Sofie de Wilde

From Survival Of The Fittest

Name: Sofie Ellen de Wilde
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Varsity Swim Team, Track Team, Drama Club, Art Club, Band – Saxophone & Piano, and to some degree – paintball

Description: Holding a rather tomboyish look to her, she is nonetheless a rather attractive girl of Dutch heritage – her appearance a prime of example of traits commonplace amongst the Germanic group of people from Western Europe. Having little taste, or care in the latest fashion trends sweeping through the school, she keeps a rather stoic look about her, keeping clothes somewhat grounded in terms of color and style.

The darker style of clothing she keeps stands offset to the milky skin tone she has gained from her heritage, a small bit of sun – from the different sporting events she participates in from time to time is visible on her – though sunburns are more commonplace on against her skin that most. Her face is heart-shaped, and somewhat smallish and full; giving an almost childlike air about her, even if she is more mature than say, a majority of her fellow classmates, if not – whole student body at times.

She holds a very lean, slightly athletic build to her, though she awkwardly covers it up by wearing clothes a bit big against her form, her main style of dress being a simple collared shirt and somewhat baggy jeans. This is simply because she in uncomfortable with her looks, and prefers to just keep hidden up than worry about it all. Her reddish-blond hair is styled short, ending slightly above her neck, cropped and layered to lay about her face in a style she hoped would bring a more mature look to her. Rounded eyes are naturally a distinct shade of bright blue, though she has a slight bout of near-sidedness she usually prefers to where contacts instead of glasses, proclaiming her glasses to be too bothersome anyway.

Sofie’s a rather busy-bee about the school, scoring places on two Varsity teams but also the member of several clubs, as well as band – which she simply got into because of the fact they needed a pianist for one of their Christmas shows, Sofie answered, and kind of stuck around. Now trying, keyword, trying to learn the saxophone, which isn’t turning for the better, she making mention of how the sounds she could make on the instrument sounded like that of something dying, like a large bird.

Though she doesn’t perform in any of the school performances, she works behind the stage as a make-up artist, and still regularly attends club meetings. Also a well-known member of the French Club, choosing that as her foreign language when she entered school as it was either that or Spanish – that and she already spoke a decent amount of the language.

Though her track-and-field records are still quite low – having just joined the team this year, the past two years on the swim team have proven fruitful, making it all the way to State Finals, coming in third her freshmen year – they plan, or at least hoping, on taking the title this year. So she spends what small amount of free time she has open between studying and club running to keep down at the local pool to train herself.

Another sport of sorts she has found herself instead in is that of paintball, which was introduced to her through a friend – and though she finds the concept of shooting one another with little, might I add painful, painted balls, rather barbaric at best, she finds it amusing nonetheless. Even if she hasn’t got used to it in full yet ---

Academic wise she an average student, maintaining a decent 3.7GPA and managing to keeps A’s in all her class expect for her Chemistry class which is lagging at a rather low, least in her sense, 84. She’s been offered in the Beta Club, and some random National Honors but has never taken them up – far to afraid to be outshone by the other students.

Her mother is the child of Dutch immigrants to this part of the country, while her father is of French Canadian descent, she learning from a young age as well as English to speak Dutch and French. Though that didn’t blow over as well as English did – and she still has a horrid time trying to understand her grandparents on both sides, she still takes to studying up whenever she can. Hoping to one day have a decent conversation with them, without her parents having to be there to be her translator for every small thing she says.

Clique: Friends range amongst her clubs, and the few she also keeps outside of school. An odd mixture of all sorts…

Relationships: To be added later…

Other: Will be added if Riser can think of anything.

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