Kingdom Hearts III

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Revision as of 00:28, 31 March 2013 by (Talk)


Project Chronarx


Hello, My name is AC Miller and I am planning a new company called Project Chronarx

The Questions

  • What was your first Kingdom Hearts game/experience?
The Original Game, I was playing the Game alongside my Dad in his mother's house.
  • What is the most memorable thing about Kingdom Hearts to you?
The Multiple Characters, You can find a way to sympathise with
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts game and why?
Kingdom Hearts 3D because It reveals the big plan that will end the Seeker of Darkness.
  • Who is your favorite Kingdom Hearts character and why?
I don't Tend to play favorites in Fiction, No favorite Character, No Favorite World, I just love them all, Sans the Disney Worlds. My guess would have to be Xehanort because he seeks to create a perfect world of Complete Balance between Light and Darkness, You honestly get why he would attempt to do something that could potentially break the entire fabric of creation itself. I think I know the perfect way he could make it work while ensure everybody lives happilly ever after, What is it, you may ask? You'll see when we make our presence known.
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts world and why?
Like I said, I dont Play favorites, but there is the Imfamous Land of Departure, A World of Pure Magesty and Gives Me those chills of Joy that there are more people like Sora that have been keeping the balance stable for way longer than the games have shown us.
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts score and why?
Xion's Theme from Days, It symbolizes the Tragedy of Being destined to fall pray to ficle hands of fate that plague the entire franchise so.
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts memory?
That First moment in Birth By Sleep where I first entered the Land of Departure.
  • What makes Kingdom Hearts special to you?
That it fleshes out all it's original Characters and gives them a likeable personality. For Instance, And Xehanort's quite good at Improvisation, how do ya think he keeps popping up everywhere.
  • What was the first Disney movie you watched?

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Black Cauldron, Hands Down...
  • What is your favorite Disney world in Kingdom Hearts and why?
Olympus Collesium, It's quite an awesome place to Grind in with it's Tournament Battle Minigame I'd love to see Implimented in a Multiplayer Mode
  • Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
Remember when I said "I do not play favorites."? Times a Thousand!
  • What is your favorite Disney song/score?
  • What is your favorite moment in Disney history?
  • What is your favorite Disney memory?
  • What makes Disney special to you?
The Fact that It can take any story and you can always feel that good will always win, no matter how bad it gets. It's a feeling I want to capture within our Master Plan

A Call to Arms

Now that the Questions are out of the Way, It's time to get down to buisness. (Swapnote 1A) Let's get realistic here gentleman. Nintendo is beginning to become Irrelevant due to the Mobile Gaming craze that was brought about by Tablets and Smartphones made possible by the Late Steve Jobs. (Swapnote 1B) This new method of gaming could ultimately Spell Nintendo's downfall in the console market by the end of 2015, But there is a way to save the Thousands of memorable characters cooked up by this company. (Swapnote 1C) Hate to say it outright but you're gonna have to Sell the company to the Walt Disney Company in order to preserve such brands as Mario, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Kirby, Pikmin, F-Zero among many others. (Swapnote 1D) With this Deal, It can rekindle your relationship with Square Enix through a now Nintendo exclusive Kingdom Hearts series. It could enhance Disney Infinity with it's meatier Character Selection, Extra Manhours worked and A Much Broader reach of Playsets.

Power Rangers: Super Megaforce

Power Riders

Power Cure

Rebel Taxi Nigo


<Pan Pizza: The Coach>

Pan Pizza: Okay, So what in godbear's name has you believing that you're Rebel Taxi Material?

<Thin Crust: Rookie of the Year>

Thin Crust: Well, I've got this Idea for a video segment It's called the 'Waifu of the Day'.

Pan Pizza: The What?

Thin Crust: My friend this is where I Select an Image of a chick that Turns me on rock hard and then Immortalise it on my Wall!

Pan Pizza: Do you have an Example of this new gag?

Thin Crust: Quite, do you know why they're going for a prequel instead of a sequel...

Pan Pizza: I'm sure they have a legitamate reason fo-(sees the Waifu) Ohh...Ohhhhhh!!! AW! YES!

Thin Crust: Think she's a better Idea than Monsters University...

Pan Pizza: Hell to the Yes!

Thin Crust: Thank you, As for my Segment Idea, Try this on for Size!


Pan Pizza: Ooohh... Pirated, I like that part in ya.

Thin Crust: And what do ya think of the set?

Pan Pizza: <Your Opinion of the Set>

Thin Crust: Alright, We've got a Show to do so let's get right to it. You and Me are gonna roll on through the entire Seeker of Darkness Saga for the Project, Run down an Elaborate Analysis of each of the Games and get into details of what we want to see. We add the Characters to our boster board that we've got there and plan out our story with you guys the fans. The first thing we gotta do is this... (drops the Xehanort Saga in the Garbage) with that said, lets dig into the leftovers.

(1-Davis Family, Bonnie Anderson)

Pan Pizza: uhhhh... Toy Story?

Thin Crust: yep.

Pan Pizza: the first ever CGI feature length film

Thin Crust: yep.

Pan Pizza: What? Are ya pulling my leg or somthin... huh?

Thin Crust: No Sempai, I'm ensuring Kingdom Hearts III becomes the first ever Interactive Motion Picture

Step 1: birth by sleep


Next is Vanitas, a creepy mofo who spawns these Unversed creatures all over place.

And finally, There's Master Anthony Brian Xehanort. He's more or less a good guy who will ultimately reboot the franchise without that Rich Bitch Destiny Taking the wheel. He knows for a fact that nopony can die in this kind of Franchise, just ask Nomura!

Step 2: Kingdom Hearts

And this is where we get the Sora, Riku and Kairi we've come to know. Let's Add the Toys to our Box here

Step 3: Chain of Memories

Step 4: 358/2 Days

Step 5: Kingdom Hearts II

Step 6: coded

Step 7: Dream Drop Distance


And Reibranz makes it all complete! Give him a round of applause, for he's the last character we're gonna get in the games so far! Let us Cinnabrate!

To The Future (KHRP Game)


Episode Guide


Non Canon Fanfiction

The Game Itself

AVbyte x Chameleon Circuit Musical

Fourty-two Impossible Fables

☆☆☆ - Not even started
★☆☆ - It's coming up...
★★☆ - Ready for Testing
★★★ - ...It's There!
  1. 42 Impossible Fables/A love story across Time and Space - ★☆☆
  2. 42 Impossible Fables/The Brothers Noble - ★☆☆
  3. 42 Impossible Fables/The Flower that Withered Twice - ★☆☆
  4. 42 Impossible Fables/The telling of Stories - ★☆☆
  5. 42 Impossible Fables/The Girl who would become God - ★☆☆
  6. 42 Impossible Fables/The Eight Authors - ★☆☆
  7. 42 Impossible Fables/A Fallen Hero - ★☆☆
  8. 42 Impossible Fables/Undercover Storyteller - ★☆☆
  9. ???- ☆☆☆
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Neutron Viateim

The Neutron Viatiem Super-Computer is the Guide of the Kingdom Hearts Song 0f Flame

Kingdom Hearts: Song 0f Flame

Kingdom Hearts III

Character Birthdays


  • 3rd: Velenex Fayed (11th Doctor, 1989)



  • 7th: Kairi, Namine and Xion Botkins
  • 13th: Nydax Xehanort



  • 21st: Vanitas, Sora, Roxas





  • 28th: Ventus



  • 23rd: Etchern Xehanort (1950)


Character Guide

Group A

  • Xander Mabrez
  • Trasme Kadoya
  • Zyrca Kadoya
  • Narnie Parevel
  • Jessica Argus

Group B

Group C

Group D

  • Kairi (Dies in Episode 45)
  • Lea
  • Cher
  • Hubb

Group E

Joined Group D in Episode XX

  • Second Doctor
  • Third Doctor (Dies in Episode 46)
  • Quent Yaiden
  • Blue

Group F

Joins Group D in Episode XX

  • Sora!TOM
  • Donald Duck
  • Goofy
  • Akira

Group G

Joins Group G in Episode 7

  • Fifth Doctor (Dies in episode 45)
  • Sixth Doctor (Dies in Episode 44)
  • 7th Doctor
  • Shuu
  • Cheza
  • Zeus
  • Kiba
  • Tsume
  • Hige
  • Toboe
  • Rikkaä (Rikku - Wolf's Rain TNG)
  • Natsume
  • Coop
  • Oz




Madoka Kaname

Tsukasa Kadoya


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