A little meat and greet in the hall...

From Torg Adventure

You can't believe it. Your mind is racing, the images flipping past so quickly you can't even concentrate. You realize you've been walking through the halls of the Chemistry building, trying to wrap your mind around what's going on, and then you realize you don't even have a class in the Chem building this semester.

This is brought to your attention immediately when you accidentally walk into a girl. Her arms were full of books, but now they're scattered all over the floor, along with her pencils and a calculator and...holy shit is she stacked. Amid the crash you didn't notice her at first, but she's there now, and she is spectacular. Olive skin, long dark hair that is tied back in a bun, a few loose strands framing her face. She's in a dark blue skirt and a sweater with a dress shirt on under it, the view you have as she bends to pick up her belongings flashes a hint of thigh above her dark stocking tops and an ample bit of cleavage. She can't be more than 5 feet tall, but great things come in small packages.

And you can picture yourself cumming in her all night long.

"Why the fuck didn't you watch where you're going?" she curses under her breath.

"Why don't you flash me a little more thigh?" you say almost as quietly. SHe looks up at you, brilliant dark blue eyes flashing like daggers as her left knee moves slowly out from her body, showing you not only some thigh, but the barest hint of dark lace clinging to the curves of her cameltoe like a translucent second skin.

"I'm Simon. I'm sorry I bumped into you," you say honestly, your eyes still glued to her crotch. Her eyes softened some, but she was still flashing you a look that would ice over the heart of Satan himself.

"Clumsy motherfu..." she started saying.

"Be quiet," you say, cutting her off. Her mouth snaps shut, but her eyes flash again, completing the unspoken thought.

"Let's try this again. I'm Simon and you're going to answer everything I say honestly. Stand up," you say, getting one last look--for now--at the black lace between her thighs. "What's your name, honey?"

"Luciana Romani, and don't call me honey, you jack-assed piece of...."

"Quiet. Be nice. I'm a nice guy." Her shoulders drop a little and the venom leaves her eyes. "Can I call you Lucy or do you prefer Luciana?"

"Luciana. My good friends call me 'Lucky,'" she adds with a smile.

"I'd like to be really good friends with you, Lucky. You want to be really good friends with me, too, don't you."

"You know, we just met, but yes, I think so. There seems to be something between us, something I can't put my finger on..." she says, her voice trailing off.

"I get that all the time," you say. "Lucky, I might want to be more than just really good friends with you, and you'll be okay with that," you add, slipping your hand around her waist. She presses back into you.

"That sounds awesome."

"Lucky, do I turn you on?" you ask, hoping the answer is yes without bending her mind.

"Well, maybe a little," she says coyly. You look down to see her cheeks burning crimson.

"Well maybe it's a lot. Maybe it's so much that you'd do anything to get your mouth, hands, pussy, or ass on me."

"Maybe it is," she says very quietly. "God you're right, how did you know?" she asks after a second's pause.

"Lucky, it's your lucky day. Should we get out of here and fuck?"

"I want you on my tongue. Right now." Having said that, she drops her books on a bench in the corridor and shoves you into the nearest door which was thankfully unlocked. She's a woman possessed as your fly is ripped open and she sinks to her knees. It's only then that you realize you're in...

Where the hell are you?

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