Jack Bexley

From Survival Of The Fittest

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Name: Jack Bexley
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Considering himself a ‘lad’ by all accounts, Jack fits all the average requirements, extra curricular wise, for any guy, basically, when it comes to life outside of school, Jack likes playing sport and showing off. He plays football (Wing) and works as a labourer for a small construction firm, the manager of which is the father of his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Waters, which he does for the exercise and social purposes, rather than the need for money, his mother having more than enough to maintain Jack for his entire lifetime, if he wished to be that guy, surviving of his mothers trsut fund, which he most certainly does not. When he is not on the pitch or on site Jack just likes to spend time with his friends, or ‘waste’ it, as his ever efficient mother will always say.

Description: Nature did not bless Jack with any particularly striking characteristics, excluding his powerful dark-brown eyes, which, framed exquisitely by thick black eyebrows, have the ability to bore into a persons innermost being and practically hypnotise them,thus imbuing Jack with a certain charisma that he would have otherwise probably not have possessed, at least, not in his early teens.

However over the last few years Jack’s active lifestyle, including daily football games (sometimes league, mostly just with his friends) and many hours labouring every week, the short, thin frame he once possessed has transformed into a pretty remarkable physique, for a 16 year old anyway.

Standing merely five foot eight, his neck is a full seventeen inches, his chest forty two, and his upper arms sixteen, whilst his stomach is flat and ridged, and his legs thick and sinewy. For such a short, young boy, Jack’s body is impressive to say the least.

If only, he often reflects, the rest of him were to the standard of his eyes and body. His nose is thick and long. His lips are small and thin, and when he smiles they end in deep, deep dimples of which Jack is heavily embarassed, which is unfortunate for him, as he smiles so often. Fortunately his teeth, shiny, white and well formed, draw attention away from these imperfections.

His face is distinctly ‘redder’ than the average human beings, and the more he talks/laughs/moves, the redder it becomes. Jack also suffers on occasion from acne, of varying severity. Whilst sometimes it is reduced to one or two blobs of red, it can grow to light pimpling across his entire face, and on these occasions Jack hates to even be seen in public, and will often become a complete recluse until such time passes. There is no doubt that Jack’s insecurity about his appearance is probably the greatest flaw about it.

His hair, the final physical thing to be mentioned in this description, is black, short and stylish, and little more can be said about it. Jack’s attitude regarding hair is completely no-nonsence. Cut it, gel it, wear it, would be his motto, if he were that much of a geek to apply a motto to hair, which he is not.

As a person Jack is complex, though he only shows a limited side to his person in public which leads people to suppose he is in fact quite easy to understand. He is easy-going, good-natured and a real rebel. So long as you are decent enough in your own behaviour, there is no reason to regard Jack as anything but a friend. However the cruel, corrput or unjust have much to fear from the boy who is entriely immune to any official reprimand.

His diplomatic immunity has led him to having a firm belief that he is untouchable, which gets him into frequent trouble, but also is part of why so may people have such a high opinion of him.

Whilst all the other kids who destroy property, cause riots and disrespect official personell find themselves being locked up in 'schools' for criminally insane youths, Jack is out scott-free and doing as he pleases.

Is this because deep-down, everyone knows Jack is good at heart and no harm to the system really? Or is it because he benefits society in other ways, possibly through high sporting or academic achievement? No, it’s none of that. It is due to the same corruption that throughout history has always allowed truly 'bad-eggs' to get away with things no one else would, the cirucmstances of his birth. Put more specifically, the circumstances of his heritage. Put more bluntly, the cirumstances of his parenthood. Put even more blatantly, the cirumstances of his mother’s role in society. Put...oh fuckit, his mother is a government official and no matter what Jack does she always gets him out of any major trouble in the end. At the end of the day, Jack is just a bit of an idiot sometimes but he never learns how not to be becuase he always gets away with the things he did. This is however the most likely reason for his poularity.

The other side to Jack, the complex side he does not show in public, is far darker than the good-goody rebel and little known to all but one person.

Clique: Jack hardly fits into any specific ‘clique’, but can mingle with just about anyone he chooses. If you were to ask him to apply a name to his group he would just call it ‘the lads’.

Relationships: His closest but hardest relationhip is with Elizabeth Waters, love of his life and best friend, though neither of them will admit that either of those descriptions are true. Since their mysterious break up the two are almost never seen together and feign hating one another in public, but their true feelings, whilst hidden, remain as strong as they ever were when they were officially together. The reason for their break-up is a secret which no one but they know.

Other: Whilst on the surface Jack is a goody-goody rebel, essentially harmless, easy-going, funny and flirtatious, a sort of Robin Hood, he has a darker side which no one but Elizabeth is aware of, and which no one would believe of him is she were to speak of it, which she never does.

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