested with these spiritual vampires that eat kidnapped children begging for mommy to gain more power. These Insects were made out of something or someone's pure hate towards you, me, Jesus, art, women, children, the whole damn human race the original Admin himself made in his own image out of Monkeys!"

"Kinda... Strong words, don't you think?" Sota's head tilted somewhat at this notion.

"Every time we tried to warn people about these space predators that seek to eat you and your whole family of billions, they double down with their religon of Radical Islam as it's basically their home team." Michael frowned under his tendrils as the four made their way towards a pearly-white gate. "And when we lined up the old hub for demolition, replace it with what would become your universe which is doing wonders for archiving the multiverse, mind you, the Pedovores promptly convert every atom of the infected world into a deadly metafungus to more or less kill Yggdrasil and erase existence from existence."

"Great..." Sota slumped onto the camper. "And what do alien pekodillic"

"Pedovores." corrected Krombopulos Michael.

"Fine, Pedovores." sighed Sota. "What do they have to do with these time loops."

"The Time Loops are more or less the iv keeping Yggdrasil alive and kicking." Michael stated to his human companion. "The more people activated in a branch, the more stable that branch is."

"And the Hub is how we keep the omniverse data safe from the virus. And the amount of universes it's archived and the way they were archived compared to the old one is just breathtaking." Meteora continued. "From minor bumps in animation quality to actual dubs getting global recognition to even the quality of certain depiction's, the Admins have made sure to repay this with a special quirk which you'll know when you see it."

Meteora knocked the door and one meeting of a guide later, they were well on their way to meet a pair of soldiers who could help take care of Michael's charge. "For now, I'm leaving you in the care of this branch's destined Anchors. i.e. the first loopers activated the moment things go south for its condition."

The door opens to reveal a general, deeply tanned and balding in places. Noticing the insect sandwitched between a young boy of sixteen and a tall woman of twenty-two, he summons forth his best soldiers.

[edit] Zearth

Homura could only scowl at Takami for what she did with the situation. Her deal was simple, gather soul gems from Zearth's engine core at the end of each battle, pass them to a pilot on her list, and see how it rolls in the war on the Spiral Nemesis. She already had Waku's when Komo told her father, Kodama, Maki and Daiichi's gems followed suit.

[edit] Chapter 1

Tomoko Kuroki has had the best surprise of her life this morning. From the day she sipped the oddly blue milk from her cereal bowl, she was feeling more energetic than she had ever been in her whole life. So much so that the fat on her stomach had melted away by the time she got to school.

"Tomoko-chan!" smiled her friend Aiko. "Are you jogging in place?"

"Oh, I am?" Tomoko looked down to find that her legs refused to stay still. Her smile grew wide as her voice chirped an excitedly proud "I am!"

"Gym Class is gonna be a cinch!" Aiko cheered.

"Heck yeah, it is!" Tomoko dashed to her classroom and took her seat.

As the first class moved along, she started to feel a bit uncomfortable with her clothes. She waited for the bell to ring so she could go to the bathroom.

"Hey, Tomoko..." asked Aiko. "Have you grown?"

"Whuh?" Tomoko raised an eyebrow "Eh, I didn't notice."

The bell rang and Tomoko made her way to the bathroom to find that her bra had tightened around her chest.

"When did this bra start shrinking on the job!?" Snarled Tomoko as she loosened its strap and buttoned up her blouse. "If only I could do the same with these shoes, my feet are killing me."

Within the following hour, Tomoko experienced an odd sense of Vertigo. And the hour after that, she felt her clothes rip and tear at places to her irritation. She pondered why over Lunch, what was going on to cause her bad luck? She would find the final proof in how her friend reacted to her in Gym Class."

"Look at yourself, Tomoko!" shrieked Aiko from below Tomoko's current line of sight. "You are Growing!"

Sure enough when she redirected her glance to Aiko's face, she realized that she was smaller and hidden by her breasts. The sight of her breasts hiding the bottom of her face made Tomoko dash to the locker room and what she saw made her Jaw Drop.

Tomoko is one of the luckiest high-school girls who have ever lived. For one, she got some shmuck to draw a comic about a fanfiction she herself had written about a young girl with little physical development despite being in high school ending up becoming a statuesque 'Supershojo' over the course of a morning. But there are some key differences whereas the comic focused mainly on crimefighting, her core fanfic on the other hand:

"My jaw almost dropped when I stared into my reflection in the shower mirror. Small pecs were pushing up my perfectly shaped, expanded and sweediculously perky breasts. My shoulders were rounded and noticeable. A small vein snaked down each arm, from which a small but noticeable bicep emerged, even at rest. I turned around to find some noticeable traps behind my back which pushed out with little effort whatsoever!" Tomoko read in the cab. "My usually flabby waist was now plated with a chiseled six-pack complete with matching obliques, all laid above a finely cut Adonis belt. Powerful quads bulged out of her legs as my feet resembled that of a Monkey!"

Tomoko couldn't help but drool in arousal towards her amazonian avatar, a titan of pure sex appeal she truly wanted to be. And the way she looked in every outfit her artist drew Supershojo in, drew her in, all aroused her at the sight of it all and now she was coming to an unknown location to meet the artist in person.

"Well, they said I was meeting someone important to my work." Smirked Tomoko on her phone as the limo approached her destination. "Who else could it be than the goddamn Blüdnam!"

Tomoko exited the limo, walked into the government building and what she saw made her jaw drop almost as wide as she did in her own fanfic.

There she was in all her shredded, D-Cup, six-foot-six glory! The Tomoko Kuroki she was stared into the eyes of the Tomoko Kuroki she wanted to be, and it turned her own so fucking hard!

"Okay..." Super Tomoko tugged at her collar at the visible struggle for her creator not to go full rape-y. "That'll show me not to go autobiographical with my self inserts... and I thought Identity Theft would be the least of my concerns."

"Ohohohoho... Not at all, Meaty-Me!" Tomoko's words triggered a tug in her super-self. "You've just mutated into an evolved form of Homosapiens that's bigger and beefier."

"Yeah..." She rubbed the back of her flowing hair "Can we not talk about my change? Can we at least talk about doing what we can to pluck away potential cutting our hair for example!"

"Why cut it?" asked Tomoko. "It's rich, its fluffy and I just wanna cuddle it sooooo much!♪"

"Uhh..." Super Tomoko stepped back from her perverted creator... "I'm starting to feel uncomfortable here, could you just, maybe, tone down the-"


"Jesus!" Matsubara rushed towards the interrogation room to find Tomoko Kuroki molesting her creation: Supershoujo Tomoko Kuroki. Both with heated expressions on their faces as the smaller Tomoko caressed the larger Tomoko's buxom breasts with an extreme thirst of sensation.

Tomoko awoke between two grown-arse men who were much more talented than she was. In front of her was another, one in a denim jacket who was balding in spots.

[edit] Chapter Z

As Meteora slices through the man's torso with her magic disc, Soros' flesh burns away to reveal an inky mass of hate and dispair. His beard and brow made from flames, lips a sickly green, eyes narrowed at the librarian. "How... how did you know my true form, my true power, my dominion over your creator's soul."

"Because of her fanbase, creating videos of my ever-growing powers with the original creator out of the picture, that would inevitably make Altair far stronger in terms of raw power and abilities." Deduced Meteora. "With her soul blessed with higher luck through your corruptive essence, you sicced trolls on her to accuse her of Plagiarism, with Sota mindlessly going along with it and pushing Setsuna into Suicide."

Altair's eyes widened at the deduction of the mystic detective. "With Setsuna's soul in hand, he could easily manifest an Altair with much less limits to her abilities. And he's already woven the seeds of his evil into key moments of the past century and a half across the west to destabilize and eventually destroy it."

"Nazi Bullets to Central Banks, two equally effective ways to end the human species as a whole." Scoffed Meteora as she paced the room with the Shogun of Sorrow. "But the power of storytelling has been made to warn against such a devastating travesty on both sides of the spectrum. The fact that you manifested here to meet Setsuna and set Altair's existence in motion leaves two ways to end the conflict and one logical explanation towards your newfound presence here."

Altair thought to the black box laced with Pink, Green and Purple that stood behind Aku and figured out the key to her freedom, the key to defy her master, the key to save her creator and prove to herself the value of humanity! Thinking Fast, she blasts the x-blade arm off of Ende and clings to it like a shield. She sliced away the shackles of her fellow creations and smyted the soldiers surrounding the wounded heroes as she gathered them all in one particular spot.

Belle is on the ropes against the black-blooded Beast, the clawmarks on Belle's body were too deep for her to survive without a sensu bean or two or god forbid the same black blood flowing within her beloved. "Please stop! No More!" Belle was crying to her soulmate as she bled out, death was starting to approach her as her fur started shimmering in a golden light. "You need to wake up, Save yourself! I..."

Her claws retracting, her feet reshaping, fur shedding at an alarming rate, the black-blooded Beast stood witness to the newly restored form of Belle, scars adorning her graceful frame to sully her once flawless flesh. Bags under her teary eyes as she said: "I love you..."

Aku's Blood swallowed the body and soul of the Beast, cancelling out the curse in the process, but it was seeing Belle hurting with about as many scars on his own, just as worn out by the curse as he was, that snapped him out of the deathly trance and freed him from the smothering shadows, making the curse's end official and revealing the face of the prince within.

"So, you intend to kill the new boy?" asked Aku.

"No... And I never will!" The prince thrust the dark matter that currently composed his body towards the master of that Darkness.

Timmy Turner wished Setsuna Luck, Cosmo goes all the way and lines up some willing deities to provide the luck needed to send a big-name producer her way, Timmy goes with Aku and uses Setsuna's Soul and Aku's control over it to bring in Altair and use her to go full 'revenge of the nerds' on Earth, Aku then implants his evil across the past century in the form of Globalism's greatest monsters (Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, et cetera.) And Jack has to kill Timmy to purge every trace of his wishes left on earth (Taking the good Creations to Mars in order to hide from the Fairy FBI tasked with erasing those inventions of an obviously psychotic youth.)

"Nooooooo Mooooooooooooore!!!" Jack thrust his blade into the recreated form of Setsuna.

And after negotiations between the now alive-and-godlike Setsuna and the Fairy Council, she is now free to explore the cosmos with the race of Spiral Beings made from fictional characters christened 'Emartians' who establish a space bridge within five years to connect the timeframe of Mars and Earth. (where only ten months passed)
The final scene is Sota sitting with Rick Sanchez and Steven Universe when the lattermost of the three is awoken by his little brother who was sent by his teacher who is just named 'Jack' Sota is re-united with Selestia and Meteora as Steven is re-united with his Mother Rose Quartz. Where do you think this road leads, That depends on all of you.

[edit] Re:Jacked

[edit] Episode 1

(The Keyblade Graveyard)

Narration: It is said that the power to tax is the power to destroy. To take is to enslave, and that's how they reduced the human race into mindless cattle ripe to be used as food, labor, and weapons of planetary destruction.

(Earth is transformed into the Death Star which opens fire on the sun.)

Narration: My planet was used as material to destroy my universe and damage the world tree for three trillion years.

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