
From Tv Tropes

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[[File:Fansadox world.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Basically... [[So Yeah|yeah]]]]
[[File:Fansadox world.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Basically... [[So Yeah|yeah]]]]
==Novels include==
==Novels include==
* ''[[Women Hunt]]'' is (loosely) based on ''Fansadox Novel 05 - Year 2050. Slave Training'';
* ''[[Women Hunt]]'' is (loosely) based on ''Fansadox Novel 05 - Year 2050. Slave Training'';
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* [[Ain't Too Proud To Beg]]: The girls, swinging from Type 1 to Type 2 once they're broken.
* [[Ain't Too Proud To Beg]]: The girls, swinging from Type 1 to Type 2 once they're broken.
* [[All Abusers Are Male]]: Mostly played straight.
* [[All Abusers Are Male]]: Mostly played straight.
* [[All Girls Like Ponies]]: Since this trope will probably never be created, let's just say it's a variation and call it All Men Like Pony Girls. Oh yeah, [[Subverted Trope|the girls don't actually like pony girls]].
* [[All Men Love Ponygirls]]: And oh yeah, the girls don't actually like being pony girls.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: Taken to extremes.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: Taken to extremes.
* [[All Take And No Give]]: The masters to the slaves. Then they accuse ''the slaves'' [[Hypocritical Humor|of living off their back]].
* [[All Take And No Give]]: The masters to the slaves. Then they accuse ''the slaves'' [[Hypocritical Humor|of living off their back]].
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* [[Apocalypse How]]: Class 2 in ''Women Hunt'', ''Sex Wars'' and a few others.
* [[Apocalypse How]]: Class 2 in ''Women Hunt'', ''Sex Wars'' and a few others.
* [[Art Evolution]]: The first issues were almost horrible in art compared to the more recent ones.
* [[Art Evolution]]: The first issues were almost horrible in art compared to the more recent ones.
* [[Author Avatar]]: Fernando and the [[Mirror Universe]] version of [[Standard Fifties Father]].
* [[Author Tract]]: Fernando more and more often puts his [[Author Avatar|male 50s sadists]] in positions of giving lengthy [[The Reason You Suck Speech]] to teens that did nothing but sit in front of the TV and ask for daddy's money. Even ends (with a permanent "The End") ''[[Confiscated Twins]]'' with {{spoiler|Roy, the main teen character being [[Humiliation Conga|thoroughly humiliated]] along with his backstabbing sister)}}, possibly as a [[Take That]] to the non-paying predominant youthful readers.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Ranks in post-apocalyptic societies work that way.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Ranks in post-apocalyptic societies work that way.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: The tools used to break women.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: The tools used to break women.
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* [[Break The Cutie]].
* [[Break The Cutie]].
* [[Break The Haughty]].
* [[Break The Haughty]].
* [[Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl]].
* [[Burn The Witch]]: After you torture the living daylights out of her.
* [[Burn The Witch]]: After you torture the living daylights out of her.
* [[But Thou Must]]: Part of the [[Break The Cutie]] ploy: they're ironically asked what they want, but they're either [[Bound And Gagged]] or tortured (worse) if they give the "wrong" answer.
* [[But Thou Must]]: Part of the [[Break The Cutie]] ploy: they're ironically asked what they want, but they're either [[Bound And Gagged]] or tortured (worse) if they give the "wrong" answer.
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* [[Captured By Cannibals]]: One of the early issues (from the first 20) has this.
* [[Captured By Cannibals]]: One of the early issues (from the first 20) has this.
* [[Carpet of Virility]]: Type 2: Hairy slobs.
* [[Carpet of Virility]]: Type 2: Hairy slobs.
* [[Cash Cow Franchise]]: A good example of [[Tropes are not Bad]], as being made for paying readers keeps the franchise going and the quality to increase too.
* [[Cash Cow Franchise]]: A good example of [[Tropes Are Not Bad]], as being made for paying readers keeps the franchise going and the quality to increase too.
* [[Casting Couch]]: Girls are sometimes tricked by being promised something they'll never get. This may imply sex before or after. In an egregorious example, two girls are tricked to go to an ''unstaged'' online BDSM headquarters.
* [[Casting Couch]]: Girls are sometimes tricked by being promised something they'll never get. This may imply sex before or after. In an egregorious example, two girls are tricked to go to an ''unstaged'' online BDSM headquarters.
* [[Catholic School Girls Rule]]: Part of [[All Women Are Prudes]].
* [[Catholic School Girls Rule]]: Part of [[All Women Are Prudes]].
* [[Chained By Fashion]]: An useful (although not really necessary, rope usually does its job) accessory to keeping girls in line.
* [[Chained By Fashion]]: An useful (although not really necessary, rope usually does its job) accessory to keep girls in line.
* [[Chained To A Bed]]: To a bed, from above a bed, around a bed... not yet [[Beyond The Impossible|under a bed]], but there's still time.
* [[Chained To A Bed]]: To a bed, from above a bed, around a bed... not yet [[Beyond The Impossible|under a bed]], but there's still time.
* [[China Takes Over The World]]: In "The Great Invasion" and its sequels, China invades the US to get ''their women'' (and not die out as a race). Bonus points for most of the Chinese having more Mongolian facial treats than Chinese (weak, small, etc).
* [[China Takes Over The World]]: In "The Great Invasion" and its sequels, China invades the US to get ''their women'' (and not die out as a race). Bonus points for most of the Chinese having more Mongolian facial treats than Chinese (weak, small, etc).
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* [[Conveniently Common Kink]]: Everyone loves torture. Except the victim.
* [[Conveniently Common Kink]]: Everyone loves torture. Except the victim.
* [[Cool And Unusual Punishment]]: Oh they ''love'' this.
* [[Cool And Unusual Punishment]]: Oh they ''love'' this.
* [[Covers Always Lie]]: Just see [[Self Demonstrating Article|the image of this article.]]
* [[Covers Always Lie]]: Some of them do. [[TV]] had a cover that didn't related to anything (except ''barely alluding'' to a ''Women Hunt'' type scenario) on account that no NSFW images could be found. Proved'em wrong! Arguably, even some of the NSFW covers are random or sometimes portray [[BLAP]]s that have little to do with the story in the comic.
* [[Covert Pervert]]: Many abusers pretend to be social role models. Then, they have women tortured in the basement.
* [[Covert Pervert]]: Many abusers pretend to be social role models. Then, they have women tortured in the basement.
* [[Crapsack World]]: While most stories aren't situated in the same world, the subtleties are about the same. If you're a "good girl", anyone around you is probably going to want to rape and torture you in the most vile way. Call the police? They're in on it. Captor's neighbor? Friend? ''Your own family''? They're in on it. [[Failure is the Only Option|There is no escape !]] As part of a crapsack world, most officials are corrupt:
* [[Crapsack World]]: While most stories aren't situated in the same world, the subtleties are about the same. If you're a "good girl", anyone around you is probably going to want to rape and torture you in the most vile way. Call the police? They're in on it. Captor's neighbor? Friend? ''Your own family''? They're in on it. [[Failure is the Only Option|There is no escape !]] As part of a crapsack world, most officials are corrupt:
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* [[Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have]]: [[Depending On The Author]].
* [[Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have]]: [[Depending On The Author]].
* [[Deep South]]: "1850, White Slaves"
* [[Deep South]]: "1850, White Slaves"
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Most women that are on the other side of the whip. Men will only prefer women, because it's not manly for a warlod/mobster to be sucked by a guy, or to shag one.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Most women that are on the other side of the whip. Men will only prefer women, because it's not manly for a warlord/mobster to be sucked by a guy, or to shag one.
* [[Dirty Old Man]].
* [[Dirty Old Man]].
* [[Do You Want To Copulate]]: This is how men start their "mating game" with women. Less from lack of social skills, and more because they're rich and they think they deserve everything. When [[Captain Obvious|it fails miserably]], they go to plan B...
* [[Do You Want To Copulate]]: This is how men start their "mating game" with women. Less from lack of social skills, and more because they're rich and they think they deserve everything. When [[Captain Obvious|it fails miserably]], they go to plan B...
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* [[Mars Needs Women]]: Played literally in ''Women Hunt''. Also in stories set in space.
* [[Mars Needs Women]]: Played literally in ''Women Hunt''. Also in stories set in space.
* [[Me Love You Long Time]]: Inverted, including the love part. Authors are fond of making "couples" from male non-white and female white.
* [[Me Love You Long Time]]: Inverted, including the love part. Authors are fond of making "couples" from male non-white and female white.
* [[Mean Character, Nice Actor|Mean Character Drawer, Nice Artist]]: Gary Roberts at least admits it [[Money Dear Boy|he's in it for the money]] and was a race car driver before being a BDSM comic artist. May be the case for most others, although Cagri tends to kill off half his negative characters, and Fernando has a thing for [[Dirty Old Man|taking jabs at teens]] through [[Author Avatar]]s [[Dad The Veteran]]...
* [[Men Are Uncultured]]. Smelly. Slobs. Lazy. Abusive. But [[If You Know What I Mean|they sure]] [[Biggus Dickus|compensate...]] And it's implied they don't need more than that, anyway. Note that they may be all that, but they're not ''stupid''. Some know how to fight (or just hit), run offices, have gotten to a position of power by some means, and so on.
* [[Men Are Uncultured]]. Smelly. Slobs. Lazy. Abusive. But [[If You Know What I Mean|they sure]] [[Biggus Dickus|compensate...]] And it's implied they don't need more than that, anyway. Note that they may be all that, but they're not ''stupid''. Some know how to fight (or just hit), run offices, have gotten to a position of power by some means, and so on.
* [[Mind Rape]].
* [[Mind Rape]].
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* [[Missing White Woman Syndrome]]: Played straight in issues which deal with the abduction and training of girls from other countries or other races than white. Circumvented with the actual deal: sometimes nobody cares anyway, and when it's played into effect, there's still nothing anyone can do to save them. Also interesting subversion when a large chunk of the police raids in force the mansion of a wealthy man for a stripper in ''#167 - Stripper'', although it's implied it still has a [[Bad End]], but at least the guy wasn't [[Screw The Rules I Have Money|''totally'' above the law]].
* [[Missing White Woman Syndrome]]: Played straight in issues which deal with the abduction and training of girls from other countries or other races than white. Circumvented with the actual deal: sometimes nobody cares anyway, and when it's played into effect, there's still nothing anyone can do to save them. Also interesting subversion when a large chunk of the police raids in force the mansion of a wealthy man for a stripper in ''#167 - Stripper'', although it's implied it still has a [[Bad End]], but at least the guy wasn't [[Screw The Rules I Have Money|''totally'' above the law]].
* [[Momma's Boy]]: There's even one number named like that.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: There's even one number named like that.
* [[Money Dear Boy]]: Why these things are made in the first place.
* [[Moving The Goal Posts]]: When it's not outright "[[I Lied]]".  
* [[Moving The Goal Posts]]: When it's not outright "[[I Lied]]".  
* [[Mutilation Interrogation]]: Very rare, but present in the ''Chinese Warlord'' series.
* [[Mutilation Interrogation]]: Very rare, but present in the ''Chinese Warlord'' series.
* [[My Girl Is A Slut]]: Men are PROUD of displaying their slaves to their family, friends, neighbors, and where it's legally available, the whole world. They don't mind sharing their services either.
* [[My Girl Is A Slut]]: Men are PROUD of displaying their slaves to their family, friends, neighbors, and where it's legally available, the whole world. They don't mind sharing their services either.
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: Averted with men, inverted with women. Women in positions of power don't complain if other women are owned, raped and tortured, preferably by them.
* [[Naughty Nuns]]: Too bad it's only the ''[[Nuns Are Spooky|spooky]]'' ones that are like that.
* [[Naughty Nuns]]: Too bad it's only the ''[[Nuns Are Spooky|spooky]]'' ones that are like that.
* [[Naughty Tentacles]]: #74 [[Exactly What It Says On The Tin|Abducted]]
* [[Naughty Tentacles]]: #74 [[Exactly What It Says On The Tin|Abducted]]
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* [[No Womans Land]].
* [[No Womans Land]].
* [[Nuns Are Spooky]]: And [[Naughty Nuns|naughty]] [[Squick|too]].
* [[Nuns Are Spooky]]: And [[Naughty Nuns|naughty]] [[Squick|too]].
* [[Oblivious Younger Sibling]]: Usually subverted after the first 5 seconds a family member enters and finds abused women, pretending to be horrified. It ''always'' turn out for them to be in on it. The only times it's played straight is with the daughters or young women, who are in some mob-like business and don't want it to be known.
* [[Oblivious Younger Sibling]]: Usually subverted after the first 5 seconds a family member enters and finds abused women, pretending to be horrified. It ''always'' turns out for them to be in on it. The only times it's played straight is with the daughters or young women, who are in some mob-like business and don't want it to be known.
* [[Only Six Faces]]: Most women in the same series have similar faces. If you're looking at the works of the same author, you may think "new" characters are literally the reincarnations of old ones.
* [[Only Six Faces]]: Most women in the same series have similar faces. If you're looking at the works of the same author, you may think "new" characters are literally the reincarnations of old ones.
* [[Orphaned Series]]: Many, many series do not have a sequel (although the author will continue onto other series). Many have a "To be continued" at the end, only to never have a continuance. Hell, it's safer to say that half the stories in the series don't claim to continue the story, half claim but don't, and a small portion that is neither get actual sequels. And even fewer get [[Uncanceled]].
* [[Orphaned Series]]: Many, many series do not have a sequel (although the author will continue onto other series). Many have a "To be continued" at the end, only to never have a continuance. Hell, it's safer to say that half the stories in the series don't claim to continue the story, half claim but don't, and a small portion that is neither get actual sequels. And even fewer get [[Uncanceled]].
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* [[Porn Stash]]: From your 40ish [[Basement Dweller]] to your successful business man or even women. they all have it.
* [[Porn Stash]]: From your 40ish [[Basement Dweller]] to your successful business man or even women. they all have it.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: The entire ''[[Women Hunt]]'' is based around this.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: The entire ''[[Women Hunt]]'' is based around this.
* [[Prison Rape]]: Both male-on-female and male-on-male examples.
* [[Prison Rape]]: All of male-on-female, male-on-male and female-on-female examples.
* [[Psycho Ex Girlfriend]]: Happens at least in #168 - ''Evil Parole''
* [[Psycho Ex Girlfriend]]: Happens at least in #168 - ''Evil Parole''
* [[Psycho For Hire]]: Prevalent in ''Women Hunt''.
* [[Psycho For Hire]]: Prevalent in ''Women Hunt''.
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* [[Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Girl]]: Some of the victims.
* [[Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Girl]]: Some of the victims.
* [[Sensible Heroes Skimpy Villains]]: Inverted: The girls are made to dress slutty, while the men dress ordinary.
* [[Sensible Heroes Skimpy Villains]]: Inverted: The girls are made to dress slutty, while the men dress ordinary.
* [[Sensitive Guy And Manly Man]]: The team in ''Psycho''.
* [[Sequel Escalation]]: Where there are sequels, also in the general run of all Fansadox works.
* [[Sequel Escalation]]: Where there are sequels, also in the general run of all Fansadox works.
* [[Series Hiatus]]: While the entire ''Fansadox'' franchise will probably not suffer from this in the future (because of multiple authors, new authors always appearing and being a [[Cash Cow Franchise]]), announced sequels of individual issues do this all the time.
* [[Series Hiatus]]: While the entire ''Fansadox'' franchise will probably not suffer from this in the future (because of multiple authors, new authors always appearing and being a [[Cash Cow Franchise]]), announced sequels of individual issues do this all the time.
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* [[Sexy Back]]: The girls are sometimes made to wear backless dresses.
* [[Sexy Back]]: The girls are sometimes made to wear backless dresses.
** [[Sexy Backless Outfit]].
** [[Sexy Backless Outfit]].
* [[Shameful Strip]]: Once they're got.
* [[Shameless Fanservice Girl]]: Most of the female protagonists.
* [[Show Some Leg]]: Doesn't work, since the bad guys can just take anything they want.
* [[Show Some Leg]]: Doesn't work, since the bad guys can just take anything they want.
* [[Sinister Minister]].
* [[Sinister Minister]].
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* [[Yank The Dog's Chain]]: Cagri ''loves'' to do this. Towards the end of their predicament, the women are presented with an escape chance apparently coming from Heaven itself... only to be told that their "saviors" are in on it too.
* [[Yank The Dog's Chain]]: Cagri ''loves'' to do this. Towards the end of their predicament, the women are presented with an escape chance apparently coming from Heaven itself... only to be told that their "saviors" are in on it too.
* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: Some of the things those women go through should leave them horribly mutilated or dead.
* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]: Some of the things those women go through should leave them horribly mutilated or dead.
* [[We All Live In America]]: Deconstructed: acting and dressing American or even westernly in other countries ''will'' set off views (sometimes ([[Hypocrite]]cal) of [[Moral Dissonance]] and [[Disproportionate Retribution|will be punished harshly]].
* [[We All Live In America]]: Deconstructed: acting and dressing American or even westernly in other countries ''will'' set off views (sometimes [[Hypocrite]]cal) of [[Moral Dissonance]] and [[Disproportionate Retribution|will be punished harshly]].
* [[What Does She See In Him]]: Hinted in the beginning of some issues, until it's revealed ''the women are forced to serve''.
* [[What Does She See In Him]]: Hinted in the beginning of some issues, until it's revealed ''the women are forced to serve''.
* [[What Measure Is A Non Human]]: What measure is a Non-''man'' (woman and/or slave).
* [[What Measure Is A Non Human]]: What measure is a Non-''man'' (woman and/or slave).
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Most women don't realise they're born in [[Crapsack World]]s.
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Most women don't realise they're born in [[Crapsack World]]s.
== Notes ==
[[Category:Fansadox| ]]
[[Category:Fansadox| ]]
[[Category:NSFW Webcomics]]
[[Category:Explicit Content]]
[[Category:Horror Webcomics]]
[[Category:Horror Webcomics]]
[[Category:Embellished Webcomics]]
[[Category:Embellished Webcomics]]
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[[Category:Historical Webcomics]]
[[Category:Historical Webcomics]]
[[Category:Trope Overdosed]]
[[Category:Trope Overdosed]]
[[Category:Webcomics Of The 2000s]]
[[Category:Webcomics Of The 2010s]]
[[Category:Works Of The 2000s]]
[[Category:Works Of The 2010s]]
[[Category:Banned On TV Tropes]]
[[Category:Banned On TV Tropes]]

Current revision as of 03:17, 17 January 2013

How about Fansadox BDSM stories, just the descriptions will make me loose sleep for a month! - NC 17 to all you wanks (possible Gorn)

Fansadox is a BDSM pornographic comic franchise centered around rough BDSM play, the beating and rape of women. As it's expected, being made for a specific niche, readers will have reactions ranging from Squick to High Octane Nightmare Fuel to beyond that. In rare cases, it can even turn to snuff.

It consists of contributions from several artists with several (and highly different) way of draw, or even think. This obviously results in different numbers with different stories.

In more recent issues, the company has made several disclaimer pages, almost mocking the porn industry, in which the fictional cartoon characters swear they're over 18 and that they are actually BDSM (sometimes payed) actors who enjoyed every moment of it. Hilarity Ensues, but it also becomes a Narm moment as you realise they appear in just about any issue, from when they started using it so to not have trouble with the US law, fact confirmed by creator Gary Roberts himself (link).

Warning: Vulgar language ahead and if you don't like how it starts, leave now before needing to use some Brain Bleach.


[edit] On the Sliding Scales, it ranges

[edit] Issues with continuity include


[edit] Novels include

[edit] Compare

[edit] The works contain examples of these tropes

[edit] Notes


This page uses content from TV Tropes. The original article was at Fansadox.
The list of authors can be seen in the page history. The text of this article is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
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