
From Survival Of The Fittest

Senior Pic, Spring 2005

Coming to Survival of the Fittest on October 26, 2005, Megami was a rather late joiner. Having registered on that date, she was the 71st member of SOTF, and did not start the actual roleplay until around the 5th island day. Before coming to SOTF, Meg was the site administrator for an e-fed (for those who do not know, it's like a wrestling roleplay) for roughly 2 years, but simply lost her passion for it due to the mentality of many of the roleplayers.

Born on August 18th, 1987, Meg's real name is Whitney Barnes, and she is a pre-med student at the University of Arkansas. Originally hailing from Southern California, Meg's family moved to Oklahoma several years ago.

While SOTF is not Meg's first roleplay, it is her first Battle Royale related roleplay. In fact, Megami was only introduced to the concept of "BR" in late 2005, right before she joined SOTF. Meg has currently read the novel, up to book #6 of the manga, and has seen Battle Royale, but not BR II.

Being somewhat of an open book, like many of the other members of SOTF, Meg has no qualms about sharing information concerning her personal life. This has been illustrated many a time in SOTF Chats, when she and Pickle have held discussions about "what qualities they like in men", just to name a topic.

Also taken in Spring '05.

In terms of characters, Megami has had four. Jill Gatling, the first character she ever created, attempted to hack into Danya's files, but ended up barricaded in the warehouse and was killed by Angelina Kaige's grenade. Her second creation, Lyndi Thibodeaux, escaped from her kidnapper Cody Jenson and met up with her best friend Elsie Darroch. She then fled Elsie and tried to meet her at the lighthouse, but was intercepted and killed, also by Kaige. Third character Ryan Ashmore recently met his end when he finally snapped and tried to kill Lyndi, only to have his plan backfire and get stabbed in the neck instead. Finally, fourth character Luca Donovan faced an early demise when a plan to kill one of Meg's other characters became unneccesary. Luca was done in rather quickly.

Megami is a fairly active roleplayer and is quite the avid wiki editor. A fun fact about Meg is that she had no idea how to do wiki coding until Kaishi founding the SOTFwiki. Meg is also one of the leading contributors to the wiki, which tells both herself and the rest of the world that she has FAR too much free time. With SOTF's recent move to a new board she has also become the forum's lead administrator as well.

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