Kingdom Hearts III

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=Project Chronarx=
==Part 1==
==Part 2==
Hello, My name is AC Miller and I am planning a new company called [[Project Chronarx]]
==Part 3==
==The Questions==
===Still Another Rude Awakening of Optimus Prime===
*What was your first Kingdom Hearts game/experience?
====Page 1====
:The Original Game, I was playing the Game alongside my Dad in his mother's house.
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' Ugh...How long have I been g-Wait, who are you all and and what the slag happened to me!
*What is the most memorable thing about Kingdom Hearts to you?
:The Multiple Characters, You can find a way to sympathise with
*What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts game and why?
:Kingdom Hearts 3D because It reveals the big plan that will end the Seeker of Darkness.
*Who is your favorite Kingdom Hearts character and why?
:I don't Tend to play favorites in Fiction, No favorite Character, No Favorite World, I just love them all, Sans the Disney Worlds. My guess would have to be Xehanort because he seeks to create a perfect world of Complete Balance between Light and Darkness, You honestly get why he would attempt to do something that could potentially break the entire fabric of creation itself. I think I know the perfect way he could make it work while ensure everybody lives happilly ever after, What is it, you may ask? You'll see when we make our presence known.
*What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts world and why?
:Like I said, I dont Play favorites, but there is the Imfamous Land of Departure, A World of Pure Magesty and Gives Me those chills of Joy that there are more people like Sora that have been keeping the balance stable for way longer than the games have shown us.
*What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts score and why?
:Xion's Theme from Days, It symbolizes the Tragedy of Being destined to fall pray to ficle hands of fate that plague the entire franchise so.
*What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts memory?
:That First moment in Birth By Sleep where I first entered the Land of Departure.
*What makes Kingdom Hearts special to you?
:That it fleshes out all it's original Characters and gives them a likeable personality. For Instance, And Xehanort's quite good at Improvisation, how do ya think he keeps popping up everywhere.
'''TERRA:''' Doctor! You're all here!
*What was the first Disney movie you watched?
What is your favorite Disney movie?
:Black Cauldron, Hands Down...
*What is your favorite Disney world in Kingdom Hearts and why?
:Olympus Collesium, It's quite an awesome place to Grind in with it's Tournament Battle Minigame I'd love to see Implimented in a Multiplayer Mode
*Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
:Remember when I said "I do not play favorites."? Times a Thousand!
*What is your favorite Disney song/score?
*What is your favorite moment in Disney history?
*What is your favorite Disney memory?
*What makes Disney special to you?
:The Fact that It can take any story and you can always feel that good will always win, no matter how bad it gets. It's a feeling I want to capture within our Master Plan
'''2nd DOCTOR:''' of course, as trophies due to the dearly departed true self.
==A Call to Arms==
Now that the Questions are out of the Way, It's time to get down to buisness. (Swapnote 1A) Let's get realistic here gentleman. Nintendo is beginning to become Irrelevant due to the Mobile Gaming craze that was brought about by Tablets and Smartphones made possible by the Late Steve Jobs. (Swapnote 1B) This new method of gaming could ultimately Spell Nintendo's downfall in the console market by the end of 2015, But there is a way to save the Thousands of memorable characters cooked up by this company. (Swapnote 1C) Hate to say it outright but you're gonna have to Sell the company to the Walt Disney Company in order to preserve such brands as Mario, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Kirby, Pikmin, F-Zero among many others. (Swapnote 1D) With this Deal, It can rekindle your relationship with Square Enix through a now Nintendo exclusive Kingdom Hearts series. It could enhance Disney Infinity with it's meatier Character Selection, Extra Manhours worked and [[Project Chronarx/Disney Infinity Toys|A Much Broader reach of Playsets]].
'''3rd DOCTOR:''' Put on some clothes, boy! I can see your junk! Ugh, From Elderly Pedophylia, to Implied Incest to Child Pedophylia to...
==Power Rangers: Super Megaforce==
==Power Riders==
==Power Cure==
=[[Rebel Taxi Nigo]]=
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' Okay, I take it this a loaner...
==Episode Guide==
'''OPTIMUS PRIMAL:''' As in a human being cloned from you has sacrificed his existence to become the embodiment of free will by jumping into your matrix
===The Alt-OVA===
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x15]]
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' and when a human Jumps into the Matrix of leadership?
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x16]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x17]]
'''ALL:''' Uhhh...
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x18]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x19]]
'''RATTRAP:''' Eh, They're basically slag.
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x20]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x21]]
'''OPTIMUS PRIMAL:''' Rattrap!
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x22]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x23]]
'''TFA!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' What we're trying to say is welcome into the new Whoniverse.
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x24]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x25]]
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' Whoniverse?
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/WR Alt-01x26]]
'''11th DOCTOR:''' That's basically what fans dub this new continuity seeing as this is the first franchise released in the chain.
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' Older than Star Trek?
'''PICARD:''' And even we are part of this continuity.
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' Geez, I'd hate to see the Grandfather...
'''IROH:''' Which reminds me, your mother's grandfather is Avatar Goku
'''GOKU:''' Hi! I'm in Optimus Prime's Imagination!
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' Seriously? A saiyan monkey? You're gonna pull a dick move on the plot there?
'''HOENHEIM:''' Why did you take me here.
'''VEGETA:''' To hammer in a joke that wouldn't make it in a Computer Animated Kid's Show ''(rimshot)''
'''OPTIMUS PRIMAL:''' Long story short, The Kreimhlid Gretchen has erased existance from existence in the "El Goonish Shive"
'''DW!OPTIMUS PRIME:''' El Goonywha-
'''CHEETOR:''' Primus! It translates through the Dalek Tounge as "The Neverending Story"
'''NOSTALGIA CRITIC:''' God, Damnit! Now I gotta do a legit review of the Neverending Story!
'''RYNOX:''' Didn't you already do that.
'''NOSTALGIA CRITIC:''' That was an April fools joke and you know it.
====Page 2====
===The Wrap Party===
(Andy is in front of His Tardis, Only the Walls are gone, Revealing Mami and Homura's Apartment, not to mention all the past TARDIS Sets that has ever existed. In this familiar yet fresh location, Every Doctor Who Character is in White for their final fates in the new universe.)
Andy: Didnt Know I touched this many hearts...
Wreck-It Ralph: I got the word out, Cocktail Jelly Baby? (Andy Takes one)
Mami: So, You're the Doctor.
Andy: Apperantly So.
Mami: Your destiny was set in stone as all fates were, but now you go ahead and break the chain, knowing all too well of the friends you'll be leaving behind
Andy: Thank God, I have some.
Mamiya: Quite.
(Mamiya is Pooring Coffee into his Mug (Doctor Who the Coffee Mug).)
Mamiya: You've become a part of our hearts, just as all of us have become a part of yours...
Andy: Yes...My friends are my Power, And I am theirs!
(We get a View of the location being taken apart by Stage Hands, with the Newest form of the TARDIS going down first.)
Jenna Louise Coleman: Doctor, Are you sure that you understand how fearsome a wish that was?
Andy: Yeah, More or less.
Jenna Louise Coleman: This means that for all the past and future of this new story. You will have to keep fighting forever to alter reality's true destiny. In doing so, you will neither be a human being or a Saiyan. You will vanish from continuity without a Trace...
Tenth Doctor (Drew Tyler): Simply Dying would be a Kinder fate. I should know, I died once... But For all eternity, you would merely be this rule of this world...
Andy: That as long as there is Imagination, Reality can Never Fade Away.
Eleventh Doctor (Velenex Fayed): And we, the Trophies of your lost Life will remain to continiue your saga
Andy: it's alright. That's basically my parting gift to the Matrix of Leadership. If someone says that It must be destiny that they've done something wrong, Then I'll tell them they're wrong about destiny's existance, Every single time. I'll always find a way to free them from their eternal nothingness...
Ninth Doctor: So, that's the way it is? If you think you can do it, then do it and Make this new world Fantastic! After all, you now have a reason to fight, Right? You know that you can't run away. No problem, just run straight ahead to your new Valhalla!
Andy: Yeah, Thanks, Doctor.
Kyoko: By the way, you've gotta Try this. (Hands Trasme a Banana, Andy Eats it.)
Andy: It tastes delicious.
Velenex Fayed: It's called a banana, Bananas are cool.
River Song: Hold on, I need to return something to you... (River song hands Andy her Diary.)
Velenex Fayed: River, Your diary?
River Song: Wont need it where I'm going. (points to the Doctor's Chest)
Kyoko: Huh, the Doctor's got a girlfriend...
River Song: Doctor Who?
Kyoko: Oh, I'll be silent.
Atomisa: You arent just giving us freedom from fate, you've become the concept of free will itself, Just as I became the hope of all life.
(The Matrix is floating above our heads)
Kyosuke: Is that the Matrix of leadership?
Masaya: Looks like.
(Sayaka clutches onto Kyosuke)
Wreck-It Ralph: Guess this is finally it.
Andy: Looks like...
Wreck-It Ralph: But still, fifty years on the air. At least you can say that you had a good run.
Andy: A Fantastic Run...
===The Heart of the Matrix===
Moffat: Your contribution to the Matrix of leadership has broken the chain for fate. Destiny has been rewritten you have prevented the war that has created the Daleks, you have granted humanity a few great magics including one long forgotten. In return, the Matrix shall revert your existence to a simpler time, you will no longer be the brilliant hero you were to the will be the nieve young boy you used to be, you'll have Terra to look after you and his new twin, Molly. All your miriad forms shall be in the form of Trophies, Immortal yet Lifeless beings of pure Imagination. Those who doth splinter from you shall be Independent beings with their own Unique History. And even a few strong hearts have been given life in this new world... But there will only be a few who will remember. And you will not be Among them...
Terra: so what you're saying is he'll have to start his life all over again? What would make you say he would want this! That's a Rediculous Way to end a Franchise! (Starts sobbing) I just wanted to keep everyone safe... Andy... You should've just accepted Death like the hero you became...
Walt Disney (First Doctor): So, All this Bruhaha is about this pickle being worse than Death, Eh.
Terra: Andy!
Walt Disney: Drop the Formalities boy, We're nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Nothing can hear us, Only we can hear them, All the Universes and Fantasies of the Omniverse, all the souls I have freed from their nothingness, The worlds that could be or could have been, Everything that was real at a single time, that is why I must say "thank you, Terra". You realised that It was me in there, sealed within the Dark Imagin of the Critic's Volition. And what I mean to everyone and What they all mean to me. I felt  all the pain and suffering that they have endured and All the things they did to mend them. And they did it all because of me...I'm sorry, for everything...
Terra: (Cries in the Doctor's Arms)
Walt Disney: It wasn't until I read the Neverending Story that I could truly know about all the sins I have wrought under the Spell of Metataros, And All the friends that I have made, and the most important friends I did not know that I had, was my own family, Especially you Terra. I'm glad I know of everything about you now, and all the family I will get the chance to know better. So thank You, Terra...For Everything! Could you do me a favor and look after me in my newfound youth, brother... (Regresses to middle age) As you can see, It's probably too late for me to undo the damage done to my heart at this time...
Terra: Air, What about the TARDIS? You wont remember the place you went home to all these 3000 years, not to mention your desendants you'll be seperated from alongside your companions and you wont be aware that they even exist!
Walt Disney: But I wont be alone, Terra. Every Heart of Every Lifeform of Every Existance will always be together...Forever alongside me In this new destiny, It will be everywhere at Every moment from here on out as my final gift to time and space. Even if I cant remember them, Some will remember my presence and shall know as much as you do that I will forever be by your side, Terra.
Terra: So, you're really alright with forgetting who you were? Will I forget you, Too? Am I destined to loose sight of who you used to be?
Walt Disney: You honestly believe that this is the perfect time to give up, do you? Maybe there is another way to remember my adventures... And I have to hurry because... I think I'm finally starting to forget myself (summons his Keyblade) In your hand take this key, and as long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, it's weilder you shall one day be, and you will find me friend, (AR'd to Young Adult) no ocean will contain you then, No boundaries behind or beyond or above, so long as you champion the ones you love...
(Terra clings to the Keyblade)
Terra: Air... What's gonna happen now, You have nothing left to remember, nothing to protect, you'll just be some earthly child. Restricted to a single town...
Andy (Walt Disney): Excuse me, but I think The Town you'll see is quite different from the one you know. It's my final gift to you (Regresses to Child) We'll live together as a single family, no regrets and no anguish... And I hope that one day we'll meet everyone again, And you have to dream about the neverending story...
===Back at the BBC===
Exec 1: So, You've Killed off the Doctor by erasing the entire continuity for a New Omniverse Constructed through memories of the Old One with Changes made by his own will
Moffat: Yes, But he will...
Dr. Insano: Brilliant! Now we can add to the Stockpile of Toonami Shows!
Moffat: WHAT!
Exec 1: You're Insane!
Dr. Insano: Doy! You really should have read the Desktags, Todd. It says "Dr. Insano" for a Reason. I'm gonna have to tell one of the Creative Consultants Downstairs.
Consultant on Phone: Gophermori!
Dr. Insano: Yeah, Remember that Anime Idea we were tossing around for Doctor Who?
Consultant on Phone: You mean the Toyetic Shonen Anime and Manga combo with various Characters from other Shonen Anime and Tokusatsu Adaptations commissioned by Moffat himself?
Dr. Insano: The Same One!
Consultant on Phone: Has it been picked up yet.
Dr. Insano: YES!
Consultant on Phone: Wonderful! He's really Outdone himself in storytelling, Insano!
Dr. Insano: I Know, Right.
Todd (Exec 1): I Object, Doctor Who was filmed, in Live Action, In Great Britain...
Consultant on Phone: Were you the guy who played Ruber from Quest for Camelot.
Todd: Who wants to know?
(Enter the Consultant, The Future Dr. Smith from Lost in Space as portrayed by Doug Walker)
Dr. Smith: Oooh! I'm your biggest fan simply because I adored the way you said "The Ogre's Butt!" in that movie!
(beat, cut to Todd, then back to Smith, repeat once or twice before Todd states...)
Todd: I'm Sorry, Moffat. First off, Bandai Bait it is... Second...I Quit
Dr. Insano: Farewell, Pawn!
Dr. Smith: Don't let the Door Hit ya where the spiders should have bit ya.
Dr. Insano: (to Moffat) Spread the word to Toei and Get to Work, Puppet! (to Nomura, Arakawa, Toriyama and Saburo) Slaves, Design the Remade Characters. We'll be damned by Science if we cant get this bought by Williams Street! (Laughs Viciously with Dr. Smith as Moffat leaves with a grim look on his face. Underneath the BBC logo it reads "A Substinary of Viacom" in Neon as the Doors close on Britain's Role in the Doctor Who Universe forever. We pan to Rumplestiltskin)
==="That's All Folks!"===
Rumplestiltskin: Yes! I did it! The Doctor Who Relaunch is On the Way! Now all I have to do is get rid of all this Gay Doctor Who swag to make room for the Gay New Doctor Who Swag I'll be collecting! (Starts tossing all the Doctor Who Toys in a bag, Including a Figurine of River Song "In Memoriam" he clutches on an Adipose Plushie) The Adipose from Episode one of Series Four, They were soooo Cute! See Ya! (Takes in a DVD of the Doctor Who TV) The TV Movie, I still cant get Paul McGann's Performance as the Doctor out of my mind... Maybe this'll help. Y'know It's funny that in it's fifty years of story telling it created a rich and creamy pepperoni center for fans young and old to get intrested in...I might end up missing this Whoniverse.
Rumplestiltskin: Bleach, Ranma 1/2, Dragon Ball, Fullmetal Alchemist, Even Wolf's Rain, that's Obscure for an Anime, but I think I'll enjoy this new tale of thirteen companions traversing the universe through Magic Earrings in the shape of a familiar blue box.
Wreck-It Ralph: Not so Fast, Kiddo. You forgot you're an American Property, Too. A Dreamworks Character to be exact.
Rumplestiltskin: Yeah, So? *Gasp* You Don't Mean?
Wreck-It Ralph: Oh, I mean.
Rumplestiltskin: Herc?
Wreck-It Ralph: Out Cold.
Rumplestiltskin: Skellington
Wreck-It Ralph: Retcon Bones
Rumplestiltskin: Tarzan?
Wreck-It Ralph: First over Cliff.
Rumplestiltskin: Donald, Goofy?
Wreck-It Ralph: Sad, But true!
Rumplestiltskin: Our Magesty!
Wreck-It Ralph: 'Fraid So... There's Barely enough room for Expies of Fairly Oddparents or My Little Pony Characters in a Shonen Whoniverse like this. You didnt just end the old whoniverse, you ended the rights to Disney's stories, too. And ended all hope for Dreamworks to join the fun so that ended yourself because of it. Adios, Partner.
Rumplestiltskin: No! IT CANT END THIS WAY! IT CANT! (He starts glowing a gold color, he is being erased from continuity) Huh, I guess it can...that's all folks.
===Terra's Rude Awakening===
Emily: Terra, Terra, are you awake? Terra, Why are you clutching to your pillow, you look like you've seen a ghost...
Terra: Mom, Is Andy Awake...
Emily: Why Yes, We're all set to start Kindergarden...
Terra: Kindergarten!? (Runs to the Mirror to find that he has regressed to the age of 6) No... (Holds out his Hand...) Of course, I cant use the Keyblade until I turn Thirteen.
Eraqus: Oh, Really, You're really predicting when the keyblade chooses you?
Terra: Father! You're alive!
Eraqus: I beg your pardon?
Terra: Xehanort Killed you and Stole my Body to erase all existance!
Eraqus: Right...And I'm in Cahoots with the evil Dr. Porkchop!
===Non Canon Fanfiction===
*[[A Love for Make-Believe]]
*[[Adric's Crappy Weekend]]
*[[Character Divergence]]
Eraqus: You dont, Well we shall discuss this dream of yours at Dinnertime after school...
===Infinity Chronicles===
*[[The Princess of Joy]]
*[[Lord English's Last Stand]]
===The Framing Device===
*[[Chronicle Bay]]
Terra: ...fine. (cut to Terra in a goofy outfit) never realized how embarrassing this getup was back then...
===The Game Itself===
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 1]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 2]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 3]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 4]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 5]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 6]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 7]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 8]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 9]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 10]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 11]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 12]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 13]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 14]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 15]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 16]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 17]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 18]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 19]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 20]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 21]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 22]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 23]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 24]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 25]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 26]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 27]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 28]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 29]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 30]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 31]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 32]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 33]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 34]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 35]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 36]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 37]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 38]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 39]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 40]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 41]] - Sora
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 42]] - Mahou
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 43]] - Kiba
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 44]] - Kairi
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 45]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 46]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 47]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 48]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 49]]
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 50]]
Emily: I'm gonna Drop off Andy at Sunnyside! Take Care, Terra.
==AVbyte x Chameleon Circuit Musical==
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/]] - Song 0f Flame
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/]] - Aged Gravity
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/]] - Birth by Sleep
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/]] - Kingdom Hearts
* - Chain of Memories
* - 358/2 Days
* - Kingdom Hearts II
* - coded
* - Dream Drop Distance
* - Ep. 1-10
* - Ep. 11-20
* - Ep. 21-30
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/]] - Ep. 31-40
*[[Kingdom Hearts III/The Question's Who]] - Ep. 41-50
Terra: If Molly's My Twin...Then what else has changed about my world?
==Fourty-two Impossible Fables==
:☆☆☆ - Not even started
:★☆☆ - It's coming up...
:★★☆ - Ready for Testing
:★★★ - ...It's There!
#[[42 Impossible Fables/A love story across Time and Space]] - ★☆☆
===A Lunch to Remember===
#[[42 Impossible Fables/The Brothers Noble]] - ★☆☆
#[[42 Impossible Fables/The Flower that Withered Twice]] - ★☆☆
#[[42 Impossible Fables/The telling of Stories]] - ★☆☆
#[[42 Impossible Fables/The Girl who would become God]] - ★☆☆
#[[42 Impossible Fables/The Eight Authors]] - ★☆☆
#[[42 Impossible Fables/A Fallen Hero]] - ★☆☆
#[[42 Impossible Fables/Undercover Storyteller]] - ★☆☆
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=Neutron Viateim=
The '''[[Neutron Viatiem]] Super-Computer''' is the Guide of the Kingdom Hearts Song 0f Flame
==Kingdom Hearts: Song 0f Flame==
*[[Neutron Viateim/Radient Garden Sewers]]
*[[Neutron Viateim/Toy Box]]
==Kingdom Hearts III==
*[[Neutron Viateim/The Mind's Garden]]
=Character Guide=
==Main Heroes==
==Group A==
===Seven Lights===
*Xander Mabrez
*[[Kairi ]]
*Trasme Kadoya
*[[Aqua Takeshiba]]
*Zyrca Kadoya
*Narnie Parevel
*Jessica Argus
*[[Mickey Mouse]]
==Group B==
*[[Donald Duck]]
==Group C==
==Group D==
*Kairi (Dies in Episode 45)
==Group E==
Joined Group D in Episode XX
===Power Rangers===
*Second Doctor
===Kamen Riders===
*Third Doctor (Dies in Episode 46)
*Quent Yaiden
==Group F==
Joins Group D in Episode XX
==Main Villains==
*Donald Duck
===Dai Xehanort Oosaru===
==Group G==
*[[Donald Duck]]
Joins Group G in Episode 7
===Hearts absorbed before KHIII===
*[[Sarah Jane Smith]]
*[[Sora Straythe]]
*[[Riku Estratoni]]
*[[Leobert Starchaser]]
*[[Braig Galaxiuü]]
*[[Isa Lunarais]]
*[[Terra Starchaser]]
*[[Eraqus Starchaser]]
*[[Ventus Carnaeros]]
*[[Roxas Straythe]]
*[[Xion Kaisumi]]
==Phil Argus==
*Freeza programs a Time Remote into the Bonus Stage Cartoon
*Phil uses the Remote to Kill his past Self, causing past Joel to Kill himself.
*Phil is Revived by the Plotmouth as The Witch of Science Metaljo Nakamori
*Metaljo Implants Dr. Wily with a Radio Controlled Microcomputer, effectively killing Dr. Wily forever.
*Fifth Doctor (Dies in episode 45)
*Leobert is Created by Doctor Jonathan Smithy as a Son to him, A Vessel for a Powerful Witch and a Student to Master Nysou Starmiser.
*Sixth Doctor (Dies in Episode 44)
*Velenex Fayed Appeals to Leobert and learns that The Boy can control hearts.
*7th Doctor
*Velenex Fayed Takes Control of Leobert and becomes the Witch of Assimilation: "Dai Xehanort Oozaru"
*Leobert Channels His Heart to Van Hoenheim, He is Reborn as Edward Elric.
*An Alternate of Edward Meets an Alternate of Xion.
*The Edward and Xion Alternates Mate.
*The Edward Alternate is Killed by a Toon Robotizised by Metaljo-Wily as the Xion alternate has become pregnant and contracted AIDS.
*The Tenth Doctor feeds the Xion alternate a medicine made from the Time Vortex and the Prism Flower.
*Rikkaä (Rikku - Wolf's Rain TNG)
*The Xion Alternate and her newborn daughter are now Immortal, With their bodies unable to age beyond 22.
*The Xion Alternate and her Daughter Emily look for the Doctor, They settle in Moperville proud shard of the Tri-County Area in Maine.
*Emily Meets Eric Davis (He is in Truth a Universe Traveling Eraqus) And befriends him during Childhood
*Emily and Eric's Relationship matures into True Love during adolescence and early into Adulthood.
*Emily (22) and Eraqus (23) Marry and give birth to a son named Terra (Earth Legal Name: Tyler Davis).
==The Doctor==
*Emily (33) Gives Birth to Air (Earth Legal Name: Andy Davis)
*Emily (37) Gives Birth to Magi (Earth Legal Name: Molly Davis)
*Toy Story
*Toy Story 2
*Molly (4) falls ill, Drops her Bo Peep lamp on floor to break.
*Andy (17) meets a nude woman on his Bed, A Puella Magi named "Bonnie" (18-20), She Allows him to make a contract with him, becoming the first Kamen Rider of the Nin'Tega (Kamen Rider Decode). A Class of Heroes who are destined to fight against the Nightmare Known as Kriemhild Gretchen.
*"Bonnie" seemingly falls into dispair during spring break, Andy stops being Kamen Rider Decode.
*Andy Graduates and Picks CalArts as his college.
*Toy Story 3
*Andy Follows the GPS Which leads him to the Doctor who had appeared in all of his Incarnations During his life. They them Show him the Untempered Schizm, Making him Recognise who they really are. He Promises not to be like the Doctor At All!
*Andy (18) Hides from the Time Lords in the Mid 1910s as Walt Disney.
*Walt Disney (Andy, 26) seemingly destroys Metaljo Nakamori.
*Walt Disney (64) Departs for the Time Acadamy, He is Assigned the Title of "The Doctor"
*Doctor Who
*Everything after "The Pandorica Opens" is all a Dream in his head created by the soul of Metaljo Nakamori which causes his Soul Gem to Darken and Become Metaljo's Newest Form: Velenex Fayed, The Witch of Corruption.
*Master Nysou Slices Dai Xehanort Oozaru in Half after Dai Absorbs Galifrey into his Heart.
*Dai Xehanort Oozaru Leaves Leoberts Body and Regenerates into Master Xehanort and Madoka Kaname, Said Regeneration allowed the Doctor's Heart to Project itself into an Eltaran Boy Named Zordon.
==Madoka Kaname==
==Tsukasa Kadoya==

Current revision as of 17:36, 7 October 2013


Project Chronarx


Hello, My name is AC Miller and I am planning a new company called Project Chronarx

The Questions

  • What was your first Kingdom Hearts game/experience?
The Original Game, I was playing the Game alongside my Dad in his mother's house.
  • What is the most memorable thing about Kingdom Hearts to you?
The Multiple Characters, You can find a way to sympathise with
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts game and why?
Kingdom Hearts 3D because It reveals the big plan that will end the Seeker of Darkness.
  • Who is your favorite Kingdom Hearts character and why?
I don't Tend to play favorites in Fiction, No favorite Character, No Favorite World, I just love them all, Sans the Disney Worlds. My guess would have to be Xehanort because he seeks to create a perfect world of Complete Balance between Light and Darkness, You honestly get why he would attempt to do something that could potentially break the entire fabric of creation itself. I think I know the perfect way he could make it work while ensure everybody lives happilly ever after, What is it, you may ask? You'll see when we make our presence known.
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts world and why?
Like I said, I dont Play favorites, but there is the Imfamous Land of Departure, A World of Pure Magesty and Gives Me those chills of Joy that there are more people like Sora that have been keeping the balance stable for way longer than the games have shown us.
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts score and why?
Xion's Theme from Days, It symbolizes the Tragedy of Being destined to fall pray to ficle hands of fate that plague the entire franchise so.
  • What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts memory?
That First moment in Birth By Sleep where I first entered the Land of Departure.
  • What makes Kingdom Hearts special to you?
That it fleshes out all it's original Characters and gives them a likeable personality. For Instance, And Xehanort's quite good at Improvisation, how do ya think he keeps popping up everywhere.
  • What was the first Disney movie you watched?

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Black Cauldron, Hands Down...
  • What is your favorite Disney world in Kingdom Hearts and why?
Olympus Collesium, It's quite an awesome place to Grind in with it's Tournament Battle Minigame I'd love to see Implimented in a Multiplayer Mode
  • Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
Remember when I said "I do not play favorites."? Times a Thousand!
  • What is your favorite Disney song/score?
  • What is your favorite moment in Disney history?
  • What is your favorite Disney memory?
  • What makes Disney special to you?
The Fact that It can take any story and you can always feel that good will always win, no matter how bad it gets. It's a feeling I want to capture within our Master Plan

A Call to Arms

Now that the Questions are out of the Way, It's time to get down to buisness. (Swapnote 1A) Let's get realistic here gentleman. Nintendo is beginning to become Irrelevant due to the Mobile Gaming craze that was brought about by Tablets and Smartphones made possible by the Late Steve Jobs. (Swapnote 1B) This new method of gaming could ultimately Spell Nintendo's downfall in the console market by the end of 2015, But there is a way to save the Thousands of memorable characters cooked up by this company. (Swapnote 1C) Hate to say it outright but you're gonna have to Sell the company to the Walt Disney Company in order to preserve such brands as Mario, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Kirby, Pikmin, F-Zero among many others. (Swapnote 1D) With this Deal, It can rekindle your relationship with Square Enix through a now Nintendo exclusive Kingdom Hearts series. It could enhance Disney Infinity with it's meatier Character Selection, Extra Manhours worked and A Much Broader reach of Playsets.

Power Rangers: Super Megaforce

Power Riders

Power Cure

Rebel Taxi Nigo


Episode Guide

The Alt-OVA

Non Canon Fanfiction

Infinity Chronicles

The Framing Device

The Game Itself

AVbyte x Chameleon Circuit Musical

Fourty-two Impossible Fables

☆☆☆ - Not even started
★☆☆ - It's coming up...
★★☆ - Ready for Testing
★★★ - ...It's There!
  1. 42 Impossible Fables/A love story across Time and Space - ★☆☆
  2. 42 Impossible Fables/The Brothers Noble - ★☆☆
  3. 42 Impossible Fables/The Flower that Withered Twice - ★☆☆
  4. 42 Impossible Fables/The telling of Stories - ★☆☆
  5. 42 Impossible Fables/The Girl who would become God - ★☆☆
  6. 42 Impossible Fables/The Eight Authors - ★☆☆
  7. 42 Impossible Fables/A Fallen Hero - ★☆☆
  8. 42 Impossible Fables/Undercover Storyteller - ★☆☆
  9. ???- ☆☆☆
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Neutron Viateim

The Neutron Viatiem Super-Computer is the Guide of the Kingdom Hearts Song 0f Flame

Kingdom Hearts: Song 0f Flame

Kingdom Hearts III

Character Guide

Group A

  • Xander Mabrez
  • Trasme Kadoya
  • Zyrca Kadoya
  • Narnie Parevel
  • Jessica Argus

Group B

Group C

Group D

  • Kairi (Dies in Episode 45)
  • Lea
  • Cher
  • Hubb

Group E

Joined Group D in Episode XX

  • Second Doctor
  • Third Doctor (Dies in Episode 46)
  • Quent Yaiden
  • Blue

Group F

Joins Group D in Episode XX

  • Sora!TOM
  • Donald Duck
  • Goofy
  • Akira

Group G

Joins Group G in Episode 7

  • Fifth Doctor (Dies in episode 45)
  • Sixth Doctor (Dies in Episode 44)
  • 7th Doctor
  • Shuu
  • Cheza
  • Zeus
  • Kiba
  • Tsume
  • Hige
  • Toboe
  • Rikkaä (Rikku - Wolf's Rain TNG)
  • Natsume
  • Coop
  • Oz


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