From Xinda

The Communist Party of the Caropsyne Pontanore is the national Marxist party of the Caropsyne Pontanore. With over 500 million members, it is the nation's second-largest political party, ranking first in terms of the number of active members. Historically, the Party has never been in government and has consistently refused to participate in coalitions with other, non-Marxist parties. In one notable exception, the government of Ilmer Yutrias contains two CPCP cabinet members.

The Party is frequently discussed in relation to the failed CY5733 Communist Uprising in Fostana Carops, under the leadership of Party Chairman Meltham Hermalas. Hermalas' father, Garel Hermalas, and also the previous Party Chairman had been assassinated in what was assumed to have been a Damosca exercise. Hermalas' rebellion against the Fostana led to over 50,000 deaths and the imprisonment of 15,000 Communists. The uprising, lasting three weeks, was the most violent episode of its kind in modern Caropsyne history. A coalition force of foreign national armies was involved by the Fostana to defeat it in an exercise which was widely viewed as humiliating within the domestic sphere.

The death of Meltham Hermalas during the uprising saw the banning of the party, which remained underground for the remainder of the Fostana Period. The beginning of the Second Pontanore saw its legalisation and the rapid growth of party numbers to their present figures.

[edit] Notable Figures

Meltham Hermalas, Former Party Chairman (Assassinated) Garel Hermalas, Former Party Chairman Dr. Darmas Promold, Current Party General Secretary Dr. Alphus Garphald, Former Party General Secretary Elias Strana, Former Member, Would-be assassin of Pntlo. Eremas Golphanes Morclin Jalmund Strana, Father of the above, Party Organiser, Ariatra Larimas Ulmond, Former Party Chairman Lenora Calmartes, Party Member, Author and prominent Social Commentator Soso Lamorra, Former Party Member - Jaj Division, Former Leader of the Jaj Independence Front (Assassinated) Chandi Zakar, Former Party Member - Jaj Division, Former Secretary of the Jaj Independence Front (Assassinated)

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