
From Superdickery

Bunnyofdoom's little sister, also known as Ferretoflove.

She got plowed (and caught) in the snow on a school trip. She recieved a month of detention.

This story was entirely fictional as Bunny freely admitted in chat. He refused however to admit that FerretofLove is actually him. Recently however, he has revealed that he has in fact been impersonating his sister ever since the Snow-Ho incident, which he did to get back at her. However, few if any people actually care at this point.

If Virgil ever meets the actual sister of bunnyofdoom, he will plow her in the snow, screaming "SNOW-HO! SNOW-HO! SNOW-HO!" and "THIS WAS YOUR BROTHER'S IDEA! WHEN THE BABY GETS BORN, BLAME HIM!" over and over again.

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