Toys in the Hood

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  • Keyblade:
  • Mech: Sheriffstarr


  • Keyblade:
  • Mech: Stellaraigar (Buzz the Space Ranger Robo)

Konishi Arc

Chapter 8

[Toy Story]x[Kingdom Hearts]x[Star Wars]x[Persona 4]
Toys in the Hood (Chapter 8)

Daisy woozily opened her eyes to find herself on the inside of a Jet Liner, She then looked to the window to the sight of the ocean floor closing in on a collection of islands just over the horizon. "Whu-huh?"

"Isn't this exciting?" Jennifer's voice got her attention onto the adult as she cradled her sleeping toddler. "We get to explore a part of the world we rarely get to see and I'm sure the children will learn something about different cultures."

Daisy was dumbfounded in her drowsy stupor. "I was babysitting Molly and then this knight in armor turned up and cast some kinda spell."

"I found you sleeping on the job and was more than happy to take you and Molly along with us to Japan." 'Ty' glared to the sitter from behind the women. "I hope this doesn't do too much damage to your college education."

"If it's only for the week, I guess it won't." Daisy absent-mindedly assured to her senior.

On 'Tyler's side of the seating, Bonnie and Andy were sitting impatiently at the thought of going to Japan.

"Worry not." Yoda clarified from within Aqua's purse. "Only an indulgence on Aqua's part, this brief detour is."

"But what about my mommy?!" questioned Bonnie. "She's gonna be worried sick about me!"

"Calm down, Bon." Aqua hushed. "I called her up on the way up and she wants you back by Labor Day. If we end up sticking around any longer, we can dial her up and pull a mind trick on her."

"Oh, good." huffed Andy. "More mind control."

"You don't have to like it." Aqua facepalmed. "It's only to get around their worrying hearts and calm themselves back to normal."

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah..." Andy slumped back into his seat. "Just tell me when we land, okay?"

Aqua glared back to the boy with relief.


Deep within Aqua's subspace pocket, Woody tapped his boots to the luggage case he laid upon, irritated that Aqua and Terra resorted to pocketing him and the rest of Andy's toys just so they could follow Andy and crew to Japan. Regardless, he still stood to pick up the microphone and make his speech.

"I am so sorry that you all had to be dragged into this mess." Woody spoke towards his colleagues, "But those who are aware of just how broken this tree of ours know that variants can and will happen, this is just one of those minor shake-ups."

"Minor shake-up?!" Mister Potato Head spat against the sheriff. "One year into the Loop and already we're being thrown off course by your kind going to cowboy camp with little miss 'My presence is impossible at this point in the Baseline'!"

"Calm down, alright." Woody hushed the spud. "At least there are elder Loopers on Andy's end to ease him in."

"Yeah, with overblown door-keys." Potato-Head Huffed.

"And Jedi mind tricks to get around the troubles he might end up facing." clarified Woody. "Come on, what's the modus opperandi around these parts."

"To be there for Andy when he needs us." The other toys sighed.

"Exactly!" Woody bounced to lower ground with a smile. "Just roll with the punches and we can figure out the Loop and what it's meant for."


The plane soon landed after a beautiful birds-eye view of the Japanese skyline and the group of foreigners arrived at the airport where they were met with a humble vallet willing to drive the group through Japan to seek out a proper place for the seven Americans.

"We are honored to have international guests such as yourselves here in the Inaba prefecture." Their escort smiled from the driver's seat. "While we were unable to secure the intended cargo of Woody's Roundup merchandise for the 50s Wing, our CEO showed interest in what he got in its stead so by all means, do pick out a place to stay for the duration of your visit to the country."

Jennifer glanced through the windows to see the houses that were available. "Do you think we can fit within a particular price range?"

'Ty' was also interested in house hunting though his method was different, sending pings to any Loopers that might have been fused in along with them. And sure enough, he got a ping back and promptly pointed the group in its direction. "Do you think we can room in an already preoccupied residence?"

"A resourceful idea, Tyler-san." the vallet complimented the man. "-- I cannot wait until the tour tommorrow."

"Same here." smiled 'Amy' as she recieved a ringing sound coming from a nearby home. "Because I think we've just found our new home."


Ryotaro was loving this Loop for the reason you'd expect him to, he woke up before the death of his wife, Yu and Yosuke look adorable as children and Izanami was far from active for the time being. Nothing could get in the way at this point in their lives... despite a recently Awakened Chie's best efforts to the contrary.

"Come on, Chie, I just wanted to gush about how hecking cute you are as a little girl..." squawked Yosuke.

"Oh, sure. Go ahead and coo at me, why doncha?" glared Chie with a raging fury of your typical Tsundere. "And while you're at it, why not compliment the dress my parents forced onto me for going here!?"

"Well, the pink's not beary complimentary to your attitude." the fun-sized Teddie pointed out in a matter-of-fact sort of speaking. "Maybe a warmer color could be best."

"Did I ask you for fashion advice!" Chie barked with rage before halting at the familiar sound of the ping. "Loopers? Here?"

"Would appear so..." sighed Yu as he stood up and sent a ping back before glancing to his caretaker for the timebeing: "Dojima-san."

"I heard." peeped Ryotaro from behind a creeked open door. "I'll go greet the newcomers." He then waltzed his way to the front door with a kiss for Chisato lying in wait only to find her opening the door for the guests.

"Hi, I heard there were like-minded people here." the American-looking figure smiled to her patron. "Do you have a place for us to stay for the foreseeable future?"

"We have a spare room for you." smiled Chisato. "The kids could room with Yu and Nanako if they like."

"We'd be honored, milady!" Bonnie smiled back as she marched to the japanese children. "I take it you are wide Awake, good sir."


"I've been thrown for a Loop myself."


"So if you're eager to go Loop-dee-Loop for the Loop in question,"

Ping. Ping. Ping.

"Alright, I'll let you into my room!" complained Yu as he opened the door.

"YAY!" Bonnie cheered as she dashed inside to Yu's reluctance.


The Inaba youngsters faced the little Americans with intrigue, and yet still discomfort. "I hear you're training in the Keyblade's power?"

"Not yet." Blushed Bonnie with a smile. "But so long as I practice my force power, I can have a chance at being a keyslinging kid alongside Terra and Aqua!"

"The Force?" Yu glared back. "As in a certain Galaxy Far, Far Away?"

"A loyal fan, are you? Hmm..." Yoda glanced to the white-haired boy, surprising him to no end. "Yes, the rumors are true. The Toy Story Loops, you and your Ilk now find yourselves in."

"I can see that, ya plush puppet!" glanced Yosuke.

"How are you even using the Force?" pondered Chie. "You'd have to be in Yoda's home branch to end up just as force-sensitive as you, Yoda."

"That's right..." added Yu. "...and as far as I can tell, that isn't the case this Loop."

"In a cloudy pattern, this Loop is." Yoda sighed as he walked with cane in hand. "The only Branches fused for the Loop, the ones we know might not be."

"So it's gonna be a Cluster Loop." sighed Yosuke. "Makes sense with the rumors brewing in the community recently."

"The one with the olympic championship?" Teddie added "Let's hope things don't get too big for us to bear down here."

"Let's hope so..." Yu leaned back with a finger to his chin before adding: "So how long have you been Loopin'..."

"I just started last year!" peeped Bonnie. "And Andy's not even Looping yet."

"Really?" Yosuke eyed to the child. "I guess that makes you Yggdrasil's new fuckboy."

"Watch your language, young man!" Jen butted in with a spark in her eyes.

"Okay, Okay, I'll keep my peeper shut..." mumbled Yosuke to Jennifer's ire, watching the boy interacting with her boy as she closed the door. "Yeesh, is she one of those single parents."

"...yeah." Andy sighed. "We don't talk much about him."

Yu just looks to his non-looping friend and sighed: "You're lucky."

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Guardian Arc

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

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