Run away-2

From Torg Adventure

You don't wait to see what the farmer is up to, you climb out the window onto the roof of the front porch of the old farm house. By shimmying down the drainpipe, you manage to hit the ground running. You jump into the farmer's old pickup, finding the keys above the sun visor.

By the time you get the engine running, you can see the farmer coming out the front door of the house, carrying a shotgun. You gun the gas pedal and leave the farmer in the dust, the wheels spewing gravel in his direction. You hear a couple of shotgun blasts, but only hear a few pellets hit the vehicle. When you hit the pavement, you look back to see the farmer standing in the yard light, waving his gun at you. You realize that you can't move your car, and it's registered in your name. You may have just become a fugitive, if the farmer files a complaint.

You head the opposite direction from home when you hit Interstate 69. You've got $5000 in your checking account and an ATM card. You have the clothes on your back, since you had to leave your suitcase in the farmer's house. While you're thinking of what you're going to do, you see a white cloud drifting across the freeway. As you get closer, you see it's coming from a car stopped along the shoulder. You slow down as you pass and notice a young woman in a crop top shirt and short shorts leaning against the car. Her large breasts stretch the tight shirt. It looks like she needs a ride.

As her father becomes obsessive with purchasing every round of ammunition and keeping an eye out for the man, Loretta thinks back to her experiences with the stranger ... and feels a dampening between her legs. She doesn't get pregnant, and never realizes he tried.

You win!

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