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Logging Chat on 7/6/2006 @ 7:16 PM
(Chat logged by Plater)

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Attempting to block a door with hirelings will result in a ban. No questions asked. Players are getting annoyed with it. Also... you can no longer dismiss a hireling inside a house or guild hall and have it remain there.

Multiclienting battles is not allowed. Using alts to help attack or defend forts is also not allowed. The only characters allowed in a fort battle are those belonging to the attacking guild or defending guild. Do not leave a fort battle and reenter it shortly after. We refer to that as the revolving door. Do not summon and run. If you are going to attack.. then attack. Someone more powerful being summoned is the risk you take.

If you are caught multiclienting battles with yourself (on an alt) to boost your pk score you will be stripped of all wins but retain all losses.
* You are a registered user.
*** Your guild member Plater has logged on.
winvirus broadcasts "Can you report someone if they don't allow you in a guild because of your religion?"
ponchoelgran says "hey plater"
yeh broadcasts "I would"
Plater says "yeah?"
ponchoelgran says "just saying hey"
yeh broadcasts "Thats discrimination"
Plater says "o"
Plater says "ok"
Uccisore broadcasts "Whew. "
winvirus broadcasts "I'll post it on the forums. because it terribly pains me. i so wanted to join fishers but i can't because it's "a christian guild""
yeh broadcasts "Should NOT be allowed"
Plater broadcasts "an fsos guild?"
winvirus broadcasts "Yeah."
Plater broadcasts "what difference will it make?"
winvirus broadcasts ""The Fishers". I guess they're just a bunch of newbs after all."
yeh broadcasts "As much as id like to believe the Fishers are a christian guild"
JMan broadcasts " is anyone else selling ice sword at an... affordable price?"
art broadcasts "umm iam not christian"
yeh broadcasts "I really cant picture it."
Plater broadcasts "they can be "ok we're not christian guild...we just don't like you, you can't join""
winvirus broadcasts "But using religion as a reason. that's blatant discrimination."
yeh broadcasts "I think it wrong for a christian to even do that"
Plater broadcasts "is it not up to them who they let in and who they don't?"
winvirus broadcasts "and i'm jewish. you know the persecution we had to go through!?"
winvirus broadcasts "it is, plater. but i mean. Using religion as an excuse. "
Plater broadcasts "if "cause i don't like you" is a valid reason, it shouldn't matter the other reason"
Plater broadcasts "*reasons"
winvirus broadcasts "Plater. "cause i don't like you" is a valid reason. but religion and race and ethnic and whatnot. touches on sensitive subjects."
winvirus broadcasts "I mean. what if I didn't let you in unworthy because you were black?"
Mystique broadcasts " Zelda did not mean your actual religion, He didn't mean it that way"
Plater broadcasts "i'd be fine with it"
Nichodemius broadcasts "Meh i would make a guild and kill the others =)"
Plater broadcasts "i can see why some people wouldn't be though"
winvirus broadcasts "that'd be racism. and chances are, you'd probably report me or something"
JMan broadcasts " anyone wanna start up a guild with me?"
Plater broadcasts "if they are rude about it, i suppose it's problematic"
winvirus broadcasts "Of course, I did let people in my guild, no matter the race or religion. Shiver was black."
winvirus broadcasts "He's proof!"
yeh broadcasts "Nah is black"
yeh broadcasts "Here we go..."
Plater broadcasts "who cares?"
Plater broadcasts "you shouldn't have to ask those things"
yeh broadcasts "Anyways, Zelda has discriminated against win"
yeh broadcasts "And that shouldnt be tolerated"
winvirus broadcasts "Indeed. Let's get his ass banned."
Mystique broadcasts "he did not mean it that way"
Plater broadcasts "i guess i would be fine with it if they said "we are only a christian guild, sorry" "
winvirus broadcasts "We all hate him, anyway. and frankly? get the hell off my internet, Zelda. ^_^"
ponchoelgran broadcasts " anyone selling heart charm"
Plater broadcasts "but if they were like "no jews" then i would say that's a problem"
Mystique broadcasts "he was talking about how we act"
Zelda broadcasts "Language, first the f word twice and now the a word"
yeh broadcasts "Well, saying someone isnt allowed because this is a 'christian guild' basically crosses out every other religion from joining"
winvirus broadcasts "Oh dear."
Mystique broadcasts "im not a chtistian"
yeh broadcasts "Which in actuality, is against those religions per say"
winvirus broadcasts "I do think i'm going to get banned because I said a naughty word. =O"
Plater broadcasts "right, but it doesn't single out a religion or belittle them"
yeh broadcasts "MEANING, its discrimination"
Mystique broadcasts "christan"
winvirus broadcasts "per se, yeh. per se."
ponchoelgran broadcasts " buying heart charm"
Axun broadcasts "I really don't see how religion factors into this at all... It's an RPG"
Plater broadcasts "everything is discrimination"
yeh broadcasts "Explain"
Plater broadcasts "i would assume they all know each other in real life?"
Axun broadcasts "You role play characters in a fake world... I certainly don't see any temples here"
JMan broadcasts " if you're summoned to defend a castle, can u run?"
JMan broadcasts " knowing you'll lose for sure"
Axun broadcasts "Why should it matter what your out of game religion is?"
Plater broadcasts "otherwise i could just lie and say i'm a christian and join and noone would know"
yeh broadcasts "Exactly axun, so why would zelda bring religion into the matter?"
Axun broadcasts "If you are summoned, you can run"
yeh broadcasts "Pretty ridiculous if you ask me"
Axun broadcasts "If you are the one summoning, you can't"
Plater broadcasts "true"
Mystique broadcasts "you guys are talking it way out of context"
yeh broadcasts "Not really, Zelda took it out of context by bringing religion into this"
Mystique broadcasts "he did not"
yeh broadcasts "Were just the consequence"
winvirus broadcasts "did too"
Nichodemius broadcasts "Good fight Jman"
Geech broadcasts "I discriminate against yetis and I'm proud of it"
Mystique broadcasts "he was refering to the way you act"
Zelda broadcasts "that was between me and win, and none of your business"
Plater broadcasts "anyone can do anything they want as far as offending me, as long as there is nOnE oF tHiS"
JMan broadcasts " nicho... good fight I guess... but you're way too over powered... :("
Mystique broadcasts "not your actual religon"
Axun broadcasts "You are claiming that Win doesn't act in a "christian way"?"
Zelda broadcasts "He only said that so you start fighting with me"
yeh broadcasts "Did he say Christian?"
Nichodemius broadcasts "Yeah i know srry dude but we need to pass by proven passage some time"
> PyroLysis tells you "y HaLo PlAteR"
winvirus broadcasts "I'm not christian enoughi t seems"
Zelda broadcasts "and nope he is 100% not"
winvirus broadcasts "despite the fact I'm half christian."
Axun broadcasts "Most Christians don't seem to act in a "christian way" either..."
yeh broadcasts "Win, did he say the word christian?"
winvirus broadcasts "exact words..."
Plater broadcasts "haha way true axon"
yeh broadcasts "If so, he brought the religion into this"
Zelda broadcasts "there is no such thing as a half christian"
winvirus broadcasts "> Zelda tells you "no this is a christian guild""
Mystique broadcasts "im not christian"
winvirus broadcasts "Half Christian, Half Jewish. christian father, jewish mother"
Plater broadcasts "there are born again christians zelda"
winvirus broadcasts "therefore."
yeh broadcasts "Just by Zelda discriminating like that shows that he doesnt act how an actual christian should"
yeh broadcasts "and thats an opinional matter"
Plater broadcasts "hehe yeh for the win"
Geech broadcasts "being a christian is not determined by who your parents are, it is a matter of belief"
winvirus broadcasts "opinional? nice word"
winvirus broadcasts "well, i believe i'm half-half"
Zelda broadcasts "Before you correct me you need to correct yourself"
winvirus broadcasts "Will you just go be banned already?"
yeh broadcasts "I think of Christianity as not only beliefs, but a way of life"
Plater broadcasts "i'm actually an apostle, i've been alive all this time"
winvirus broadcasts "congrats, plater"
Plater broadcasts "thanks"
winvirus broadcasts "I'm Buddha. top that!"
Axun broadcasts "Religion is completely subjective... You can be full, half, or any part you feel"
Zelda broadcasts "your the one that needs to be banned, you said go to hell, f-ck you 2 times, a-- word"
* You tell pyrolysis "i will put it in ur butt"
winvirus broadcasts "Axun FTW"
winvirus broadcasts "oh dear zelda"
winvirus broadcasts "i do need to be banned. =O"
Axun broadcasts "I mean, most religions worship some "imaginary being""
winvirus broadcasts "because i said TEH NAUGHTIEZ!!1 one"
yeh broadcasts "Well Zelda, you just swore too"
> PyroLysis tells you "people in my giuld are complaining about listening to that stupid arguement and i'm like "I can't hear it yay!""
Plater broadcasts "just say you're a unitarian universalist and be done with it"
yeh broadcasts "Covering it up doesnt make it right"
Axun broadcasts "Well, if Win needs to be banned for that, Zelda needs to be banned too"
yeh broadcasts "^"
Zelda broadcasts "I never swore, im not allowed"
yeh broadcasts "You did, scroll up."
winvirus broadcasts "I'm such a terrible person anyway. No one likes me. Like Malfina said on the forums"
yeh broadcasts "Same reference"
yeh broadcasts "As special would say"
* You must wait awhile before participating in another fortress battle.
yeh broadcasts "and as i mentioned a few lines ago..."
winvirus broadcasts ""No one likes winvirus, hes probably the least like person in the FSO community. someone break his rose tinted glasses for me?""
yeh broadcasts "Covering it up doesnt make it right"
Zeratule broadcasts "Oooh winvirus come here i still care for you gimme a hug *stabs win in back*"
Axun broadcasts "You did swear Zelda. Putting in some dashes doesn't make it ok"
yeh broadcasts "Either way Zelda, i hope next time you think before you type your messages"
Plater broadcasts "so what i've learned today: we all hate winvirus, and it's all unholyvampire's fault"
winvirus broadcasts "heh zera"
yeh broadcasts "and dont discriminate"
winvirus broadcasts "Yup plater! ^_^"
winvirus broadcasts "I'm so terrible. I work for unFun Games! Oooooh! Bad, bad!"
winvirus broadcasts "I'm such a jerk to EVERYONE!! =OOO"
Zelda broadcasts "oh really, calling me retarded is not discrimination, or calling me idiot?"
winvirus broadcasts "Okay. I think I took it far enough. Either way, bugger off Zelda."
Plater broadcasts "as long as you can live with yours win"
winvirus broadcasts "No, calling you retarded and an idiot is INSULTING"
ponchoelgran broadcasts " anyone have heart charms for sale"
winvirus broadcasts "Not discriminating."
Plater broadcasts "you are aware that bugger is like another term for sodomy right?"
Zelda broadcasts "hey you bugged me, who asked me to be invited, who brought the personal message in the chat??????"
Zelda broadcasts "Hello"
winvirus broadcasts "I asked politely to be invited."
winvirus broadcasts "And then you bring religion into this!"
yeh broadcasts "The personal message that you typed should never have been typed"
ponchoelgran broadcasts " BUYING HEART CHARM pm me"
yeh broadcasts "This is, as Axun said, a game"
Axun broadcasts "There is a big difference between pointing out how somone is acting, and insulting their religion"
Zelda broadcasts "you want me to invite you after those harsch words, and then I get in trouble by yeh and axen that I cant control you?"
Plater broadcasts "my religion is a big stick, it smites people sometimes"
Zelda broadcasts "or get my guild banned because of you, no thx"
winvirus broadcasts "I was trying to repent, then you persecute my religion!"
Ruk broadcasts "what if C-A-T really spelled dog?"
Axun broadcasts "And Zelda, that whole "non christians can't join" is a bunch of bull"
Plater broadcasts "jews don't repent, they don't believe in an afterlife"
winvirus broadcasts "Oh."
winvirus broadcasts "Well."
* You tell ruk "it does!"
winvirus broadcasts "I was trying to apologize. how's that?"
winvirus broadcasts "I'm sorry, I didn't go to synagogue last week."
Axun broadcasts "I can GUARANTEE you Etarin was not Christian"
> Zelda tells you "they do? are you sure?"
winvirus broadcasts "neither is art, axun"
Axun broadcasts "Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be in Fishers any more, oh well"
yeh broadcasts "Haha"
winvirus broadcasts "heh"
Mystique broadcasts "neither am I further proof Zelda was not talking about religion"
yeh broadcasts "Um"
yeh broadcasts "He said Christian"
* You tell Zelda "yes, there is no afterlife in the jewish beliefs"
Mystique broadcasts "he meant the way people act"
Mystique broadcasts "like if you cuss alot or something"
yeh broadcasts "That has nothing to do with acts"
Axun broadcasts "Christianity is a RELIGION, not a way people act"
> Zelda tells you "what do they belive in then?"
Geech broadcasts "umm religion does influence how you act"
* You tell Zelda "old testiment"
Axun broadcasts "You're right, it can Influence how you act"
yeh broadcasts "Influence, yes"
Plater broadcasts "people get confused with wording now a days"
Ruk broadcasts "I respectfully request that this topic be discontinued"
Axun broadcasts "But it is not a way of acting"
> Zelda tells you "moslems have the old testament too"
Mystique broadcasts "you can act christian, or be like a guddie two shoes"
Geech broadcasts "I agree with Ruk"
Plater broadcasts "sometimes Christianity refers to all religions that have christ as a bases of faith"
delfax broadcasts "this is getting silly, i agree"
Mystique broadcasts "like Mr magoo"
JMan broadcasts " anyone know what does argon's relic do?"
Axun broadcasts "This is why religion shouldn't be brought into an RPG....."
yeh broadcasts "Zelda stirred the fire"
Plater broadcasts "HOWEVER, if you follow in the example of christ, you are also called 'christian'"
winvirus broadcasts "Zelda should be banned, end of convo. ^_^"
delfax broadcasts "you use it to get the second orb"
yeh broadcasts "^"
Plater broadcasts "whether ur in an organized religion or not"
monkeyboy broadcasts "in terms of guilds i dont think anything that u are in real life should be desciminated against in the game"
prozack broadcasts "aint this supose too be game related?"
yeh broadcasts "What zelda said is just as bad as that Hoff guy coming and insulting african-americans."
winvirus broadcasts "prozack, you know full well when I start a conversation it won't be game related."
Axun broadcasts "That's debatable Plater, but as I said, there is no religion in the game, and so religion should not be brought into the game"
Mystique broadcasts "he just used the wrong words and everyone took him out of context"
winvirus broadcasts "and this actually is a bit game related"
Plater broadcasts "I take back my stick comment"
yeh broadcasts "Too bad for him, he should think before acting"
winvirus broadcasts "^"
Plater broadcasts "my religion is based around Slim"
Plater broadcasts "COME! let us build him statues and drink koolaid"
Axun broadcasts "That's a given platter... =)"
yeh broadcasts "Platter"
yeh broadcasts "Nice"
Axun broadcasts "Those little funky statues that tell us stuff are our tribute to him ^_^"
winvirus broadcasts "Honestly. If I told everyone to screw off in a different manner of words, and then said 'oh i idnd't mean it that way!1'. would it be any "
yeh broadcasts "Log the chat win, youll get a warning from spec about swearing probably"
winvirus broadcasts "different?"
Plater broadcasts "they all say the same thing"
winvirus broadcasts "I did yeh"
yeh broadcasts "But who cares, i believe discrimination to be zero tolerance"
yeh broadcasts "So hed be banned"
monkeyboy broadcasts "i agree yeh"
Plater broadcasts "don't discriminate, procreate?"
winvirus broadcasts "I'd honestly be okay if I were banned for a day if he were permabanned."
WoS broadcasts "Tofu sandwichs for everyone!"
yeh broadcasts "Go die"
Plater broadcasts "*eats meat* :-P"
yeh broadcasts "^_^"
WoS broadcasts "Ah ha!"
Geech broadcasts "I like my meat thank you very much"
winvirus broadcasts "tofu? ech"
WoS broadcasts "My master plan is coming closer to completion with those reactions."
WoS broadcasts "Bahahahaha!"
winvirus broadcasts "i don't like veggies. and i don't like straight up meat. I'm a junk-fooditarian."
monkeyboy broadcasts "has it gone anti veggie now as well????"
Plater broadcasts "i am infact a noob(if you couln't guess) is there anywhere written that guilds can't be based upon reallife beliefs?"
yeh broadcasts "Just a word of advice to those who are online now, dont bring religion, race, or any other sensitive subjects into a game"
yeh broadcasts "All it does is stirs the fire"
Ruk broadcasts "can i talk about my hairy back?"
winvirus broadcasts "Um, no."
yeh broadcasts "Go for it!"
Axun broadcasts "Yes"
Plater broadcasts "as long as you don't stir it with my god"
winvirus broadcasts "Please, no."
Ruk broadcasts "hehe"
Axun broadcasts "I would loooove to hear about Ruk's hairy back"
WoS broadcasts "Ew"
monkeyboy broadcasts "or anyone elses beliefs "
Plater broadcasts "i think i am leaving my guild...none of them ever play"
Ruk broadcasts "i believe i have a hairy back..."
Geech broadcasts "I'm getting some icecream, you all talk about whatever you want"
Plater broadcasts "i'm a one man team"
yeh broadcasts "How about this actually"
yeh broadcasts "Game related"
winvirus broadcasts "My guild never plays either"
Plater broadcasts "ooo icecream that's right! i need to go make an ex make me some hehehe"
winvirus broadcasts "so you aren't alone. now. afk"
Plater broadcasts "you don't ave a guild win"
monkeyboy broadcasts "my lord just keeps asking me for diamonds"
winvirus broadcasts "I did. and it rocked the house"
yeh broadcasts "Please lower the amount of spammage"
winvirus broadcasts "Unworthy 4eva!"
*** You aren't ranked high enough to disband the guild!
*** Plater has left The bobs.
jet broadcasts "eerie for longer =)"
yeh broadcasts "Kindred for longer"
yeh broadcasts "Eased ^_^"
Plater broadcasts "i am a free agent now"
prozack broadcasts "dang you delfax"
prozack broadcasts "lol"
prozack broadcasts "rematch in arena lol"
ponchoelgran broadcasts ""
Ruk broadcasts "ok, here is game related. Why is this cave below chills?"
Axun broadcasts "It's a cave, it's for ambiance"
Ruk broadcasts "i can't enter, can anyone?"
yeh broadcasts "Oh"
yeh broadcasts "Its for Ultimate Gladiators"
Plater broadcasts "if i make a guild called "the lions" and all we do is attack zelda's guild...would i get in trouble?"
yeh broadcasts "Shortcut to the top of Chills"
Axun broadcasts "No"
> PyroLysis tells you "lawl!"
> Zelda tells you "huh?"
* You tell Zelda "in olden days, christians were fed to the lions"
* You tell Zelda "it's nothing personal, i just think it's funny"
Plater broadcasts "you sure? cause I think it's hilarious"
> Zelda tells you "I just didnt see what the game Zelda had to do with it"
*** Your Guild has been created!
*** Your guild member Plater has logged on.
*** This member is too high to promote any further!
yeh broadcasts "Those with the Ultimate gladiator quest can bypass Methalzaar, the IT bridge, and basically bypass the mountain in FN"
Axun broadcasts "Let me put it this way, I personally don't see it being an issue... I doubt attacking the guild will do you much good though"
yeh broadcasts "And according to spec, even more advantages will come in time"
Ruk broadcasts "so it goes from FN to DW?"
yeh broadcasts "Nah, it goes from the bottom of FN to the top of the mountain"
yeh broadcasts "Theres a side door beside meth now for those with the quest"
jet broadcasts ""
yeh broadcasts "and also beside kindred manor is an opening for people with the quest to go through and bypass the IT's"
Ruk broadcasts "ahh, thanks yeh"
yeh broadcasts "No prob"
* Plater has edited the guild crest!
Ruk broadcasts "i won't even ask what flavor ice cream is your favorite"
* Plater has edited the guild crest!
delfax broadcasts "good fight monkeyboy, you didnt run i give you lots of respect"
yeh broadcasts "Where is this cave you speak of anyways Ruk?"
yeh broadcasts "I just know spec was up there workin on it"
Ruk broadcasts "at the bottom of the ladder to chillsville"
monkeyboy broadcasts "ty u too"
monkeyboy broadcasts "if i chose to attack a fort then i will take the consequences"
* Plater has edited the guild crest!
* You must wait awhile before participating in another fortress battle.
delfax broadcasts "as you should"
monkeyboy broadcasts "yup"
Axun broadcasts "I agree"
* Rhake is now playing.

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