Keiko speaks up

From Torg Adventure

"It's my father! He can't find me like this! Take me with you!" Keiko says, fear coloring her eyes.

You come to a quick decision. "Loretta, help me carry her. Connie, grab her stuff." You bend down and lift the girl up between you and the blond. You start running away from the voice and toward the car. Connie is right behind you. Somehow, you manage to get away before Keiko's father sees you. You also get to the car without anyone else seeing you with a naked girl. You put her in the back seat, and Connie puts her clothes in with her. You get in the driver's seat, Loretta gets in back, and Connie gets in front with you.

"Get down and out of sight. We can either take you with us to where we're going, or we can drive until you get dressed and cleaned up, then drop you back here with no one the wiser. What would you like to do?"

Keiko ponders a moment while you drive out of the rest area, trying to drive slow enough to not draw attention to yourselves.

What does she decide?

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