Superman: The Animated Series

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The adventures of Superman, only animated by Bruce Timm. It was the first animated incarnation of the Man of Steel since a failed 1989 series.

Generally, the Superman in the cartoon was changed slightly from his comic book incarnation, he wasn't nearly as big a dick, his powers were reduced to a level that while formidable, didn't make the battles completely one-sided, and he wasn't excessively preachy like other versions of the character. His rouges gallery was equally varied, ranging from classic standby's like Lex Luthor to cosmic threats like Darkseid to bizzare opponents like a giant monkey. In his spare time, Superman worked at the Daily Planet with Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane, neither as goofy as their Silver Age versions.

S:TAS proved to be rather popular, reviving interest in a character many had considered boring or irrelevant in the age of Spawn and anime. This success would lead to Bruce Timm's next show and arguably one of his more ambitious projects, Justice League.

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