Women Hunt

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;Contains examples of:
;Contains examples of:
* AbhorrentAdmirer: Mad Satan to the women he likes. He knows it and plays with the concept, because he knows he'll get what he wants.
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Mad Satan to the women he likes. He knows it and plays with the concept, because he knows he'll get what he wants.
* AdaptationExpansion: Everything that follows the novel. What took a couple of pages for Mad Satan's catch to be delivered, it took ''four image issues of 40+ pages each'', full of ContinuityPorn until then. And then it stopped. The revival is pacing apparently as slow.
* [[Adaptation Expansion]]: Everything that follows the novel. What took a couple of pages for Mad Satan's catch to be delivered, it took ''four image issues of 40+ pages each'', full of [[Continuity Porn]] until then. And then it stopped. The revival is pacing apparently as slow.
* AfterTheEnd: ''Women Hunt'' in general (and the novel).
* [[After The End]]: ''Women Hunt'' in general (and the novel).
* AllMenArePerverts: [[StrawFeminist Colonel Wasp]] notes this ... it's arguable if she noticed the HypocriticalHumor involved.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: [[Straw Feminist|Colonel Wasp]] notes this ... it's arguable if she noticed the [[Hypocritical Humor]] involved.
* AllWomenAreLustful: [[UnfortunateImplications All Lesbians Are Horny And Active]]. A ''little'' justified in that they're oppressed on Earth and can't really find partners, but still...
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: [[Unfortunate Implications|All Lesbians Are Horny And Active]]. A ''little'' justified in that they're oppressed on Earth and can't really find partners, but still...
* AmazonBrigade: The lesbian brigade.
* [[Amazon Brigade]]: The lesbian brigade.
* ApocalypseHow: Class 2: asteroid/comet hit Earth, most civilization is destroyed, remainder is hunted down and brought to Mars by criminal space bounty-hunters.
* [[Apocalypse How]]: Class 2: asteroid/comet hit Earth, most civilization is destroyed, remainder is hunted down and brought to Mars by criminal space bounty-hunters.
* ArsonMurderandJayWalking: Mad Satan is a... '''man''' *gasp*:
* [[Arson Murder and Jaywalking]]: Mad Satan is a... '''man''' *gasp*:
--> '''Colonel Wasp''': Mad Satan may be a mutated psychic ''killer'' and suspected ''cannibal'', but even ''worse''... '''he's a man''' ! ''All'' men are hairy apes [[AllMenArePerverts who think with their dicks]], and Mad Satan's no different. [''follows a long rant on why men are disgusting'']
*: '''Colonel Wasp''': ''Mad Satan may be a mutated psychic ''killer'' and suspected ''cannibal'', but even ''worse''... '''he's a man''' ! ''All'' men are hairy apes [[All Men Are Perverts|who think with their dicks]], and Mad Satan's no different. ''[follows a long rant on why men are disgusting]
* AwesomeYetPractical: The torturing devices.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: The torturing devices.
* BaldWomen: Mad Satan prefers one of his slaves like that, for both humiliation and [[BeyondTheImpossible for her to put her head in his butt]].
* [[Bald Women]]: Mad Satan prefers one of his slaves like that, for both humiliation and [[Beyond The Impossible|for her to put her head in his butt]].
* BountyHunter.
* [[Bounty Hunter]].
* BrainsAndBondage: Mad Satan.
* [[Brains And Bondage]]: Mad Satan.
* ButchLesbian: Wasp.
* [[Butch Lesbian]]: Wasp.
* CareerKillers: Colonel Wasp.
* [[Career Killers]]: Colonel Wasp.
* CityPlanet: Mars in ''Women Hunt''.
* [[City Planet]]: Mars in ''Women Hunt''.
* CompleteMonster: Wasp and her superiors, Mad Satan and his own cronies.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Wasp and her superiors, Mad Satan and his own cronies.
* ColonelBadass: Colonel Wasp.
* [[Colonel Badass]]: Colonel Wasp.
* ContinuityReboot: ''Mars Penal Colony'' feels like that: it's based on the same novel, ''but'' it's drawn/created by a different author, it obviously got a different style, its events happen ''prior the continuity of the novel and the original Women Hunt series'' while acknowledging that it's in the same Universe (thus avoiding ContinuityLockout), it's got a different name/brand altogether [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking and]] it's TropeOverdosed (to be read: full of [[TropesAreNotGood every cliche available for that setting]]).
* [[Continuity Reboot]]: ''Mars Penal Colony'' feels like that: it's based on the same novel, ''but'' it's drawn/created by a different author, it obviously got a different style, its events happen ''prior the continuity of the novel and the original Women Hunt series'' while acknowledging that it's in the same Universe (thus avoiding [[Continuity Lockout]]), it's got a different name/brand altogether [[Arson Murder And Jaywalking|and]] it's [[Trope Overdosed]] (to be read: full of [[Tropes Are Not Good|every cliche available for that setting]]).
* CosmicDeadline: Arguable if it was even tried. The four ”Women Hunt” comics, having roughly 50 pages each, barely manage to get to where the 20 pages of novel had gone to. And then it ends. With the girls being shipped to Mad Satan's grasps.
* [[Crapsack World]]: It's revealed the Earth wasn't too pretty [[Just Before The End]] either.
* CrapsackWorld: It's revealed the Earth wasn't too pretty JustBeforeTheEnd either.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Colonel Wasp is a [[Psycho Lesbian]] assassin sent to kill Mad Satan. She [[Inner Monologue|comments]] this about her "lover":
* CronicBackstabbingDisorder: Colonel Wasp is a PsychoLesbian assassin sent to kill Mad Satan. She [[InnerMonologue comments]] this about her "lover":
*: Ha Ha! You [[All Women Are Lustful|horny]] '''[[N Word Privileges|dyke]]''' ! I should write you up for [[Professional Slacker|slacking off on duty]] ! I could throw you in the brig and have you try to convince me you'd be a good girl if I let you out. ''Humm !'' That's something I should remember for later...
--> Ha Ha! You [[AllWomenAreLustful horny]] '''[[NWordPrivileges dyke]]''' ! I should write you up for [[ProfessionalSlacker slacking off on duty]] ! I could throw you in the brig and have you try to convince me you'd be a good girl if I let you out. ''Humm !'' That's something I should remember for later...
* [[Dead Fic]]: The novel ends right smack in the middle.
* DeadFic: The novel ends right smack in the middle.
* [[Death from Above]]: The asteroid/comet
* [[Death from Above]]: The asteroid/comet
* ElectricTorture.
* [[Electric Torture]].
* EvilVsEvil: ''Mars Penal Colony'' is made of this.
* [[Evil Vs Evil]]: ''Mars Penal Colony'' is made of this.
* FateWorseThanDeath: Being given to Mad Satan.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Being given to Mad Satan.
* FunWithAcronyms: WHIP-ONE is supposed to stand for something ... but we don't really get to know for what.
* [[Fun With Acronyms]]: WHIP-ONE is supposed to stand for something ... but we don't really get to know for what.
* GenreBlind: Colonel Wasp and the whole AmazonBrigade, especially [[TooDumbToLive her lover]].
* [[Genre Blind]]: Colonel Wasp and the whole [[Amazon Brigade]], especially [[Too Dumb To Live|her lover]].
* HumansAreBastards: Both the rulers of Earth and of Mars.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: Both the rulers of Earth and of Mars.
* HollywoodHomely: Mad Satan was presented as a mutant in the original novel, and an ugly one at that (judging at least from the art). In Women Hunt, he wasn't really ugly, but not something you'd want to see. By ''Mars Penal Colony'', while some CompleteMonster traits have been added to his already deranged personality, he's reached pimp levels, including his face and him wearing what look like gold chains around his neck.
* [[Hollywood Homely]]: Mad Satan was presented as a mutant in the original novel, and an ugly one at that (judging at least from the art). In Women Hunt, he wasn't really ugly, but not something you'd want to see. By ''Mars Penal Colony'', while some [[Complete Monster]] traits have been added to his already deranged personality, he's reached pimp levels, including his face and him wearing what look like gold chains around his neck.
* IHaveBoobsYouMustObey: The lesbian guards pull this off in the revival number. They're probably set up for the subversion in the next number.
* [[I Have Boobs You Must Obey]]: The lesbian guards pull this off in the revival number. They're probably set up for the subversion in the next number.
* ImAHumantarian: Mad Satan is RetConned into a suspected cannibal too...
* [[I'm A Humanitarian]]: Mad Satan is [[Retcon]]ned into a suspected cannibal too...
* InnerMonologue.
* [[Inner Monologue]].
* JustBeforeTheEnd: ''Mars Penal Colony'' is set in April 2049. That's less than a year before the comet/asteroid hits.
* [[Just Before The End]]: ''Mars Penal Colony'' is set in April 2049. That's less than a year before the comet/asteroid hits.
* RightWingMilitiaFanatic: That's what rules the U.S. before the end.
* [[Right Wing Militia Fanatic]]: That's what rules the U.S. before the end.
* LipstickLesbian: Wasp's partner.
* [[Lipstick Lesbian]]: Wasp's partner.
* LosAngeles: Collins (the heroine) was caught (and probably lived) there.
* [[Los Angeles]]: Collins (the heroine) was caught (and probably lived) there.
* MarsNeedsWomen: Literally. And booze and smokes.
* [[Mars Needs Women]]: Literally. And booze and smokes.
* MarkOfShame: Collins gets branded so that, ''if Mad Satan would tear her to pieces'', they'd at least know who it was.
* [[Mark Of Shame]]: Collins gets branded so that, ''if Mad Satan would tear her to pieces'', they'd at least know who it was.
* MeaningfulName: WHIP-ONE, [[CompleteMonster Mad Satan]], [[ColonelBadass Colonel]] [[CronicBackstabbingDisorder Wasp]].
* [[Meaningful Name]]: WHIP-ONE, [[Complete Monster|Mad Satan]], [[Colonel Badass|Colonel]] [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|Wasp]].
* MercyKill: Implied, but probably never done.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Implied, but probably never done.
* MoreExpendableThanYou: Collins is expected to be this, but Wasp promptly reminds her she's not (technically, she's less expendable for Wasp and less interesting for Mad Satan).
* [[More Expendable Than You]]: Collins is expected to be this, but Wasp promptly reminds her she's not (technically, she's less expendable for Wasp and less interesting for Mad Satan).
* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: [[CompleteMonster Mad Satan]], [[ColonelBadass Colonel]] [[ChronicBackstabbingDisorder Wasp]]...
* [[Names To Run Away From Really Fast]]: [[Complete Monster|Mad Satan, Killer, Hunter]], [[Colonel Badass|Colonel]] [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|Wasp]]...
* NotDistractedByTheSexy: Colonel Wasp's girlfriend thinks Wasp's mere presence will give him a heart attack so she won't have to kill him. You know, the guy that has tens of naked women per month around him, humiliated in every possible way. Wasp is not so convinced. Either way, neither seem to know how [[BlatantLies well]] it worked whenever a woman in a Fansadox world would claim this...
* [[Not Distracted By The Sexy]]: Colonel Wasp's girlfriend thinks Wasp's mere presence will give him a heart attack so she won't have to kill him. You know, the guy that has tens of naked women per month around him, humiliated in every possible way. Wasp is not so convinced. Either way, neither seem to know how [[Blatant Lies|well]] it worked whenever a woman in a Fansadox world would claim this...
* NWordPrivileges: Colonel Wasp calls her "girlfriend" a horny dyke in her InnerMonologue.
* [[N Word Privileges]]: Colonel Wasp calls her "girlfriend" a horny dyke in her [[Inner Monologue]].
* OverlyLongTongue: Mad Satan extends his slaves' tongues.
* [[Overly Long Tongue]]: Mad Satan extends his slaves' tongues.
* PenalColony: Mars.
* [[Penal Colony]]: Mars.
* ThePlace: ''Mars Penal Colony''.
* [[The Place]]: ''Mars Penal Colony''.
* PowerPerversionPotential: The entire series is based around this (more obvious in the novel and in ''Mars Penal Colony''): The systems Mad Satan employs is based on "correctional" options which kept hardened criminals in line, and while they were used in severe way, they were still LawfulNeutral. Now he's monitoring women's brains, telling the supercomputer what to do with the information so to break their spirit better, uses the entire system to control every man on Mars and keep them in line (read: he could kill or torture mentally whoever didn't follow his rules).
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: The entire series is based around this (more obvious in the novel and in ''Mars Penal Colony''): The systems Mad Satan employs is based on "correctional" options which kept hardened criminals in line, and while they were used in severe way, they were still [[Lawful Neutral]]. Now he's monitoring women's brains, telling the supercomputer what to do with the information so to break their spirit better, uses the entire system to control every man on Mars and keep them in line (read: he could kill or torture mentally whoever didn't follow his rules).
* PsychoLesbian: Colonel Wasp.
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Colonel Wasp.
* TheResolutionWillNotBeTelevised: Unless a miracle happens, the main ''Women Hunt'' Universe won't have a resolution. Most likely [[DeadFic the novel too]].
* [[The Resolution Will Not Be Televised]]: Unless a miracle happens, the main ''Women Hunt'' Universe won't have a resolution. Most likely [[Dead Fic|the novel too]].
* TheRedPlanet: The setting.
* [[The Red Planet]]: The setting.
* RoboticTortureDevice.
* [[Red Shirt]]s: Guess who gets raped once the riot starts.
* SadisticShow: You can't root for any of the "main characters" in ''Mars Penal Colony'', because Andrea is going to have a FateWorseThanDeath anyway, and Earth officials, Wasp and Mad Satan are all strongly into CompleteMonster territory.
* [[Robotic Torture Device]].
* SpaceMarine.
* [[Sadist Show]]: You can't root for any of the "main characters" in ''Mars Penal Colony'', because Andrea is going to have a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] anyway, and Earth officials, Wasp and Mad Satan are all strongly into [[Complete Monster]] territory.
* StrawFeminist: Colonel Wasp and her AmazonBrigade.
* [[Space Marine]].
* ThatMakesMeFeelAngry: Yeah, we got that it's humiliating and it hurts in the last 265 issues...
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Colonel Wasp and her [[Amazon Brigade]].
* ThisIsMyStory: Andrea Collins' story in ''Mars Penal Colony''.
* [[That Makes Me Feel Angry]]: Yeah, we got that it's humiliating and it hurts in the last 265 issues...
* ThrownOutTheAirlock: It's suggested as a MercyKill in contrast to what happens to girls that are taken to Mad Satan:
* [[This Is My Story]]: Andrea Collins' story in ''Mars Penal Colony''.
--> You must know about Mad Satan and his outrageous demands, colonel, He kept demanding new playmates, one after another until there were none left. It would have been more humane to just kick the bimbos out the airlock and finish them off ''[[FateWorseThanDeath quickly]]''.
* [[Thrown Out The Airlock]]: It's suggested as a [[Mercy Kill]] in contrast to what happens to girls that are taken to Mad Satan:
* UnCanceled: Takes the record from ''Webcomic/ConfiscatedTwins'', although it's more of a ContinuityReboot.
*: ''You must know about Mad Satan and his outrageous demands, colonel, He kept demanding new playmates, one after another until there were none left. It would have been more humane to just kick the bimbos out the airlock and finish them off ''[[Fate Worse Than Death|quickly]]''.
* YouAreNumberSix: Almost a ShoutOut:
* [[Uncanceled]]: Takes the record from ''[[Confiscated Twins]]'', although it's more of a [[Continuity Reboot]].
--> '''Collins''': The searing agony tore through my leg, and I knew that a part of my humanity had been ripped away from me. I'd never be the same again. It didn't matter if I lived another 50 years or 5 minutes. From this point on [[LampshadeHanging I was nothing more than a number.]] [[DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment A useless number at that]].
* [[You Are Number Six]]: Almost a [[Shout Out]]:
*: '''Collins''': ''The searing agony tore through my leg, and I knew that a part of my humanity had been ripped away from me. I'd never be the same again. It didn't matter if I lived another 50 years or 5 minutes. From this point on [[Lampshade Hanging|I was nothing more than a number.]] [[Department Of Redundancy Department|A useless number at that]].

Revision as of 15:41, 24 March 2012

Part of the Fansadox franchise of webcomics.

A World Half Empty where a comet hit the Earth, and left it in ruins. Humanity's last hope for survival and civilization is Mars... which is run by a sadistic former convict.

Contains examples of
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