Big trouble!

From Torg Adventure

Suddenly the locked door burst open violently as though bashed in with a battering ram. "What the fuck!" yelled Dave, and the three girls squealed and tried to cover themselves with their hands. There was a man.

He was tall, about 6'3" and wore a long black leather jacket and a wide-brimmed leather hat. He looked to be in his fifties and had a neat grey goatee. At his side he carried a large, ornate pistol made of some silvery metal and what looked to be a heavy baton at his left side.

"Fuck off!" snarled dave and pointed the bone at the intruder, wishing for him to turn around and walk away. Nothing happened. "My name is Henrik. I knocked earlier, but nobody answered." said the intruder with a slight European accent. "I am an agent of a group that has been tracking the bone for a century, and we have developed ways of neutralizing its power. Don't bother trying to use it on me."

"Well, you're not getting it! You'll probably try to take over the world, all I want is a bit of fun." retorted Dave.

"Yes, I can see that." replied Henrik. "You do not understand the power of the bone. You'll start by having a 'bit of fun' as you put it but gradually you will become crueller, more sadistic and eventually go completely insane. We have seen it happen before. Our intention is not to take over the world, but to seal up the bone where it can never be used or misused again."

Dave said nothing. Danielle and Mel had hidden under a blanket, but Rachel was clinging to him still.

"Look what you've done already!" rasped Henrik. "Turned these young ladies into moronic, soulless sexpots! Just for a 'bit of fun'! Do the honourable thing and hand over the bone."

Dave felt unsure of what to do. Was it right to turn the triplets into sex objects? Should he had it over to avoid getting shot? On the other hand, he had no way of knowing if this Henrik guy was telling the truth about his noble motives, resistance to the bone's power or not. And even if he was, could Dave bear to give up his power?

What does Dave do?

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