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Thriftie is the fictional lust object of forum user Rad McAwesome. She is a character that first appeared in an episode of The New Batman Adventures, more specifically the episode Beware the Creeper, for a grand total of twenty seconds. This was her first, and last appearance in the DC Universe, essentially making her the most obscure character ever created. Facts we know about her are that she works in a thrift store (sporting a sign that merely says "Vintage Clothing"), and that she is very bored. According to forum user Rad McAwesome, the major authority on the subject, she is also poor, shoplifts coconuts and has a very soft, squishy bosom. She appears to be in her early twenties. She is lusted after for her short, black hair, the green sweater she looks so cute in, her cute voice, and most notably, her completely stoic behaviour; Coming face to face with a hyperactive, half-naked, lime green lunatic (The Creeper), she remains unbelievably bored and disinterested. Thriftie was designed by Bruce W. Timm, and voiced by E.G. Daily, a VA most famous for her roles as Tommy from Rugrats, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls.

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Following is a transcript of the scene Thriftie appears in. A video file of the scene can be viewed here.

(A panning shot of a thrift store. Suddenly, in bursts The Creeper, knocking over a mannequin.)

Creeper: "Wardrobe!"

(All the people in the store run away scared, aside from Thriftie, the manager. Creeper rummages through some clothes.)

Creeper: "No, nope, no, NO!"

(Meanwhile, Thriftie stands there, casually avoiding the clothes Creeper is tossing in her direction. Creeper pulls out a plastic Batman mask and holds it in front of her face. Cue Batman theme. Creeper tosses the mask aside.)

Creeper: "It's been done." (Turning to Thriftie.) "Any suggestions?"

Thriftie: With your coloring I'd go green. (Casually holds up a pair of green briefs with one finger. Creeper swipes it away from her.)

Creeper: "Gotcha!"

(Creeper jumps behind a dressing screen. The sounds of clothes ripping can be heard. Creeper grabs a nearby mannequin wearing a red boa. A second later the mannequin, sans boa, flies out from behind the screen. More clothes ripping. Meanwhile, Thriftie casually walks up to the cash register. Creeper tosses the dressing screen away, revealing his new costume, and poses.)

Creeper: "What about the boa, too much?!"

Thriftie: (Stoically, with her chin resting on her hand.) "Not for you baby."

Creeper: (Walks up to Thriftie with a menacing glare.) "I wanna strike terror into the hearts of criminals!"

Thriftie: (Raising an eyebrow, still stoic.) "Cash or plastic?"

(Creeper smashes the plastic Batman mask against the counter.)

Creeper: (Shoves his face right in front of Thriftie's.) "Plastic!" (Giggles manically.)

Thriftie: (As stoic as can be.) "Hah. Funny."

(Creeper bursts out of the store through the double doors, laughing manically and avoiding a car.)

There is also a second, uncomfirmed appearance of the character in issue 3 of the comic book Harley and Ivy by Bruce W. Timm and Paul Dini. On one page, a picture of a character in a newspaper resembles the Thriftie character. However, the paper refers to her as Harley's "former shrink", so any connections to Thriftie are probably unintentional.


(Note the hairstyle, hairband and stoic facial expression.)

As of the 25th of January 2006 it has been confirmed that the character is indeed not Thriftie, but merely a random psychiatrist (as seen in the Batman comic Mad Love by Bruce W. Timm and Paul Dini, and the New Batman Adventures episode of the same name) that looks like her. She goes by the name of "Joan Leland", and the thing that most sets her apart from Thriftie is the fact that she is black.

As of the 1st of January 2006, Rad McAwesome's obsession reached a new low, as he had John from the erotic drawing website Thong Revolution(Note: Site is not safe for work) draw a picture of the character naked, as can be found on the aforementioned website.

See also

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