Elizabeth Waters

From Survival Of The Fittest

Name: Elizabeth Waters
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Grade: 10
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Political activism, and little else besides. She prefers civil disobedience rather than violence as a means of protest.

Description: Elizabeth is not, stereotypically speaking, a gorgeous girl, she could not pull her look off without effort, but, like Jack Bexley, this effort is something she is willing to put in.

Her clothing frames her admirable figure in all its positivity, whilst hiding any minor imperfections from sight. Her thick eybrows are always complimented by well applied mascara that makes her bright eyes jump out at you the second you lay your own upon her. These are amazing eyes, they have such a piercing quality that it is no wonder a simple glance from Elizabeth has always been enough to make Jack come running. Her hair suits the tough, slightly on the tom-boyish side, persona she has always presented, and imbues her with something that can only be defined in one as 'sexiness'.

Her hips are well defined, her breasts petite but well formed and she has a distinct no-nonsense aura about her, heightened by her tendency almost never to smile. On the rare occasion she does smile it is truly a beautiful event, several boys have fallen in love with her smile and many of her followers are merely love-sick teens desperate to see it once more in their lifetimes. Her teeth are brilliantly white and perfectly formed and she appears to be blessed with far more than the average amount laid out in her wide, fully formed mouth. When she smiles however it is not only her teeth that are shown but an entire new epxression. Her eyes light up, her cheeks rose; all bitterness about her is momentarily lost and the whole world seems to smile with her. The only boy ever to possess the ability to summon this smile at whim was Jack, who himself fell for Elizabeth after having seen it. When they were together his sole purpose seemed the calling up of that expression it's hidden depths and revealing the true beauty, so often concealed, of Elizabeth.

Since their parting her smiling has become an even rarer event than it ever was before, and so many people have forgotten how beautiful she really can look, and are far more used to her stern, moderately attractive appearance of which she has become ever so resigned to.

Clique: Her own group of letf-wing followers.

Relationships: Save for Jack she has never had another boyfriend, and her relationship with him was frought with hardship (see Jacks profile for more detaisl)though she has found a strange interest in Panom Ning~Tom.

Other: Elizabeth’s apparent harshness stems from a life-time of opposition to oppression and wrong doing. If Robin Hood was a criminal, Elizabeth is a bitch, but otherwise she is merely all too often 'misunderstood'. And whilst Jack often finds himself facing accusations of rebellion that are entirely unjust, she is always seeking martyrdom and coming up short.

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