Bonus Stage Season 8/Episode 99: I don't want to go...

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[edit] Script

[edit] A Berry Long Time Ago


Earth Pony:

Phil: Oh, Jesus God.

(We Zoom out to Canterlot)

A Berry long time ago...

(cut to someone's perspective of waking up.)

[edit] "I don't know where I am."

(A montage of scenes plays out interspersed with scenes of Xak falling down a storm of memories and such. SCENE 1: Jessica and the 2nd and 3rd Doctors driving a Chainsaw-Wrecked Taxi into a giant drain, while a man uses twin sharks as jetskis. SCENE 2: Brad is following Tsume in his Gang during a raid as the blue snow falls. SCENE 3: ???)

Xak: I don't know where I am. It feels like I'm breaking into a million pieces and there's only one thing I know for certain...

Fozzie: That you need to save the Bonus Stage Gang?

Xak: No, that they actually forgot about Me! I mean who does that to the first intern. There should've been seniority for me towards the other interns!

[edit] ???

[edit] 'Who am I?'

(Joel wakes up in a blank space)

Joel: Where the heck am I now? Firefly's new season? Ahahahahaaa!

[edit] ???

[edit] The Polygon Witch

(Phil arrives to)

[edit] ???

[edit] End Title

Evil: Bonus Stage was Recorded in front of a Stacked Serial Box Set in Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios, Florida.

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