Confiscated Twins
From Tv Tropes
Part of the Fansadox franchise, this is the over-the-top story of a Jerk Ass Basement Dweller having A Date With Rosie Palms to his Twincest-engaging neighbors, only to be caught by his sister, be threatened to be ratted out on his parents and having a lousy life in general. No, that's not the half of it. His father eventually buys the twins for his son's 18th birthday as a result of a law that allows young women to be auctioned in case a family cannot pay its debts. When it was posted on /b/, many believed it the greatest creation since... sex, probably.
Tropes include:
- Abstract Scale: There's a sort of female turn-on measuring system, packed with a lot of Techno Babble.
- A Date With Rosie Palms: Roy gets caught in the middle of doing it over the twins' (still free) window. By his sister.
- Adults Are Useless: Utterly subverted. The teens are at the mercy of adults, Roy's father is the one who takes the twins, Roy's a pityful Basement Dweller that doesn't have the guts or power to do anything that the state or his parents didn't put in his grubby hands, he becomes an Unwitting Pawn for an older woman - twice, and even when he loses the girls, his best revenge is to help them escape (which just means he loses them too) and to rape them from time to time in the shadows to feel like he spites Mrs. O'Reilley. Clara tries to screw her over, only to be handed as a package to Roy to be thoroughly raped and abused... without him knowing it.
- Awesome Yet Practical: The tools used to break women.
- The Bad Guy Wins: Mrs. O'Reilly. Twice.
- Batman Gambit: The entire end of part 4. Mrs. O'Reilly intentionally types the code for her slave vault in front of Clara, kidnaps her, puts a blond wig, chastity belt and mouth gag (so she can't tell Ray it's her), takes with her one of her slaves, then waits for Roy to break in and rape the two slaves. She even gives Roy indications from Clara's phone each time she's satisfied on how things went until then. Of course, this works because Roy is close to Ralph Wiggum in terms of intelligence.
- Basement Dweller: Roy.
- Bed Trick: Roy is tricked into having sex with/raping his sister.
- Better Than Sex: Since sex becomes relatively common for Roy, he has several scenes showing more attention to: a) Video Games b) stalking his fully-clothed MILF neighbor. He should've stayed at videogames...
- Big Screwed Up Family: Roy's family: A fat, ugly, bitter, but hard-working mother, a fat, ugly, bitter man working in the enslavement industry who is implied to often cheat on his wife with his merchandise, a Basement Dweller son and a Fille Fatale daughter. Maybe because of their bitterness, they turn the twins' family into this too.
- Big What: The girls when their mother gets tasered.
- Blackmail: After having Roy arrested for rape of a free woman (herself, no less), Mrs. O'Reilly asks Roy's twins as compensation.
- Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: The girls are stuffed with condiments anywhere but the mouth.
- Break The Cutie: The twins.
- Break The Haughty: Roy implies he intends to do this in a future issue to Mrs. O'Reilly. Also done to Roy and Clara.
- Brother Sister Incest: Mostly averted, but many connotations still remain. We're just led to believe they're not doing it because they seem to dislike each others' personalities.
- Enforced in part 4 by Mrs. O'Reilly.
- Caught With Your Pants Down: The beginning of the comic finds Roy in this position in front of his sister and mother.
- Comic Book Time: The four issues appear over a few years, yet each issue continues right at the point the other ended.
- Cruel Mercy: When the mother tries to free her daughters and is tasered, When the SWAT-ish guys say they'll send her to jail, Roy's father suggest they cut her some slack... because she's just cock-crazy and they should fix that and then let her go.
- Dangerously Short Skirt: Clara wears a Stripperific Gothish two-item, complete with Underboobs.
- Director's Cut/What If/What Could Have Been: Numbers 5 and 6, though "Uncut #1" could have easily fitted between 3 and 4.
- Downer Ending: If you're rooting for Roy, he got pwnd good by the end, Mrs. O'Reilly is with his father breaking up Roy's parents' marriage, and she has a tape of him and his sister tricked to have sex with which she can blackmail them and his father will never know.
- Earth Drift.
- Enemy Mine: Roy helps the sisters escape to piss off Mrs. O'Reilly.
- Evil Is Petty: Roy's revenge on Mrs. O'Reilly? Having fun with her slaves whenever he can. Not much of a comeback, Roy.
- Electric Torture.
- Frameup: Mild version, but the twins' mother's owner suggests doing this to families that have daughters regarding their debts. Also the mother herself claims to have been a victim of this.
- Roy is framed of raping Mrs. O'Reilly.
- Gold Digger: Mrs. O'Reilly is said to be this. She's much more and worse than that (although not a certified Black Widow).
- Home Porn Movie: Roy likes to send naked pictures of the twins to their mother just to torment her.
- I Should Have Been Better: The twins' mother is convinced into thinking this. Considering it was probably a set up from the start, she's not really right.
- Internet Backdraft: Its similarities with Birthday Gift brings rage to any Erenich fan.
- Laser Guided Karma: At the end of part 4 with Roy and Clara.
- Love Thy Neighbour: Part 4 is even named that.
- Made A Slave.
- Maid Of Sexy: The Mother Daughter Threesome.
- Mother Daughter Threesome.
- Not Distracted By The Sexy: Roy gets used to his new slaves faster than feaseble, that it gets to the point where he's more interested in his video games than in lovely 18 year olds masturbating in front of him at his orders.
- Lady In Red: Mrs. O'Reilly is seen mostly wearing red. One of the twins also wore red before their capture, implying their Tease status.
- Out Gambited: Roy gets some serious pwnage in the third part from Mrs. O'Reilly.
- And in the fourth, both he and his sister.
- Pervert Dad.
- Porn Stash: Roy seems to have this when he's not jerking off to his neighbors.
- Rape As Comedy: Probably one of the few issues to try it. It's... arguable if it works.
- Rape Is Funny When It Is Male On Male: Subverted with Mrs. O'Reilly's slave. It's actually so cruel when she tells he's mentally handicapped that it falls into Dude Not Funny ( know... worse than usual).
- The Tease: The twins before their capture, Clara, Mrs. O'Reilly... everyone, maybe except the twins' mother.
- Transparent Closet: An Alternate Character Interpretation would have Clara having the hots for Roy, if for not other reason, than because incest is xtreem. She acts like The Tease around him at least Once A Strip. This may be Template:Forshadowing, as Mrs. O'Reilly indulges them by tricking Roy to bed Clara.
- To Be Continued.
- Finally ended (maybe?)
- Tragedy: Implicit for the women, at the end of part 3 Roy is at the end of this, gets worse by the end of part 4.
- Twenty Minutes Into The Future.
- Twincest: The main plot of the comic.
- The Twist: Because you couldn't have guessed it unless you figured the author had it in for Roy and Clara.
- Uncanceled: The third number appeared 80 issues after the second, out of 260 Fansadox had at the time. It may even be a record in the difference. The series was considered dead until then.
- Underboobs: Clara.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Spoofed, between Roy and Clara. "Resolved" with a little help from Mrs. O'Reilly at the end of part 4.
- Villain Protagonist: Roy.
- Woman In Black: Clara skims Perky Goth (though never outright stated), but is not as dangerous as her outfit make her look. Well, she is for the twins, but not in the plot.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A minor character that torments the teens has this.Template:2013