Dessert is delivered, and then Lisa wants her own treat

From Torg Adventure

Lisa turns on the headlights, then puts the car in gear and continues down the street, going completely around the block before coming back to your house and pulling past Maggie's car into the garage.

You both get out of the car. The bags are on the backseat behind the driver, so you go around to that side of the SUV. Lisa already has the door opened, and is leaning inside. It's a big car, with a big backseat, so she can easily just bend over and stick her her entire upper body into the back. It would be tempting to push her into the backseat completely, and then join her, although doing this while parked in the garage not too far away from the house might not be the best idea. Instead, you content yourself with staring at Lisa's ass. The shorts she is wearing, while not as overtly sexual as her normal attire, stretch nicely taut over her ass as she does so. Even though her ass isn't her best feature, with her bottom being pretty flat compared to her normal curves, it's enough to make you wish that perhaps you had asked her to leave the car parked for a few more minutes.

Still leaning into the car, she passes you back two cloth bags, heavy with their loads of assorted ice creams. You take them from her, and now with a bag in each hand, you have better luck resisting the opportunity to grab at your sister's bottom. You move away to give Lisa room to back out of the car, now carrying a stack of two cardboard boxes from the cupcake place that your family had become addicted to since it opened a few years back. Turning around, she catches the car door with her hip, then pushes it back, slamming it shut by pushing out her ass quickly.

You let Lisa lead the way to the door, but like a true gentleman you move ahead at the last moment to hold open the door for her, carefully transferring both bags to one hand while you do so. The door opens inward, so you have to stand partially in the doorway to keep it open. Lisa smiles warmly as she squeezes past you, although all the thanks you need is from her ass rubbing against your cock as she wiggles past you. For the second time, you think that letting the ice cream melt a little while you and Lisa had some fun in her car might not have been a bad thing.

Sam is just finishing putting some dishes away when you and Lisa enter the kitchen. She turns around as Lisa sets down the boxes on the kitchen table.

"It took the two of you long enough," she says, leaning against a cupboard. She's made a mess of herself washing and drying the dishes. There's water splashed all over her shirt, rending it semi-transparent in some places, but just not the right places. Plus, there's still some bubbles from the soap on her nose.

"Well, we'd have been back sooner," Lisa says patiently, taking the bags from you and plopping them on the table. "But Mom called and asked us to pick up some ice cream, too. Apparently we mysteriously ran out somehow after dinner."

Sam looks down at the bags. "Oh." She looks suitably abashed, under the circumstances. According to what Maggie had told you, however it had been she had found out, Sam had eaten the last of the ice cream. Sam stops leaning on the cupboard and walks over to the door to the living room and the rest of the house on long, athletic legs. Putting an arm on either side of the door frame, she leans far into the next room, before shouting "They're back!" in the general vicinity of the stairs.

As soundproof as the walls in the house might be, sound in your house certainly carries well between them. Maybe it's their soundproofing qualities that channels the sound up the stairwells and down the hallway, but whatever the logistics, as long as your door is open upstairs, a decently loud yell from where Sam is standing will be heard even in your Mom's room, as long as the door is open.

Apparently it was open, because you can hear your Mom coming down the stairs in less than half a minute. She must have opened her door at least a bit after her bath was over. It couldn't have been that long ago, because it had been shut when you left. When she enters the kitchen, she's still cinching tight the belt on the luxurious cotton terry bathrobe, confirming that she hadn't finished the bath all that long ago. She looks relaxed, as she always did after a long soak in the tub. She said it was the only thing sometimes that allowed her to keep her sanity as a single-mother, so all you kids had learned long ago not to disturb her at those times unless it was an emergency.

Not too far behind her are Maggie, and then a discrete second or so is Amy. Amy is wearing the same bathrobe she had on earlier, while Maggie somehow found your one dress shirt and was wearing that, and looking far better in it than you ever had. She even had your tie loosely fastened around the collar. She had the sleeves rolled up a bit, but her arms still barely stuck out out them. Seen standing by your taller sisters, and wearing what on her was a very oversized shirt, made Maggie look much younger and smaller.

Lisa notes Maggie's choice of outfits with a slight frown, but it disappears from her face quickly. She takes the top box off of the stack and sets it down beside the first one, then opens it. Inside are a dozen cupcakes, all carrot cake. At least, you're assuming they're carrot cake, based on the frosting carrots on the top.

"I'll take one of those," your Mom says, stepping forward eagerly.

Lisa pulls one out of the box. "Max, get Mom a plate," she says, glancing in your direction.

Your mom takes the cupcake from Lisa. "It won't last long enough to merit a plate," she declares, then peels aside the liner and takes a large bite. "I will take some ice cream though. In a bowl." Her words are muffled around her mouthful of cake. "Sorry," she mumbles, holding hand to her mouth. Then she takes another bite.

"I'm on it," Amy says. She walks over to a cupboard, and takes down a stack of bowls. She opens a drawer and adds a handful of spoons to the bowls with a slight clatter of metal on ceramic. She pulls an ice cream scoop from a neighboring drawer, then brings them all over to the table.

Maggie takes a cupcake from the box and starts pulling bite-sized pieces off of it one-by-one as she eats it, moving behind Amy and sliding the two drawers shut with her hip as she walks by. Lisa hands you a cupcake, then hands Sam one as well.

Sam takes it, but looks at it dubiously. "I shouldn't. I've eaten way too much today as it is." She looks at the rest of the women. "I don't know how the rest of you can eat so much without working out like I do."

Amy looks up from adding a third scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough to a dish. "It all goes to our tits!"

Lisa snorts, about to take a bite of the cupcake she just picked up. Amy has spoken with more directness than usual, and it's all you can do not to burst out laughing yourself.

Sam stares at Amy, looking annoyed. Then she walks over to the table. "Well, I guess I better have two then," she says, grabbing another cupcake.

Your mom starts laughing then, her mouth still full of cupcake, except for a few crumbs that blow out of her mouth. Amy looks surprised, as Sam is very fast on her feet, but not generally quick with a good comeback, and not generally known for her sense of humor, let alone of the self-deprecating variety. Then she begins laughing too, holding the hand with the scoop in it in front of her mouth as she passes the full bowl to her mother. Lisa giggles as well. Sam's modest breast size, in a family of well-endowed women, was a running gag for Lisa and a long-time source of consternation for your oldest sister.

Maggie is laughing too, although with a slight smirk to it. She moves closer to you, and in a low whisper says "I'm getting to like your family more and more, babe. Even the warrior princess."

The warrior princess in question takes a satisfied bite out of one cupcake, then pivots gracefully and walks out of the room, presumably to work off her dinner, and the desert. You can tell she's pleased with herself over the laugh she was able to get, even over such a sore point has her breast size.

"Still..." Maggie continues, still whispering conspiratorially to you, her lips moving closer to your ear. "I can't wait until I get the two of you in bed together." Her voice is loaded with playful sexuality, which threatens to give you a boner in front of the remaining members of your family, despite how worn out your cock may be.

Then she giggles girlishly, and kisses you on the cheek with lips still slightly covered with frosting. "Thanks, babe, for picking up the cupcakes. They're sweet, just like you."

If those were literal daggers Lisa was staring at Maggie right now, then... well, Maggie would probably still find a way to survive them, but you would be talking some really big, nasty daggers, and some really impressive moves to avoid them. Maggie pretends not to notice, and your mother, alternating between bites of cupcake and spoonfuls of ice cream, is oblivious to Lisa's burning anger.

Amy walks over to you, and kisses you on the other cheek. "Yes, thank you Max!" She kisses you on the cheek as well. She apparently doesn't notice Lisa's reaction either, despite how smart she is. Then you remember how pissed she was earlier at Lisa for setting her up, and wonder if Amy doesn't know exactly what is going on right now. Her kissing you, even relatively chastely, doesn't seem to sit well with Lisa either. If only she knew, or even suspected, what Amy and you had done earlier.

"Hey, I'm the one that drove the car to pick them up in the first place," Lisa finally says, crossing her arms, and pouting just a little. You're not used to her pouting in a way that wasn't designed to elicit a boner from you. Not that a regular pout from her wasn't boner-inducing anyway.

Maggie looks at Amy and shrugs before turning towards Lisa. "Want a kiss too, then?"

Amy smiles brightly. "Both cheeks at once!"

A look of further annoyance comes over Lisa's face, before it changes to feigned politeness. "That won't be necessary, either of you." Then a scheming smile appears on her face. She turns to your mother. "How are the cupcakes and ice cream, Mom?"

Your mom looks up, swallowing a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. "Awesome," she says, licking her lips.

"Great." Lisa moves closer to your mom. "I was afraid that you would find them too sweet." She pauses then, apparently expecting something.

As if on cue, your mom blinks her eyes and looks down at the ice cream. "Well, now that you mention it..." She sighs. "Not to be a complete stereotype here, but now that I have some ice cream, I could really go for something sour... like pickles." Stereotypical or not, your mom had fallen prey to this craving quite in a bit in her last few months. You guess it shouldn't have come as a surprise that tonight was no different.

Your mother turns towards Lisa, who is conveniently standing by the fridge right now. "Lisa, could you get some pickles out of the fridge for me?"

"Oh course," Lisa says, smiling sweetly. She opens the fridge and makes a show of moving stuff around inside. "Hmm, looks like we're out. Sam probably ate the last of those too."

"Oh," your mom says, looking crestfallen. Her cravings during pregnancy were legendary. If this need wasn't satisfied, she was going to be miserable, and by extension, the rest of your family would end up that way, too.

"But Max and me could go get you some pickles, Mom," Lisa suddenly says, as if the idea just came to her. "We could be back in twenty minutes. Half an hour, tops."

"You don't really need to drag Max along with you just to get some pickles." Amy looks at Lisa a little too accusingly.

"No, but if we want to get Mom some pickles before her ice cream melts, it's the best way," Lisa counters. "I can idle the car outside the grocery store while our brother runs inside."

"If it's not too much bother..." your mom says. But the tone in her voice is more "Oh God, thank you so much!"

"It will be both of our pleasures to do this for you, Mom," Lisa says, the SUV keys already in her hand as she strides towards the back door. She grabs your arm as she walks by. "Come on, Max, let's not keep Mom waiting."

It's Amy's turn to stare daggers at Lisa, while Maggie just gives you a bemused look. Then you and Lisa are out the door, and she's still dragging you by the arm towards your Mom's gas guzzler. She lets go of you when you get to the vehicle, so you get back in on the passenger side. Lisa hurries around to the driver's side of the SUV, gets in, and backs out of the driveway without a word. For such a large car, Lisa drives it with relative ease. But she's good at controlling things, even if she'd been coming up short in her battle against Maggie.

She drives down the street and past where she had dropped you off before. She turns on the radio as she drives, flipping between stations. She doesn't say anything, so you don't either. At least, until she pulls the car into the deserted parking lot of a nearby park.

You're a little confused. "What about Mom's pickles?"

Lisa turns to you with a mischievous smile, nodding her head to the backseat. You look back there and see another cloth bag that you hadn't noticed before. "I already picked them up, at the same time I bought the ice cream." She turns off the headlights, so that only the lights from the dashboard and a distant light in the parking lot are providing illumination. "But Mom doesn't know that, so we have about twenty-five minutes before she would start to get suspicious."

You have to marvel at Lisa's foresight. She knew that Mom would want some pickles, especially if she prodded her in that direction. She had set the entire situation up so that she would have some free time with you. You weren't exactly sure how this worked into her earlier plan of trying to get you to break up with Maggie. Maybe it was a contingency plan if that plan failed, or it was going to be her time to console you if you did. Either way, you were now parked with your sexy sister alone in this parking lot, and your cock was still stirring from being with her in the car earlier, and Maggie's sexy words in the kitchen.

"So, Max, I did tell you I was hoping for a creamy treat from you the last time we were in this car," she says seductively. "And I plan on collecting on that." She undoes her seatbelt, and reaches over to undo yours. "It doesn't have to be in my mouth though, if you think we can seal the deal fast enough to get home before people start wondering." Even in the darkened interior of the car, you can see her lusty smile. "But not too fast, I hope."

Get a blowjob from Lisa, or perhaps slip into the backseat, and slip into her? Or turn her down?

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