Bonus Stage Season 8/Kingdom Hearts 3: Act 4-Destiny Lost

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[edit] Bonus Stage Short

[edit] Kairi's Funeral

(We open with a Coffin, Craig walks up to seranade the lifeless keyblade.)

Craig: Kairi... My little, albeit unrecognized angel... It's me...

your new stepfather...
think of wherever you want to go, even though
we never even met...
We'd live up in Canada, Where we'd canade
and live in ignorant bliss...
Maybe we could build a snowman.

(Cybermen haul out Craig as Jack Black continues the Funeral.)

Jack Black: Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Mr. Craig Shepherd-Botkins, Let's give a big hand as we say goodbye to the most bodatious babe ever to befriend Sora in his childhood, who dared to get in the dude's pants! My friends! Tonight we say our final goodbyes to Miss Kairi Botkins! (The Picture is an unflattering image of Kairi during her pre-teen years with braces, glasses and a big honking zit!)

All: (Each with a deadpan expression, Anna looking a bit peeved) Goodbye.

Steven Hawking: And now the word of god as spoken by this man.

(Enter the Swedish Chef who speaks his usual gibberish.)

Cameo No. 1: Aw, he mentioned her training in using the Glider.

Cameo No.2: But wouldn't the quantum mirror be a more viable mode of transportation?

Cameo No.3: Of course not, They're just two Portals to two separate worlds!

All: Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal!

Swedish Chef: Herbert, Hermy-Derp Derp! (Translation: And now, let's go bowling!)

(Cut to the Krabby O'Monday's where good times are had. Enter Sam Beckett)

Joel: Sammy, hey! I see you've improved the 'ol Krabby 'O Mondays, right?

Sam: Yeah. I've even added the bowling alley you asked for.

(Sabrina is scoring Strikes across the board. while Hayley is still stuck on a 7-10 split)

Sabrina: Ah, Geez! Look at that Score, Hayley! I'm totally owning you, not you in a metaphysical sense, just that I'm beating you in terms of bowling.

Hayley: Please, don't gloat, I don't want your girl loving germs to spread to moi...

Madoka: Don't be silly, Hayley, we're in this together and we'd never hurt you no matter what happens...


Joel: Least ya still got Riku to bone!


Riku: Go ahead Sora, I'm sure Kairi would've wanted it, too.

Sora: *Tosses a Bowling Ball to Joel's face, with the expected results*

[edit] Order 64

[edit] Story

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