Choose Sara

From Torg Adventure

It hardly seems right that Sara is still fully dressed. I crack open another beer, take a swig and turn to Sara. "Alright cuz, time to join the rest of us. Take it off."

Sara doesn't look surprised, but she also looks a little reluctant to strip. She's a good sport though and begins taking off her shorts, revealing her toned muscular legs. She hesitates though before taking off her shirt and looks around the table as we all look at her expectantly. She seems to come to a decision and quickly peels off her shirt.

Josh whistles, I now know why she hesitated, she's not wearing a bra. Her small pert breasts are completely on display. Her cute little pink nipples are sticking out like little points from her breasts. Maybe I've had too much to drink, but I can't help but blurt out, "I love all your boobs."


"Thanks bro." Becka smiles.

Sara blushes, but thankfully doesn't make a move to cover up. "Thanks, but I'm sure you don't really mean that." Apparently she's a little intimidated, by the other breasts on display.

"No, really. They're all fantastic, but all different." I hope I can bolster Sara's confidence a little.

Becka says, "Oh yeah, think you can tell them apart?"


"Okay, tie this over your eyes." Becka hands me her shirt.

Josh says, "Hey it will be easy, Sara doesn't have a bra on, your bra is lacy and Penny's isn't."

"If your so sure put this over your eyes." Becka throws Sara's shirt at Josh. Josh and I look at each other, shrug our shoulders and begin tying on our blindfolds. As the room goes dark behind the blindfold I realize I'm more than a little tipsy as the room starts to slowly spin. That might explain how I've gotten myself in a situation where I'm about to feel up one of close relatives. I hear the ladies whispering to each other on the other side of the room, followed by a series of giggles.

"Ok, I'm setting a timer," It's Becka's voice giving directions, "while the timer is going one of us will walk over to each of you. Without looking or speaking you have to figure out whose breasts are in front of you. When the timer goes off you each have to quickly shout out your guess."

"Sounds easy enough," I say.

"Bring on the boobies!" says Josh. That's closer to what I'm actually thinking.

"Ok, timer's going."

I hear some shuffling as people are moving around the room. A small warm hand grabs my hands and moves them up. I feel the hard tips of nipples drag across the palm of my hand. I grasp the warm firm breasts in my hands. Feels like I got the easy guess, no bra equals Sara. Unless they willingly stripped down more to make this harder. I wonder, and begin think about the breasts in my hands. Decent size but not huge, firm. I can't help myself I punch a nipple and hear a quicky stifled gasp.


Shit, times up I don't know.

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