Nadav BBYO

From Wikibbyo



[edit] History

In 2012, out of the ashes of former West Hartford CVR BBYO chapters, Nadav BBYO has risen to be the biggest and best BBYO chapter in CVR.

[edit] Current Board:

- N'Siah - Jordan Emrick

- S'Ganit - Shelly Silver

- Moreh - David Weinstein

- MitMom - Rachel Pinsky

- Mazkirah - Jodi Teitelman

- Shaliacha - Sophie Elfenbaum

- Gizborit - Ryan Silvers

- Sopher - Jess Sillman

[edit] Past Boards:


- N'Siah - Molly Schwartz

- S'Ganit - Jordan Emrick

- Moreh - Ethan Burstein

- MitMom - Shelly Silver

- Mazkirah - Ryan Silvers

- Shaliacha - Jodi Teitelman

- Gizborit - Jessica Sillman

- Sopher - David Cohen


Godol - Paul Zeuschner

S'Ganit - Sammy Polinsky

Moreh - Ethan Burstein

Mitmon - Mel Sillman

Mazkirah - Molly Schwartz

Shlicha - Jodi Teitlman

Gizborit - Jenny Steinberg

Sopher - Matt Lefkowitz


- Godol - Justin Salm

- S'gan - Zach Alter

- Moreh - Dan Weiner

- MitMom - Sammy Polinsky

- Mazkirah - Emily Burstein

- Shaliach - Gavi Cohn

- Gizbor - Paul Zeuschner

- Orchet - Lianna Pevar

[edit] Meetings

Nadav meets every other Wednesday night at 7:00pm-8:45pm @ the Mandell JCC in West Hartford.

Nadav starts meetings in early September and continues them through to the middle of June.

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