
From The Pardusian Chronicles

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Current revision as of 09:09, 8 June 2006

Aveed features some of the best surfing in the galaxy. A salt water world in orbit of the gas giant Gornnz, it's only land masses are thousands of active volcanic islands surrounded by coral atolls. Don't forget to wear your chain mail though, as Aveed also supports the galaxies best big game (50ft +) fishing.

One of Aveed's unique features is that each of it's islands is populated by a sub species of Rashkir known as Gornnz. All Gornnz are male until an island's queen leaves or dies at which time the most sapient male (defined by the Gornnz as the largest/ wisest/ quickest) undergoes hormonal change to become female. (The reverse of the change that occurs in the male human foetus).

Gornnz also never die of old age they just keep growing, which is perhaps why the most famous Gornnz, Queen G'dzilla, was attacked when she travelled to earth centuries ago to bring the ancient wisdom of the Gornnz to the then primitive humans. Dispite this brutality her disciple, the great purple one B'Arney, managed to finally convince humans of their message of love and peace. "I love you, you love me."

Many today still seek permission of the council of matriarches to emulate their journey through pilgrammage to the human homeworld. Thus Aveed welcomed the coming of the Union as an oppertunity to travel to the stars once more. (Please note Aveed VIP's may take up your entire cargo hold!)

A particular delicacy of Aveed is the small pink bivalve both a potent aphrodisiac and agnathic. With such a background Aveed is the perfect place to conduct medical research, space farm bivalves and brew some of the finest non alcoholic beverages in the universe. Meanwhile the Aveed tourism board hopes the incidents at the last galatic surfing campionships to be held on Aveed will someday be forgotten and surfing tourism will once again bloom.

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