Salutaris Spiritualis Madoka Magica/Chapter 1: I wish there was another way...

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She died to save the life of One Madoka Kaname. This maiden has litterally lost her innocence, her purity and her head to this witch and all the hell raised from the experiences she has had. And what hurt the most was that she never saw it coming...


This death reminded her of another. Even the same method of Death was used to kill her by another witch, the only difference was in the witch, Reminding her how hazardous being a Puella might be...


Not to mention what she might become, A Witch. A Mindless puppet whose only purpose is cursing and killing souls until a Magical Girl comes in to defeat it and take it's grief seed.


That's right, Now that Homura Akemi was out of the picture after what seemed to be years for her, There was now no more magical Girls in Mitakihara, Kyubey wants to make a contract with her in order to change that... There should have been another way. she thought. "Quick Madoka, Make a contract with me and defeat the witch!" Begged Kyubey in pretend-fear of Walpergis Night, She looked to the Incubator.



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