Jenny speaks up

From Torg Adventure

"Ow, shit..." Jenny finally grumbled, breaking the silence while slowly stretching her body. "I'm so tense that it hurts!"

"Well, I can give you a massage if you like...?" Her brother told her while also stretching out a bit and gently placing an arm around her waist. He and Eddy were both sitting on the couch, with Jenny seated on the armrest at Jimmy's right side while Tammy had taken the only chair. "I may need one myself in return though."

"I don't know if a massage would help." The brunette grunted, though she was already trying to rub some life back in her arms and thighs. Then she turned to her brother with a soft smile on her lips as she spoke up the first words coming to her mind, intending them as a pun to ease up the atmosphere a bit. "A real nice fuck would be great though!"

"Jenny!" Her brother objected in the shocked silence that followed, trying to hide the fact he was immediately starting to get a hardon after the most improper comment. Beside him Eddy was also staring at the young girl with mixed feelings, while Tammy couldn't hold back from smiling. After all they had been through it should be difficult to find something laugh at, but for some reason the curvy little blonde found the words of her newfound friend strangely amusing.

"What?" Jenny provocatively grinned back at him while exchanging a quick glance with the other girl. "I could sure need a good one to cheer me up, after our time in that hellhole!"

Again there was a moments silence as sex wasn't the usual subject to talk about for either of the parts, especially not for innocent little Tammy, and the two men felt both happy and quite uneasy to find both of the young women smiling at each other as the discussion continued. Jenny and Tammy must have suffered the most during their captivity, so it was both comforting and somewhat unnatural to see them looking so well after all they'd been through.

"And... If you're not up for it..." Jenny continued, leaning herself down on her brother's shoulder while looking first at him and then over his head towards Eddy. "Then I'm sure I won't have too much trouble finding someone who does...!"

"Hey...!" Tammy loudly voiced her objection while bouncing up from her chair and quickly climbing up in her husband's lap, pressing her impressive breasts up into his face while wrapping her arms around his neck. "Eddy's mine!"

This time even Jimmy couldn't keep from chuckling a bit as he watched the busty girl's pouting face, and even though not much could be seen of Eddy's facial expression it was quite obvious that he too enjoyed the situation.

This goes on?

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