Batman Beyond

From Superdickery

A very excellent cartoon set in the future of DCAU. Not too far in the future though. Future-Gotham sucks just like old Gotham did, only now Batman is too old to deal with it. So a kid named Terry McGinnis comes in and takes over.

A little known fact is that Batman Beyond ripped off an older cartoon, Phantom 2040, about a descendant of the Phantom in the future. But since no on in America cares about the Phantom, Batman Beyond proved much more popular. Oh, and the fact they have almost no similarities also made Batman Beyond more popular. Phantom 2040 also ripped off of Marvel's 2099 line.

Batman Beyond should be commended if only because it gave us Return of the Joker. Which is easily one of the best things ever.

The series was cancelled because the Toy line was really shitty, and Hasbro made them cancel it.

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