Gavin's Saved List of IM Conversations

From The Extended Group

Gavin's Saved List of IM Conversations is currently a 1.48 MB saved Word file spanning 280 pages on Gavin's computer, including many significant IM conversations from Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior year that were deemed "culturally significant" enough to save.


This list mostly consists of conversations between Gavin and Lukas and Kevin, but there are inclusions of Jamie and Terry conversations. Here are some excerpts:

  • mojoismogger: it didn't distract from the main plot of us trying to find Rama's cell phone

mojoismogger: remember when Rockapella recorded a song about that? "Wellllllllll... it not under his couch, it's not in Jamie's van, and its, not not not at Hurray for Meeeeeeee..."

elporko8: hahahahaahahahhaha

  • mojoismogger: Kza4: elporko8 (12:51:02 AM): hahahahahahahahaha

elporko8 (12:53:25 AM): hahahahahahahaha

elporko8 (12:55:27 AM): hahahahahaha

elporko8 (12:58:19 AM): hahahahahahahahahaha

elporko8: he just copied my laughter?!

mojoismogger: haha, yeah

remember that time when we were riding in Jamie's van and there wasn't enough leg space for Lukas because Jamie had brought frankenstein's monster, and so we kept saying "Jamie! drop him off already!", but Jamie didn't want to because he knew some people at the UW, until finally Jamie agreed and dropped him off at his house, and for the rest of the night Jamie was complaining that the monster still owed him three dollars for gas?

or that time when Kevin was throwing a New Year's Party to celebrate his successful heist of the Metropolis museum, and then Superman confronted him in his driveway and wanted the Duchess's emerald tiara back, but then Jeremy pulled up in his van and ran over Superman, and started saying "um.... Superman?", then we all went inside to play mario kart and an hour later Rama showed up with a new red cape that he had found somewhere?

remember that time when bigfoot's card shop stopped taking dollars and instead would only accept fresh human teeth, and so Stuart was frustrated that he dad was limiting him to five packs a week?

remember when we were all waiting for Andy's wedding to begin as we had been inside the skydome for at least six hours and Jennifer Garner's family was loudly questioning about where the groom might be, and so we had to ride Jason's go karts all the way back to Shoreline and we found him in his living room watching an alias marathon and hoping to someday marry Jennifer Garner, and so we all said "Andy!"

and let's no forget when Terry became allergic to water and wouldn't stop yelling at his shower about how he had given it the best years of his life and that the glaciers would hear about this?

Remember how he put off his homework so late that one night that he actually ended up doing an assignment for a class that he wouldn't have until 2 years from now?

Heidi Lucas Fan: Remember that time Lukas borrowed $900 million from NASA to build a space station, but then he just ended up shooting at it with bb guns from his porch with Elias?

Mojoismog: hahahhaha

Heidi Lucas Fan: Or remember when Lukas was thinking about bears so much that his hand slowly turned into a bear claw, so everytime he would rub his chin to think of something, he would create a gaping wound in his jugular?

Mojoismog: that is a hilarious picture

Mojoismog: haha

Mojoismog: remember that time when we were riding in Jamie's van down to the Space Needle and Lukas said something about wanting to eat later, and so you said "Hey, I'll..." but then Jamie hit a pothole and you were thrown into a coma, and the next thing we knew the entire world was in panic, with a three mile wide circle of candle bearers keeping a vigil around the world's best hospital, with all flags being kept at half mast, Indian and Pakistani's opening weeping, Israeli and Palestinian children working together to send get well cards, and all the world was watching when President Bush, the Pope, Vladimir Putin, and Kofi Annan carried out a note you had sent by blinking... "kill ya"

  • remember that time when the Lord and Lady Mazons were having high tea with the Duke and Duchess of Pennyworth Manor, and Jamie made a snide quip about how the biscuits that he was daintly nibbling upon seemed a mite soggy, and so Duke Pennyworth rose with a clamorous thunder from his oaken sitting chair and demanded that Jamie face him in the Queen's garden at noon the next day or be thought a coward by all the other men at the club, but Jamie dismissed this with a faint "bah" and declared that there would be no sport in that, as the Pennyworths had a fine reputation of fleeing like a yellow thrush on the first day of Fox's Fair, causing Baron Von Peter to glance up from his overstuffed chair where he was reading his London Mirror and comment that he had in fact killed all the thrushes in the grand isles earlier that day?

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