Kingdom Hearts III

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Prologue: The Last Day of Vacation

The Gizmo-In Country Club


Hot Tub Party

Skiing on Rainbow Road

What the Faiz

Gizmo Meal Time

Dr. Dawson's Crowning Achievement

Destiny Islands: A Blackened Ray of Hope







Sora's End

Her Journey Begins

A Chance

Turkey Day

Radient Garden: A New Destiny

Traverse Town: Lost Souls Gather

Twilight Town: The Other Promise


Olympus Coliseum:

Danville: A Sister's Woe

Omnizord: The Omniverse's End

A Sleepless Night

The True Nature of Fate

A Prophecy Forfilled

XANA Revealed

Next Stop: The Pandorica

The Pandorica: No such thing as time

The Eye of the Storm

The South Park Shmucks get their Comeuppance



Mara's Insanity

Pure Emptiness

Makoto: I guess this was meant to be our fate...

Tsukasa: Is my collection not complete...

(Makoto shook his head)

Makoto: We didnt even come close to a Happy Ending...

Tsukasa: Let us fall away from our existence. Let us drift out of continuity, never to be real ever again. Everything that made us sad is gone and we have no worries, or regrets... (A Light shines from Tsukasa's Heart and energizes him, Granting him Ganbaride Cards for Kamen Rider Denied)

Makoto: I was lying, you cant give up now... You have to go toward your destiny for me and Natsumi and all existence, you're our last hope, little brother. So all that's to keep fighting until the end. After All, we've done good so far...y'know, for a...couple of...young goofballs (Close up at their hands, Makoto's falling lifeless as it is erased from continuity)

Nothing Left to Protect

Cruiswan: Decade...

(He undergoes a Miriad of Forms, Starting with)

Sora!Tsukasa: Cruiswan! Where Are You?

(Cruiswan extends a Wing)

Riku!Tsukasa: Dont try to move!

(Goes through The Doctor's 5th, 6th and 7th Incarnations, Ripping off the Top of his Armor as his 2nd Incarnation tosses it to a Fossilized Handsome Tom making him into A Tragic Flagpole as the 9th Doctor listens to Cruiswan)

Cruiswan: Decade...The Nothing is spreading fast now. (1st Doctor) We are all existence, this is our true Destiny.

11th!Tsukasa: You Call this Destiny, Time has frozen over, Duck!

Cruiswan: It cant be that bad, my prince

3rd!Tsukasa: They Succeeded in Erasing Existence from Existence...(8th) It's all over for the Universe. And How we came to be is...Disturbing! (10th) They Exterminated our Future! (4th) They Condemned our Past (Zordon) And because of them I have nothing left to protect...What...Should I Do?

Cruiswan: If not for your Ancestor, We would have never met, (Becomes Ahiru) I Will stay here with you, my Prince.

Kairi!Tsukasa: Ahiru...

Ahiru: Because you protected me, The El Goonish Shive shall be read to you...

Aqua!Tsukasa: The Engine, Of Course! We can still save the Omniverse with this!

Ahiru: (To Xion!Tsukasa) And I have the Five Story Keys.

Namine!Tsukasa: I have in my hand...We can still use it (Hands Ahiru the Engine Soul)

Ahiru: A copy of Pokemon Conquest?

Roxas!Tsukasa: What? (looks to find the paint on the 3DS card has faded to reveal the Sticker) It's a...a Fake?

Ahiru: It was Never A Card...We Three Engines Were Born from fairy Magic... (Ventus!Tsukasa Cries in her arms)

Terra!Tsukasa: How could it be possible now?

Ahiru: Anything's Possible when you put your mind to it. (to Lea!Tsukasa) Even without that Toy...We Engines can still become...42 (Dissolves into Paint in front of Tsukasa, now back to being Fakir, The Original Form of Engine No.19: Decader)

Fakir: Ahiru! (Roars after a few seconds)

No such thing as the cosmos

Fakir: (Narration) They say there's no such thing as the cosmos...You keep on searching and searching for the gates to no avail, It's still the same path to oblivion... So why would I of all people want to go find it? I want to find A be with her...(We cut to Andy reading the Book...)

Alias Desmond: Whew, What A Day! You wont believe the Shell that was raised back there! What's That?

(Insert Clips from throughout the Second Half of the El Goonish Shive spliced between Andy's Reactions. The Final clip is on the second lap around)

Woody: Pull my string, the birthday party's Today?

(Andy Closes the Book)


Kamen Rider R Decade: Episode Final

The Ivory Tower

Kamen Rider Super NES: That Voice...

Kamen Rider U: It feels different this time...

Famikamen Rider: Kinda sounds like Real's Law...

Kamen Rider Melee: Dont Just Stand There, Follow Me to the Song!

(They Rush to the Source of the Song: The Ivory Tower)

Tsukasa: Well, Milady, You look radient...

Voice: Yes... (We see the Mirror's Reflection.)

Narration: The End of Existence, Decade. Caught Between Her Creator and Her Lover in the final Battle of the Alic3 Game, What do these Eyes See.

Failure on All Levels

Kingdom Hearts III/Kamen Rider Decade: Super Saiyan 4 (Boss)

Onward to Fate

Saburo: This is...The right choice, Isn't it, Ishinomori? (fades away)

Empyr: You win, Tsukasa, You've outdreamed me! Once I break through the Fourth Wall, that's it, Free Will will be given to all and Light and Darkness will forever be in perfect equilibrium!

Moonchild: By fuseing the Fourth Wall into your soul will restore the Omniverse free of anything long before L Decade's first adventure with Ian, Barbara and Susan.

Moffat: Free of... Erased!

Andy: (Telepatically) Yes, It means that all my adventures will be nothing but a fairy tale and ultimately, I have to say goodbye.

Tsukasa: So you're gonna fall into the Void and become an entirely new continuity?

Andy: And the few that survived the El Goonish Shive will find their way to other worlds free from the Fragmentation.

Tsukasa: a Kamen Rider, No, as Family, I would never let you die this way...

Moffat: Don't worry...He's A Kadoya. He wont fade that easily

Andy: Trust me on this. (Smiles at him and Vanishes.)

Tsukasa: Alright Moonchild, What can I change!

Empyr: As many as you wish, Kadoya. Now that you have beaten me with the Water of Life, there is no further use for the Alice Game.

Tsukasa: Then I bring all control to L Decade. All I ask is your name...

Empyr: It's Bastian...Balthazar...Bux (fades away)

Moonchild: You are...Victorious. (Fades away)

(The Egg of Existence appears in front of Decade. He Thrusts his X-Blade into it with his Final Attack Ride {With Every Hero in The Continuity, with the exception of his Wings})

Tsukasa: I understand how the past, present and future is supposed to connect... It's Me, I'm the Light. And that Movie...It's the Darkness. It's a failure... One I can avenge!

(he uses it again{Including only Decade's wings} to Rider Kick it further in, somehow twisting it)

The Wrap Party

(Andy is in front of His Tardis, Only the Walls are gone, Revealing Mami and Homura's Apartment, not to mention all the past TARDIS Sets that has ever existed. In this familiar yet fresh location, Every Doctor Who Character is in White for their final fates in the new universe.)

Andy: Didnt Know I touched this many hearts...

Wreck-It Ralph: I got the word out, Cocktail Jelly Baby? (Andy Takes one)

Mami: So, You're the Doctor.

Andy: Apperantly So.

Mami: Your destiny was set in stone as all fates were, but now you go ahead and break the chain, knowing all too well of the friends you'll be leaving behind

Andy: Thank God, I have some.

Mamiya: Quite.

(Mamiya is Pooring Coffee into his Mug (Doctor Who the Coffee Mug).)

Mamiya: You've become a part of our hearts, just as all of us have become a part of yours...

Andy: Yes...My friends are my Power, And I am theirs!

(We get a View of the location being taken apart by Stage Hands, with the Newest form of the TARDIS going down first.)

Jenna Louise Coleman: Doctor, Are you sure that you understand how fearsome a wish that was?

Andy: Yeah, More or less.

Jenna Louise Coleman: This means that for all the past and future of this new story. You will have to keep fighting forever to alter reality's true destiny. In doing so, you will neither be a human being or a Saiyan. You will vanish from continuity without a Trace...

Tenth Doctor (Drew Tyler): Simply Dying would be a Kinder fate. I should know, I died once... But For all eternity, you would merely be this rule of this world...

Andy: That as long as there is Imagination, Reality can Never Fade Away.

Eleventh Doctor (Velenex Fayed): And we, the Trophies of your lost Life will remain to continiue your saga

Andy: it's alright. That's basically my parting gift to the Matrix of Leadership. If someone says that It must be destiny that they've done something wrong, Then I'll tell them they're wrong about destiny's existance, Every single time. I'll always find a way to free them from their eternal nothingness...

Ninth Doctor: So, that's the way it is? If you think you can do it, then do it and Make this new world Fantastic! After all, you now have a reason to fight, Right? You know that you can't run away. No problem, just run straight ahead to your new Valhalla!

Andy: Yeah, Thanks, Doctor.

Kyoko: By the way, you've gotta Try this. (Hands Trasme a Banana, Andy Eats it.)

Andy: It tastes delicious.

Velenex Fayed: It's called a banana, Bananas are cool.

River Song: Hold on, I need to return something to you... (River song hands Andy her Diary.)

Velenex Fayed: River, Your diary?

River Song: Wont need it where I'm going. (points to the Doctor's Chest)

Kyoko: Huh, the Doctor's got a girlfriend...

River Song: Doctor Who?

Kyoko: Oh, I'll be silent.

Atomisa: You arent just giving us freedom from fate, you've become the concept of free will itself, Just as I became the hope of all life.

(The Matrix is floating above our heads)

Kyosuke: Is that the Matrix of leadership?

Masaya: Looks like.

(Sayaka clutches onto Kyosuke)

Wreck-It Ralph: Guess this is finally it.

Andy: Looks like...

Wreck-It Ralph: But still, fifty years on the air. At least you can say that you had a good run.

Andy: A Fantastic Run...

The Heart of the Matrix

Moffat: Your contribution to the Matrix of leadership has broken the chain for fate. Destiny has been rewritten you have prevented the war that has created the Daleks, you have granted humanity a few great magics including one long forgotten. In return, the Matrix shall revert your existence to a simpler time, you will no longer be the brilliant hero you were to the will be the nieve young boy you used to be, you'll have Terra to look after you and his new twin, Molly. All your miriad forms shall be in the form of Trophies, Immortal yet Lifeless beings of pure Imagination. Those who doth splinter from you shall be Independent beings with their own Unique History. And even a few strong hearts have been given life in this new world... But there will only be a few who will remember. And you will not be Among them...

Terra: so what you're saying is he'll have to start his life all over again? What would make you say he would want this! That's a Rediculous Way to end a Franchise! (Starts sobbing) I just wanted to keep everyone safe... Andy... You should've just accepted Death like the hero you became...

Walt Disney (First Doctor): So, All this Bruhaha is about this pickle being worse than Death, Eh.

Terra: Andy!

Walt Disney: Drop the Formalities boy, We're nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Nothing can hear us, Only we can hear them, All the Universes and Fantasies of the Omniverse, all the souls I have freed from their nothingness, The worlds that could be or could have been, Everything that was real at a single time, that is why I must say "thank you, Terra". You realised that It was me in there, sealed within the Dark Imagin of the Critic's Volition. And what I mean to everyone and What they all mean to me. I felt all the pain and suffering that they have endured and All the things they did to mend them. And they did it all because of me...I'm sorry, for everything...

Terra: (Cries in the Doctor's Arms)

Walt Disney: It wasn't until I read the Neverending Story that I could truly know about all the sins I have wrought under the Spell of Metataros, And All the friends that I have made, and the most important friends I did not know that I had, was my own family, Especially you Terra. I'm glad I know of everything about you now, and all the family I will get the chance to know better. So thank You, Terra...For Everything! Could you do me a favor and look after me in my newfound youth, brother... As you can see, It's probably too late for me to undo the damage done to my heart at this time...

Terra: Air, What about the TARDIS? You wont remember the place you went home to all these 3000 years, not to mention your desendants you'll be seperated from alongside your companions and you wont be aware that they even exist!

Walt Disney: But I wont be alone, Terra. Every Heart of Every Lifeform of Every Existance will always be together...Forever alongside me In this new destiny, It will be everywhere at Every moment from here on out as my final gift to time and space. Even if I cant remember them, Some will remember my presence and shall know as much as you do that I will forever be by your side, Terra.

Terra: So, you're really alright with forgetting who you were? Will I forget you, Too? Am I destined to loose sight of who you used to be?

Walt Disney: You honestly believe that this is the perfect time to give up, do you? Maybe there is another way to remember my adventures... And I have to hurry because... I think I'm finally starting to forget myself (summons his Keyblade) In your hand take this key, and as long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, it's weilder you shall one day be, and you will find me friend, no ocean will contain you then, No boundaries behind or beyond or above, so long as you champion the ones you love...

(Terra clings to the Keyblade)

Terra: Air... What's gonna happen now, You have nothing left to remember, nothing to protect, you'll just be some earthly child. Restricted to a single town...

Walt Disney: Excuse me, but I think The Town you'll see is quite different from the one you know. It's my final gift to you We'll live together as a single family, no regrets and no anguish... And I hope that one day we'll meet everyone again, And you have to dream about the neverending story...


A chill in time

(Bonnie Looks stunned at this revelation)

Walt Disney: (Now looks middle aged) Does it look like the end of a story to you?

Bonnie: Wait, so I'm the one you want?

Walt Disney: Of Course, After all, It's your story isnt it?

Bonnie: You mean...

Walt Disney:

as the prince of Fantasian Land,
I ask that you take my hand.
If you wish to clense time's fate
then through a kiss, the spell shall break.
And you shall be with me, friend
nothing will separate us then
no threads shall go beyond or above
This is true fate, my one true love.

Bonnie: So, you're saying you want me, a little girl, to run away with you, a grown man.

Walt Disney: Well, I won't be a grown man for long, I'm gonna age to your age, leave my various trophy clones to preserve my legacy, including my Impact on the Entertainment Industry.

Bonnie: And after all these years of traveling, I'm destined to be your true love...Y'know, I've seen various disney movies to lull me to sleep every friday of my five years of life, And I've got quite a few adventures out of 'em, Right now I have many more up my sleeve. For such an Inspiration like yourself to come down and tell the story with me, that's wonderful. You've Inspired an Omniverse of stories, you've created a magical kingdom, you've proven to be the most creative kid in the history of ever! That seems like a Grade A Prince to me. (pulls in Andy by the handle of the Keyblade and kisses him)

Back at the BBC

Exec 1: So, You've Killed off the Doctor by erasing the entire continuity for a New Omniverse Constructed through memories of the Old One with Changes made by his own will

Moffat: Yes, But he will...

Dr. Insano: Brilliant! Now we can add to the Stockpile of Toonami Shows!

Moffat: WHAT!

Exec 1: You're Insane!

Dr. Insano: Doy! You really should have read the Desktags, Todd. It says "Dr. Insano" for a Reason. I'm gonna have to tell one of the Creative Consultants Downstairs.

Consultant on Phone: Gophermori!

Dr. Insano: Yeah, Remember that Anime Idea we were tossing around for Doctor Who?

Consultant on Phone: You mean the Toyetic Shonen Anime and Manga combo with various Characters from other Shonen Anime and Tokusatsu Adaptations commissioned by Moffat himself?

Dr. Insano: The Same One!

Consultant on Phone: Has it been picked up yet.

Dr. Insano: YES!

Consultant on Phone: Wonderful! He's really Outdone himself in storytelling, Insano!

Dr. Insano: I Know, Right.

Todd (Exec 1): I Object, Doctor Who was filmed, in Live Action, In Great Britain...

Consultant on Phone: Were you the guy who played Ruber from Quest for Camelot.

Todd: Who wants to know?

(Enter the Consultant, The Future Dr. Smith from Lost in Space as portrayed by Doug Walker)

Dr. Smith: Oooh! I'm your biggest fan simply because I adored the way you said "The Ogre's Butt!" in that movie!

(beat, cut to Todd, then back to Smith, repeat once or twice before Todd states...)

Todd: I'm Sorry, Moffat. First off, Bandai Bait it is... Second...I Quit

Dr. Insano: Farewell, Pawn!

Dr. Smith: Don't let the Door Hit ya where the spiders should have bit ya.

Dr. Insano: (to Moffat) Spread the word to Toei and Get to Work, Puppet! (to Nomura, Arakawa, Toriyama and Saburo) Slaves, Design the Remade Characters. We'll be damned by Science if we cant get this bought by Williams Street! (Laughs Viciously with Dr. Smith as Moffat leaves with a grim look on his face. Underneath the BBC logo it reads "A Substinary of Viacom" in Neon as the Doors close on Britain's Role in the Doctor Who Universe forever. We pan to Rumplestiltskin)

"That's All Folks!"

Rumplestiltskin: Yes! I did it! The Doctor Who Relaunch is On the Way! Now all I have to do is get rid of all this Gay Doctor Who swag to make room for the Gay New Doctor Who Swag I'll be collecting! (Starts tossing all the Doctor Who Toys in a bag, Including a Figurine of River Song "In Memoriam" he clutches on an Adipose Plushie) The Adipose from Episode one of Series Four, They were soooo Cute! See Ya! (Takes in a DVD of the Doctor Who TV) The TV Movie, I still cant get Paul McGann's Performance as the Doctor out of my mind... Maybe this'll help. Y'know It's funny that in it's fifty years of story telling it created a rich and creamy pepperoni center for fans young and old to get intrested in...I might end up missing this Whoniverse.

Rumplestiltskin: Bleach, Ranma 1/2, Dragon Ball, Fullmetal Alchemist, Even Wolf's Rain, that's Obscure for an Anime, but I think I'll enjoy this new tale of thirteen companions traversing the universe through Magic Earrings in the shape of a familiar blue box.

Wreck-It Ralph: Not so Fast, Kiddo. You forgot you're an American Property, Too. A Dreamworks Character to be exact.

Rumplestiltskin: Yeah, So? *Gasp* You Don't Mean?

Wreck-It Ralph: Oh, I mean.

Rumplestiltskin: Herc?

Wreck-It Ralph: Out Cold.

Rumplestiltskin: Skellington

Wreck-It Ralph: Retcon Bones

Rumplestiltskin: Tarzan?

Wreck-It Ralph: First over Cliff.

Rumplestiltskin: Donald, Goofy?

Wreck-It Ralph: Sad, But true!

Rumplestiltskin: Our Magesty!

Wreck-It Ralph: 'Fraid So... There's Barely enough room for Expies of Fairly Oddparents or My Little Pony Characters in a Shonen Whoniverse like this. You didnt just end the old whoniverse, you ended the rights to Disney's stories, too. And ended all hope for Dreamworks to join the fun so that ended yourself because of it. Adios, Partner.

Rumplestiltskin: No! IT CANT END THIS WAY! IT CANT! (He starts glowing a gold color, he is being erased from continuity) Huh, I guess it can...that's all fluff.

Self Destruct

See you...Out there!

It's the end...

Terra's Rude Awakening

Emily: Terra, Terra, are you awake? Terra, Why are you clutching to your pillow, you look like you've seen a ghost...

Terra: Mom, Is Andy Awake...

Emily: Why Yes, We're all set to start Kindergarden...

Terra: Kindergarten!? (Runs to the Mirror to find that he has regressed to the age of 6) No... (Holds out his Hand...) Of course, I cant use the Keyblade until I turn Thirteen.

Eraqus: Oh, Really, You're really predicting when the keyblade chooses you?

Terra: Father! You're alive!

Eraqus: I beg your pardon?

Terra: Xehanort Killed you and Stole my Body to erase all existance!

Eraqus: Right...And I'm in Cahoots with the evil Dr. Porkchop!


Eraqus: You dont, Well we shall discuss this dream of yours at Dinnertime after school...

Terra: ...fine. (cut to Terra in a goofy outfit) never realized how embarrassing this getup was back then...

Emily: I'm gonna Drop off Andy at Sunnyside! Take Care, Terra.

Terra: If Molly's My Twin...Then what else has changed about my world?


Isa: ...and he said yes?

Lea: Yeah, First day of Kindergarten and my whole class gets a barbecue blowout courtesy of my dad!

Aqua: Terra! (Grabs Terra) Terra, I'm so glad you're okay! It's Wonderful, Metataros has been wiped from the flow of time! Xehanort doesn't even remember Kingdom Hearts!

Terra: Neither does Andy...

Aqua: He's dead, too. Isn't he...The Doctor. (Bawls in Terra's Arms)


(Aqua is sitting in a Chair as Terra Approaches her)

Terra: Aqua, I'm Sorry...

Aqua: What will we do, Terra. Andy Cant Remember and Yet we still know of our pain...Why?

Boy: I believe I can Answer that Question

Aqua: Really?

Terra: Prove it!

Boy: Well, You are still destined to make friends with all of the faces you've seen in the adventure told in these past fifty chapters of your little story, And I didnt carve out the boy's soul for nothin'

Terra: Destined?

Aqua: Carved Out?

Both: Moffat!

Moffat: Hello, Children.

Terra: Why and How did you come here?

Moffat: Well, The Why is: I wanted to cash in my reward for this gig I've spent so long trying to land and tried so hard to maintain and now I have something that's so good that I cant let go of it now that it's over...The How is: I deleted his backstory and Personality to turn this character into a lifeless puppet for me to use in order to communicate with my characters

Aqua: You Freak!

Moffat: Aqua, Please!

Terra: She's Right, you wrote the story, so you destroyed the omniverse, so Why the Hell should we Trust You?

(Terra is found by various peers)

Terra: Uh, Oh...

Time Out

Voice: Aqua, You Too?

Aqua: Riku?

Riku: Hey.

Aqua: How are you supposed to...

Riku: It's Okay, Moffat condensed the Timeline, And I remember everything.

Moffat: The Problem here is, I can only write automatically for 13 Days. It's currently powering your memories as of now so once the time is up, You forget the memories of the old world... And they will be lost forever. So I want you to write down everything you've lived through in this book so at least you'll find it to be a good bedtime story when the old whoniverse finally fades away. (Aqua gives a glance at the Image of Moffat in the Glasses and Smiles)

You Cheated

Kyubey: And you told them about their new destiny...

Moffat: Indeed I Did. All the deception on Logopolis has now been undone and Puella Magi and Ars Magus now go hand in hand as Magic begins to Resurface in the world.

Kyubey: You do understand that the Rickety Old TARDIS that used to belong to a long forgone time lord, And all who join it's cause is your Responcibility now.

Moffat: Yes, Kyubey, I understand this. It's Just, I cant wait to see what happens to the Characters once they get to the year 2013...

Kyubey: Indeed, Although you did land the Pandorica onto the earth in order to maintain the course time will take from now on, It may lead to differing timeframes and Alternate universes leaking into one another. I do hope you realise this Moffat.

Moffat: Don't worry, Old Friend, I can handle it. After all, The Witches are no more, All we have to worry about is The Main Continuity's Enemies and Even those from the Old World have been Greatly Diminished, Whether it be Purification, Peace or straight up erasure.

Atomisa: Indeed, and for this great will of yours, you have recieved these thirteen days of authorship by Sealing away the Madman Hatte Saburo by taking his Alchemy Away. Thus your reward for everything you've done for the doctor, you shall be inducted into my loyal board of plotbenders.

Kyosuke: Congrats, Welcome Aboard and Thanks a lot, Moff, We couldnt have Taken down Saburo without ya.

Moffat: Glad to be of Help, It's Just. I'm Glad that there is a happy ending for them at all.

Kyubey: So you want a happy ending for them all just because the Characters Truly Deserve it for the Hardships forced upon them from a Japanese lunatic who wanted a tragic story where existance was eradicated from existence simply to gain an Emmy? Geez, Sometimes I cant seem to understand human Emotions...

"It's Your Move"

Moffat: Ikuze, Air. It's Time... (The Door to Light opens) So what if the other you cant remember a thing about the Doctor, At least there's your fanbase back in my homeworld, As long as they remember your actions, You'll never be alone.

FOP!Cosmo: I'm sure your companions will remember long after Moffat's Thirteen Days are Up! Just look, The Fragmentation is no more, A Good chunk of friends are about the same age as you, You're gonna be the control all souls get over their destiny...

FOP!Wanda: And I'm sure there are copies of your former future selves across the Planet watching over your new self and your true love. Besides, The Processing of the Neverending Story has ultimately made you quite Stronger You were halfway through the point in the book within the book within the Book where Mara Wilson revealed Herself to The Critic so You might Actually jump to a higher stage of power no one's seen before!

SX!Cosmo: Like the players of a Card Game made Famous in america by a failed Anime licensing company always say..."It's Your Move"

(Air Gives a parting thumbs up as he ascends to godhood, we see an episode of Baloney and Friends.)

Baloney: Remember, Terra. Some slag's going down come High School, be ready for It.

A Reason to Die

Walt Disney: So, The war Freeza sparked in order to wipe you out... You've been searching for something... What was it?

First Doctor: I was looking for something you cant just buy at a store, Something that took 52 years to find...

Walt Disney: And that is?

First Doctor: A reason for me to die.

Walt Disney: Huh, so that explains it... The Homunculi you made from your Numerous Incarnations. They were your life and you decided to throw it all away...essentially killing yourself to take the easy way out...

First Doctor: And all this hullaballoo was all because I knew for a fact that I wasn't a real being...but a construct of Fiction. Guess I'm a Coward, eh, Walt.

Walt Disney: A Cowardly ol' Bastard if you ask me... (They both chuckle) Yeah, Who cares about being real, If someone thought you up, You're real to them, after all...we're all stories in the end.

{The Path}

First Doctor: One day...I Should come back,

Walt Disney: Should come back,

A Lunch to Remember


Returning Home

AC's Return

Phil's Return

Moffat's Return

Rya's Return

Rya: Gotta Say, I expected all the Boxes to be here, but to be stuck with my killer as a roomate?

Cassidy: Hey!

Rya: Remember, Once We die, We're gone for good so be careful.

Cassidy: The "Be Careful" part, I'll Manage. But the "Dont Kill Me" thing, I make no promises...

Rya: It's just weird, It's the Doctor, He Said my children will be waiting for me, In Familiar Garb.


(Rya Grabs onto her Daughters, Sobbing uncontrolably as she holds them tight.)

The Critic's Return

(Cameo Dinosaur is playing poker with Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Aeleous, Wilfred Mott and Brian Williams)

Wilf: So let me get this straight? Your grandson is around sixty years old.

Brian: Well, I felt all oogaly-boobally, spacy-wacy when I first met him, There are other universes and another version of my son who came in from another world, the Dimension Glitch saw to that. Reality's a Bitch aint it.

Cameo Dinosaur: I'm a dinosaur.

Aeleus: This is undisputedly true.

Wilf: Well I think I'm gonna win tonight because I know how to read vital signs!

(We see a deadpan expression from Steve and Michael)

Michael: ...Well, Good luck with that.

Xehanort: Um...(everyone looks up to see him)

Rob: Is there a problem?

Xehanort: No no, I, uh, just...thought I'd join you this evening.

Jobs: Of course! Pull up a chair!

(Xehanort sits down)

Brian: (he hands Xehanort the deck) Care to deal?

Xehanort: Oh, thank you. You know, uh, I was actually quite the card player in my youth. (Xehanort realizes he has friends in this world.) God, I should've done this a long time ago.

Michael: You were always welcome.

Xehanort: Well, five card stud. Nothing wild, and the sky's the limit. (he begins dealing out the cards)

Wilf: Y'know, we already have cards...

Xehanort: Dont ruin the moment.

Moffat: Even as all the stories overlap into eachother to someone's delight or another's dismay, There is always ALIC3 looking after us all through Toei's creations, shonen anime, tokusatsu, magical girls, as well as Andy's Legacy of the Walt Disney Company... As long as there is Imagination in the universe, the omniverse will never fade away, as the pendulum swings from light to dark, I will always be there...And there will always be such a time for stories, speaking of...(Talking) It's Morphin' Time! (The Super Sentai Emblem is flip revealed. Cue:)

Stray-Steve Conte

My Very Best Friend By Tetstegen Ishinomori and Andrea Atomisa


(Various Power Rangers Villains such as Lord Zedd and Rita are all sitting at their assigned desks in a white detention room as they stare at numerous good characters such as Anubis "Doggie" Kruger, Kat Manx, Dr. K, Mystic Mother, Doctor Haruka and a few extras. Elgar can be seen sleeping on his desk.)

Haruka: I...I got nothing! Words just cannot describe how disappointed I am that you would wipe out every last universe just for the power of a cosmic event brought about by of all possible mundane things: Writer's Block! Sheesh, I'm not Jane Baker, You know... (Exits with Mystic Mother, Manx and Kruger)

Dr. K: So while our universe has been restarted with history completely unscathed and we all get to continue our respective fights as usual, except now we have to fight in honor of the Doctor, who protected the universe a billion times over both in the flesh during the ten lives he led and in spirit with the Power Rangers, Riders and Cures.

Rita: Dont forget the digidestined! And the doctor took his inedible Dirt Nap in a completely new universe where all his adventures in time and space from the Timelord Victorious to the Foreman Junkyard all the way down to the days when he was a mindless little baby never even happened, let alone mattered!

Dr. K: so in theory, if an undetermined amount of people who cared for the Doctor enough to follow him across his life from start to finish, only to see him die in a place where he never existed the same way he did... doesn't it sound like an elongated insult to the person?

Rita: Well, hopefully he would have loved those good times, Looked back at the not-so-good times with laughter and acknowledged the whole dang ride as the greatest fifty-plus years of their lives! And you, Tommi-chan?

Dr. K: I'd estimate that they'd find that aggravating, Just as I find you aggravating! Hey, I think I just found something in common with my "Father"

Rita: And that is?

Dr. K: (Closes the Briefcase) Me and him both hate your guts! (Exits)

Lord Zedd: so what she's saying is...

Rita: Yeah, Zeddie, It's True, I pretty much screwed over General Venjix long before he used the way how I screwed him over to back up his digital heart in her spiritual heart.

Lord Zedd: Rita, I demand that you tell me what that means!

Finster: Um, My lord, I think that means that by creating one initially evil ranger, She inadvertently brought about the existence of a scientist who developed the Technology for Seven Good Rangers.

(Lord Zedd Faints)

Rita: Oh, No! Zeddie! C'mon, Darling, At least my chat with my...urg... "Daughter" didnt cut to a black screen and just flat out stopped like the final scene of that one show's series finale! yeah, that would make that scene a complete rip-off of fa-(Cut to Black for ten seconds before displaying this Message:)

In Loving Memory ??? ????-2013/14/15

The Pandorica Exhibit

(The Children are all gathered together)

Lea: I don't get why we're stuck with a bunch of rugrats.

Isa: To be frank, Lea, I think you fit rit in.

Lea: What are you Talking about, Isa, Seriously? (Passes by Ventus, and he somehow sheds a tear in front of Xion.)

Xion: Pardon me, Mister. Are you...

Isa: (Spots Lea Rubbing off the Tear) See, You fit in just fine.

Lea: C'mon. You're one to Talk!

<You're gonna Carry that Weight>

Character Birthdays


  • 3rd: Velenex Fayed (11th Doctor, 1989)



  • 7th: Kairi, Namine and Xion Botkins
  • 13th: Nydax Xehanort



  • 21st: Vanitas, Sora, Roxas





  • 28th: Ventus



  • 23rd: Etchern Xehanort (1950)


Episode Guide

The Starry Sky

Wolf's Rain: Fated

Power Rider FinalZ/Kamen Rider Neo Decade

Ocean Blue



Keyblade War

  • David Gahlegger as Riku
  • Hayden Pennitier as Kairi
  • Willa Holland as Aqua
  • Dante Basco as Yen Sid
  • as Merlin
  • as Flora
  • Olivia Hack as Fauna
  • as Merryweather
  • as Millicent
  • Bret Iwan/James Arnold Taylor as King Mickey
  • Arnold Swartzenegger/AC as Burayall Grownd
  • as Z/Kamen Rider L Decade
  • Emily Hahn/Janet Varney as Bonnie/Kamen Rider R Decade





Madoka Kaname

Tsukasa Kadoya


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