Original Tamagotchi

From Tamagotchi Wiki

The Original Tamagotchi(タマゴッチ), also known as P1 or P2 depending on the version, was released in 1996 in Japan, and is the first Tamagotchi to be created.


[edit] Features

The Original Tamagotchi contains most of the features that are still used in modern-day Tamagotchi. These include the ability to feed, play with and discipline the Tamagotchi in order to shape it into an adult character.

[edit] Feed

Food had two options: meal or snack. Meals filled up the Hunger meter, while snacks filled up the happy meter. Overfeeding the Tamagotchi would result in an undesired character, an obese Tamagotchi, or even death.

[edit] Light

This feature may seem unimportant, but is necessary to obtain a good character. When the Tamagotchi goes to sleep, the light does not turn off, and the Tamagotchi will beep. This means it wants the light off. When the light is off, the sreen turns black, and if the Tamagotchi is alseep, two pulsating 'zs will appear, signifying the Tamagotchi is in fact asleep. Note that the Tamagotchi does not like the light turned off while it is awake.

[edit] Duck

Possibly the most infamous feature of the Tamagotchi is the 'Duck' or bathroom. Like all creatures, Tamagotchi must dispose of waste, and does so in the form of 'poop'. The Tamagotchi's owner must get rid of this poop by using the duck icon. This flushes the screen, and makes the Tamagotchi happy. However, failure to dispose of the waste may result in an undesired character (unless one wants an undesired character), sickness or even death, if not taken care of.

[edit] Game

The Game featured in the Tamagotchi is one of the main differences between P1 and P2. In P1, the owner must guess which way the Tamagotchi will face, whereas in P2 the owner plays a higher/lower number game. If the owner wins, the Tamagotchi will increase in happiness. Playing games is also a good way for the Tamagotchi to lose weight (the only other way is pooping).

[edit] Medicine

When the Tamagotchi gets sick, it is up to the owner to make it better. Using the medicine icon will do so. Failure to heal a sick Tamagotchi will result in death.

[edit] Discipline

Sometimes the Tamagotchi acts bad, or will not listen. To fix this, there is the discipline icon. A full Discipline meter may result in a good character (if taken care of also), while an empty or near-empty one may result in a bad character.

[edit] Tamagotchi characters featured in this version

  • Babitchi
  • Marutchi
  • Tamatchi
  • Kuchitamatchi
  • Mametchi
  • Ginjirotchi
  • Masktchi
  • Tarakotchi
  • Kuchipatchi
  • Nyorotchi
  • Tarakotchi

[edit] References

Karr's Place: Gen 1

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