The Click
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File:The Click defictionalised.jpg
Closest thing you'll see to the real thing
The Click or The Clicker is a five series franchise of soft porn movies regarding the titular plot device, the Clicker, which can turn any man or woman on and fill them with sexual desires, as well as modify aspects of the "victim"'s body. Naturally, the device falls in the weirdest types of hands and many a Hilarity Ensues moments results from this.
One if its highlights is a straight parody of James Bond movies, "Balls of Thunder".
Not to be confused with Click starring Adam Sandler.
- Accidental Pervert: A few characters get into this situation.
- A Date With Rosie Palms: When the Click is on and there's no-one to share the pleasure, they have to make do with themselves.
- Affectionate Parody: "Balls of Thunder" to James Bond.
- All Men Are Perverts.
- All Women Are Lustful... deep inside.
- A Party Also Known As An Orgy: The Click is responsible for several ad-hoc orgies.
- Aren't You Going To Ravish Me?: The sexy stepdaughter of the guy Steele killed in the first minute. She begins to masturbate while ignoring the fight between Steele and her father's bodyguards right in front of her.
- Artifact Of Doom: The professor starts to consider the Clicker this and actively (and unsuccessfully) tries to destroy it.
- The Baroness: Tangerina.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Pennyworth: "Not the type [of bad girl], huh? I wish I was the type. I'd show him a thing or two". Clicker malfunctions, Hilarity Ensues.
- Biggus Dickus: Rod Steele takes this to its Logical Extreme and with the help of the Click, makes his instrument as big as a hand.
- Black Comedy: Sometimes.
- Brainwashed And Crazy: How 0013 is first introduced. In some cases, those affected by the Clicker may act this way.
- Booby Trap: A bomb ducky in "Balls of Thunder".
- Captain Ersatz: Rod Steele = James Bond parody. Also many Bond villains have parodies.
- Captain Obvious: You only live until you die.
- Chaotic Neutral: The Clicker. But boy, is it chaotic...
- Complete Monster: The guy killed by Steele in the first minute. He was talking about slave and arms trade involving children like it was the most normal thing in the world.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Any Ice Queen is sure to defrost once in front of the Click.
- Gender Bender: It can turn men into women and otherwise.
- Gone Horribly Right: Inversion: "Pete's box is malfunctioning. It's malfunctioning beautifly, mind you, but it's still..."
- Go Out With A Smile: One older man using the Click on his secretary.
- Hero Stole My Drink: "You owe me 4.50!"
- Then the chips. Possibly justified because of the budget cuts.
- Improbable Weapon User: Because of budget cuts, Steele throws a regular alarm clock at the head of a woman with an automatic gun. It works.
- Then uses a dildo as a sword. That works too. "I warn you, I know how to use this."
- Then chokes the same guy with an inflated balloon girl.
- Finally fails with an ordinary pen that jets ink if manhandled (it's a flaw, not a weapon either), which would have probably worked too if not for the distraction.
- Incredibly Lame Puns: A few are used.
- It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It: Series tries to pull this off, showing mostly satisfied women after the act.
- License To Kill: Steele obviously has it.
- Les Yay: Half the intercourses, while the other half are straight. No gay men allowed (except as Rule of Funny for about 5 seconds, definitely not in sex scenes with other men).
- Mad Scientist: Although the creator of the Click is a nice, shy guy and sometimes the Only Sane Man.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: The girl at the opening of "Balls of Thunder."
- Marilyn Maneuver: Tangerina from "Balls of Thunder" does it.
- Mistaken For Gay: Steele when going to a brothel in Prague. Subverted, as the bordello owner had only male employees and hoped for the best when she displayed her male hookers.
- More Than Mind Control: The Clicker's effects. Probably.
- The Name Is Steele, Rod Steele.
- Not What It Looks Like: Steele was "caught" while testing the device on two female agents that tried to kill him. It looks like a threesome to 0013.
- Plot Device: The titular device.
- Punny Name: Rod Steele, "Balls of Thunder".
- The Rival: The Click's inventor has one who wants it for himself and acts as a Foil.
- Saving The Orphanage: "Ultimate Attraction" deals with saving a gym company from rebranding and sell-out.
- Scary Black Man: The Dragon of the Big Bad Steele easily kills at the start of the film.
- Sexy Secretary: A few.
- Stalker With A Test Tube: Employed in "Balls of Thunder".
- Title Drop: "The Clicker will conquer the world."
- Thirteen Is Unlucky: 0013 is the Chew Toy of "Balls of Thunder". Even Discussed.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Always resolves, sometimes with a bit of a nudge from the clicker.
- You Say Tomato:
- Bordello woman: Are you in the mood for some company tonight?
- Steele: No, just some companionship.
- Your Approval Fills Me With Shame: 0013 laments she doesn't make for a good whore. Agent 0014 compliments her for about a minute on how much of a good whore she can be. She is not pleased.
- Word Salad Lyrics: The opening song for "Balls of Thunder".